Just Another Wing-Fic

By Heartspin

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As the title states this is just another wing-fic. Peter has black wings. He has hidden them since he was a c... More

Birds of a Feather. . . Get Webbed Together?
Numbers Are Good
And Things are About to Get as Sirius Black as Can Be.
It's Such A Good Feeling To Know You're Alive~
Peter's Choice Pt. 2
Their Darkness Revealed

Peters Choice Pt . 1

10 0 0
By Heartspin

"Hey dude no fair!"

Wade grinned as Peter kicked him while they sat on Wades hole riddles couch. Often Peter wondered why Wade never bought a new one; he had the money, more than enough, but spent it sporadically. Generally it was mercenary equipment like guns and ammo. Lots of ammo. And other various objects that were meant for other sorts of cruel acts.

"All is fair in love and war my dear spidey," Deadpool's mask was rolled up to show pearly white teeth," Now round two! No whining when I completely smear your bitch ass Ken through the floor."

"Nah," Peter rubbed the bridge of his nose through the mask and looked to his watch, "It's super late dude-next time. I got class tomorrow. Totally not cool calling Ken a bitch BTW."

"Your in school?!?"

Spider-Man froze. He had gotten so used to hanging around the merc that he hadn't realized that bit of info slipped out. Thinking about it for a moment he figured there was no point in not letting Deadpool know.

"Yeah," he shrugged," Its difficult, but I enjoy it."

Deadpool's head cocked to the side and Peter could tell he was conversating with the voices in his head,"Dude I know called it! He is a total nerd..Yeah when do you sleep?"

Laughing Peter shrugged, "Here and there. I get my sleep. Eating is the hard part, after all tuition man. I don't think college would be your thing. "

Suddenly Deadpool was sitting straight and looking Spider-Man directly on, smile wiped away from his face. Peter froze and tensed under the intense gaze trying to gauge what the other was up to.

"You go hungry?" he finally responded and eyed the lithe body up and down before cursing,"Shit, man I noticed you were on the thin side lately but I didn't' think that much of it."

"What!??Nonono I eat still! My Aunt has me over at least twice a month, if not more, and always makes sure I eat good, "He shrugged," And when I see my friend she sometimes takes me out to eat. I have always been a string bean."

"She? "man those masks eyes were expressive," A gi~rl friend Spidey poo?" Deadpool's wings had became tense and close to his just as stiff shoulders-what was wrong with the merc? Everything had been fine up until Peter let his loose tongue spill he was in school.

"What?" Peter sputtered," NO! She is just a friend. 1000% never. She's beautiful, but I could never be with her! Not to mention I rarely ever see her! Last time was like two months ago! She is super busy being a model."

What ever strange demeanor had overcame the mercenary dissolved as suddenly as it had appeared and it left Peter confused. Over the years Peter had been granted the audience to the occasional mental break downs Deadpool had. It normally was fueled by outstanding circumstances, such as loosing a loved one, and was never so abrupt and out of place such as this.

"Oh a chick best friend huh? Who is a hot model? I am learning so much about you today!" Peter chewed his lip and looked away heart hammering. Stupid! He had ran his mouth off around the merc, again! He had done this far too often in the past couple months. But for some reason it was so easy to talk to him, it happened far too easily.'

"Yeah well like I said. School tomorrow. So," Peters stomach had to grumble then too which made it awkward, and he blushed, realizing he was STILL hungry after eating four pieces of pizza provided by chef de la Deadpool.

He started making his way to the window that faced the the darkened wet streets, still drenched from the downpour they had both escaped earlier that day in favor of playing video games and eating pizza-so long as they got to listen to the police radio in the background by Peters request, and Wade was all for it. Suddenly a ninja star stuck itself into the abused wood of the sill and Peter jumped with a startled yelp because his spidery sense had not gone off-of course because Wade was not attempting to hurt him but STILL!

"What the hell Wade?!?"he shouted kicking himself for calling the merc by name before spinning around and freezing at the sudden close proximity of the alpha who had a rumble in his chest.

"You're hungry," The Alpha blocked the window and my god had he always been this tall? And big?!? It was as if a muscled wall of spandex was slowly trying to encase him.

Peter shook his head, "I ts fine! I ate pizza! With you!"

"Four pieces! Not nearly enough for any super," Wade said matter -o- factly as if Peter needed reminding of a repeated lesson.

"I'm FINE! I have a bowl of cheerios waiting for me at home just callin' my name, "Or hopefully he did. He knew he was out of milk and eggs. There may have been some bread left too! Oh he hoped next pay-day was a good and what the hell was Wade doing?!? The alpha had grabbed him non too gently and guided him to sit back down," I demand an audience with your appetite. I have more than just a couple pieces of crap pizza for you to eat. Come on I'm orderin' everything on Los Juevos menu. "

"Wh-what? Why -Wa-DEADPOOL. I have to get home," he was pretty tired. It had been an easy day for the hero world, yes, but it also had consisted of Peter running around doing errands and attending class. Plus he was still sore from a couple cracked ribs he had procured so generously a week before from a particularly nasty mission he had taken on the fly.

"No. Spider-man. You don't understand," and for the first time Peter saw how tense and shaking Wade was. Like he was fighting with himself. Peter wondered again if he were close to a mental break down. His voice finally had dipped down to a serious tone unlike the light playful words before.

"'I'm Listening 'Pool," he said softly honestly worrying about the man he had tentatively called his friend,"and I am asking you to listen as well. I am 'fine'. honestly. The other exhaled a shaky laugh that pitched up whenever Wade was about to start one of his crazed tangents of one or another, and distantly Peter wondered if Wade had tried another therapist. Last time it hadn't turned out too well, though it had been amusing to hear the phone calls during some crazed fights.

"I'm sorry Spidey but," Deadpool took a deep breath and held it-Peter didn't realize he had been holding his as well until he only exhaled when the mercenary did the same. There was something about the atmosphere that had changed, and Peter was starting to get the sneaky suspicion that it wasn't because of his fear of Deadpool's breakdown.

He didn't want to address this feeling, this strange feeling that unwilling came whenever him and Deadpool sat on the rooftops and ate a victory taco, or hung out on his couch or just when they texted on Wades-Deadpool's- silly little hero phones.

"Let me help you just-ugh shut up I know I am screwing this up!" Deadpool gripped at the side of his head growling and Spider-Man hurriedly touched the others arm in hopes of pacifying his frustrations. Wade tensed and then relaxed, the pale eyes of the Deadpool mask staring into Spider-Mans own.

"Pool, its okay. I don't need to be taken care of I-ha,"he laughed a bit forcefully, "I could have taken on a second job aside from being Spider-Man. That's my choice not to. I'm not-I can take care of myself." Deadpool flexed his hands by his sides and let out a shaky breath, "Spidey. You don't understand. I want to feed you. I want to be there for you."

Peters heart stuttered, stomach clenching as his eyes widened. A few times alphas had done this to him-though he never had such a close connection, and it never had been so unexpected. The thing about feeding was a traditional and still often practice first step of mating. Providing a mate food, be it alpha to omega or omega to alpha. Seriously? Deadpool?!? He may have laughed had it not of sounded so ridiculous. Probably would have laughed, also, if he hadn't secretly wished for it.

"Deadpool, ho-,"He cut off as wings that had been trembling behind the merc suddenly burst out and he presenter, flights straining out and the inner feathers puffing out to make them seem larger than they were.

Peter felt his heart stutter and a certain pull that made his wings strain against the leather straps holding them down. He trembled and after a few moments of silence, all he could do was look away. Taking a step back he neared the window. "Deadpool .. . I'm sorry."

Wades wings lowered and did his head and shoulders. That defeated look on the normally cheery merc stabbed Peter in the heart. "It's okay. I figured you wouldn't-I just haven't felt this way in a damn long time. I had to let you know. I understand if you want to leave-hell if you never want to talk to me any more. I'll stop harassing you."

Peter suddenly felt a fire hot rage boil in him unexpectedly and he stepped forward, "You do NOT harass me Wade." Wade looked up surprised and attempting to lighten the mood Peter shrugged, "I mean there is the obvious playful harassment. I get that. That's you. and it's cool. But bother me? Never! Unless you gas it up while were playin' or you decide to do utterly stupid things on a mission. Like sing the mission impossible theme when were sneaking into a high level security base-and darn I should have duct taped your mouth shut."

Wade was less tense now and watching Peter and he went to run a hand over his mask covered head, "Wade you just. . . I just don't date. I truly don't. Work. School. Spidey duties. I just-I donno. Got to take care of my aunt and stuff. And I really don't do that. But. . ."he exhaled and closed his eyes fists clenched, "If I were to date anyone - it would be you. "

They were silent for a few moments and Peter shifted uncomfortable about the little heart to heart. Wade was good at these. He was so not into the opening up the feelings box.

"You, "Wade finally spoke up and Peter looked at him wondering just how did he get the tears to go through the Deadpool mask? "You called me by my name! And didn't run away,"

Peter blinked.

Huh. Well unexpected, but not unlick the merc.

"Listen, you stay here. Let me feed you, and we can move past this, "the merc with a mouth gestured to his couch, "I got a comfy bed just for you-and as payment for letting me feed you and you staying the night I promise to super clean the living room!"

He shook his head, sighed and scratched the back of his neck," Wow. You're 180's."

"I am just glad you didn't tell me to go to hell," Wade said honestly grabbing the phone, "I understand that you are the closest thing to a friend I have these days aside from Weasel and granny and well . .. .you make it sound like you like me even though you don't tell me anything about yourself. And that's okay! Because. . . I guess tonight is the most I heard about you and you called me Wade and I was just hoping. It's stupid and I promise I won't bug you about it, or try prying into your person life."

He dialed the food places number, but Peter just couldn't accept the dinner. But he didn't want to just run, not after Wade had said all that. He was too precious of a friend to loose.

So he stepped to the other putting a hand on his shoulder. Wade stopped speaking in hurried Spanish and looked to him Deadpool's eyes widening comically in the mask. "I got to be goin'. Its late. I have class. I'll see you tomorrow south side. My names Peter by the way. I don't mind you getting to know me better." Peter saw himself now, as he watched memory play out with him leaving the apartment and Deadpool whooping in victory and coming up with nick names faster than he could breath. The memory faded, the first time he had come to really start accepting his feelings for Wade and the first time Wade had presented.

What if he hadn't fought it that night? Where would they be now? The memory faded to black but there was something strange in the darkness that replaced and and Peter frowned squinting his eyes in the endless inky black. What was that? It was siting on the ground, large wings which were very strange looking wrapped loosely around them.

Peter took a step forward and the limp figure tensed and suddenly Peters spider senses went haywire. And they rarely did that in the dreaming world. It was fast, too fast. He had no time to adjust from curiosity to sheer terror. The wings were actually thousands of bones strung together that tapped an eerie hollow sound when the appendages opened up showing Peter the body of a woman, dark hair falling in front of her face as she stood tall and thin. When she looked up he froze with fear. A skull for a face.

And then she was suddenly in front of him and set a hand to his face. She said something, but he just. couldn't. compute it. Images flashed in his minds eye, a lab, a person, people saying things. These were important things, he thought distantly, he had to remember them.

Peter jerked awake, limbs tensing with the after math of the dreadful nightmare, a cold sweat on his brow rolling down his temple. Taking in his surroundings he sighed deeply and relaxed realizing he was still on the base and took a lazy moment to glance at his phone noting he had woken up just before his alarm and quickly shut it off, feeling as if he really hadn't went to sleep.

Rubbing his eyes and dropping his phone beside him he groaned. What had that nightmare been about? He tried remembering. Bits and pieces came. A lab? Someone important was there. Last of all, some strange creature, a woman almost but with a skull for a head and wings made up of thousands of bones. He shivered. There had been something she had said to him. Unfortunately he couldn't remember much, and he wasn't sure if recalling the terrifying nightmare was something he 'wanted' to do.

Laying still for a moment longer Peter relaxed before he realized there was a noise in the background. Opening his eyes he realized it was the shower and he sat up to look at the vacant couch and replaying title screen to Legend of Dragoon.

Sighing and relaxing his shoulders he slid out of bed to go shut off the game. He made it half way across the room when the bathroom door flew open and a very wet and naked Wade Winston Wilson stood. Both men paused mid stride and in seconds Peters face was scarlet.

"Ugh Wade haven't you heard of a towel?!?" He said in a too squeaky voice trying to advert his wondering eye that seemed to glue itself back to the muscled alpha hungrily.

Wade grinned scratching his nose a bit," Yeah their for drying off. Did that. What's for breakfast lo~oove."

"B.b.b. breakfast?!" Peter smacked a hand to his face and shook his head," Oh Wade. Have some sense of modesty."

"Do you know whom you speak of? Modest? Mwah?"

"You're right," Peter looked up deadpanned straight in Wades glinting eyes," I ask too much. And decency is laughable."

"Nooow you know you your dating," Wade chuckled padding over to the kitchen area," I like to be in mah birthdeh suite," Peter felt awkward with Wade naked in his room even if he knew they were dating until he spied the towel in the bathroom thrown across the mirror tucking it around its edges. He paused and his heart clenched not paying mind to the others confident talk and swagger as he made his way to the fridge," and I really wish you had some kinda booze in here cuz ya kno-" He was cut off by arms enveloping him from behind.

Slowly he righted himself and closed the door to the fridge. "Everything okay Pete Pie?" he rest his head  so that the back of his head sat on top of Peters. "Just I," the boy breathed deep and rubbed his face between his shoulder blades, "I don't know where to begin.

But you are perfect. And god damn get some clothes on or 'I' will be the one jumping 'you'." A shiver went down Wades spine and the atmosphere changed," And what if I don't mind you 'jumping' me?" Peter shifted heart hammering. Fuck hesitation, he though before pressing himself against Wade who groaned at Peters half hard self pressing into his side.

The brunette nuzzled the taller between the shoulders before kissing one a few times as Wade turned in his arms. They looked to each other for a moment, pupils dilated and a hunger on both of their faces.


A knock on the door.

"Mr.Wilson, Mr.Parker I hope you two will be able to join me shortly. I would like to have a discussion quick. With the both of you."

Peter sighed shoulders sagging," Yes,"he called out over his shoulder eyes closed thumping his head against Wade defeated," We will be out in a minute."


Wade was practically snarling at the door before turning his attention to Peter who had backed away and gave him a stern look. He switched to a puppy eyed face. "Aaaw coooome oooon!! It was just getting good! No happy ending?"

Peter laughed stood on his tip toes," I do not think we have the time for this. Go get dressed Wade." he gave him a small peck as an apology, inwardly unsure if he was annoyed or grateful that Fury had knocked. Wade was sure to make a show of pouting and heading to the bathroom door wings slouched in defeat.

Peter quickly patted his hair down and changed into his rumpled clothes from the day before, and went to the T.V to shut it off. The last notes of the opening song were cut short and the bright colors of the T.V went to black. For a moment, he stilled to look at the darkened screen in the now silent room, something catching his eye. In it Peter could see his shadowed reflection unsure of what had caught his attention until something shifted behind his reflect, and the skull face white a stark contrast to his own shadowed reflection in the screen.

He froze, heart stalling and eyes widening as he saw her and she thrust forward, causing him to fall back on the couch with a startled yelp as a bony hand brushed his cheek.

"Petey?" The bathroom door was open and thankfully Wade was dressed fully in his Deadpool outfit and coming over to the couch," You okay?" She was gone. Peter closed his eyes trembling," y-yeah nothing. It was-" He opened his eyes and saw Deadpool looking at the television. It was frosted as if it had been in a freezer, and on it was written, "Prepare. I am coming."

"What is this?" Wade gestured. "I," Peter licked his lips and stood covering his mouth before shaking his head, "I don't know. I dreamt of this. .. woman? She had a skull for a head. Her wings were a bunch of bones put together. And just now. When I shut off the television. I saw her again." He crossed his arms brows knitting together," I have never seen her before, but we can ask Fur-"

"NO," Peter jumped and looked to the expressive Deadpool mask whose eyes were narrowed at the T.V where the words were slowly melting away," Fury would know nothing about 'her'."

"Her?" Peter frowned, "you 'know' her?"

Deadpool paused, "Of course. I have gotten to know lady death quite well over the years."


"Lady Death, why Mr. Parker do you not remember your manners," he took a southern bell voice," My my my why Mr. Parker your harsh actions do know how to light a woman's inner flame."

Peter raised a brow," Why forgive me, I didn't realize I had awoken a soft side in you. But-no Wade seriously what 'is' this."

Another knock on the door.

"I think we're going to find out a bit more during the meeting," Deadpool gestured to the door before skipping over squealing," Never fear patches Daddy-Pool is here," and he thrust the door open to reveal a stern looking Fury who side stepped Deadpool's hug.

"I do hope you are both ready Mr. Parker. AND if you could perhaps keep Mr. Wilson in check," his wing smacked the merc in the face on purpose when he went to jump on the dark mans back," I would appreciate it." Peter came over and shrugged," I'm not his keeper. He's his own man- I can't. I do not control him like a dog-like Hey Wade fetch boy!" and he pretended to throw a ball.

"If it were a chimichanga baby," Wade slithered around the other," I would have gone for it."

"There is still hope for training and control then," Fury snarked and turned with Wades," oh you know I love it when you use the whip Fury baby!" trailing after him. They entered the elevator and after a moment Fury opened a control panel and shut off the power with a control key allowing him to bring the elevator to a stuttering halt.

"Peter," Fury was bathed in the red emergency lights causing dark shadows to deepen his features and make Peter straighten up," I need to warn you just 'what' this meeting consists of."

"My wings right," he shuffled and sighed looking to a random corner of the elevator," am I off the avengers then?"

He tried to pretend it didn't hurt as much as it did. "We will have to see," Fury responded and a sharp pain went through Peters heart. As if he had thought that Fury would have given him some hope.

"So their not happy about. . . my 'wings'," he spat out the word like a curse. "Parker there is more to it than just what the avengers want or think." "Of course," Deadpool chimed in," got to keep face for the media don't they?"

"A decision for action must be made quick on the revealing of your wings Mr. Parker," Fury ignored the other," but also what we have found out about Mr. Osborns plans."

Peter looked up and could sense what Fury was going to say before he said it," I have a mission for the both of you if you are up to it." "Is this something the others are in on?" Peter questioned as Deadpool begun to check his ammo.

Fury looked intently to him," This is something that I have asked you to do without the knowledge of the Avengers. And if you accept it need to leave immediately.

Before the meeting, which means you forfeit your voice in the decision of who will be revealed to the public as a Raven. Peter Parker or Spider-Man."

"W-what?!?" "If it matters any," Fury continued," My vote is or Spider-Man. It will mean you are kicked off the team. And no one will be able to publicly work with you again. But. . . " "So pretty much like when I 'first' started out," He spat," Don't worry, I work well alone."

Fury sighed," I  knew you would say that. But there are also some who would rather Peter Parker be the one outed. Spider-Man has become a valuable part of the avengers. And is good for much of the public. You would be letting many down to make Spider-Man the raven."

"I thought you already made your decision," Peter growled. "I have," Fury nodded,"because I also have a proposition for you." "No," Deadpool stepped between the two," No he will not join Shield." They were all tense and silent for a moment. Peter glanced sideways to Deadpool whose wings did a lazy half display. Fury squinted his eye and pursed his lips

. "It would be for the best Parker." "I would rather go solo," Peter said firmly lifting his head. No bitch omega here, he reminded himself. Fury frowned and looked to him," You won't take the mission then? "

Peter worked his jaw and looked away breathing," the others. . . .Are they. . . " he looked back to Fury's poker face," Are they disgusted with me? Do they 'want' to kick me off the team? Why do I only get this mission if I forfeit my voice to the vote." Fury said nothing so Deadpool spoke up.

"You loose something," Deadpool shrugged," If Petey pie here decides Spider-Man should be the one to walk free and Peter Parker be the one to take the medias attention." "Why would I want my identity to gain such attention?!?"Hissed Peter. Had Fury lost his mind? What was Peters main goal as a secret super? Oh right-acting as normal as freaking possible. Which included the idea he was a brown. Fury remained silent and Deadpool took a sideways step," Its up to you."

Peter blinked to the alpha. Even in modern day relationships it was rare Alphas allowed Omegas to make decisions. It was one reason why head strong omegas, such as himself, tended to go for betas. The idea of an alphas word being almost law and almost always coming first just wasn't something Peter ever thought he could take, and it was nice to see that in a decision such as this, Wade was allowing him his freedom. He opened his mouth before Fury quickly stated," Parker I would like to just remind you. There is more at stake than just Spider-Mans repudiation. Or your home life. There is much more on the line."

Peter lifted his head and jerked out his chin,"I will be attending the meeting Fury. And I would hope that you share this information with the others." Fury didn't say anything.

Wade turned the key, a grin clearly visible through the Deadpool mask. They arrived to the floor and with a chime the door slid open. A long all faced them with only a door at the end and windows encompassing a majority of the right wall showing the dark gloomy clouds. Wade and Peter stepped off but Fury stayed behind.

"Aren't you going to come ?" "No," was all the man gave before the doors slid shut and the two were left standing alone in the hall bathed in the light of the rising sun. One large wing gently encompassed him and Peter relaxed in the embrace, surprised how welcomed the others support was.

Had he really avoided this for so long? "Why do you think he was so adamant for me not to go to the meeting? And that mission? What could it be?"

Deadpool hummed and wrapped his arms around the younger man rubbing his cheek on his fluffy hair, "I could get used to this."

"Wade," Peter frowned, "I'm serious." '

"We are too," Wade sighed," Sorry White and Yellow are being a bit louder than normal."

Peter nods, too used to Wades tangents and inability to sometimes just focus on the issue at hand due to his voices. Peter hated them, they brought Wade down so hard at times. But he had gotten used to who said what, White was a bit more calm collected and technical and Peter could find himself agreeing to. . .him? more often than Yellows crazed rash decisions, though in a pinch he could see reason in Yellows decisions as well. Together they helped make Wade who he was, though, and Peter at this point wasn't sure if he could even imagine a Wade Wilson without any voices. Even bastard voices that brought him down.

Peter weaved his fingers through the alphas pulling gently to urge him down the hall where the door at the other end lay innocently.

"What all are they saying?"

Wade shrugged," Well White is trying to piece together patches and how odd he is acting," Peter agreed there. Even for secretive Fury, he was acting somewhat out of character," and Yellow just wants to know how many people you have been with and amazed you are still a virgin."

Peter rolled his eyes ignoring the burn in his cheeks," I agree with White. Fury never just 'gives up' that easy when trying to make me make a decision. It was as if he truly didn't want me to take the mission? I still want to know what it was about. And I can't tell if he is using reverse physiology to attempt Peter Parker getting the blame for. . .. that. Or Spider-Man."

"It would make more sense Spider-Man. Benefits him more. He wants you working for Shield. Man this is one wacky fiction," he mumbled shaking his head. He tilted it to the side as they neared the door in the way he does when he is listening to one or both of the voices and Peter waits," Yeah he did just totally skip the sex question."

"Oh brother," face palming just didn't do justice when in response to Wades thought process, "I have been with" he cleared his throat a little ears burning and he lowered his voice as they stood outside the door," I have had 3 relationships okay? 2 were with girls. And only 1 got real serious. And no. No I have never had sex. Generally people want to, ya know, see wings and," the ensnarement was gone and his eyes fell and expression went to one of disgust and self loathing," I do not like showing my wings."

Deadpool was silent for a moment before he gave Peters hand a squeeze and sang lightly," Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play, and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate."

"Oh Wade!" Peter couldn't stop the smile that broke out across his face and thumped his head on the mercs chest,"Shhh!They will hear you!"

Wade grinned seeing Peters mood lighten so he hopped back and began pealing out Taylor Swift lyrics and shaking his thing while doing so. "Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake-I shake it off, I shake it off~!"

By the time Wade had gotten the popular chorus out Peter was laughing far harder than he supposed he should but he couldn't find it in him to care. He didn't want to go to this meeting.

He didn't want to figure out whose life would be destroyed-Spider-Man or Peter Parker? He didn't want to deal with what ever was going on with Fury and what ever Osborn was cooking up. He would much rather be at his apartment, with Wade, sitting on the couch getting to know each other in their new relationship standing. "It is far too early in the morning to be seeing any of. . .THAT shaking," Tony was gripping a large cup of coffee like a life line and Peter stopped laughing as he realized the door was open and the avengers were looking had various ranges of amusement to mild disgust.

"Oh um," Peter rubbed the back of his head but words were lost at Tony's almost...sympathetic look. His heart dropped into his stomach as Deadpool jumped onto the rich playboy. "Tony! Baby! I missed you soooo much!" "It has not even been 24 hours. Far too much time of us being together."

They entered into the room and Peter kept his eyes down as he passed the team he had worked with for the past few years. It was just the inner team, he was thankful for that, or there would have been too many listening. He passed Natasha and Clint before settling into the empty seat next to Bruce, looking up to where Tony was going to stand next to Steve. They were all silent until Tony cleared his throat, "Well I think we all know why were here."

"Because a clearly RACIST close minded beliefs that should have died out when witch burning was done being a thing, yeah we know why we're here," Deadpool didn't have a seat but Peter assumed he would not have taken one as he paced angrily from one corner to the other on the opposite side of the room from Tony and Steve.

"We don't," Steve said looking Peter straight in the eye like he always did when giving a very difficult truth," Want it to come down to such. But the press is demanding a response. We have a conference in three hours to address who the Raven was at the avengers tower, and why we took said Raven into our protection."

"They are saying," Natasha butted in," That the avengers are protecting a Raven that has caused crimes which range from recent Osborn crimes to crimes the Kingpin carried out when he was at large."

"What?!?"Peter sputtered eyes widening," How can they even BEGIN to assume-" "What?" Clint laughed bitterly, "That a Raven-of all people- could possibly tamper with evidence and make a successful business man such as Howard Fisk imprisoned?"

"Hawkeye, "Steve said in a clear warning tone as Peter pursed his lips together. Of course this would happen. Why would he think any different? He tried not to think about how they had been hanging around arguing about burger joints just a few weeks before at Stark Tower.

Hawkeye glared at Peter, actually glared with those piercing blue eyes and Peter froze feeling as if he had just been shot a thousand times by one of the blonds arrows, "No. You are coming at this all wrong Cap. You boy, "he jabbed a finger at the Brunei who clinched his hands into bloodless fists to keep from flinching," endangered the team. That is numero uno no bueno in this team- as if I need remind anyone." "If you can not control yourself Clint I will remove you," warned the captain. Clint snarled, wings flaring out, "like to see you try. I am just doing what you don't have the balls to do."

"If you cant,"Natashas wings were now fully displayed," 'I' will be the one to remove you. Now SIT. DOWN."

 Hawkeye and Blackwidow eyed each other tensely for a few moments, before Hawkeye sat down, taking one final glare at Peter and then Deadpool, who Peter hadn't realized was standing over him wings on full display and a the whites of the mask thin slits as he glared right back.

 Thor crossed his arms golden wings fluttering, "It is odd of you mortals to shun the blackened so. My people oft see them as holders of great magic and power." 

Peters eyes widened at Thor's reveal but felt a "but of course" follow up in his mind when Thor mentioned some bad lore around the Ravens. 

"This is not a meeting to discuss cultural differences or personal beliefs," Tony said, seeming a bit frustrated and crossing his arms as he looked to them all," it is about just what we are going to tell the media. It is necessary-Parker. " 

"Daredevil is interested himself on how this is playing out. Many are, due to so much holding on the reveal." 

"Daredevil?" Echoed Peter

 "And Punisher," Nodded Captain America gravely," Many hanging on the Kingpin staying in prison. It is being played out much of our efforts to keep him behind bars were planted evidence."

"They already are assuming Spider-Man to be the Raven," Bruce interjected peacefully, "It was well known both Fisk and Oscorp were two on Spider-Mans hit list. And Spiderman was not present at the fight."

 "But Iron Spider was! "Peter tried. 

"Unmanned, "Tony gave Peter a look and he looked down ashamed. 

This was one of the many reasons why Tony did not like unmanned suites. Anyone could have held title to the actions of Iron Spider.

 "We need to figure out who is to take the...title of Raven. And I find it to be pretty clear Peter Parker is our main choice," Natasha stated. 

Peter whipped his head to her eyes wide but she didn't back down. "I agree with Nat. Peter would be the better choice," Steve nodded.

Thor nodded in agreement if only slightly, a frown marring his features. Bruce was silent, a fist held to his pursed lips as he looked at nothing in particular lost in thought. Tony and Clint remained silent. 

"What!??"Peter screeched,"I can't do that! I have my aunt! My career! My SCHOOLING! Peter Parker is. . .he's never done ANYTHING that could be considered Raven." 

"So you believe Spider-Man should be the Raven then?" Natasha asked and Peter nodded.

 "I think, Peter, that you do not realize what it means if you were to out yourself as the Raven. "

 Confused Peter relaxed in his seat as Bruce took of his spectacles a resolved sigh deflating his smaller form into his chair," Peter Parker is a grade A student. Ravens don't pass High School. He grew up a bullied omega. Ravens are territorial violent Alphas. Peter you never have committed a crime which most Ravens are known for."

Peter looked to Bruce and then the others perplexed," I don't see what you are saying. It's all the more reason wall crawlin' web slingin' fully grown men in a spandex red and blue suit should be accused. He fits the bill a lot more. The daily would have died and went to heaven if you admitted to it."

"We would loose Spider-Man on the avengers," Natasha shrugged," Spider-Mans arrests. His testimonials. Everything he has done-would be second guessed and questioned. Anyone could be said to be falsely accused and all of your years of hard work on the streets would be fore nothing. Those who look up to Spider-Man would loose an idol. Someone of great importance. "

"Your alter ego," Bruce continued," has become someone of great importance Peter. You are nearly done with another degree, have already several patents through Stark industries and show I have read your papers. Many already have voiced their support of any future business they may give if you decided to branch off into your own company."

 "But," Peter deflated," I have my aunt. My life. I 'need' to be normal. Its how I survive." 

"There is far more I fear," Steve said in the same grave tone he held since the meeting began, "at stake if Spider-Man is outed vs. Peter Parker." 

"We can't just," Tony laughed harshly and shook his head," Have the kid THROW AWAY his whole future! He is a grade A student! You said it yourself! Hell I can see Parker starting a business that surpasses Oscorp someday! Several of his inventions have done well through my company and are about to hit the market! If they do well he may be able to start off his own company! He will never be able to do that if he is the Raven." 

Peter felt a flutter in his heart at Tonys support. He had started to feels suffocated by the others standing.

"Oh and not surpass Stark Industries?" he joked lightly Tony smiled tightly," Don't get too far ahead of yourself kid."

"There is far more at stake, I fear, than the academic future of our young Peter," Thor looked apologetic at least. 

"Look at it this way Peter," Bruce reasoned," You would be a new eye, a new vision for the world of Ravens. Who knows-perhaps other successful Ravens will step forth." 

Clint shook his head," that also could be what they want. Pull more Ravens forward. They wanted his blood, who knows perhaps any raven would do!" 

"You honestly think there are more Ravens about?" Peter questioned

Peter didn't miss the dark looks that passed over Natasha, Steve, and Clints faces. His heart twisted but he did not voice the question that he had a sinking answer to.

They 'knew' there where other ravens. Or had been. What they had done upon discovering them, Peter did not wish to hear the truth out loud.

"You hid this long. Were only a kid when the genocide happened. You couldn't have been the only one to make it through the cracks, "Bruce looked to the others for support, before laying a gentle hand on Peters, "It isn't assured you would not be able to finish school. Or get a real career. We are in a different world today as apposed to almost 20 years ago. People change. Opinions change. More people these days are about acceptance. It could work in our favor."

"He is right son," Steve said gently and Peters heart twisted. There was something of an apology in the mans words, in his eyes," People do change. People . . .sometimes just need a . . different look at the situation. At what they may find frightful, is just something they don't understand."

"But if not," Peter looked to them all standing up not wanting to think what Steve, one of his idols, was indirectly admitting," If not then what about Aunt May?" 

They were all silent. 

"That would put my aunt in trouble. I don't know if I could do that. She's all I have."

"We would protect her," reasoned Steve," Perhaps she could be housed in Stark towers?"

"What where alien invasions are the norm?" Peter chuckled darkly ,"I don't know about you but the housekeeping would be atrocious." 

"A privet housing facility then," Steve tried again," With high level security."

 "I doubt many would try to hurt your aunt," Natasha said," Its not like you are revealing yourself to be Spider-Man. They wouldn't have a reason to try and get at you emotionally." 

They sat in silence, the room divided.

 "The vote so far ,it seems, is Natasha, Bruce, Thor, and I all agree that Peter should come out as the Raven, "Steve finally said," Clint and Tony both think it should be Spider-Man."

 "That leaves baby boy here and myself," Finished Deadpool and the head Avenger nodded. 

"We have 30 minutes to decide," Steve stated, "I suggest you two think it over. We I believe have voice all reasons on both sides of the debate? "at the others stiff nods Steve gave a nod of his own,"1 hour. Then Mrs. Potts will arrive for the briefing and get you from your room. In the end, Peter, it is truly your choice. But I would like you to take in what we have said. We will see you at the briefing. In our out of mask-that is truly your final call. We will have one of your back up suites that Fury provided if you so choose. . . ."His voice trailed off. 

They all stood, as if on some silent command, and Peter slowly looked up to Wade who slipped off his mask looking miffed before plopping down on the table sighing," Well if this isn't quite the pickle."

"And I like pickles," grumbled Peter. "Have you changed your opinion at all or is Spidey still going to be the Raven? If he was, he wouldn't be on the avengers any longer. And we would loose our awesome team ups!" 

Wade frowned looking like a beaten puppy," I like our team ups. . . but if Spidey isn't a goody goody any longer. . .we could have more fun! Go gambling! Go to my club again-and this time 'NOT' undercover. Imagine all the possibilities!"

He laughed. Even serious Wade could lighten the mood. Huffing out some air in his chest he closed his eyes.

"I thought we agreed we would never talk about that club incident again," he murmured eyes still shut.

All he ever wanted, ever since becoming Spider-Man and realizing the costs, was to be normal. But all he ever wanted at the same time, was to accept the great responsibility that came with his powers. Like his uncle had taught him to do. 

Opening his eyes he looked to Wades own gaze and stood. 

"I know what I need to do. You are with me?" 

"No matter what you choose. I will support you. Its your life. Don't let them boss you around." Letting out a puff of air he paced the room for a few minutes. But he already knew his decision. His heart felt as if it crumbled just a bit more, knowing he would be loosing what had felt like a second family, before nodding and looking to the merc. 

"Okay then," he took a minute before nodding, "okay. I got this. "

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