Stay For Me

By phoeberosewrites

294K 8.5K 6.5K

All Thea ever wanted was for Rio to wait for her, but will she finally realise that she just needs him to sta... More

stay for me
aesthetics & playlist
01 | memories
02 | different places
03 | grey
04 | manners
05 | ti amo
06 | dear diary
07 | sweetheart
08 | versace on the floor
09 | my dea
10 | freaky
11 | gorgeous
12 | always have, always will
14 | selfless
15 | welcome to the family
16 | babysitter
17 | adore you
18 | this is self control
19 | peter panda
20 | blue glow
21 | wingman
22 | wherefore art thou romeo?
23 | initials
24 | reckless
25 | good listener
26 | balance
27 | sunny
28 | career choices
29 | the wedding
30 | commitment
31 | matchmaker
32 | adventure
33 | silva and sky
34 | boy racer
35 | explanation
36 | forgive me
37 | better than this
38 | moonlight
39 | just a dream
40 | needy
41 | gifts
42 | resolutions
43 | good practise
44 | anniversary
45 | valentine
46 | cupcakes
47 | mio familia
48 | distractions
49 | forever
bonus chapter 1 | the wedding
bonus chapter 2 | the honeymoon
Spin Off's

13 | the right reasons

5.6K 164 104
By phoeberosewrites

❝ 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒖𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒘
𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆, 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒘,
𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒐 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕?
𝑰 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒕 ❞


* * * * * * *


I hardly slept at all last night. My brain just wouldn't shut off from all the thoughts whirling around so openly. Fourteen hours later and I'm still trying to process it all.

He sat and told me that my whole life was a lie. Everything that I've been told and everything I've believed, was all just some made up story to throw me off the truth.

The worst part is, it's not even something I could just walk away from because I'm already involved in it. I was just completely oblivious.

How am I even supposed to bring this up to my parents? What do I do? Sit them down and tell them that I know my father worked for a fucking mafia? How do I start that conversation off?

'Hi dad, so Rio is back and we're continuing from where we left off, oh also thank you for allowing me to be in the company of men who could quite possibly be mass murderers, and leaders of the Italian mafia.'

No. Hell no.

I've seen enough crime documentaries in my lifetime to understand the consequences of being involved with people as dangerous as a whole ass mafia. I know you have to abide by omertà and I know that Rio just broke it by telling me about them.

He did this so that I would know everything. What I was really getting myself in for. The real reason why he was so adamant that he needed to distance himself from me at the beginning when we first met.

Everything he did really was for the right reasons. I understand that now.

Even while we were taking Ellerie and Knox to school earlier, my head was still spinning. I just don't know how I'm supposed to do this.

"You ready?" Rio asks, his voice snapping me out of my fast growing thoughts.

I take a deep breath before nodding and opening the car door. Rio soon follows my lead and quickly walks around the front of his Audi to meet me.

"Deep breaths, I'm here okay?" He says comfortingly as he intertwines his fingers with mine. "Come on," he beckons as we begin walking up the driveway.

My insides feel like they're about explode with nerves. I'm literally going to just turn up with Rio and tell them that I know about the whole Enzo/Romeo situation.

Rio doesn't seem nervous at all. I mean, he is the one who told me and he obviously knows what my dad is like. Even with someone as intimidating as my dad, he doesn't appear to be fazed whatsoever.

We reach the front door and he squeezes my hand gently, silently letting me know that it's okay. I take a deep breath before unlocking the door and stepping inside, Rio staying close to me.

My mom appears, walking down the stairs and her eyes widen when they land on Rio. "Rio? I didn't know you were back in town." She exclaims as she approaches us with a curious look on her face.

"Yeah I got back a couple of days ago." He tells her and she purses her lips, her eyes flicking towards mine as they narrow a little.

"Oh.. Thea, you didn't mention anything." She says, clearly meaning to be a dig at me.


"That's a little rich, don't you think." I mutter, too quiet for her to hear. Rio pulls my hand a little, silently telling me to stop and I can't help but smile at the subtle action. "Is dad here?" I ask and she nods.

"Why, do you want him?" She asks.

"I actually want to speak to both of you." I reply and she furrows her brows.

Her eyes flick between myself and Rio as she clearly tries to process what's actually going on. "Okay.. I'll go get him." She says distantly before turning around and walking off through the house.

I guide Rio into the living area and sit down on the sofa, him sitting beside me. God I'm so nervous. Please please, let this go well. Well.. as well as it could go.

Soon enough, my mom appears with my dad slowly following behind her and his eyes widen when they land on Rio sat next to me.

"You're back?" Are the first words to leave his mouth and I shift uncomfortably in my seat, praying that he keeps his cool.

"Yeah and I'm staying now." Rio replies confidently and I press my lips together, trying to keep my composure.

My dads dark eyes flit towards mine and they narrow slightly. Oh crap. "So, what's this about?" He asks as he sits beside my mom on the sofa opposite ours.

"Why didn't you mention anything about Rio being back?" My mom asks before I can answer my dads question.

I shrug my shoulders, not really knowing how to answer that. "I guess I didn't know how to say it." I mumble she glances towards my dad who leans forward in his seat, his shoulders slumped over as he watches me closely.

Rio still holds onto my hand and rests his forearm on my thigh, offering me the reassurance that I need to get through this.

"I wanted to speak to you because.. well, I know about Enzo and Romeo." I tell them and my dad instantly freezes, his eyes staring straight at me in a manner that is almost making me uncomfortable.

My mom's eyes widen slightly and she glances between myself and Rio, probably trying to work out how I know.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why would you tell her that? It wasn't your place!" My dad snaps at Rio and I tense in my seat.

"She had a right to know." Rio says calmly beside me. "When were you going to tell her? Were you ever going to?"

My dad attempts to stand up, obviously about to go for Rio but my mom places her hand on his thigh, trying to stop him.

Rio's hand continues to hold onto mine as I squeeze it a little, growing anxious at the aura that's filing the room.

"That doesn't matter." My mom replies quietly and I arch a brow at her comment. What is that supposed to mean? That doesn't matter. Of course it matters.

My dad remains quiet, his jaw visibly clenching though and I furrow my brows at his demeanour. "Oh my god, you weren't going to tell me, were you?" I ask and he sighs, both him and my mom looking at me with an unreadable expression on their faces.

They were never going to tell me.

"Do you understand what you've done?" My dad seethes as he glares at Rio. "The fucking situation you've put her in?" He continues and I gulp back the bile starting to form in the back of my throat. "We kept this from her for a reason, Rio!"

"And I told her for the right reasons, Kane." He replies curtly. "It was bound to catch up to her sooner or later. You can't just hide in a family like this. You can't live in some made up bubble without the risk of it ever bursting."

This really isn't going well at all. I wasn't sure how I planned it going, but if things don't cool down soon.. I'm worried it may turn quite ugly.

"You understand what happens now, right?" He snaps at me and I flinch a little at his harsh tone. "You know you have to take omertà because if you say anything, you're dead. Family or not."

"Kane," my mom presses as she tries to get him to calm down. "Don't say that, you'll scare her." She says softly and my dad scoffs.

"Well she needs to be scared. Now that she knows, she's completely vulnerable to all kinds of danger. I didn't want this for you, Thea." He replies before turning back to me. "You want to be in danger, hm? You want to be a fucking walking target!"

Tears begin to prick in my eyes as I cower at his tone. He's never shouted at me like this before. Ever.

"Raise your voice at her one more time and I swear to god." Rio mutters and my dad's brown eyes flick towards his.

My hands shake as I bite down on my lip to try and control my emotions, not wanting to start crying now.

I glance down at my knees, avoiding eye contact with my dad. "Rio, outside." He says and my head instantly snaps back up as my eyes widen, focusing on Rio.

His green eyes land on mine and he offers a small, reassuring smile. "It's okay. I'll be back in a sec." He murmurs as he leans forward and presses a quick kiss to my forehead.

I feel his hand release from mine and I almost go to protest but I know that neither of them will listen to me.

My dad walks out of the room and Rio stands up beside me, following him. Fuck fuck fuck. What have I done?

I glance down at my still trembling hands and sense my mom shifting in her seat. "Thea, I'm so sorry you found out this way."

Looking up at her, I notice the sympathy clearly evident in her face, her lips curled into a frown and her eyes soft with empathy. "Why didn't you just tell me? I wouldn't say anything, you know I wouldn't." I mumble and she sighs.

"It's a lot deeper than that Thea. You and your brothers not knowing about this meant that you were safe from potential threat." She replies. "Your father only did what he thought was right."

Ha. I wonder where I've heard that before?

"Anyway, it's over now. You know and that's all there is to it. You just have to be aware of what you're getting yourself in for if you want to be with Rio." She says softly and I furrow my brows.

"Be with him?" I repeat and she tilts her head to the side slightly.

"Thea, come on. I'm your mother. I think I know love when I see it." She says through a smile.

I fold my bottom lip over, playing with my fingers anxiously. "Do you think dad's going to hurt him?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"No, he'd know better than to do something as stupid as that." She assures and I nod slowly, my eyes flicking back down to my hands.

What feels like hours later, I hear footsteps on the hard marble flooring and I instantly look towards the archway, anticipating their return.

My dad walks in first, Rio close behind him and my eyes frantically scan him, making sure he's okay. He wets his lips, sitting back next to me and placing his hand on my thigh.

"Are you okay?" I mumble and he nods, the corners of his lips lifting up a little.

"I'm fine, baby." He whispers as he squeezes my leg comfortingly.

My dad takes a seat back beside my mom and she says something to him which I can't quite make out. My dad is one of those people who constantly either has a relaxed or tense expression. There isn't any in between, so it's extremely difficult to read him.

Is he mad? Happy? Angry? Tense? Annoyed? Who the hell knows. Not me, that's for sure.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you like that." He apologises and rests his elbows on his knees. "You're my little girl, Thea and I just wanted to protect you. I wouldn't be doing my job if I wasn't doing that." He continues and I nod understandingly.

"I know," I mumble.

He clasps both of his hands together in front of him, his dark eyes pooling with sorrow. "We'll tell your brothers when they get home." He says and my eyes widen a little.

"I guess Rio was right. You were probably going to find out sooner or later." My mom says.

"I'll speak to Enzo, sort things out with him." Rio explains and my dad nods slowly, running both of his hands through his hair.

That should be fun.


To be honest, that actually went a lot better than I was expecting.

I was waiting for Kane to try and throw a punch at me or something but somehow, he kept his composure and didn't do anything reckless.

We agreed that Thea would stay at my house again tonight so that we can talk with Enzo tomorrow. Taking omertà is something I didn't want her to have to do, but when Knox and Ellerie are old enough to understand, I'll have to explain it to them and they'll have to take it too.

"What happened when you left with my dad?" She asks, sorry clearly evident in her voice.

My eyes flick between both of hers, thinking back to what actually did happen.

I follow him out to the backyard which I must say, is really fucking nice. He turns around and runs a hand along his jaw, trailing down to his chin as he looks at me. "Why, Rio?"

"I already told you why," I reply calmly, not wanting to cause a scene while Thea is here.

He sighs, glancing down at the floor as he shifts back and forth ok his feet. You can clearly tell he was a boxer because he has such a strong character about him. He has that natural protective instinct which only few have, with a nocturnal urge to safeguard what's his.

"This changes everything now," he mumbles and I nod as I continue to watch him.

"I know."

He lifts his head and his lips part as he releases a deep breath. "You did this for a reason, I know that." He explains and I move my head side to side, clicking my neck as I listen to him. "I know you only want the same for her as I do."

"She's almost twenty one, Kane. This couldn't have been kept from her any longer. It wasn't fair." I reply and he nods in reply.

There's a long pause between us, neither of us say thing anything to the other before he rolls his lips together, looking back at me with a much softer expression. "You look after my daughter. Got it?" He says and I nod my head a few times in response. "You love her, don't you?"

"Yes." I reply without hesitation and he blows a bust of air through his nose, looking up at the cloud filled sky.

"She's my little girl, Rio." He mumbles distantly. "All I want to do is keep her safe. You understand that right? With your siblings?" He adds and I nod at him.

"We'll figure it out." I assure him and his eyes fill with uncertainty but he nods nonetheless, turning around and motioning for me to follow him back inside the house.

All I want is to keep her safe too. I'd never intentionally cause her harm or put her in a situation where I feel she could get hurt. But there was only so much longer I could keep this from her.

It was killing me, trying to stay away from her, telling her we couldn't see each other. Walking away from her after everything with Ricky.

She didn't understand it at the time but I hope she will now. I didn't just walk away from her because I thought it was the best thing to do. I did it because I knew that it was.

Ricky was a wake up call to me, if anything. He was almost like a message of all the bad that I could possibly bring into her life because of who I am. Who my family are.

"We just talked," I tell her, answering her previous question.

She continues to look at me, clearly unsure of the truthfulness of my reply. "What really happened to Ricky?" She asks and I poke the side of my mouth with my tongue.

"Enzo found him." I reply, not wanting to go into too much detail.

"What do you mean he found him?" She asks. "Where is he now?"

I glance back over at her, offering a small I think you know what I mean look before returning my attention back to the road.

"So he's.. he's dead, isn't he?" She mumbles and I chew on the inside of my mouth before hesitantly nodding in reply.

"He was always going to be a threat to you and your family Thea. He had to be eliminated from the situation." I tell her and she glances out of the window, turning her head away from me.

"He's gone now." She mumbles, continuing to look out of the window as I drive.

I wasn't expecting her to want to stay with me after revealing this to her.. but she hasn't hinted that she feels differently. I was prepared for her to get up and leave, but she stayed.

Whether for me, or herself, of for both of us.. she stayed.

"I know this is a lot to take in." I say and she glances over at me, her soft chocolate brown eyes watching me closely. She doesn't reply though, instead quickly returning her attention to the window as we approach my house.

I pull up at my house and park the car in the driveway, turning it off. The two of us just sit next to each other for a few seconds, silence filling the small space inside the car.

"I was thinking maybe you could keep some of your things at my place." I mumble. "You know, so that you have clothes already there for whenever you stay over." I ramble and curse under my breath, internally kicking myself for being such a rambling idiot.

I can see her looking at me from my peripheral vision but I'm soo nervous to look back at her, not wanting to see if she has a negative expression. So instead, I just stare straight ahead at the large garage door, hoping that she doesn't freak at my suggestion.

"Okay," she replies and I turn my head to face her, our eyes meeting almost instantly.

"Yeah?" I ask, my voice raising an octave and she chuckles, smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah." She says, mimicking me before leaning forward and pressing her lips against the tip of my nose. She pulls back, blushing a little and I watch her with so much adoration, I could almost burst.

How the hell did I ever, ever get so lucky?


AN: Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this one.

I legit cannot wait for the next chapter, I have it all planned out and wish I could just write it now and give it to you guys.. but I haven't started it yet.. oops

It should be out in the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled! It's going to be very exciting 💛


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