𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕑𝕖 π•šπ•Ÿ 𝕙𝕖𝕣 οΏ½...

By Pizza_0nel0ve

7.2K 227 93

𝙸 πšπš‘0πšžπšπš‘πš πšŠπš‹0𝚞𝚝 πšŠπš— πšŠπš•πšπšŽπš›πš—πšŠπšπš’πšŸπšŽ πšžπš—πš’πšŸπšŽπš›πšœπšŽ πš’πš— πš πš‘πš’πšŒπš‘ (𝚈0πšžπš› πš—πšŠπš–πšŽ) 𝚍... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 13

261 11 5
By Pizza_0nel0ve

    "I knew you'll come. Take a seat." Izuru pointed towards the nearby desk. "How did you-" "Let's not waste our time on pointless questions, alright?" He cut me off. "Alright." I sighed and made myself comfortable. "I want to know about Chisa Yukizume and the second traitor." I stated. "Your former teacher uses her female charm and love of Munakata to her advantage." Kamakura said coldly. "What is her motive?" I pressed further. "Motive? Ha! That's funny!" First time I saw Izuru smile. "Remanants have no motive." He slammed his hands on each side of the desk as his red eyes pierced into mine. Despite the uncomfortable situation I kept my cool and returned his murderous gaze.

    "Remnants have only one motive, despair. They want everyone on this planet to feel disappointment, depression and insanity of this world." Izuru took few steps away as he said that. "Basically, she wants to bring despair into the future foundation." I summed up.
    "Now, tell me about her plans." I stood up. "What will I get in return?" He looked back at me. "Haven't I gave you that precious pen drive?" I squinted my eyes. "It lost its cost few questions ago." Kamakura shrugged it off. "Fine. What do you want?" I walked towards him. "Your phone." He looked away. "What for?" I was startled. "Do I ask you what for do you need all the information I provide?" He sneered. "I'll return it in a minute." Izuru outstretched his hand. Sighing I took out my phone and handed it to Kamakura.

    The guy with long hair started searching something in my phone. He then let out a satisfied hum and threw my phone back. "That's a deal." He nodded. "Now, what does Chisa scheme?" I hid my phone in the pocket. "Before junko died she had few apprentices on her side. Mukuro, her sister, Monaka, a little girl who got inspired by her and me. She used Mukuro as her twin and killed her off, Monaka is currently in control over Towa town and I'm. . . Just minding my own business." Izuru started. "I don't see how I can use this information." I grunted. "Before Junko died she gave basic instructions to Monaka in order to destroy future foundation from within. Yukizome is just a little pawn in this whole game." Izuru said.
    "Do you know how do they plan to destroy the future foundation?" I continued asking my questions. "Killing game." He replied casually. "W-what. . ?" I was about to bombard him with questions but he predicted that. "I don't require any more information from you. You have nothing to pay for my knowledge. Goodbye." He dissappeared.

    I took out my cigarette and clenched it between my teeth as I lighted it up. My legs began shaking as thought of another killing game crossed my mind.

I'm not going to participate.

In office:

    I sat on my comfy chair as I started searching more information on Yukizome. After few hours of research I figured out that Juzo, Munakata and Chisa were close friends from school. Apparently Yukizome and Kyosuke had a romantic relationship while Juzo was a third wheel.

So that's how she manipulates him. . .

    I heard a knock on my door as familiar detective entered my office. "(Last name), we've got to talk." She closed the door and took out little remote from her pocket. As she pressed the red button I heard a silent beep. "I disabled all the cameras in your office, our dialogue will be almost private." She sat across me. "Almost?" I scoffed. "Nagito. He's watching us." She sighed. "What?" I started laughing. "Please listen. I know it may sound weird but please, take off your earrings." She asked. "Earrings?" I asked. "Yes." Kirigiri seemed serious about my jewelry. I took a deep breath and took them off. Detective took out a magnifying glass and started inspecting it.
    Suddenly she smashed the gemstone on my desk as if it was a piece of glass. "HEY!" I yelled. Kyoko showed me the broken earing. As I looked at the little sparks that escaped from the camera like device I got a message on my secret phone. Taking it out I saw Nagito's message.

Nagito: I'm sorry.

    "What does that. . ." I plopped on my chair. My mind just couldn't process the new information I just got. "He have been spying after you. Ever since you wore these." She looked at the broken device. "That's what he meant by, 'I'll be looking after you'." I mumbled. "Please, trust me. I'm on your side." Kyoko placed her hand atop of mine. "The only thing I need from you is information. Any information you've figured out about remnants will be useful to us." Kirigiri sighed.
    "What for?" I asked. "What for do you need information about remnants?" I corrected myself. "Me, Makoto, Aoi, Byakuya and Yasuhiro, we want to save the remnants." She said. "Why?" I continued asking. "They're the main cause of the tragedy, eliminating them is not the solution, but getting them back to their senses might be a better solution." Kyoko patiently replied. "Why not kill them? One bullet and remnant is gone." I removed her hand. "That's not right. They never wanted to turn out this way. We fight for hope, if we kill despair it will lead to more despair. Plus, we don't know how their deaths will affect their followers. . . and you." Detective explained.

    "Chisa, she's a traitor. There's one more, I don't know who they are." I sighed and spilled the beans. "Isn't Yukizome your former homeroom teacher?" Kyoko asked. "Yes she was, but this monster is not Chisa - sensei I knew. She drove all of us into a trap and-" "My, my. . . Talking bad about your lovely teacher, how rude (Your name) - chan." I heard her nasty voice as she entered my office. "What are you-" "No need to be alarmed my dear, I came here to talk." Yukizome sat down on the sofa.
    "You said that I led my students into trap?" She smirked. "Yes!" "I got caught, yes, but I never asked you to come and save me." Red haired woman chuckled. "Chiaki is the one that motivated you all to come 'free' me, am I right?" She sneered. "Shut up! Chiaki just tried to save you! And. . ." I stopped mid-sentence. "Now you got it." Chisa smiled widely. "It was her fault. And yours too. You couldn't save them. You left them behind. Like a traitor." Her words pierced my heart like a bunch of arrows.

She's right. . . I left them
It's my fault.

    My gaze slowly shifted onto the carpeted floor. I felt this unsettling feeling of guilt and sadness.

Is this despair. . ?

    "Well, I should be going now. Kyosuke is waiting for me. Goodbye~" She waved her hand and walked away. "(Your name)? Are you okay?" Kyoko looked at my shaking form. I couldn't take it anymore. . . Nagito, everyone is suffering because of me. Standing up I went towards my window. It was somewhere on the sixth floor.

Need to go higher.

    I slowly walked out of my office ignoring Kirigiri's words. It seemed as if I gone deaf. Like I'm under water. Few minutes and I'm on the rooftop.

    It started raining. As if grey clouds are already prepared to mourn my death. I walked towards the edge and looked down. It was foggy, I couldn't see the ground properly.

Taking a deep breath I let the cold droplets fall on my pale face.

Why haven't I died back then?!

Why haven't I cut my veins and ended this all?!


I raised my leg above the rooftop.


I started falling.


Two hands grabbed my arm and pulled me up.


Suddenly, I remembered all the people who were dear to me.

My parents.



My classmates.



They all supported me. Helped me out in tough times. . .

I love you guys. . .

I'll avenge you all!

I'll return the hope you gave me.

I promise.

    I was dragged back onto the roof top. There was Juzo, he held me tightly in his embrace as I slowly wiped my tears. "(Your name)! Are you alright?!" Ryoto ran towards us, Kyoko and Makoto followed. "Sugar, you got me worried." Sakakura held me tighter. I removed his hands and pulled away from him. I sat down in the puddle deep in thought. "(Your name), how do you feel?" Makoto asked quietly.
"I'll save them all. . ." I muttered. "Pardon?" Kyoko walked next to me. "I said, I'll save them all. . . No matter the cost." Determination sparkled in my eyes.

    Kyoko asked Munakata to give me a day off. Currently I was in my room changing my formal suit to some casual sweater and jeans. My phone buzzed with messages and calls from Nagito, I kept ignoring it. As I walked out of my room Ryoto walked towards me. "Are you okay?" He looked at me worryingly. "Better than before." I sighed. "Where are you going?" Mitarai walked beside me. "I just want to meet someone." After my brief explanation I walked out of the main gate.
    Taking out the pack of cigarettes I lighted one up and inhaled the poison. Walking down an empty abandoned streets made me drown in despair. The atmosphere here was tense and depressing. I kept strolling down central alley as I stopped near one flower shop. Most of the flowers withered and rotted. I looked at the potted plants, they were perfectly fine. Taking few pots of blue iris, yellow rose and pink hydrangea I walked outside.

   BAs I stopped next to one grave I bent to my knees and looked at the ground.

'Mother name' 'Surname'

    I already cried all the tears I had so I just stared blankly at the tombstone. Next to her grave was my father's. I placed the potted plant between the graves and smiled bitterly. "Hi mom, hi dad." I sighed out. "Don't worry for me dad, I'm alright. I want to help my friends and save them from despair. I will do it!" I clenched my fists. "I miss you, a lot. I miss your lectures, dad. I miss my mom's tight hugs. I miss all of you. . ." "I'm sorry, but I want to meet other people that were dear to me. I'll visit you soon, I promise." I smiled and stood up.
    Few meters from my parents' grave were Ellies. I placed the yellow rose next to the tombstone. "Hi Ellie!" I sat down. "I eat and sleep properly, so don't worry." "Sometimes I miss your cooking and the way you cared for me. . . I really need your advice. Too sad you won't give one." I stood up and walked away.
    "Hi Kirby." I looked at the tombstone sadly. "I finally found Hajime." I kept the blue iris next to her grave. "He's different from before, but it's him." I took a deep breath. "Others gave in for despair, but worry not! I'll save them all! Your sacrifice won't go to waste." I smiled. "I miss our hangouts. . . I wish I could see you smile when you win, I wish I could walk to school with you. . . I wish you were next to me." Few tears escaped my eyes. "I'm sorry, I must go, or others might freak out." I stood up and brushed my jeans off dirt.

    Just as I was about to take a step I felt a hand drop onto my shoulder. Acting by reflex I grabbed the hand and pinned the stranger to the ground. "Ow." I heard a raspy voice. "What are you doing here?!" I yelled and twisted Nagito's arm. He closed his eyes in pain but replied quickly. "I wanted to apologize!" "How do you know I was here? Stuffed another bug or camera?" I let him go. "You won't believe me. . ." He sighed while rubbing his arm. "Spit it out." I grumbled. "I followed my heart." Nagito looked down onto the grassy ground. "Bullshit! Are you spying on me?!" I gripped the collar of his shirt. "I'm serious! I felt that you might come here. It sounds weird and messed up, but I'm saying truth!" He yelped. "Apology NOT accepted. I trusted you. And you dragged me into danger." I lowered my hands and turned around. "If it wasn't Kyoko who found out about the camera I would've died." I muttered.

    "So you weren't scared for your life while talking to the strange guy with long hair?" Nagito looked up, saddness and betrayal crossed his features. "Don't change the subject!" I shouted. "Instead of being next to me you left me alone. . . I just wanted to be by your side." I sighed. "I was afraid. No. I am still afraid." Nagito mumbled. "Of what?" I looked at him. "Of infecting you with despair." He took a step towards me. "The hope in your eyes. . . It's beyond beautiful. . ." He slowly caresed my cheek as I slapped his hand away. "I can't let my despair destroy your hope." He admitted and took a step back. "Too bad. Your despair infected me when you were away. But not anymore." I turned around and stomped away.

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