My Antidote - Soobin x Huenin...


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Huening Kai is a nurse in training and is assigned to watch a peculiar boy who always seems to be getting him... More



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     The next morning, Kai woke up completely covered by a blanket at his face nuzzled into someone's chest. He's been in this situation before but this time he didn't have to panic because this person was Soobin, who is now officially his boyfriend. Kai could feel his cheeks heat up again, so he buried his face even deeper into Soobin's check.

Yes, they are officially dating now, but that doesn't mean Kai still doesn't feel giddy and nervous around here.

"Stop it," the older boy groaned as he slightly pushed Kai away.

Kai frowned, "Why did you do that?"

"Sleep," Soobin murmured before turning the other way.

Kai's frown deepened and he tugged on the older boy's sleeve to get him to turn back around but this resulted in his hand getting swatted away. 

Sighing, Kai turned his back towards Soobin and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. There weren't any new messages so he just stared blankly at his home screen. It was already eleven in the morning. He wanted to get up and do something with his new boyfriend but he seemed to be too tired to want to do anything.

Kai unwillingly let out another sigh and this caused Soobin to turn back over and wrap an arm around Kai. The younger boy jumped at the action and turned his head to look back at Soobin.

"I'm sorry if I seem grumpy," Soobin pulled him closer, "Let's just sleep for a little longer, okay?"

Kai gave him a small smile in return, "Okay."


The next couple of days Soobin and Kai would spend all of their time together, besides when Kai was at school. Whenever Nurse Choi was home she would flash Kai a thumbs up but Soobin always noticed and it embarrassed him a lot. Besides that, Soobin has really enjoyed himself these past few days. Kai made him happy and for once his life felt normal.

No violence.

No kidnapping.

No hostages.

No drug deals.

Just a normal day to day life full of watching movies, going on dates, and talking about nonsense. He hasn't had this kind of lifestyle since he was a kid and part of him missed it. 

On the other hand Kai was enjoying himself as well. Soobin really is a sweet guy, but it's obvious he hasn't been in many relationships before. He stumbles a lot when he gets nervous and doesn't always know what to say or when it's the right time to show affection. Kai isn't even sure if Soobin knew how to properly show affection, but that was okay. Kai thought it was really cute and he was more than happy to show him. 

Although he was having a really good time there was one thing that was bothering him.

Kai's phone beeped and he quickly grabbed it to check the notification but threw it back down when he saw it was only an email.

Soobin paused the movie they were currently watching and looked over at Kai who was visibly upset, "Still haven't from him?"

"I don't get it. I tried texting and calling him these past few days but he doesn't answer," Kai pouted his lips, "And whenever I stop at my dorm to do homework or pick up something he just ignores me. I thought Beomgyu was my best friend."

The night Kai and Soobin officially became a couple, he went back downstairs to tell Beomgyu and let him know that he wanted to stay the night with him. Beomgyu didn't say anything and just left.

"It'll be okay," Soobin leaned over and placed a kiss on Kai's cheek, "Just give him a little time."

"It's been three whole days!" Kai whined, "And I didn't do anything wrong. I don't understand what he needs time for."

"I umm," Soobin paused for a moment, "I don't know Kai I'm sorry. I wish I could help in some way."

Kai made grabby hands at the older boy and Soobin pulled him into a hug, allowing the younger to rest his head on his shoulder. "I'm happy you're here for me," he giggled.

Soobin slightly pulled away so he could place a kiss on Kai's lips and the younger eagerly returned it. Things started to get heated and Soobin pushed Kai down on the couch and got on top of him to deepen the kiss. Kai responded to this by wrapping his arms around Soobin's neck and pulling at his hair when suddenly Soobin's phone started to ring. 

He cursed to himself and got off of Kai to retrieve his phone to see who was calling. It was Taehyun. He looked over at Kai who stared back at him with puppy dog eyes and already swollen lips and back down to his phone. He quickly apologized to his boyfriend before heading outside to go answer it. 

"What do you want?" the pink haired boy answered coldly.

"Well hello to you too," the voice on the other end answered.

Soobin rolled his eyes even though the other boy could not see the action, "Spit it out already I don't have all day."

"I'm sorry Soobin."

Soobin stayed quiet and after a good minute he spoke, "Is this some kind of joke Taehyun? I don't have time for-"

"I said I am sorry, okay?"

"What are you trying to get out of me?"

"Nothing," Taehun spoke quieter than normal, "Please forgive me."

This only caused Soobin's suspicions to grow, "For what?'

"I don't want to admit it," Taehyun paused for a moment, "but you're right. You've been right this whole time," his voice began to shake, "I'm a terrible leader and I don't know what I'm doing."

Soobin didn't respond.

"And I shouldn't have let Yeonjun kick you off of the project."



"I'm still here I just don't know what you want me to say," Soobin gritted his teeth, "It's obvious you just something out of me."

"That's not true."

"Taehyun you never apologize for anything."

"I know I just-"

Soobin heard the other boy let out a sob and quickly became confused and a bit concerned. Sure Taehyun has hurt Soobin both mentally and physically and Soobin hates his guts, but before any of this gang stuff started Taehyun was Soobin's best friend. Unfortunately, because of that Soobin still has a soft spot for the orange haired boy. 

"I'm sorry," Taehyun repeated. 

"What's going on? You never get this upset."

"I just don't want to do this anymore," Taehyun admitted.

"Don't want to do what anymore?" Soobin asked.

"This! I don't want to be a part of this gang anymore, especially not be in charge of it."

"Yeah right," Soobin scoffed, "I'll believe that when pigs start to fly."

"But it's true," Taehyun cried even louder, "Nobody respects me here and they always call me a kid. I don't like it when they call me that but they are right. I still am a kid. I'm only eighteen and I've spent most of my childhood surrounded by violence and crime. I just want to be a normal kid again."

"Taehyun, if all of this is true I don't know what to tell you," Soobin shrugged his shoulders. He can't say he blames Taehyun. Living normally these past few days have been really nice but Taehyun never showed any interest in it before. 

So why now?

"Help me Soobin."


"Help me fake my death like Chungho did so I can run away."

"You can't be serious right now Taehyun," Soobin said, still not one hundred percent convinced.

"Please you have to believe me."

"Even if I did, why should I help you?" Soobin asked, "You've treated me awful ever since you took over in my father's place."

"Because if you help me then you'll be in charge," Taehyun said, "Just like you've always wanted."


"Yeah," Taehyun paused, "Just meet up with Yeonjun and I tomorrow night and help out with the kidnapping of Jeongin just like we originally planned."

"Are you sure Yeo-"

"Hey," knocking could be heard from Taehyun's end of the call, "I'm here!"

It took a second for Soobin to recognize that voice, "Are you with Beomgyu?"

Instead of a reply back Soobin heard the call end and he was left dumbfounded.


Taehyun placed his phone down on the table and made his way over to the door to open it, "You're here early."

"Yeah, well," Beomgyu grinned, "I was already out so I decided to just come over now."

"You can come in," Taehyun gestured to him to come inside, "Don't mind the mess, I've been really busy these past few days."

"It's okay," Beomgyu closed the door behind him and followed Taehyun to the small tan couch in the corner of the room, "Hey are you alright?"

"Yeah," Taehyun looked at him confused, "Why?"

Beomgyu reached over and ran his thumb along one of Taehyun's tear stained cheeks.

"Oh, people think with their hearts more than they do with their head," Taehyun grabbed Beomgyu's wrist and smirked, "so crying is the easiest way to convince stupid people to believe even stupider things."

"So you're not really upset?"

Taehyun shook his head, "Of course not."

Beomgyu let his curiosity get the best of him, "So what stupid person were you convinving?"

"Don't worry about it," Taehyun finally let go of Beomgyu and changed the subject, "So what did you want to show me?"

Beomgyu grabbed his backpack off of the ground and pulled out a certain stuffed bear, "Do you remember him?"

"Gyu," Taehyun slowly reached out and took the bear.

"Yeah?" Beomgyu blinked at him.

"Not you," Taehyun kept his gaze lowered on the stuffed toy, "The bear."

"Oh," Beomgyu laughed, a bit embarrassed, "Right, I forgot I chose my name after a stuffed bear." Taehyun looked up at him a bit surprised and Beomgyu widened his eyes in shock as well, "I wasn't supposed to say that part out loud."

"You named yourself after my stuffed bear?"

"It's not as weird as it sounds!" Beomgyu quickly defended himself, "Do you remember that day when you lost Gyu and couldn't stop crying?"

Taehyun nodded.

"Well I found out that Yeonjun took it to get revenge on you for taking one of his toys so I got it back for you," Beomgyu continued, "I was going to give it back to you but that was the day I found out about my dad's plan and that we were moving. I couldn't go back to school and I never thought I was going to see you again."

"I visited you once while you were sick, well pretended to be sick," Taehyun reminded him, "Why didn't you give him back then?"

"Well by then my dad already packed all of my things and he must have mistaken Gyu to be mine."


"Chungho," Chungho's dad opened the door and knelt down next to his bed.

"What's wrong?" the boy put his book down and looked at him, " We're still faking my death tomorrow still, right?"

"We are and I know you still don't like that idea."

"I don't want to lose my friends!" Chungho exclaimed.

"I know I know," his dad gestured for him to be quiet, "That's why I'm letting one of your friends come over today, I already spoke with his mom about it."

"Really?" Chungho's eyes twinkled.

"Yes, but, you have to pretend you are sick. So stay in bed, okay?"

Chungho didn't like that he couldn't go play outside with whoever was coming over but he knew if he didn't listen then he would be in a lot of trouble.

A couple hours later and Chungho heard the doorbell ring so he turned off his video game and laid down in bed ready to deliver the best acting performance of his life.

At least that's what he thought.

Once he saw which friend had come to see him he couldn't contain his excitement and quickly sat up, "Taehyun!"

Taehyun ran over to the side of his bed and pulled Chungho into a hug, "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!"

Taehyun let go of the boy and looked at him with sad eyes, "When are you going to come back to school?"

Chungho quickly remembered the reality of the situation and that he won't be returning to school or seeing his friends again, "Soon," he put on a fake smile, "Once I get better."

"Are you still sick."

Chungho nodded his head and laid back down, causing Taehyun to frown.

"You need to hurry up and get better," Taehyun shook Chungho's arm, "It's not the same without you."

"At least you still have Yeonjun and Soobin to keep you company while I'm gone."

Taehyun shook his head, "They don't like me."

"Sure they do," Chungho furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Yeonjun likes to pick on me and start fights with me and Soobin always takes his side,"  Taehyun tightened his grip on Chungho's arm, "You're my only real friend and that's why you need to get better soon."

"I will Taehyun," Chungho flashed him a fake smile, "Anyways, what do you want to do today?"


"So you stole my bear and named yourself after it?" Taehyun teased, "That's a little weird."

"It wasn't like that!" Beomgyu playfully pushed the younger boy, "We were so close and it hurt a lot to know that there was a good chance that I wouldn't see you again and it's not like we had any pictures together or anything either. The only thing I had to remember you by was Gyu so that's why I named myself after it. You meant a lot to me back then."

"Oh," Taehyun looked down at the bear before looking back at Beomgyu once more, "DO you want to keep it?"

"No! It's your toy and I know it's special to you."

A soft smile played on Taehyun's lips before he tightly embraced the bear, "Thank you Chun- Beomgyu. That means a lot."

Beomgyu didn't say anything and just hugged Taehyun.

After another hour or so of chatting Beomgyu noticed that it was getting late. Taehyun offered to let Beomgyu stay the night but he declined since he had an exam in the morning. On his way home he couldn't stop thinking about Taehyun.

He's not the same anymore.

He wondered who he was crying to when Beomgyu first arrived at his house. More importantly he wondered why he was trying to trick them. Was he trying to get something out of that person or was he trying to hurt them. Beomgyu wasn't sure but he had a bad feeling about this.

He pulled out his phone and messaged someone. He made a guess on who it was based off of how he has seen Taehyun interact with these people. He can't just straight up say that there's a chance that Taehyun is trying to hurt him so hopefully this person understands what he is trying to say. 

"Sorry Taehyun, I can't allow anyone to get hurt," Beomgyu placed his phone back in his pocket, "I swore on that."


Soobin laid in bed with his arms wrapped around Kai when his phone went off, waking him up. He must have forgotten to put it on silent mode. 

Kai whined out of annoyance, it must have woken him up too.

"Sorry," Soobin let go of him to grab his phone from under the pillow.

Kai turned around to face him and noticed the worried expression he wore, "Who is it?"


"What?" Kai scowled, "So he can text you but he won't respond to me? What does he want?"

"I don't exactly know," Soobin replied.

Kai grabbed the phone from Soobin's hand, "Let me see."

Kai read the message and understood why Soobin was so confused. He didn't get it either.

'stop thinking with your heart before someone prevents it from beating'


Hey everyone!

I'm back again for like the hundredth time.

College is a struggle.

Anyways if you're still here thank you so much for sticking with me and if you're new to this story I really appreciate you guys checking it out and I hope all of you guys are enjoying it so far.

Feel free to leave your thoughts, opinions, and everything down below in the comments. You guys are my number one motivatiors.

And as always, thank you so much for reading :)

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