The Managers Assistant

imonteith द्वारा

13.6K 485 242

A story of a 21 year old who just wants to make it in the business, however not to become facing by acting bu... अधिक



363 13 3
imonteith द्वारा

Once Daisy got home she immediately got into bed and stared up at the ceiling. She didn't know whether she wanted to cry or just stare off into space.

First with her father, he only invited her to get rid of her, he told Josh who knows what about Daisy being an excellent worker so she could go to Canada and get as far away from him as possible. Why is the question Daisy is wondering.

Why, did he go through all of that trouble and Daisy never felt so embarrassed in her life to see the confusion in Josh's face when she declined the offer.

Second, there's Charlie who is amazing, and that's exactly the problem. He tells Daisy nice and thoughtful stuff but Daisy can't help but feel attracted to him. In all honesty she's just jealous of the whole Kyra thing, not that she would ever admit it to anyone. It's not his fault he has to date her though and Daisy gets that.

The first thought that came into Daisy's mind once she got up was maybe she should quit, she doesn't know how far her father would go to get her fired, maybe she should of just took the offer.

No, she couldn't do that she worked hard in getting this job without anyone's help and she wasn't going to let her father or anyone for that matter take it away from her.

Daisy thought about what Debby had told her when she first met her, on how the celebrity she had a thing for she asked her manager not to put her in places where she would see him.

Could Daisy tell that to Heather, no she couldn't, Heather would just wonder why this idea came from.

Maybe she will just avoid him? Yeah, that works she will keep it strictly professional!


The next morning Daisy was at her desk asleep with her head on her desk.

"Daisy!" She heard Heather call and was startled and sat up "my coffee?" She asked

Daisy wiped her eyes and immediately sat up "coming right up" and with that she ran to the kitchen to make Heather a cup of coffee.

Once the coffee was ready she went over to Heathers office and put it on her desk.

"Why do you look like that?" Heather asked Daisy.

Daisy took a look at her appearance, her hair was in a messy bun and she had dark circles under her eyes and was wearing a shirt with some dress pants.

"Didn't get much sleep last night" Daisy said with a sigh

Heather nodded "I could tell" she said taking a sip of her coffee "make sure you get lots of rest, a lot to do in the next couple of weeks" she said and then got a phone call.

Daisy was about to leave the office when Heather held her hand up stopping her "Don't leave, I want you to do a couple things for me"

Daisy nodded and then sat on Heathers sofa waiting for her to finish with the call.

"Hello" Heather said to the person on the other end of the phone call "Yes I heard they-" Heather had wide eyes "what do you mean it's cancelled?" She was now furious, Daisy could tell "you can not find anyone better than Charlie!" She said

Charlie? Daisy thought, oh no what if this is about the ad, and he isn't a part of it anymore?

"What about Kyra?" she said and nodded as the other person on the line said something and she sighed "send me the script then" and hung up the phone.

Daisy looked at Heather waiting for a explanation on what is going on.

"The ad is cancelled, they want a new younger couple for it" Heather said

"But it's a car ad?" Daisy said

Heather shrugged "apparently there's a script that he thinks Charlie and Kyra would be perfect for so that's why he cancelled it"

Daisy nodded "but what about Julie and the phantoms, I don't think Charlie could do two projects at once?"

Heather sighed "we'll take a look at the script first and then see if we want Charlie to be in it"

Daisy nodded

Heather looked up at Daisy "call Charlie, and tell him to let Kyra know that I want to talk to them about something"

Daisy nodded "sure"

Daisy left the office and walked back to her desk and looked at her cellphone and picked it up to call Charlie, but immediately put it down.

"No" she thought to herself "calling him through my personal phone isn't professional" she picked up her desk phone and dialled Charlie's number.

After a couple rings he finally answered.

"Hello?" Charlie said

"Hi, this is Daisy" She said with a confident tone "Heather's assistant"

Charlie chuckled on the other line "I know who you are assistant girl"

"Right" she said "anyway I was calling-"

"Wait" Charlie interrupted "why didn't you just call me from your cell, did something happen to your phone?" He laughed

"Nothing happened to my phone" she said "anyway, uh Heather wants you and Kyra to come in today for a meeting"

"Oh cool, what about?" He asked

"You'll find out when you get here"

"Okay, anyway where did you go last night I looked for you but couldn't find you anywhere"

'I told you I wanted to leave' she thought to herself "I wanted to leave but wanted you to have fun" she said and before he could answer "oh looks like someone is calling the other line, gotta go" and with that she hung up.

Daisy sighed, she didn't mean to sound rude to him and hope he didn't pick up on it.

An hour later while sitting at her desk Daisy noticed Charlie and Kyra walking in the lobby together and heading towards Heathers office. Charlie glanced at Daisy and waved and, she immediately turned away and pretended to type something on her computer. When she looked back a couple seconds later they were both gone.

She let go of a breath that she didn't even know she was holding in.

At least she didn't have to attend today's meeting.

An hour later, Heather was sitting in her office with Charlie and Kyra when Daisy walked in to give them some waters.

"So" Heather began speaking "I read over the script, but before I give my opinion I want to know what you guys think of it"

"I love it" said Kyra with a bright smile. "The part where it says my character wears a fabulous red gown, ugh literally can't wait"

Heather nodded at her then looked over at Charlie "what about you?"

"Uhh" Charlie looked at Heather "I don't really know" he said "you're my manager... what do you think"

"I don't think it's meant for you Charlie, but if you wanna do it, I'm totally fine with it." She sighed "but it's not interesting, and I feel a much better role could come for you"

There was a disappointed look on Kyra's face. "Well, Charlie we're doing it right?"

Charlie shrugged

"The thing is" Heather spoke up "they want both of you, if Kyra wants in but Charlie doesn't then, Kyra doesn't get the role"

"That's not fair!" Kyra said

Heather just shrugged "Charlie, I'll give you sometime to think about it okay?"

Charlie nodded "alright" he said then looked over at Daisy who was still in the room

"Cmon Charlie it will be really fun" Daisy heard Kyra say to Charlie as they walked out the door.


It was 4 am in the morning when Daisy's phone rang. Daisy sighed and reached over her bed side table.

"What does Heather want now" she said as she rubbed her eyes but when she looked at the caller ID it wasn't Heather, but Charlie.

"Hello" she said once answering it.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you?" Charlie said

Daisy laughed "what else does one do in 4 in the morning" she said "it's fine, do you need something?"

"Uh yes actually, I want your opinion on something"

"Ok, what is it?"

"Umm" she heard him sigh on the other line "I'm actually outside your house now, do you think we could talk in person"

"Oh, uh yeah totally" she said "I'll be right there" she hung up the phone, looked in the mirror made sure she looked presentable before going up to the front door and opening it.

Charlie was in the same outfit she last saw him in while in the office, and he looked exhausted

"Please come in" she said and made way for him to come inside

Charlie stepped into Daisy's house and walked to the living room area.

Inside Daisy was freaking out! The Charlie Gillespie was in her house at 4 in the morning! but she definitely had to keep it cool from the outside.

"So what's up?" Daisy asked once they were seated on the couch.

"Two things" Charlie said as he held up two fingers

Daisy nodded for him to continue

"Are you mad at me?"

"What?" Daisy said "No, why would I be?"

"This morning, at the office I waved and you didn't wave back"

Daisy sighed "I- I don't know I guess I didn't see you" she lied with a shrug

"If this was about last night, again I'm sorry I didn't take you home"

"It's fine" Daisy said "really" she sighed "plus it's not you, it was the person I'm avoiding at the office"

"Oh" he said "how are you guys at work, did they do anything to you today?"

Daisy shook her head "no, thankfully... I didn't even see them"

Charlie nodded "that's good"

"The second thing?" Daisy asked

"Oh right" he said chuckled then held the script that Daisy just noticed in his hand "this movie.. I don't know what to do about it"

Daisy nodded "why not?"

Charlie sighed "well there's Kyra, who keeps talking about this dress and is excited for the film but if I don't do it, she doesn't either.." He said "and there's Heather who doesn't want me to do this film and I don't know what to do"

Daisy nodded then scratched the back of her head "and I'm supposed to help... how?"

Charlie smiled "you be the tie breaker" he said "tell me what to do"

Daisy shook her head "I'm just an assistant, I have no right to say in what you should do or not"

"Don't think of yourself as an assistant, think of yourself as my friend" he said "what would you do then"

"Honestly?" She said "I have no idea what the script even is about"

Charlie laughed "wanna look over it together?"

Daisy nodded "okay" she smiled

"Great" he said handing over the script to her "you start reading and I'll go make us some hot chocolate"

Daisy nodded "sounds good" and began reading the first page of the script as Charlie went to the kitchen and made their drinks.

After drinking their hot chocolates, and chatting about the script as they read it, it was now 6:30 in the morning.

Daisy closed up the script and put it on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Okay" he said sitting criss cross on the couch facing her "what do I do?"

Daisy sighed "there's no character development in this movie, as much as I want you to act and see you in all kinds of films this one isn't meant for you" she sighed "like for a majority of the film you are shirtless and although fans will like seeing that" she continued "there's no climax, nothing interesting going on"

He nodded "exactly what I thought"

Daisy shrugged "but at the end of the day it's your decision"

"I won't do it" he said


He nodded again "yes!" He said with a smile

"Don't worry, there will be other roles" she said returning the smile.

Charlie looked down at his watch "it's 6:30 in the morning"

Daisy looked over at the clock "wow doesn't even feel like it"

Charlie looked at Daisy "wanna watch something before falling asleep?"

"Uh okay" she said shyly because did Charlie Gillespie just suggest that he will sleep over at her place.

They put on a film and next thing they knew they were both out like a light.

2 hours later Daisy's alarm rang waking Charlie up.

Charlie looked around then remembered where he was. He was laying on the couch with Daisy laying next to him as he had his arms wrapped around her. He looked down at her and smiled then woke her up. "Hey!" He said shaking her a bit "assistant girl, your alarm"

Daisy woke up and immediately sat up when she saw her hand placed on his chest and she turned off her alarm.

"Why is your alarm ringing so early" he said

"I have work today"

"Right" he said getting up

"But" she blurted out "you can stay and sleep and just let yourself out when your done"

He smiled at her "alright, thanks"

Daisy nodded and headed towards her room but stopped when Charlie called out to her "I'll stop by the office today and tell Heather I don't want the offer"

She nodded "awesome"

"And after that maybe we could go grab lunch together?"

"Yeah I'd like that" she said blushing walking into her room to change for the day. She closed her bedroom door and thought "so much for keeping it professional"

AN// I realized there was no development for Charlie and Daisy's relationship so I decided to add this in!

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