My Antidote - Soobin x Huenin...


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Huening Kai is a nurse in training and is assigned to watch a peculiar boy who always seems to be getting him... More



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        Kai woke up the next morning feeling a bit colder than usual, which is weird considering the fact that it is the middle of spring. He reached his arms out to hold onto Soobin to keep himself warmer but he only grabbed air. He opened his eyes to see that his boyfriend was missing.

Reluctantly, he got up from bed and stumbled his way over to the door. Kai heard some music from downstairs but just to be sure he called out to Soobin and felt relieved when he got a response. He then made his way over to the bathroom to wash his face and put on his eyepatch. Afterwards, he made his way downstairs in his half-asleep state to go find Soobin.

"Good morning Baby," Soobin greeted as Kai shuffled his way into the kitchen.

"Hi," Kai hugged Soobin from behind, "What are you doing?"

"Making you breakfast before school starts," Soobin replied as he flipped the egg he was frying.

"What are you my dad or something?" Kai joked.

"No," Soobin laughed, "but I could be, if you know what I mean." It took  Kai a minute to understand what Soobin meant and once he got it the older boy received a slap in the stomach before Kai went to go sit down at the table.

"I'm only kidding," Soobin smiled as he grabbed a plate to place the food on, "but I just wanted to make sure you're able to eat today before you go to class. You sleep in so late that you never have time for breakfast."

"But you sleep just as late, if not later," Kai pointed out, "How come you're up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"How come?"

"That message from Beomgyu," Soobin sat down next to Kai and gave him his food, "I can't get that weird message from Beomgyu out of my head."

"What do you think it means?" Kai asked, "It almost sounds like some sort of threat."

Soobin shrugged, "I have no idea."

"Well I have a lot of weekend homework to do so I'm probably going to stay at my dorm until Monday," Kai explained, "Even though Beomgyu is ignoring me for some reason I can do my best to pry an answer out of him."

Soobin nodded in response before turning his attention to his own food. They continued with small talk until they were finished with their meals and it was time to clean up.

"What time is it?" Kai asked as he finished rinsing off their plates.

"Time for you to go."

"I don't want to," Kai whined, "I'm still tired."

"Well you have to go or else you're going to fall behind on your classes," Soobin reminded him, "Besides I have work today as well."

Kai looked at the older boy with a confused look on his face, "I thought Yeonjun kicked you out of the mission you were working on?"

"He did," Soobin hesitated, "but I got a call from Taehyun last night wanting me to come help out," Kai tensed up at the name and Soobin noticed so he placed his hand on Kai's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down, "I doubt it's anything serious so do not worry."

Kai hissed, "I don't trust him."

"It'll be fine Kai," Soobin tried to assure him.

"No," Kai shook his head, "i definitely don't want to go to school now! I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Soobin scoffed, "I've been working with him for years you don't have anything to worry about."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine," Soobin placed a quick kiss on the younger boy's lips, "Seriously you have to go or else you'll get late."

"Okay okay," Kai smiled at the action, "I'll text you when I get out."

Soobin nodded in response and walked the boy to the door. After watching him leave for school, he went back into the kitchen to finish cleaning up the kitchen. He didn't have to meet up with Taehyun until ten that night so he had a lot of time to himself. Not knowing what to do with himself, he went back upstairs to his room in an attempt to fall back asleep and rest up before the big night.


Yeonjun checked the time on his watch. It was now nine at night, the time he was supposed to meet Jeongin at the park, but he was nowhere to be found.


Yeonjun jumped and quickly spun around to meet face to face with Jeongin. "You scared the shit out of me!" he growled.

"Sorry," Jeongin giggled.

Yeonjun's expression turned serious, "Are you ready?"

The younger boy looked nervous but nodded anyways. Yeonjun then motioned for Jeongin to come closer to him and once he did Yeonjun pulled out a towel covered in chloroform and held it over Jeongin's face. The younger boy struggled as he fought to breath and clawed at Yeonjun's arms but Yeonjun was stronger than him and kept his grasp. After a good minute Jeongin's body became limp and Yeonjun managed to catch him to prevent the boy from falling to the ground.

"Don't worry Jeongin," Yeonjun picked up the boy and threw him over his shoulder, "This will be over soon."


"About time you got here," Taehyun scoffed as Yeonjun entered the room with their victim.

"Shut up," Yeonjun rolled his eyes as he sat Jeongin down in the chair that Taehyun had prepared, "Why does is smell so much like gasoline>"

"I got a shipment in," Taehyun motioned over to the eight gasoline cans that sat in the corner of the room.


"To burn down Stray Kids base once we dispose of them," Taehyun tilted his head to the side, "Are you really that dumb? We talked about this already."

"I just forgot it happens," Yeonjun sighed as he finished tying up Jeongin, "Were you able to get everyone out like I asked?"

Taehyun smirked, "It's just the three of us."

Yeonjun nodded and was about to say something but they noticed that Jeongin started to stir.

"He's already waking up?" Taehyun raised a brow, "That was fast."

Jeongin slowly opened his eyes and saw Yeonjun, "Yeonjun?" His gaze scanned the room and when it landed on Taehyun he visibly tensed up.

Taehyun smirked at the boy's reaction. He looked so helpless and Taehyun couldn't be any more satisfied. He wanted to toy with the boy, torture him a bit and get some answers out of him before killing him off, but Taehyun couldn't do that.

He needed to stick to his plan.

Taehyun turned his attention to Yeonjun and attempted to give him a friendly looking smile, "I'll be right back."

As he exited the room, the smile immediately dropped from his face as he made his way down to the kitchen area where he had two bottles of Soju stored in the refrigerator waiting for this night.

Taehyun then threw his bag on the counter and grabbed a small brown bottle from his bag. He ran his thumb over the label which read 'chloroform' and looked over at the alcohol for a split second before opening the bottle in his hand. He took one bottle of Soju and poured about a third of the alcohol and replaced it with chloroform.

Taehyun put the chemical back in his bag before grabbing the two bottles of alcohol, making sure to remember which has been contaminated and continued to make his way back to Yeonjun and Jeongin.

"I'm back," Taehyun announced, his fake smile already plastered back on his face.

"Hey," Yeonjun looked at him confused, "What are those for?"

"To celebrate you idiot," Taehyun handed him a drink, "This was a really hard mission and you did it basically by yourself."

"Yeah you're right," Yeonjun took the bottle and couldn't help but grin at the kind gesture.

"You're my best friend and I'm proud of you," Taehyun held up his bottle, "So I think that calls for a toast."

Yeonjun quickly looked over at Jeongin in confusion before turning back to Taehyun and nodding, "Cheers."

The boys clanked their glasses together before they each took a sip of their drinks.

Yeonjun looked at Taehyun, who had a smug look on his face, and twirled his drink in his hand, "Well I really appreciate all of this but," Yeonjun reached for a gun in his back pocket and pointed it at Taehyun, "I'm going to be the one to take over now."

Taehyun didn't say anything and continued to have the same smug look on his face. This only irritated Yeonjun, " Why are you looking at me like that!"

Taehyun still continued to say nothing and just stare at him with the same expression.

Yeonjun stared back at him and suddenly felt dizzy. He stumbled a bit but still managed to keep his stance, "I'm tired... I'm tired of you a-and Soobin outshining me. Just because I-I can't rob people as well as you o-or I-I can't track people like Soobin," Yeonjun tightened his grip on his gun, "That doesn't mean I'm not as good as you guys!" He chuckled, ""I-I can deceive people and I even tricked you."

Taehyun hummed, "I don't think you did."

"S-shut up!"

"You think you're as good as us but you couldn't be any more wrong," Taehyun walked closer to Yeonjun, until the gun touched his head, "You're pathetic. You're useless. You can't do any of the hard work and you're too scared to get your hands dirty," he smirked "And you claim you're so smart and deceiving but I saw right through your dumb little plan."

Yeonjun dropped his gun and clasped his hands over his mouth before violently coughing.

"If you're so smart I'm sure you figured it out by now," Taehyun lowered his voice, "I poisoned you."

Yeonjun fell down on the ground in a coughing fit and Jeongin screamed his name, immediately gaining the attention of Taehyun.

"Keep your voice down," Taehyun demanded, before grabbing the gun and crouching over the now limp Yeonjun.

"Poor poor Yeonjun," Taehyun caressed the older boy's face, "You lived such a pitiful life. You wanted to work with Stray Kids to take over so you could feel important for once in your life, but unfortunately for you you're not very good at hiding things."

Taehyun removed his hand from Yeonjuns face and frowned when he saw the boy was still slightly breathing. Growing impatient he bashed the back of the gun into Yeonjun's face over and over and over again. Blood began to ooze on the floor and Taehyun sighed before grabbing his wrist, complaining about how tired it is.

Jeongin began to yell out for help and Taehyun glared at him, "Yeonjun just died show a little respect."

Jeongin didn't listen and Taehyun scowled. He knew the other members of Stray Kids were hiding in the building and Jeongin was trying to get their attention. "I'm warning you," Taehyun stood up and made his was over to the corner of the room where the gas canisters were. They were all empty except for one.

To no surprise Jeongin continued to scream and Taehyun made his way back over to the boy with the full gas can in his hand.

"I told you to shut up!" Taehyun shoved the nozzle down Jeongin's throat. Jeongin tried to fight back but Taehyun is stronger than him and the nozzle prevented him from screaming.

Taehyun didn't remove the can until he felt every last drop enter Jeongins body and Jeongin was now quiet.

You could say he was dead silent.

Taehyun dropped the container and went to go sit back down next to Yeonjun. He didn't say anything and just grieved in silence as he twirled the gun in his hand.

About ten minutes later he heard the door open. He only expected one person here today so without even paying attention to who the person was he aimed the gun at him and pulled the trigger.

The person groaned in pain and Taehyun finally looked at the person's face and tsked. He had missed Soobin's face and shot him in the arm instead.

"What the hell Taehyun!" Soobin's eyes wandered to the dead body next to him and gasped, "Yeonjun?"

While Soobin was distracted by his cousin's body, Taehyun stood up so he could get a better aim and shot again. This time the gun barely grazed his face. Taehyun was quick to shoot a third time but the gun was out of bullets. "What?" Taehyun muttered under his breath as he attempted to pull the trigger a few more times.

For the first time in years Taehyun appeared vulnerable in front of Soobin. Soobin ran over to Taehyun and tackled him on the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand. "What did you do too Yeonjun?" Soobin yelled as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

"I killed him," he spoke quietly.

"How could you?" Soobin cried out.

"It was self defense."

"Self defense my ass," he spoke through gritted teeth, "I barely recognized his face because of you."

"I'm not lying."

"I don't believe you!"


"You bastard is that all you have to say?"

Taehyun rolled his eyes. If Taehyun hadn't poisoned Yeonjun then he would have a bullet through his skull right now. Now only if he was able to get one through Soobin's instead.
Using all of his might, Taehyun managed to push Soobin off and made a run for it.

Soobin tried to get up to go after him but the pain in his arm prevented him to do so. He screamed in agony and held the wound with his hand.

What is going on? Why is Taehyun doing this?

"Yeonjun," Soobin muttered, still in disbelief.

Soobin wanted to grieve but he has no time. He needed to find Taehyun and figure out why this is happening.

Slowly he managed to get up and stumbled down the stairs and that's when he saw something even more overwhelming than before.


Beomgyu sat on his bed as he watched the cartoon on their small television with droopy eyes. Kai laid next to him resting his head on Beomgyu's shoulder as he ate cookies and cream popcorn.

Suddenly a breaking news interrupted their show.

Kai whined, his mouth half full, " We were just getting to the good part!"

Beomgyu groaned and opened his eyes to see there was an old building on fire. After a few seconds he recognized the building and looked over at Kai, "Hey isn't that-"

Kai looked at him with his eyes full of worry, "Soobin."



It's so hard to write with my non dominant hand haha please let me know if there are any mistakes that you noticed.

I hope this chapter was okay, it's out of my comfort zone

But yeah I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and feel free to leave your thoughts and feedback. You guys are my number one motivators

And as always tysm for reading :)

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