Figure it out

By DeFuta23

60.2K 3K 114

What would you feel when you came back and had a crush on someone who turns out to be your fiancee? Follow Ky... More

✔Chapter 1: Welcome Home, Soldier!
✔Chapter 2: Cupcake and a Transfer.
Chapter 3: Park
Chapter 4: Hit and run
Chapter 5: Wanna go out tomorrow?
Chapter 6: Getting to know you
Chapter 7: Coffee
Chapter 8: Hi Captain!
Chapter 9: Goody-two-shoe
Chapter 10: First I Love You
Chapter 11: Time is fast.
Chapter 12: Surprise!
Chapter 13: Ghosted.
Chapter 14: Hide and Seek
Chapter 15: Avogadro's wish
Chapter 16: Some Stuffs
Chapter 17: Random Days
Chapter 18: Boutique
Chapter 19: Into You
Chapter 21: The truth
Chapter 22: Time
Chapter 23: Finale

Chapter 20: Lieutenant Sofia

1.6K 92 11
By DeFuta23

This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

A Vote is very much appreciated.


Chloe's POV

"It's cold" Kyle said, burying her face at the side of my neck as i did the same. I'm currently at Kyle's place since it's weekend, and we haven't gotten up from bed for the past hour. I think i woke up at Eight in the morning and it's already quarter to ten. I'm straddling her as she leaned at the headboard just snuggling with each other.

"Dress properly if your cold" i said against her neck. She was just wearing a black muscle tee and her boxer. She said she was lazy to wear something else last night after we got home from the prom and just went straight to bed.

"I don't wanna move" she replied. I could feel her sniffing my neck and it slightly tickles me. But we were suddenly interrupted by her stomach, growling loudly.

"I think the inside you does..." i chuckled and gently sat up, "come on, I'll make some pancakes" i offered and she just hummed smiling with her eyes still closed.

I stood up from the bed and held her hand, pulling her out of the room as she kept her eyes still closed. As we walk towards the kitchen i eyed her body, the muscle tee showed her arms, it was toned and there are traces of scars on it. The veins in her wrist are quite visible.

"Picture last longer" she suddenly said making me looked in her eyes, she was smirking at me.

"The real thing is much better" i said holding her arms and pulled her to a stool making her sit.

"I'm doing all the cooking, you're my audience" i said as i put on the apron then took out the ingredients.

"I'm your number One fan, Ms. Chloe" She teased, resting her chin on her hand at the table. It makes her more attractive with that confidence of her.

I started to mix in the ingredients and whip them together, creating a nice smell with them, i like this kind of smell. Then i started up the stove and put a pan on it. All the time, i could feel her watch me. Intently.

"I like this view..." she suddenly murmured as i hummed back, "i could picture you cooking meals, with our children running around" i looked up to her as she suddenly walked behind me, engulfing me in a hug. "Two to four children, what do you think?" She had her eyes closed as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

I moved the pancake to the plate as i turned off the stove and faced her, "that would be lovely..." i smiled then i went to a serious face, "but i know that hurts, so one or two is enough. I will do all the carrying if you must know" i said as a matter of factly.

"Oh yeah..." she said finally realizing her thoughts.

"And they said you're a genius. Come on now! Let's eat, I'm famished" i said pulling her to the table.


"Hey babe, wanna go to my parents?" She suddenly asked as we snuggled up in her bed. It was near dinner and we plan to just order pizza.

I looked up to her as she fiddle with her phone, "we gonna have dinner there?" I asked.

"I think so, Ma said, there was a little get together with Ma and Pa's friend." She said showing me her Mother's message.

"Ok. I'll just take a quick shower" i said forcing myself to get up from her comforts.

I quickly finished since i didn't want her waiting again like last time. I put on light make up to make myself presentable. My phone beep up and saw my Mother's message, saying they were also invited at the Smith's house and they're on their way there.

"Babe, i just got mom's message, they said they were also invited and they're on their way there too." I said to her who was sitting at the bed putting her shoes on.

"Of course they would, they're friend with my parents since i don't know when" she shrugged getting fussy with her shoelaces. I walked to her and sat infront of her.

"Here, let me" i said taking the laces from her and untangle them first before tying them firmly, "this is the first time you got trouble over the shoe lace" i said and she sighed.

"It's nothing, i just felt nervous suddenly but i think it's gone now" she said cupping my cheeks then kissed my forehead, "ready?"

"Since i was born" i laughed as we head out.

I didn't know what it was too but as we got closer to their house, i felt my stomach dropping. I was nervous but not like nervous nervous? Get it? I don't know too, i just felt like something is gonna happen. A gut feeling.

"You alright?" She asked taking my hand as she stopped in their driveway. There were also different cars out there and the house seems to lit up tonight.

"Yeah, i think so. Why?"

"Nothing, you just suddenly got silent" she took my hand and squeezed it.

"It's nothing" i smiled, "I love you" i said to her.

She put my hand on her cheek and kissed my palm as she stared at me lovingly. What did i do to get someone like her? I'm like the luckiest person alive right now and i wouldn't do anything stupid like lose her.

We got out of the car and went inside, only to be greeted by her mother's Bear hug

"It's good to see you, Honey" she said as she hugged me tightly.

"Ma, that's mine..." Kyle suddenly whined, surprising me, along with her mother.

"Oh it's not like I'm taking her away from you" she said releasing me and giving her a hug too.

"Hey that's unfair. You gave her a bear hug and you just hug-hug me" i chuckled with her childish side. It was cute.

"Oh hush... let's get inside now" her mother said before turning away and walked inside leaving us by the door.

"Sometimes i get jealous of you from stealing my mother's affection" she pouted as she grabbed my hand

"Oh come here you..." i said pulling her cheek and giving her a kiss, "the only affection i want is yours" i said smiling at her and she finally smiled back.

"Ok, do you maybe wanna ditch out and maybe just get in the bed now?" She said wriggling her brows up and down as she smiled widely.

"Shut up..." i joked and pulled her in as she just laughed at me.

There were other people in the kitchen and i could here others across the hall. Kyle pulled me in the kitchen first, where her mother and others were chatting up while preparing foods.

"Oh is this Kyle now... my, you've grown" a woman said, she has a short red curly locks S hair and wore a purple dress.

"Hey Aunt Tessie" Kyle greeted, firmly holding my hand as the lady walked to her and gave her a kiss in the cheeks.

"And who's that beside you..." another one said who was taking out a freshly baked pie.

"Oh This is Chloe, my girlfriend." She said pulling me near her as she placed her arm at my back.

"But i thought... oh nevermind mind. Hello sweety, I'm Via, Kyle's aunt" the lady said. What did she thought? Maybe she heard i was her fiancee at some point.

"And I'm Tessie" the lady infront of us said. I offered a hand but she shook her head, instead she just hugged me.

"Since you're her Girlfriend, we do the hugs" she winked before going back to chopping the fruits.

"Ok guys, we're going to the others... catch you later" Kyle said holding my hand again and she guided me to the living room, where my parents and unfamiliar and some known faces were talking happily with everyone.

"There you are, Honey" Mom said as she greeted me with a hug then the same to Kyle.

"Is that Chloe now? She looked like a fine lady for my son" suddenly, Uncle George said walking to me eyeing me up and down but was stopped by Kyle putting her body infront of me trying to block his view, which she could with her height, "oh Kyle... you know her too?" He asked cluelessly.

"George, Chloe is hers, didn't we told you that like earlier?" His wife said. Kelly Love.

"Oh i thought it was a different Chloe" he said scratching the back of his head, "I'm sorry 'bout that Kyle and Chloe, please forget i said anything" he said with sincerity.

"I-it's all good, uncle" i said holding Kyle's arm who was eyeing him seriously. I pulled Kyle to sit beside my parents as we joined the other's in the talk. The whole time, one of Kyle's arm was wrapped behind me to my waist. It was a kind of security but i felt shy with the others who would glance at her arms.

After a while, her mother called that the food was ready. We all made our way in the dining table and the food smelled heavenly. Then in the middle of eating while talking with everyone, there was a knock on the front door, which his father answered. We all could hear him talking and laughing with the person who just came in. They walked happily in the dining room and everyone greeted them.

"Good evening guys, sorry we're late. The meeting got held back" a guys in black Military uniform with white hair said smiling kindly to everyone.

"General Williams..." Kyle said and stood up from her seat, Saluting the man who just arrived.

"Hey There Captain" The man playfully saluted back as he smiled widely at Kyle, "How have you been, Kyle?" He asked sitting in an empty chair a seat away from Kyle.

"I've been good, General" She answered.

"Just Matt, please... beside we're close so why not" the man shrugged.

"How's the Civilian Life, Cap?" The man asked.

"It's awesome... everything is new to me" Kyle excitedly said making everyone laugh but then stopped when another one entered, it was a girl. Probably a little older than my age, she has brown hair and was exceptionally tall wearing a black and red outfit.

"Sofie, here" The man said waving his hand at the girl.

"Little Sofie has grown too, i see" the others commented. I felt a sudden squeezed at my thigh that made me suddenly turn to Kyle, she had her heads down and i could sense discomfort from her.

"Are you alright?" I whispered slightly squeezing her hand back. She glanced at me and tried to smile.

"Yeah... i think so" she said trying to compose herself.

"I heard you were accepted at M.A?" George asked the girl who just came in.

"Oh you're late in the news, she's already in her sophomore year" the General said.

"What? That's great!" Everyone cheered as the walked towards the empty chair beside Kyle.

She stopped infront of the chair and without notice, she hugged Kyle, which surprised me and her too.

"Hey Kyle. How have you been?" She excitedly asked without releasing her from the hug. I could feel her squeezed my hand gently, reassuring me that this was nothing. She tried to remove the girls arm gently.

"I'm good, Lieutenant." She uncomfortably said.

"Lieutenant? Come on, it's sofia to you right? Or better yet... baby?" The girl laughed kissing her cheeks suddenly.

"I'm sorry, but i already have a girlfriend who i could only call babe" Kyle said, wiping her cheeks. Then i was surprised, when she suddenly put our intertwined hands on the table, i felt shy but she was showing that she's already taken.

"Yeah right" the girl scoff, "i know you and that's fine"

"A-anyway everyone, the food is gonna get cold. Let's enjoy" Kyle's parent said, trying to ease the tension these two were building.

While eating, everyone was throwing question after question to others and some were to Kyle and these girl, called Sofia or Sofie.

I feel like i've seen her before... Sofia Williams? Oh wait! She was that girl in the picture on Kyle's room!

When everyone finished dinner, some people bid good bye and left already but a few stayed for a while, chatting with others. Kyle and me was talking about going home now and just waited for her mother to pop in the kitchen while we snack on the sliced fruits.

"Hey... I'm sorry about earlier" she suddenly said.

"What about earlier?" I asked, a little confused.

"You know, when they came in? I never told you about her or anything aside me, doing Military jobs" she confessed holding my hand.

"Aww... come on babe, i trust you. So it's ok, you can tell me anytime you want" i said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"There's Ma!" She said, "Ma!" She called which made her mother walk in the kitchen.

"What is it, sweetie?" She asked walking beside us.

"Well, we were about to head out and we just wanna tell you but you guys were busy with others... anyway, we're going home now" she said giving her mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh okay, sweetie. Take care on the way, you two" she said giving Kyle a kiss on the cheek too and the same to me.

We walked to where everyone are and said our goodbyes then head out, as Kyle held the car door open for me. I saw someone running to us, it was Sofia.

"Kyle, wait!" She called out. I look up to Kyle only to see her eyes forced shut and sighed deeply.

"Get inside, Babe. I'll make this quick" she said and i just nodded, watching from the inside as she walked to the driver's side. She stepped a little far to the car but still visible to me. I saw how that Sofia leaped up and jump to Kyle wrapping her arms to her necks and how Kyle tried to remove her arms, i know they were talking but i couldn't see neither their faces because Kyle's back were facing me and her height was blocking her from my view.

About five minutes later, i can see Kyle walked to the car with an angry expression. It was the first time, even when we fought she never showed that look. She got in and immediately started the engine, i look to where Sofia was standing and she had this smirk on her faces as she waved her hand before we zoom off.

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