Out of My League (Severus Sna...

By godrickman

193 22 2

"𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨, 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪." "𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚... More



52 6 1
By godrickman

~ August 10, 1988~ (you would be 23 years old, if my math is correct)

"RISE AND SHINE, Y/N!" You groaned and covered your face with your blanket as the curtains were pulled apart, letting the sun hit your face. Returning to your slumber, you felt your blanket being pulled off from you, making you shiver as the coldness made contact with your body.

"Come on, dear, get up already." Rose, your grandmother, said, shaking you hard.

"Nana, isn't it too early for this? Please let me sleep again." You pleaded, desperately wanting to fall asleep again.

"No, Y/n, it's not too early, in fact, it's already 11 in the morning." She argued, making you sit up straight suddenly.

"WAIT! I slept through the alarm clock again?" You frantically asked, rubbing your eyes while it adjusts to the light.

I swear to Godric, she's 22 and a grown ass woman, yet she's still struggling to wake up on her own.

"Nana, I can hear what you're thinking about." You said, cheeks slightly flushed, embarrassed by the truth that you're having a rather difficult time waking up.

"Well then, you better stop invading my mind and get your bum ready for brunch." She retorted sassily.

You rolled your eyes and smiled, Now I know where I got that attitude from.

"Okay, I'm getting up." You said, standing up with hands in the air.

"Good, now you better be downstairs in 20 minutes or else, you know what's to happen." Your nana warned, pointing her finger at you.

You laughed and nodded at her threat.  When she closed the door, you immediately laid down again, feeling the soft mattress beneath you. Waiting a few more minutes, you got up and started fixing your bed.

(This is how your bedroom looks like. Creds to the owner :>)

Satisfied with how your bed is fixed, you headed for the bathroom to brush your teeth and have a quick shower. After showering, you dried yourself with a towel and did a quick spell for your hair and immediately tied it into a ponytail. You wore a grey sweater vest on top of a white button up polo shirt tucked inside beige khaki shorts that lay just above your knees. You slipped on your white high top converse to go with your outfit.

Swiftly going down the stairs and entering the private dining room, you saw your grandparents already seated at the table waiting for you.

"I see you took your time," your grandmother, Genevieve, say when she saw your presence.

"Good morning to you too," you said, chuckling at her greeting.

You gave each of them a peck in the cheeks before sitting in your chair. "I'm sorry for waking up late again."

The head of your house elves announced that the food was ready, and your grandfather signalled him to take it out. He disappeared for a while before an elf appeared to your right who was holding out a plate and placing it in front of you. You silently thanked him, making him smile before disappearing.

"You really should change that body clock of yours. It's not healthy for you to stay up all night doing your research while you sleep in the morning." Your grandfather, Sebastian, reprimanded.

You looked down, ashamed, "It's not that we're angry. It's just we want what's best for you, and your father would think the same." Your papa said, and you nodded in agreement.

(A/N: to avoid confusion, you call Henry and Sebastian, Papa and Pops, respectively. While you call Rose and Genevieve, Nana and Mama, in that order.)

"Is there any letter for me that arrived?" You questioned in hopes that they would forget about your sleeping habit.

"Yes, there's two actually. One from Pomona and another from Albus." Your nana said, placing the letters in front of you.

You furrowed your eyebrows and stared at them, What have I done to receive letters, not from one but two professors?

Deciding against it, you placed your utensils down and opened the letter you have gotten from Professor Sprout first before the headmasters'. The letter went by as,

Dearest Y/n,

It has been a while since I last sent you a letter asking how your travels are going. Now I am sending a letter asking for a favour from my former student. I have decided to take a break from teaching and will be retiring before the next school year. I know it might come strange that I have decided to tell you this, but you are the perfect person to become the new Herbology teacher.  After graduating, coming to ask me to be my apprentice came as a shock because I knew well that you excelled in every subject Hogwarts offered. But in those two years of apprenticeship, I have observed your love and passion for taking care of plants. And leaving to explore and learn more about them in other countries made me realise that only you can be the only one who can replace me. As for being the Head of your own house, you are the perfect role model of a true Hufflepuff. Do not worry about failing as a teacher, my child, for teaching takes time to master, but I already know that you will do well, and the students will adore you. It would be a great honour for me to have you as my next successor, not to mention that Albus and Minerva would be excited to have you as co-workers (you know how they are). Please do think about taking this offer. It would mean so much to me knowing that if you accept this, Hogwarts would be in great hands.

Sincerely yours,
Pomona Sprout

P.S. Albus and Minerva have been pestering me nonstop because of their jealously when you write me letters, but they won't admit it.

Laughing at the post script, you did not notice that tears were falling from your eyes and when you looked at your grandparents, you saw their eyes laced with concern, wondering what your professor has written to you that made you cry. You smiled, assuring them that you were alright.

Wiping your tears with your wrist, you decided to open the letter Dumbledore has given you. It mainly contained about him complaining and asking why you only sent letters to Professor Sprout and not him. He also asked when you will next visit them because they have missed you. Still feeling down, you couldn't help but laugh at his letter as you finished reading it.

You placed the letters back in the envelope and reminding yourself that you will have to reply to them after eating. Looking down on your food, you noticed that your plate was still full while your grandparents were done. You quickly munched on your food, slightly choking as you did not stop to breathe.

"So what was in the letter?" Your papa asked, trying to stop you from eating to fast.

Swallowing your food and drinking water, you told them what Professor Sprout wrote in the letter, feeling down. You informed them that she was retiring and that she wanted you to be her replacement as both the Herbology professor and as the Head. You also told them what Dumbledore has written in the letter, making them laugh.

"Well, would you do it?" Your nana asked. There was a long silence as you thought about whether to accept the job or not. You knew it was going to be tough and that you will need plenty of patience because you'll be teaching children. But you could not help get excited because accepting this job means you will share your knowledge of plants from your travels.

"I-I think so. I'm just worried I won't do well."

"Don't worry, darling. We're pretty confident that you have what it takes to be the greatest professor Hogwarts will ever have. Besides, they would be lucky to have you," your pops said, winking at you. You laughed slightly, shaking your head at the thought of becoming one of the best teachers.

When the house elves returned to take the empty plates and utensils, you excused yourself. You sprinted up to your bedroom to write a reply to Professor Sprout that you'll be accepting her offer and that you are excited to return to Hogwarts as you truly missed that place. You also wrote a letter to Dumbledore that if you ever have free time, you'll visit them. You didn't include the part where you will be going there in a few days because the school year is nearing.

~ Time Skip to August 17 ~

Waking up early for the first time, you got ready because today would be the day you will be going to Hogwarts for the start of the school year. Three days ago, you received a letter from Professor Sprout saying how happy she was that you accepted the job and that she already told the other professors about her resignation.

Taking a long bath, you relaxed for a while, calming your nerves. When the water turned cold, you got up and dried yourself and your hair with magic because you're lazy af to dry yourself manually. You wore a light blue flannel, and you didn't bother to cover your scar at the side of your neck. You paired it with black mason pants and wore your black boot heels.

Going downstairs, you tried your best to get ready to say goodbye to your grandparents as everything would be different because they won't be around anymore and that you'll miss them.

Arriving at the bottom, you saw them already waiting for you, your grandmothers on the verge of tears and your grandfathers doing their best to calm them. When they looked up, they could not help but feel proud at the thought that you have grown well.

"My little Y/n is growing up too fast." Your mama stated, tears spilling from her eyes. You felt sad that you were leaving them, but you knew that this is what they would want you to do.

"Don't worry, I'll write letters every week to update you." You said, hugging them one by one, close to tears.

Your nana pinched your ears, "Just be sure you wake up on time. We don't want to hear from Albus or Minerva that you made them your own personal alarm clocks." She reminded you, which only made you grin sheepishly. And before you knew it, she embraced you tightly, not wanting to let you go.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Y/n! I'll have no one to wake up and scold anymore every day." She said, chuckling, but you knew deep inside that she didn't want to let you go.

"Will you visit your godson?" She asked.

"I'll stop by at their house on the way to Hogwarts." You said. "So group hug before I leave, or do you want to take a photograph with my camera?"

"Can't we do both?" Your pops asked, rolling his eyes as if the answer was obvious.

"Both it is. Drina, can you do me a favour and take a photo of us, please?" You called for your best friend/house elf. Appearing in front of you, she took the camera in your hands. She counted to three before taking a shot and showing it to you.

Hugging them for the last time, you brought your luggage outside and looked at them all once more before getting ready to apparate to your godson's home. "Good luck, you'll do amazing." They said in unison, waving goodbye at you.

Disapparating from your family house, you appeared in a playground near Privet Drive and walked towards the Dursleys' where your godson, Harry Potter, is residing. You stopped in front of a two-story house that looked similar to any other houses on the street. 

Setting your bags down, on the newly mowed lawn, you knocked on the door, and you heard commotion coming from the inside. You waited patiently, and when the door opened, you were met with a grumpy looking boy still in his pyjamas.

Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Good morning, Harry!" You greeted cheerfully. He looked up with a surprise expression etched on his face, and the next thing you know, you were tackled to the ground by your best friend's son.

"Aunt Y/n! What are you doing here?" He asked, still shocked at the sudden visit.

"I-I can't breathe, Harry. T-too heavy." He immediately understood it and got up from squashing you. Standing up, he hugged you again.

"Harry, who's that at the door?" A voice from the inside shouted, you knowing full well who it was you rolled your eyes.

"It's Aunt Y/n!" He answered, slightly muffled as he buried his face into your clothes.

"Auntie, why are you here?" Harry asked, letting go of the hug. "Why? Don't you want to see me anymore?" You asked, dramatically clutching your hands to your chest, pretending to be hurt.

He laughed at your reaction. "Of course, I want to see you!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down to show his excitement.

Before you had the chance to answer his question, Petunia went out, and when she saw you, her eyes widen.

"Good morning!" You greeted, smiling at her. She waved at you and gave a tight smile before going back inside. You knew that she never really liked you, but she did tolerate you since you always watch over her sister's kid.

"Sorry about that. But I came to visit before I go to work." You explained why you came.

"You? Working?" Harry inquired, stifling his giggles.

"Hey! Just because I travel a lot doesn't mean I don't work." You protested, grabbing and tickling him.

"N-no. S-stop, please. I-I was only j-joking." He said in between breaths. You let him go and set him on the ground before mumbling that he better be kidding.

Catching his breath, he asked, "What's the work about?" "It involves me teaching kids, which means I won't be around most of the time to visit you." Saying that you saw that his expression changed from curiosity to sadness.

You crouched to meet his height and hugged him to comfort him. "Don't worry. I'll send you letters like before when I was travelling." You assured, but you felt tears on your shoulders, alerting you that he was crying.

"Hey, Little J, don't cry. I won't be gone. I will still visit you during winter and summer breaks." You said, breaking off the hug and placing your hands on his shoulder.

"Promise?" He asked, looking at you, eyes twinkling with hopes that you'll do that. "I solemnly swear." You replied, raising your right arm as if you were making a pledge. He giggled and wiped his tears with his sleeves.

"Will you still send letters?"

Standing up slowly, you carried him and slung him on your shoulder, shaking him playfully. "Of course I will!" He hit your back, asking you to put him back on the ground. Placing him down, you fixed his messy hair and smiled, reminding you of how much he looked like his father.

"Have they been treating you well?" You asked, concern looming in your tone. He looked down on the ground, becoming nervous, his fingers fidget with one another. "They're fine, I guess. They have been providing me my needs." He mumbled.

"Don't worry, Harry. Someday, I'll get you out of this, and we will be able live like a proper family." You whispered.

"Did I ever tell you that you look like a replica of your father?" You questioned, realising how much he's grown since your last visit.  "Plus, your eyes look as beautiful as your mums'." You added, winking, trying your best not to sound bitter. He looked red as a tomato from the comments you've been feeding him, and you couldn't help but chuckle.

Looking at your watch, you didn't realise it was past 11 already and that you were with Harry for the past two hours.

"I have to go now." You told him, and he just looked down on the ground. You felt guilty that he couldn't come with you and you won't be able to look after him, but you knew that he had three more years before attending Hogwarts.

Hugging him once more, you felt as if your tears were going to explode. "Harry, don't be sad. It hurts seeing you like this. I promise I won't forget about you, and I will send you letters every week." You whispered softly, rubbing his back.

He let go from the hug and nodded, "Good luck with your new job," he said, smiling sadly.

"Now go back inside and promise me you'll take care of yourself, okay? I love you, H." You reminded him, kissing his forehead and disregarding his scar, which matched yours coincidentally.

"I promise. I love you too, Auntie. Take care on your trip." He said, kissing your cheeks before going back inside.

You went to get your bags and walked back to the playground before apparating to Hogwarts.

~ At Hogwarts ~

Arriving, you immediately inhaled a large sum of oxygen from the light-headedness that apparition always gives you.

Looking at the castle, you sighed, nostalgia flooding in as memories of your life as a student and apprentice came back. You suddenly missed your best friends and you wished that they were here with you. Trudging towards it, you felt your feet ache and you cursed yourself for wearing boot heels instead of sneakers.

Nearing the castle, you saw two figures looming at the entrance, you immediately recognised Hagrid but you couldn't quite figure out who was the one beside him. When you reached the top, you were caught off guard by someone giving you a rib-crushing hug. Looking at the person, you knew who it was and returned it.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall! How have you been?" You asked as soon as she let go from the hug.

"I have been well, my dear. But look at you, my star student all grown up. I missed you a lot, Y/n." She exclaimed, making you flustered. You smiled at her and looked at the Hagrid who was behind her.

"Hiya, Hagrid! I missed you, my giant friend!" You greeted, rushing and hugging him, causing him to tumble backwards.

"Hello, Y/n! It's good to see yer' too!"

You talked to Hagrid before he had to go to take care of the magical creatures, and you were left with your former transfiguration professor. She led you inside the school, and you caught up with a lot of things. Not looking at the path ahead, you bumped into someone, and when you looked behind you, the person had already disappeared.

Something's oddly familiar with that person, but I can't remember what. 

"Have you heard? Pomona's retiring!" Minerva mentioned, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Really?" You asked, feigning innocence when you realised that Professor Sprout never told them about who will replace her. She nodded and said that it was the reason why they were outside waiting for the new Professor. You just smiled because you didn't want to ruin the surprise that you were the replacement.

"Albus is going to be so excited when he hears that you're here. WHAT are you doing here?" She inquired, realising that you were here.

"Can't I just visit my professors?" You reasoned, shrugging.

Arriving at the front of the headmasters' office, Professor McGonagall stated the password, and you both made your way through the office. Entering, you immediately saw Dumbledore leaning at the front of his desk whilst Professors Sprout and Flitwick were sitting in a chair, opposite one another.

They looked like they were having an intense discussion before you entered since the atmosphere was quite tensed. When Dumbledore looked up, his features turned from serious to surprised in a matter of seconds.

"Holy Godric, look who decided to visit. If it isn't my favourite student. Hello, Y/n, long time no see!" He boomed, making both Flitwick and Sprout turn their heads to you.

"Hello, professors!" You waved shyly, not used to being the centre of attraction.

"Y/n, why did you not tell us you that you were going to visit? We could have thrown a welcome party for you." The headmaster said, walking towards you and hugging you.

You laughed at his suggestion and just shrugged. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

He let go of the hug, and you made your way to Professor Flitwick, who just smiled at you, not wanting any physical interaction, and when you looked behind, you saw Professor Sprout.

"So my dearest student, why have you come to Hogwarts?" Flitwick asked, you looked at Pomona, who just nodded and smiled.

"You may be wondering why Y/N is here and that is because she will become the new Herbology professor and the Head of Hufflepuff." At Pomona's announcement, the three professors turned their head towards you, mouth slightly agape from the news.

"She's what?"


"Why didn't you tell us that?" All the professors asked at the same time.

"As I said, I wanted it to be a surprise." You replied, grinning at their reaction.

You walked over to Professor Sprout and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you, Professor." You said, voice breaking. "Don't worry, I will still be living here in Hogwarts if you need someone," she said, patting your back.

Still hugging your old mentor, you did not hear the door open until a smooth, baritone voice spoke up.

"Ah, Miss Roberts, I see you haven't changed. You're still the soft person I knew." He said, acknowledging your presence. Knowing well enough whose voice it was from, you did not turn around to look at the person. Hearing it for the first time after three years, you felt old and familiar feelings arise in your chest once again, memories you tried to forget flooding back.

"So, you must be the new professor?" He asked. You turned around to face him, clenching your jaws, trying to contain your anger.

"They could have chosen someone better than this, but I guess you'll have to do since they only had a short amount of time to search for a much fitting replacement." He drawled, eyeing you up and down. As soon as those words came out, anger flared in your chest. That was it, he had crossed the line and the last string of your patience was cut.

You stomped to his direction and stopped in front of him. You not thinking of your following action, you slapped him hard on the face, the sound echoing through the walls. Catching him off guard, he placed his hands on his cheeks, his eyes widened at your sudden gesture.

You didn't have to turn around to figure out that Albus and Minerva are stifling their laughter, while Pomona and Filius stood there, shocked. They have never seen you angry since you had one of the longest patience, and being able to witness this, they knew not to get on your wrong side.

"Well, hello to you too, Professor Arsehole." You said scornfully, giving him a fake smile. Saying that, McGonagall and Dumbledore burst out guffawing making Snape glare at them.

"I hate to break this lovely reunion..." Dumbledore said, calming down from his fits of laughter. "But Y/n, you'll have to occupy a room in the dungeon for the meantime since an accident occurred in your rightful room."

At that, your smile dropped, and Severus smirked. "Are you kidding me?" You asked, groaning. Albus nodded, which made you sigh in annoyance. Are you fucking serious? Out of all the places I could stay in, it had to be the bloody dungeons? Looking at Snape, you wanted to punch the smug look out of his face, but you held back, not wanting to start an issue before the school began.

"Can't I stay somewhere else? I would rather sleep in the Forbidden Forest than sleep near him or his room." You argued, persistent of not sleeping in the dungeons. "I'm sorry, Y/n, but we already prepared the room, so you'll just have to work with it." He explained, giving you a sympathetic look. "Fine, I'll reside there temporarily." You huffed defeatedly.

"Run along now. Severus will lead you to your room, and then we will have all the time catch up later at dinner." He shooed.

Crap, what have I gotten myself into? Looking back at the brooding professor, you knew that this will be a long year.


Word Count: 4.1k

Hi there, here's the prologue. I had to edit stuff again, since I was not satisfied of how I wrote it before. I hope you enjoy this. 


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