Peters Choice Pt . 1

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"Hey dude no fair!"

Wade grinned as Peter kicked him while they sat on Wades hole riddles couch. Often Peter wondered why Wade never bought a new one; he had the money, more than enough, but spent it sporadically. Generally it was mercenary equipment like guns and ammo. Lots of ammo. And other various objects that were meant for other sorts of cruel acts.

"All is fair in love and war my dear spidey," Deadpool's mask was rolled up to show pearly white teeth," Now round two! No whining when I completely smear your bitch ass Ken through the floor."

"Nah," Peter rubbed the bridge of his nose through the mask and looked to his watch, "It's super late dude-next time. I got class tomorrow. Totally not cool calling Ken a bitch BTW."

"Your in school?!?"

Spider-Man froze. He had gotten so used to hanging around the merc that he hadn't realized that bit of info slipped out. Thinking about it for a moment he figured there was no point in not letting Deadpool know.

"Yeah," he shrugged," Its difficult, but I enjoy it."

Deadpool's head cocked to the side and Peter could tell he was conversating with the voices in his head,"Dude I know called it! He is a total nerd..Yeah when do you sleep?"

Laughing Peter shrugged, "Here and there. I get my sleep. Eating is the hard part, after all tuition man. I don't think college would be your thing. "

Suddenly Deadpool was sitting straight and looking Spider-Man directly on, smile wiped away from his face. Peter froze and tensed under the intense gaze trying to gauge what the other was up to.

"You go hungry?" he finally responded and eyed the lithe body up and down before cursing,"Shit, man I noticed you were on the thin side lately but I didn't' think that much of it."

"What!??Nonono I eat still! My Aunt has me over at least twice a month, if not more, and always makes sure I eat good, "He shrugged," And when I see my friend she sometimes takes me out to eat. I have always been a string bean."

"She? "man those masks eyes were expressive," A gi~rl friend Spidey poo?" Deadpool's wings had became tense and close to his just as stiff shoulders-what was wrong with the merc? Everything had been fine up until Peter let his loose tongue spill he was in school.

"What?" Peter sputtered," NO! She is just a friend. 1000% never. She's beautiful, but I could never be with her! Not to mention I rarely ever see her! Last time was like two months ago! She is super busy being a model."

What ever strange demeanor had overcame the mercenary dissolved as suddenly as it had appeared and it left Peter confused. Over the years Peter had been granted the audience to the occasional mental break downs Deadpool had. It normally was fueled by outstanding circumstances, such as loosing a loved one, and was never so abrupt and out of place such as this.

"Oh a chick best friend huh? Who is a hot model? I am learning so much about you today!" Peter chewed his lip and looked away heart hammering. Stupid! He had ran his mouth off around the merc, again! He had done this far too often in the past couple months. But for some reason it was so easy to talk to him, it happened far too easily.'

"Yeah well like I said. School tomorrow. So," Peters stomach had to grumble then too which made it awkward, and he blushed, realizing he was STILL hungry after eating four pieces of pizza provided by chef de la Deadpool.

He started making his way to the window that faced the the darkened wet streets, still drenched from the downpour they had both escaped earlier that day in favor of playing video games and eating pizza-so long as they got to listen to the police radio in the background by Peters request, and Wade was all for it. Suddenly a ninja star stuck itself into the abused wood of the sill and Peter jumped with a startled yelp because his spidery sense had not gone off-of course because Wade was not attempting to hurt him but STILL!

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