Expecting the Unexpected (Bak...

By LadysDaze

777K 35.4K 25.7K

"Hey... you like fucking coffee?" Had you known that Bakugou's request toward you as you both held onto your... More

A Warning Before Reading This Book
A Warning to Future Readers... Again
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 13
Week 16
Week 18
Week 20
Week 22
Week 24
Week 26
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 33
Three Months
Six Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Eleven Months
Fifteen Months
Seventeen Months
Twenty Months
Twenty-Four Months (Part 1 Finale)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 13
Week 18
Week 21
Week 25
Week 29
Week 33
Week 40
Birth (Part 2)
Newborn (Part 2)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6
Month 9
Month 12
Month 15
Month 18
Month 24
Month 38
Month 39
Month 40
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Bonus #10

Month 21

4.9K 297 142
By LadysDaze

Month 21

Your home was a lot noisier this morning than it usually was. For once, your husband hadn't slapped his alarm six times before getting up, instead, getting up on the first ring and moving to the bathroom with a little pep in his step.

You watched him from bed, wondering if today was really that much of an ego boost to him. But then again, it wasn't every day that it was career day at your kid's school... and thus, your husband was excited to show off.

You couldn't understand him, as you didn't see the interest in trying to show off in front of a bunch of literal three, four, and five-year-olds. But this was your husband, and any chance to show off and boast about himself was a chance he would take with pride.

The loudness of your home wasn't just in your bedroom either, as it also came from somewhere else in the house. Grabbing yourself a robe, you wandered into Katsuko's room. Sure enough, she was already up and looking through her closet and trying to find what she wanted to wear on this 'special day'.

"Mama!" She cried, a bit startled when she spied you.

"Need some help with finding an outfit?" You asked, bending down to her level.

She had a few outfits picked out, but seemed unable to decide on which one she wanted to wear. Each was a very good choice: a red dress with polka-dots, an orange shirt that would go with denim overalls, and finally a simple t-shirt and black pants. The t-shirt exclaiming in big orange letters "BOOOM!"

A daughter of Ground Zero only got the finest Ground Zero merch after all.

"I think you go with the boom shirt." You told her and saw Katsuko nod her head.

"That's the easiest one to get into!" She cheered and started to get dressed.

You stayed in her room with her and helped her when she needed it, such as brushing her hair and doing it for her. But after five minutes, the little girl was ready and just needed to eat and brush her teeth.

As always, Bakugou had cooked breakfast and was waiting. Katsuko sat herself down and looked around.

"No Roro?" She frowned.

"He has a checkup later today, so I'm going to let him sleep as much as he wants." You told Katsuko.

"He's not going to like the boosters he's getting today." Bakugou hummed.

"I know... but I doubt you'd want to go with him and struggle to get him to stop crying." You teased him.

Bakugou merely glared at you as he sipped his black coffee. Katsuko laughed, finding it funny that her father was bad at consoling her brother. You merely ate your meal and asked Katsuko if she was excited for today.

After thirty minutes of chatter and brushing of the teeth, Katsuko and Bakugou were heading out the door to pre-school. You waved from the balcony of your apartment and smiled. Today was certainly going to be interesting for the pair of them, and you couldn't wait to hear about how it went when they got home tonight.


The hallways of the pre-school were decorated differently once again. This time it seemed the kids had to cut and make flowers out of paper. Some looked good, others looked more like a trash bag. But he didn't comment on it, instead allowing his daughter to chat his ear off.

Bakugou was only half listening though, as he knew his plan for today. That plan is to make sure he was the coolest parent of them all! He wasn't going to let dumb Deku or Half-and-Half outrank him here, or anywhere! Today would be his victory over the kids and all the praise would go to him!

As he internally chuckled, Katsuko opened the door to her classroom and escorted her father in. She immediately dragged him to her teacher and eagerly pointed to him. He came dressed in his hero attire, no stops pulled for his daughter.

"Chie-sensei! See! See! My daddy came as a hero!" She bounced and her teacher nodded.

"I see, Katsuko-chan." Chie-sensei nodded and turned to speak to him. "It's nice to see you again, Bakugou-san. Or should I say Ground Zero-san today?"

The young teacher chuckled at her little joke. Bakugou couldn't help but smirk a little as well. It seemed that she didn't mind him showing up in full gear, so that was good.

"Class is supposed to start in another fifteen minutes, so until then have Katsuko-chan go about her normal routine and when it's time for you, she'll introduce you," Chie-sensei instructed and Bakugou nodded.

Bakugou gently pushed Katsuko to go put her things away and then go to her desk. He meanwhile wandered over to the edge of the classroom, away from all the other kids and parents. It seemed he was rather intimidating, as all the other parents were some elite, rich fucks.

Oh well. He wasn't here to make friends anyway.

Speaking of not making friends... where were those two fucks and their kids?

As if on cue the door to the classroom opened and in walked Yuuto. Bakugou got ready to send a warning glance at Todoroki but was met with not Todoroki... but his wife.

Momo chatted with Chie-sensei, both laughing before she sent Yuuto off and noticed Bakugou. She made her way towards him and smiled.

"Bakugou-san! I should have expected Katsuko would want you here." Momo clapped her hands together. "Looks like we're the only two heroes here too. And here I thought there would be more in this class."

Bakugou hummed. "Where the fuck is your husband?"

Momo laughed. "Yuuto wanted me to come. So, Shoto is at work."

Bakugou smirked. "Ha. The kid likes you better than him. Sucks to be the second string parent."

Momo rose a brow but didn't press on. She learned long ago to not get into a conversation involving Bakugou's ego. So the conversation moved on, and some light talk went on between the two of them.

Finally, with only three minutes until class was supposed to start, the door flung open, and in marched the only missing kid. Hiroki looked out of breath, as did his mother. Chie-sensei offered both some water and the mother-son pair downed the glasses.

Bakugou nearly keeled over. Seriously?! First the Half-and-Half and now Deku too?! Did both their kids seriously prefer their mothers?! Well then again... his own son preferred his mother...

He shook his head as Uraraka dragged herself over after getting Hiroki settled. Momo comfortably patted her shoulder and Uraraka let out a low whine.

"We got off at a station too soon and had to wait twenty minutes for the next one. Poor Hiroki kept saying it was okay if he was late but his eyes were welling up!" Uraraka nearly cried herself. "But we made it! We made it!!"

It was then that Uraraka noticed Bakugou next to her and she waved.

"Oh! Hello, Bakugou-kun."

"Where the hell is your husband?!" Bakugou nearly roared.

Uraraka smirked. "Oh? Am I not good enough to compete with today? How rude of you!"

Bakugou's eyes twitched. "You're still fucking annoying."

"Language, Bakugou-san." Momo wagged her finger in front of him.

Before he could rebuttal, Chie-sensei came to the front of the class and clapped her hands together. All the noise quieted down and the children had trouble sitting in their seats. She placed a finger on her lips and all the kids made a shushing sound.

"Welcome everyone! We've been preparing a lot for our career day! So, let's see what kid and their parent will go first!"

Chie-sensei pulled out a hat and reached into it. She read the name of the kid and up they went. The presentation seemed to go as follows: a kid would read something they wrote about their parent, introduce their parent, the parent would talk for a few minutes, and then the kids could ask the parent some questions.

Bakugou waited through what felt like a long and boring lecture from Aizawa-sensei. Uraraka was the first of the three dressed in hero attire to go up. Hiroki and her showed off their matching quirks and lots of kids wanted to know what rescue heroes did.

Momo was next. Yuuto calmly and with some rather big words explained his mother's role at UA and how her quirk worked. Momo finished off with making tiny little figures of herself in those dolls she always made.

"Katsuko-chan." Chie-sensei read the last slip of paper from the hat.

"Finally!" Katsuko called and jumped up from her seat.

She stood before everyone and smiled widely. "I'm here to talk about my daddy! He's a hero, but he's the best hero! He fights bad guys all the time and makes sure we are all safe! He might look scary, but he's really nice! I love him and I can't wait to be a hero like him!"

It was shorter than the others but surely got the point across. Bakugou marched forward through applause. He rubbed Katsuko's locks, making her smile happily. He stood and faced his crowd.

"I'm Katsuko's father- Bakugou Katsuki. But you all might know me as the hero, Ground Zero." He spoke. "I'm in the top ten and work hard to not only keep our city safe but make it a good place to live."

He gave the best speech he could, but by the end of it, Bakugou was ready to just answer some questions. So he was glad to see that nearly every kid had their hand up when he asked for questions.

He pointed to one kid and braced himself for the question.

"Is it true that you fought one hundred bad guys all by yourself?!" One kid exclaimed.

Before he could answer, Katsuko stomped her foot.

"It is true, Hito-chan! I told you!" She cried out.

"No, it's not!" Hito-chan said back.

"Yes, it is!" She spoke back.

"Oi!" Bakugou shouted, getting all the kids to look at him again.

"It's not true," Bakugou spoke, looking at his daughter. "It was two hundred."

He understood now what had happened. Katsuko had talked him up... but luckily... she had not talked him up enough.



"How are you alive?"

"Let me tell you kids... never think you can overpower me," Bkaugou smirked. "It would take at least a thousand to even make me worried!"

"How did you win, Ground Zero?!"

"I beat 'em all!" He called back. "My quirk makes it real damn easy to do so!"


"He swore!"

"He said a bad word, Chie-sensei!"

Chie-sensei clapped her hands and came forward. Bakugou looked at her with worried eyes. She shook her head in disappointment at him.

"You're in my classroom, Ground Zero. Therefore, put a hundred yen coin into the swear jar. We have a swearing toll in this classroom."

Bakugou embarrassingly put one in, only to return with more fever. Katsuko was next to him and it appeared she was ready to show off her quirk besides her father. The pair demonstrated how their quirks worked, earning a lot of cries of awestruck from the crowd.

It seemed even Chie-sensei and the other parents were starting to get interested in Bakugou's tales. However, not everyone was new to his great ego or how far he'd go to prove his strength. From the back of the crowd, Momo and Uraraka sighed in unison.

"Well... there goes the ego." Uraraka chuckled.

"We both knew he'd be popular though." Momo joined in.

"(Name) is going to have a very interesting dinner conversation between those two, huh, Momo?" Uraraka smiled.

"I have a feeling she'll be rather envious of not getting to come and see herself." Momo laughed.

Perhaps next time... you'd get to see how much of a child-pleasing hero your husband had turned into. But for today... it was only for the eyes of those who had come to career day.

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