Operation Snowstorm (arma 3 x...

By saber1-1

4K 83 30

Two and a half months have passed since James return home. With his duty almost done, he was hoping to be abl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7


723 17 2
By saber1-1

The sound of the wave crashing on the shore, the bird flying around, and the breeze of summer make a perfect day for relaxing. Laying on the beach, walking in the sand, and eating ice cream could make anyone happy. Nothing could ruin this perfect day.


......Well, nothing except that.

And that was Sergeant, now Captain James Riker giving some poor recruit a hard time in the CTRG CQB test.

James: Remember: precision, speed, and teamwork are the key here, so work as a team.


Moving fast and engaging each target, the recruits finally reach the end of the course.
James: Alright, you guys are done for today, secure your weapon and go to the barracks.
As the team left. James takes a quick look at the targets before, with a smile left the training ground.

James: "thinking" They get better and better.



I was looking at my watch as I was preparing to get back to my chamber. Its have been almost 2 and a half months since I was assigned to this location. Between showing the recruits how to work as a team to protocol and so on, I was starting to understand how my former instructor must have felt during my time. As I secure my gear, someone taps me on the shoulder. Turning around I came face-to-face with an old friend.

James: Well well well, they decide to send you back to training because you are bad?
???: In your dream.
James: "chuckle" Anyway, what brought you here Kerry?

Sergeant, Now lieutenant Ben Kerry, was looking at me with a smile, which usually makes me regret asking.

Kerry: I'm here for you. The boss wants to see you. Say it was very important.

That got my attention. I'm supposed to finish that batch of recruits and my military service is done. For him to call me mean something big had happened.

James: Alright then.

Kerry: Look I don't know what it is, but he looks like it is big enough to call you, me, and the other.

Now I was confused. To recall all the member of our team means we had to deal with whatever it is before. Boarding the helicopter, we took off toward the main base with a lot of questions in my mind.


Everyone was present in the briefing room looking at the main screen as our superior prepare himself. Doing a quick look around the room, I saw that the guys did not change much since the last time I saw them. Finally the major clear is troat.

Major: Alright listen, I have good news, bad news, And really bad news. The good news is that the CSAT is starting to collapse on itself. With all the proof given to all the big news channels, the world starts to see them as not the "Kind" people as they claim to be.

A big smile appears on my face, the end of the CSAT could be a new chapter to the world.

Major: Now the bad news. According to our intel, Viper is back in action, and they going fast on their plan. Intel suggests they have just brought back one of their "project" and already are acting as we speak.

Damn, Viper was known to use a lot of devices, the east wing is a good example of that.

Major: And now the really bad news: The project back on stage is the one name: "project reality shift"

My blood runs cold at that. That project was the one that leads to the operation that sent me to another earth. So that means.....

Major: I'm sure some of you have realized what that means. CSAT has sent their troop to another world. The same one that Captain Riker ends up in.

James: "thinking" M4......

Major: Now we had monitored the situation for a week already and we know that they had present themself as an official humanitarian organization to help rebuild. How they manage to make it convincing, we don't know. What we do know is nothing good will come from that. As such using the device we had secured last time, a NATO task force has been deploy in an abandoned castle far enough from all life. The fact that winter has set in, they can't do much at this time with the weather. They will only act if the situation needs it. This is where you boys come in. Your job will be to find the CSAT base of operation, find proof of their action, and neutralize everything and everyone.

While listening to the briefing, I was still was focused on the fact that the CSAT managed to rebuild that device and send troops to that earth. I had hoped that M4 and the other will be not touched by all of this. But I was Wrong

Major: Captain. I know your tour of duty is almost over, but your experience could be really useful here. I won't force you to accept.

James: CSAT is putting my friend at risk, and I saw what they ready to do to succeed. I'm in.

Major: Well I hope you guys are ready.....

Because you are leaving now

Hey everyone, welcome to the prologue of my new book. Sorry for the long absence, but real life is a pain sometimes. I hope you will all enjoy it. As for the upload schedule, nothing specific at this time because I don't want to give a schedule and disappoint with not being able to follow it. With all that said I see you all next time.

See Ya

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