jinbyul files.

lunesinclair_ tarafından

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jinbyul drabbles i suddenly think of Daha Fazla

file 1.1
file 1.2
file 1.3
file 1.4
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file 2.2
file 2.3
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file 5
file 7.1
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file 7.3
file 7.4

file 6

617 43 14
lunesinclair_ tarafından

N/A: Henlo! How are you all? If you're still here, thank you for waiting 🥺 School is finally over so I can finally have time to work on my stories.

Btw you may have probably noticed (or not), I've changed File 6 because I forgot where that story was going so I had to unpublish it. But no worries, I'll bring it back once I can settle the story. As a replacement, I hope you enjoy this short story. Thank you again for reading!


Title: Did I make your heart skip a beat?

Genre: Romance/Humor

Summary: Kim Seokjin is both handsome and smart. As the prince of the school, no girl can resist him, the only thing girls have an issue on is he's too cold and stiff. No one has ever made a move on him that could melt his icy heart, even if it's the cool beauty Moon Byulyi or so that's what he thinks.


Kim Seokjin sauntered through the halls of their dorm as he made his way to their group's usual spot. It was a Saturday so they are free to unwind from their academic life. Today was going to be a good day, at least he hoped it would. Well, that is if a certain female would leave him alone. He could already feel the headache just by simply thinking about her.

"Oh, what's got you frowning Jin-ah?"

'Speak of the devil.'

Jin chose to continue onto his destination. It was the only thing he could do as of now.

"You know ignoring me won't stop me from talking to you, right?"

He clicked his tongue at the sound of her laugh. As much as he hates to admit it, she was right. Despite being constantly pestered by her, he can't really find it in himself to ignore her. Somehow this girl knew what things to say to get his attention and rile him up. To his relief, he wouldn't have to endure another minute with her as they finally arrived at their destination.

All of them were at the school's mini forest eating the sandwiches Hyejin made for the group. "Morning," he greeted dully while the female beside him did otherwise.

Ironincally, the two of them had the same circle of friends which made avoiding her all the more impossible.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Had a bad dream?" Namjoon commented as he put down the book he was reading.

"More like a nightmare," Jin turned his eyes to the main source of his stress, "and I might still have not woken up yet."

"Unnie! Are you tormenting Jin-oppa again? It's so early in the morning!"

Hyejin glanced pitifully at said man and offered him another sandwich. He gladly took one and returned his attention to the girl who was busy stuffung her cheeks with food.

Byulyi swallowed the last bits of fiid in her mouth and looked at the supposed tormented man. A teasing smile formed on her lips and Jin could already feel the headache coming through.

"It's not my fault he's always affected by my presence."

He could only groan at what she said and rubbed his temples. It was too early for his daily mental gymnastics with Moon Byulyi.

"I didn't know that your feelings for me run that deep, Jin-ah!" He clicked his tongue at the dramatic expression on her face. This tiny reaction only seemed to satisfy her as she continued on with her presumptious assumptions. And it's not even an exaggeration that she will always find ways to flirt so openly like that. It even came to the point that she was nicknamed as "Greasy Moonstar" in their group.

It's not that he hates it but it's because he doesn't know how to normally respond to those kind of interactions and that might be the reason why she likes to tease him more than the others.

"The only feelings I have for you us annoyance."

"Aren't you sure that's just your heart skipping a beat for me?"

"100% sure it's annoyance."

As expected, this didn't do any damage to her but instead she jumped up from the spot she was seating on and appeared right in front of him in a flash. He was about to shoo her off when she suddenly leaned down to his face with both of her hands on either side of the chair's arms completely trapping him.

A collective group of gasps can be heard around them but Jin could only focus on the girl in front of him. This was probably the boldest move she has made on him. Having her this close makes him feel nervous for some unknown reason.

His glasses were removed from his face and even without them, he could still clearly see her face as she puts them on. With a (cute) grin, she leaned down even closer tilting his chin as if she was going to kiss him and this made his eyes go wide.

"How about now?"

A blush could be seen on his cheeks; Byulyi smirked, "Did I make your heart skip a beat?"

Jin fidgeted in his seat until the sound of other students getting ready for their morning jog broke the spell she had on him, "N-no."

At that, Byulyi gave him the space he badly needed. The grin on her face not faltering for a bit, "Is that so? Guess I'll have to try harder then."

And with that she finally took her leave. She bid them farewell and sent him a flying kiss before running away.

If Jin thought she couldn't rattle him anymore than she had, well, he thought wrong. Who would've though that this would be the start of their game cat and mouse?

He put a hand on his face only to realize that she never returned his glasses.

'Aish, that girl really gives me a headache.'


Jin was peacefully reading a book when he saw Byulyi going his direction. Her lilac hair swinging behind her in a high ponytail.


She happily took the seat beside him and beamed (cutely) as if she was that happy to see him. Seeing her wearing his glasses unexplainably made his stomach tie in knots. It was kind of like seeing your girlfriend wear your sweatshirt kind of feeling.

Not that he's saying she could pass as his girlfriend but that's besides the point.

A blush lightly crept on his cheeks at the thought.

Byulyi seemed to notice as her face went back to that usual smirk that annoys him so much, "Did I make your heart skip a beat?"

He merely rolled his eyes. "No," he replied, closing the book that he was reading before he stood up, "You did not."

He started to walk away and hasn't realized that he forgot to retrieve his glasses from her. Again.

Byulyi could only chuckle as she stared at his back, "How cute."


In a surprising turn of events, it was Jin's turn to reach out to Byulyi first. He had asked her to tutor him in Business Math because he was one quiz away from failing the subject.

He silently thanked the gods as she didn't do her usual teasing and focused mainly on teaching him. In fact, he even understood the lecture easier from her than their professor.

'Maybe I should always ask her to tutor me.'

While he was redoing the activities from their previous lecture, she was busy sketching something on a piece of paper. Probably for her art class. He couldn't see much because her hair was covering half of his view. All he could make out was that it was a person.

His eyes then went from the drawing to the artist. It always surprised him how she can become a whole different person in his eyes when she wasn't flirting with him. Like right now, simply watching her immerse herself in her craft makes her look cute, especially when she tilts her head with a pout scrutinizng her work.



Jin blinked and immediately blushed as he realized that he had spoken his thoughts out loud. "N-nothing!"

She only shook her head at him lightly chuckling and went back to sketching, "Whatever you say Jin."

He coughed to divert her attention elsewhere, "So who are you sketching?"

"Someone I like."

The answer was so simple and unexpected that he could only make a sound as a response. Somehow in the pit of his stomach, he felt something sink and started fidgeting in his seat.

"It's you dumbass." She said nonchalantly without even looking up from her paper.

Jin gasped and almost fell out of his chair if she didn't grab onto his wrist at the right time.

"Shhh! Be quiet!"

The two of them quickly apologized to the librarian. When they have settled things like before, Byulyi can't help the teasing grin on her face as she stared at the flusteted Jin. He could only glare at her but it only made her grin wider.

"Did I make your heart skip a beat?" She asked raising an amused brow.

Jin frowned, "So it's still about that?"

Byulyi only shook her head smiling.


Taught to be a gentleman and since he was greatful that she spared some time to teach him, he walked her back to her dorm. It was the least he could do aside from letting her make fun fun of him from earlier's scene.

She took the sketch from her noteboom and handed it to him as evidence, "I really did draw you though."

Jin halt in his step. The heat on his face reached the tip of his ears and he doesn't know anymore what to say. In her sketch, he was working on some stuff the same way he did a while ago. It was a pretty good sketch, however, it gave off a personal vibe. Was this how she always saw him?


He turned his attention to her and was surprised that she was already in his personal space. He felt her touch on his face only to realize that she was finally returning his glasses. It didn't last long as he thought it would and somehow that disappointed him a little bit.

"Thanks for walking me home."

And with that she continued her way to her dorm leaving him in a state of confusion and flustered. Today has definitely been a swirl of events for him and it's all becausr of her. She flirted with him nonstop and even gave him a parting gift of some sorts. Yet she acted so normal throughout.

He examined the sketch and found himself smiling at the little note behind it.

'Did it make your heart skip a beat?'


The following days, things went on as usual except for one thing. Jin was sipping some of the tea that Hyejin brewed and enjoying the serene atmosphere in their usual spot. While no sight of one Moon Byulyi could be found, and this somehow put him on edge.

It has been days since he last saw her and whenever he did, she would only smile at him and go the opposite direction.

'Is she avoiding me?'

His eyes would secretly scan their surroundings to see a tinge of lilac but to his dismay, there was none. The book on his lap was completely forgotten as he took another biscuit from Hyejin's basket.

"Hey, what's got you so restless?"

Two pairs of curious eyes looked at him and he could only offer them a shrug.

"Nothing, just thinking about the quiz I'll have later." He lied.

Namjoon could only hum in response, "Didn't you have Byul-noona teach you?"


"So what's there to worry about?"

Before he could answer, Hyejin asked her own question. "Oppa, did you and unnie fight that day?"

This caused him to look at her weirdly, "No, why?"

She pursed her lips and debated whether to tell him or not, "I just noticed that you two hardly talk to each other after that....so I was wondering if something happened."

"Now that you mentioned it, she doesn't flirt with you as much as before and rarely joins us for breaks." Namjoon added.

Jin could only stare at his friends since he didn't know what to say. Typically, he would rejoice in having this peace and quiet but now it just feels weird. He hates to admit it but having Byulyi flirt with him has become a part of his life now and maybe a little part of him misses her.

"Well I guess you can finally have a break from her teasing, ne?"

He could only frown at Hyejin. It's not like he hated her presence. He just doesn't know how to react to her teasing and really he wasn't one to entertain those kind of things despite being popular. His mind was set on studying and graduating with flying colors so he can apply for a decent job. That's it.

Yet here he was feeling down for the past couple of days because he hasn't talked to her.

"Waahh don't tell me you miss her oppa?"

"Who's missing who?"

His ears perked up at the familliar voice and immediately turned to its owner.

"Unnie!" "Noona."

Byulyi grinned widely as she skipped towards their spot and occupied the seat beside her favorite person. She sent him a wink before grabbing one of the trears Hyejin made.

"God I missed your cooking."

"Just where have you been this week, unnie?"

"Yeah, we rarely saw you."

She heaved a sigh and slouced on her seat dramatically, "Hell week, our teacher suddenly made us pass our assignments on the same day so I had to work twice as hard."

Jin stared at her as she rambled about her projects and assignment she had that week. A fond smile formed on his face and found himself attentively listening to every word she says that was until she turned her attention to him.

"Did you miss me that much you're staring at me so openly, Jagiya?"

Usually he would scoff but this time he patted her head and smiled, "Maybe a little bit."


And maybe it was just the heat or he's starting to see things, he saw a tiny speck of pink on her cheeks.


Everything came back to normal for Jin. He's studying at the library with a certain lilac lady teasing him at his side. It was the usual flirting that he still cannot get used to and somehow this time he also feels something else whenever she does so.

At first he thought he was getting the usual headache, but now that he looks at her, even if he is slightly annoyed, he can't help but to feel happy. He can't stop smiling yet he also wants to hide until he can get back his composure. His hands feel clammy that sweat is seeping through the pages of the book he was reading. His stomach feels full and not full at the same time. He just can't keep still when she was around!

He must be going crazy.

"Awww how cute your ears are red, Jagiya. Are you that happy I'm by your side again?"

"It's because of the heat."

"It's already autumn."

"Shut up." He hissed and buried his face on the book he was reading.

His attempt in hiding his flushed face turned futile when Byulyi took his book and slid closer to him. Close enough that he could smell her shampoo and god he just wanted to bury himself in her hair.

'What am I thinking?' He shook his head to clear off his thoughts.

"Ne Jin," he turned his attention back to her and was surprised to see that she suddenly wore a serious expression on her face.


"Will you go out with me?"

He almost fell off his seat if only he hadn't had the wall as support. Words won't come out and his throat suddenly felt dry. It was just so sudden! He wasn't even sure what he thinks of her yet.

But when he saw her hiding her giggles, he can't help but to scoff. She almost had him there.

"So did I make your heart skip a beat?"

Something snapped inside of him as it was his turn to lean towards her. He was irritated, annoyed, and disappointed.

"Nice try," he said smirking, "You have to try harder than that but yes, I'll go out with you."

And with that he was the one who finally left her gaping like an idiot.


Jin was out in the field with Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin when Byulyi arrived. She held a basket and had a towel on her shoulder; she waved to the boys and he had to step back. He hadn't expected this.

His friends started snickering and cheering for their friend as he facepalmed himself.

"So it is true that you and noona are dating!" Taehyung put an arm around him putting him in a bro hug.

"About damn time!" Jimin exclaimed as he clapped his hands.

"What is that even supposed to mean?!" Jin exclaimed.

"Like you don't know! You two have been dancing around each other since junior year. I swear to God, I don't know if you're dense or noona is blind for liking you."

Jimin raised an eyebrow at him. It really was exasperating (albeit amusing) to watch their interactions. It didn't really have to take a genius like his Namjoon-hyung to know that the two of them like each other.

"Please, she flirts with anyone."

He could only roll his eyes. He turned to his other hyung and asked, "Can I hit him?"

Namjoon can only laugh and shook his head, "but Jimin's right tho. Have you actually seen her flirt with anyone besides you?"

Jin felt the arm around him tightened as Tae nugded his head, "You stupid hyung!!!!"

"Yah let me go!"

"Anyways, now you two owe me money." Jimin rubbed his hands together and grinned widely at his friends.

Jin scoffed at his friends, "You bet money on us?!"

"Well you can't blame us, hyung. You two are quite an interesting pair." Namjoon merely smirked and gestured for the others to go back to the bleachers, "C'mon we can't keep your girlfriend waiting."

Byulyi spotted the four walking towards her direction so she started setting up the things she brought. She took out the water cannisters and some fresh towels for them.

"Oh thank you noona. Jin-hyung sure is lucky to have you." Jimin has already started the teasing session and Jin has already enough of it. He sat down at one of the bleachers and started drinking.

Just why in the world did he even say yes that day?


Jin turned and froze. She was already sitting beside him and was wearing his jersey. HIS JERSEY!!! He quickly regained himself; she looked cute though. Crossing his arms over his chest, he stuttered "W-what?"

"Let's go somewhere later. You and me."

"Like a date?"

"Duh! So whatcha say?"

Four pairs of eyes eagerly looked at him as they waited for his response. He doesn't really much have of a choice, does he? He heaved a sigh.

Besides, when has he ever ignored her?



Later that day, the two of them agreed to meet up at the school bus stop. Jin spotted her sitting on one of the benches with her headphones on. She was bopping her head to some tunes. He tapped her shoulder, "Byul-ah".

"Jin!" She immediately smiled as she saw him and he started to feel nervous all of a sudden. However he was not given enough time to dwell on it as she grabbed his hand.

"Did that make your heart skip a beat?" She asked grinning.

Jin only rolled his eyes and put both of their hands in the pocket of his coat effectively pulling her beside him, "No, try harder."

She chuckled before the two of them got on the bus.

"So where are we actually going?" He looked down at her.

"To the sea," she replied not even bothering to look at him.

"What? Why?"

"Because why not?"

He decided not to press any further because he knows it will lead to nowhere.

'Might as well enjoy myself.'


Once they reached their destination, the two of them enjoyed the view for the first hour. It was actually quite calming just listening to the waves crash on the seashore, birds flying at the sky, and some kids playing on the sand.

The two of them were seated on the wooden stairs located not too far from the shore. Jin insisted on staying there since they didn't bring a set of clothes with them so getting wet was not an option.

He cleared his throat, "So why'd you ask me out?" He asked raising a brow.

"Why'd you say yes?" She laughed lightly and mirrored his expression.

His face became red and thank god for sunsets because it hid his blushing face perfectly, "Uh, because I..." he cursed, "I don't know!"

She chuckled and the two of them stared at each other. As cliché as it sounds, Jin felt like the world suddenly stopped. He found himself lost in her doe eyes and his heart started beating faster than it usually does when he was with her.

"Jin," Byulyi whispered inching a bit closer, "Jagiya~"

"Don't call me---"

She leaned in; her face was about two inches away from him. He could feel her breath hitting his cheeks, "Does this make your heart skip a beat?" She asked, leaning in even closer to his face, which flushed red.

Jin couldn't answer. He felt like his tongue was tied to his teeth preventing him from answering, damn Moon Byulyi. Damn, damn, he hadn't predicted this. Stupid Jin, he underestimated her again.

Even though she invades his space a lot, it was never this close! The last time she did this was when she took his glasses from him. He only expected her to continue this silly game of hers but not this. One more move and their lips would touch!

He recollected his thoughts as he tried to figure out what his next move will be. There was only one thing he could do in this situation but he's too embarassed to admit it. But he can't let her walk away leaving him dumbfounded, confused, and longing again. He can't lose!

Even if there was no official bet, just the idea of winning over her was enough. It was enough.

And maybe it would answer all the thoughts on his head and heart.

"Jin-ah," Byulyi's voice called him out of his thoughts, "You still here?"

Here it goes.

After a deep, deep, deep breathe, "No," he put a hand on the back of her head and replied, "but I'm sure this will." He pressed his lips onto hers.

Byulyi looked stunned; she didn't answer for a second before leaning in again for another kiss. "No...fair," she whispered in between their kisses, "You cheater." She muttered as he slowly allowed her to breathe.

Jin could only chuckle at how cute she looked right now. He gave her another peck before settling her in his arms.

It was crazy how his friends were right about the two of them all along. At first he really thought of everything they were doing was an annoying game but it was just a stupid way on how to get together because they were either both too dense or like as Jimin said, stupid.

Maybe he should also pay on that bet of theirs.

- end -

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