By HaruHae1015

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This is a Super Junior fan fiction. Some of what is written are not real and just fantasies of the author. I... More

Chapter 2: Incheon, Hi there.
Chapter 3: Guests and Gift
Chapter 4: Sweet dreams
Chapter 6: DongHae scores again
Chapter 7: HaeHae's First Date
Chapter 8: Crazy Dinner


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By HaruHae1015

Zelle's P.O.V

Its been 3 days since our monthsary getaway, and its been 2 days since we've seen each other. Yes, you got it right. We haven't since each other for 2 days straight. No dinner or lunch dates. None at all. Well just phone calls. He's really busy these days, since comeback is next month. He goes home at wee hours already and I'm sleeping, while at day I work and so does he. So we're into just texting and calling from time to time. I really missed him though. I never took of the necklace he gave me,the couple necklace. Even in shooting, its either I hide it under my outfit or had it displayed. The director doesn't bother at all.

I'm out having dinner with my fellow model and some our staff, we got in to this restaurant just a couple blocks away from home. Just as we got in and checked for some tables, the door opened and then I heared a familiar voice calling me, it was Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun: Oh, noona.
Zelle:Oh,kyuhyun-ah. Annyeong haseyo *bows*
Kyuhyun: What a great coincidence. Who are you here with?
Zelle:Oh,I'm with my workmates. You?
Kyuhyun:Oh I'm Eunhyuk hyung, Siwon hyung and Donghae hyung.

Just as he mentioned his name the door opened and he came in, he looked a bit exhausted. Gosh, I want to run to him and hug him. But I can't,we're in a public place and no one else knows bout our relationship but the members only and our manager,well the CnBlue too. I closed my fist,forcing all my disappointment in there and hid it in my coat.

Zelle: Annyeong haseyo.

We greeted each other and bowed each other. Just as we finished our greetings and decided to go get ourselves a table, someone came in,very very familiar, someone who I hated the most seeing. Yup, a blast from the past indeed. It was Ian. From all the places in Seoul, why here, why with the man in truly love. I was about to turn around when he called me. Great! Like really great. I breathed out with disappointment and turned to him.

Zelle:Hey Ian. Uhm, how unconveniently not so good seeing you here.

I swear, I saw everyone's confused reaction especially Donghae's as to what I just said.

Ian:Uhm, I'm just looking for place to grab some dinner and this place was the nearest to my hotel.
Zelle:Well how convenient for you. *turns around to my friends* Shall we?

Then to my feared part.

Ian:Uhm, Zelle, if you don't mind. Can you join me? I know we've been in a very bad situation before. I just want to talk.

I looked at Donghae who definitely in a blank mood right now while the 3 where worried and confused.


He said that and left passing me.

Eunhyuk:Zelle-ah, we'll see each other some time again.

I just smiled bitterly and sweetly at the same time. Then I turned to my friends,asking them if its okay and they agreed.

So we finally picked our table and the most convenient one, a table beside Donghae oppa. Just our luck, there was no other vacant table who could fit us 5. Great! Perfect! So we finally ordered and the girls went on with their business. As soon as they did that. Ian started to talk.

Ian: So your living here?
Zelle:Umm, yes.
Ian:That nice. Finally, all you've wanted was to settle here.
Zelle:Yup, never felt good when I came here.

Then silence, our food finally came, we said ouf graces and started eating. Then he spoke again.

Ian: How are you? Its been really awhile.
Zelle:I'm doing much better now. Very much as you can see.

I pointed out a poster of me,modelling one of Stylenanda's latest trend. He followed as to where I'm pointing. Everything is definitely awkward and I prefer to stay that way, I have no means to be in good terms with this man.

Ian:I see.

I settled down my chopsticks and grabbed some cash in my bag, I handed it over to my friends.

Zelle: Unnie, bya ne yo,but can I go ahead instead?

Getting and understanding what meant, they agreed and told me to give them a text or call when I get home. I nodded, stood up and bowed, just as I grabbed my bag someone grabbed me by my hands.

Ian:Can I walk you home?
Zelle:I can walk by myself.
Ian:Look,I know we've been in a bad shape but let me correct everything.

I took his left hand and searched for a wedding ring mark,but there was none. So they never did got married and now he's coming back to me, what a pitiful bastard.

Zelle: Just because Sheila didn't marry you, you think you can go on easily to me like that? So I'm your toy again.

Then I heard chopsticks dropping to the floor and when I looked to who it was, it was Donghae oppa, he's eyes were angry confused and jealoused and its aching my heart. Then he grabbed my hands again this time Donghae oppa stood up and stopped his hands.

Donghae:I believe the girl meant no.
Zelle:Donghae sunbaenim.
Ian: Do you know this guy?
Zelle:Yes, a very dear friend of mine. Now let me go. I don't want to make scene here.
Donghae: You heard the lady.
Ian: We'll talk some other time Zelle.
Zelle: Please don't bother. There's nothing we need to talk about.

As soon as Ian let go of my hands, Donghae left the establishment, and I looked at to Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk who were both confused and the Siwon who was signaling me to go after him. Well here goes, who cares if paparazzi will see us. I can with stand seeing him in pain. I quickly grabbed at bag and chased after him. As I got outside the restaurant,he was nowhere to be found. I grabbed my phone and dialled his number, the I heard a familiar tune from the distance, I followed it, from across the street there was a park, he was sitting on a bench,heads down, hands on his head crumpling his hair. I slowly walked towards him. Just as I was a couple inch near him, he spoke.

Donghae:I need a moment for myself.

Without a word a turned my back then I heard soft sobs, and bam, my knees were shaking, its breaking my heart hearing those soft sobs. With a glimpse,I was kneeling infront of him,hugging him.

Zelle: Bya ne,oppa. Jeongmal bya ne. I'm such a bad girlfriend.I should have told you. Jeongmal bya ne.

Then I felt tears fall down on my cheeks. I was relieved when he moved,but what he said froze me.

Donghae:I need a time alone for myself. I you may please leave me for a moment.

And his eyes were cold. I was confused, shocked and hurt. I didn't expect this would be his reaction. Then I gulped and stood up, and fixed myself. Then I turned my back around and started walking, then my phone vibrated I answered it. It was Eunhyuk.

Zelle: Ne~were at the park right across the street.

Then I ended the call,tears were streaming down my face.Then I saw them, they stopped from running when they both saw us crying. Eunhyuk came to me first.

Eunhyuk: Zelle-ah?
Zelle: Kechanna. Oppa needs you. I'm fine.

I let go a fake smile. He hesitantly nodded and went to Hae oppa. I kept walking passing Kyuhyun and Siwon. Kyuhyun ran to Donghae oppa, and Siwon stopped me.

Siwon:I know your not okay. Let me take you home. I brought my car. Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk can take care of him.

I did not respond, my head was spinning, tears were streaming not stop. He guided me out of the park and into the car. As we were travelling to my apartment I cried in silent.Then the car came to a halt. I got off without saying my goodbyes and thanks and went straight up to my room and as soon as I got in.I broke down and cried.


When I saw him touching her I want to punch him. When I heard her say how he hurt her before I want to punch him more. But I can't and I couldn't pain. Pain overcame me than my anger and I don't know why. When I sat down at the bench my tears automotically dropped,I can't help it, its too painful. But why am I so stupid,why did push her away. I am hurting her also, which triples the pain. When I saw her being guided with Siwon,she was stiff as is she was not herself. I wanted to run and hug her but I was too coward.

I'm at the dorm already,I'm in my room.Today was way too much. The four of us didn't say a word as we got home and the others were too busy to bother. The pain is excruciating. I can't sleep. Its past 12 already. I need something to put me.to sleep.

As I opened the door, the others were still busy watching tv, I walked past them and grabbed some beers on the fridge and went straight to the balcony when I heard Leeteuk stopping me.

Leeteuk:Ya~Donghae-ah,since when did you start drinking?
Donghae:Just tonight. I can't sleep.
Leeteuk:Isn't 6 too much to put you to sleep? You know your alcohol tolwrance is low.
Donghae:Hyung, just let me be.
Leetuek: What's wrong, marhaebwa?
Donghae:Ahh~hyung. Its nothing.
Leeteuk:Keurae? Then hand me the beer.
Donghae: Hyung.

The Teukkie hyung started grabbing the beer.I pulled it and hugged it and went to my room and locked it. Teukkie hyung kept on knocking and screaming to open the door then I heard Siwon saying to leave me be. Then Teukkie hyung was about to say something but didn't. I opened the bottle and started to drink. Cheers to me for being so coward. Tears startes streaming down my face again. They said alcohol hepls easen the pain but why am I still in pain? I grab my second bottle, to third then to my last. Okay, I'm feeling woozy now. Everything is spinning. I finished off my last bottle which I thought there was still beer inside but none came out then I passed out.

I was awoken by that shaken feeling. It was Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk: Donghae,ireonna.

Awww,my head hurts. It stings.

Eunhyuk:Ya! Lee Donghae, kechanna?
Eunhyuk:Get up.Hot shower is ready for you.

I got up grabbed my towel and went straight to the shower. Gosh my head stings but thank goodness the hot shower is making it feel better. As I got out and went to my room, the bottles weren't there anymore.I changed into my clothes and then took a glimpse of my phone, then I stared at my wallpaper, it was her, it was us,during our 4th monthsary, she took it when we were out on the road driving around. Aish,I'll cry again. I locked my phone and went to the kitchen. The members were having breakfast, I took a cup of coffee and sipped. Its helping a lot. I ate few slices of bread, drank what was left of coffee in my cup and left to finish getting. After combing my hair I went to brush my teeth then back to my room sprayed some perfume and just as Teukkie called us to go downstairs I grabbed my beanie and earphones and my backpack then left the dorm. I hope today won't be one of those very long days.

Zelle's P.O.V

~ajikdo nan, geudareo neol, ajikdo nan neol.
Cause baby I said~~

Still You was echoing in my entire apartment. I tried to reach for it in my bedside table but my phone wasn't there. I got up from bed, wow, I'm still on my clothes from last night. My head,my head hurts. What time was I crying till last night.I walked out on my room on to the leaving room to get my phone which was still ringing by the way. I was partly dragging my feet, I'm walking like a zombie to be exact. I don't feel so good. My head hurts and so does my entire body. Finally I grabbed my phone and looked as to who was calling, it was Sooyoung unnie. I answered it with my husky voice.

Zelle: A-annyeong haseyo.
Sooyoung: Zelle-ah, eodiseo? Siwon oppa told me about last night? Kechanna? Are you at your apartment?
Zelle: Ye~ I feel a little bit fine though.
Sooyoung: You don't sound fine. I'll come right over. Tiffany unnie is worried about you too.
Zelle: Unnie~kokchong masaeyo. I'll just sleep.
Sooyoung: Ani~ I'm heading out now.

Just as I was about to protest, she ended up my call. Well I miss Sooyoung and Tiffany unnie. They've been busy these past few days with their concert tour.

I went to the kitchen to grab some water. Gosh, why is it so cold.I grab the remote to check the airconditioner and it was at 24°, it wasn't that high but still its so cold. I turned it up up to 27 and it felt a little bit warmer but I'm still feeling cold. After drinking water I decided to wash up. Jist as hoped I would feel better, it got worse. Now I'm practically shaking.I wore a thick pj's then my doorbell rang. I opened it and it was Sooyoung unnie. My head was partially spinning. I feel like fainting.

Sooyoung: Zelle-ah,kechanna?

Then everything went dark. I could hear Sooyoung unnie screamed.


Oh mo! Zelle fainted. Eotteokhe. Who should I call? Donghae oppa? Siwon oppa? Aish!

I grabbed my phone and dialled the very latest contact I called. Siwon oppa. It rang a few times and he finally answered.

Siwon:Oh? Sooyoung-ah?
Sooyoung:Oppa,eodiseo? Can you come here to Zelle's apartment?
Siwon:I'm having brunch with friends,wae?I can go there after this.
Sooyoung:Zelle fainted. I just got here and when she opened the door she was so pail and she fainted. I don't know what to do. She's burning with fever.
Siwon: Bwo?! Arasseo. I'll call our doctor. Wait for me. I'm on my way.

Then he ended the call. Then I dialled Tiffany. Gladly she answered quickly.

Sooyoung: Unnie, where are you at?
Tiffany:I'm on my way to the parking lot. I'll be there in a jiff.
Sooyoung:Come quickly. Zelle fainted.
Tiffany: Mworago!? Arrasseo.

Then we ended the call. I moved her to the couch. She's really burning with fever. I ran to her room and grabbed her some comforter and a pair of socks.After settling her down.I went to look for a face towel and got water boiling then the doorbell echoed. When I opened it,it was Siwon.

Siwon:Has she awaken yet?
Sooyoung:Ani,she's really burning up.
Siwon:The doctor is coming.
Sooyoung:Ye. I'm boiling some water to help the fever cool down. She's sweating and bit shaking. Tiffany is on her way here.

Then the doorbell rang this time it was the doctor. We led her to Zelle, he examined her. I went back to the kitchen and turned off the stove,quickly grabbing a large bowl and pour the hot water, I mixed some rubbing alcohol in it to cool it down a bit and brought it to her. As I was moving back towards where Zelle was the doorbell echoed again, and came in Tiffany with Donghae oppa. Face all sweat up.Worried sick.


Practice was over. We were at the cafe in SME. I looked at my phone, still no text from her. I should call her. Just as I was about to dial her number, Tiffany called. I answered it.

Donghae:I'm at SME's cafe.Wae?
Tiffany:Zelle fainted.

As soon as I heared those two words I instantly stood up shocking the other members.

Tiffany:Sooyoung unnie said she was burning up with fever. I'm on my way there.
Donghae:O-oh.y-ye.I'm heading now.

And just as I said that I ended the call. I was about to run when Eunhyuk called me.

Eunhyuk:Wae? Is everything all right?
Donghae:Hyung, I have to go.
Donghae:Zelle fainted.
Heechul:Where is she?
Donghae:She's at her apartment. I need to go. I'll call you.

And I ran as fast as I could towards our van. Luckily the our manager was there. I told him and he nodded. We hopped in and got there as fast as we could. Just in time as I saw Tiffany walking towards the building. I got out as fast as I could and thanked the manager. He bid goodbye as he needs to go back since the other members where still there. I needed and waived at him. I ran towards the building and caught with Tiffany. As we were heading upstairs my mind was completely blank. I'm scared,like really scared right now. I don't know why and I feel guilty though. She must have been crying the entire night. Aish Donghae! Your such an idiot. My sweat were pouring down non stop,my hands were shaking. Finally the elevator doors slid open. Her apartment was 5 doors from the elevator. I walked as fast as I could and quickly pressed the doorbell. Finally it opened. It was Siwon, then I saw Sooyoung coming out from the kitchen and I saw her. Wrapped tightly in the blanket. She's pale then our company doctor is there.

Donghae:How is she?
Doctor:She's fine, but she has high fever. She just needs some rest. She'll be able to regain some consciousness any minute from now. But her heartbeat is really really beating fast. It could one of the reason why she fainted. She must probably hyperventilated which caused her to lack brain oxygen and fainted.Do you know any medical history about her?
Doctor:You should ask her.
Donghae:What do you mean?
Doctor:She has symptoms of heart abnormalities, not a disease just a slight problem to health when not being careful. Its a symptom for MVP or Mitral Valve Prolapse. Its when on heart ventricle fails to close wherein the other ceases to close as well which leads to lack of oxygen into hyperventilation and eventually unconsciousness.

Then the doctor scribbled down something on a paper and handed to us.

Doctor:Ask her if she has any medication for it and have her take it,if none. Then ask her to buy these.

I read it and could barely read it, aside from its in english I can barely read his handwriting.

Donghae:Ye. Kamsahamnida.
Doctor: She'll be fine.

We all bowed and as the doctor bid farewell. Siwon guided him outside to the elevator.

Sooyoung:We should bring her to her room.

I just nodded and carried her. She's cold and yet burning with fever. I slowly laid her down on her bed and fixed her comforter.

Tiffany:I'm gonna go to the dorm and grab our air purifier.

And she left. Then Sooyoung handed me some bowl with hot water.

Sooyoung:Place it on her forehead. It helps.I'm gonna be outside and make us some food. It's almost lunch time.

I just nodded. As Sooyoung left. I grabbed the towel, squeezed it and wiped her the sweat from her forehead. She's still pail. I diped it again and placed it on her forehead. I felt her neck, her fever is still burning up. I fixed the comforter and checked if she has socks on. Then sat beside her. She's not as pale as earlier. Then I heard a knock on the door. It was Tiffany.

Tiffany: I brought some take foods, you might wanna grab some lunch first.
Donghae:Kechanna. I'll stay here and wait for her to wake up.

Tiffany probably understood what I meant, she left without uttering a single word. Then my phone rang. It was Heechul hyung.

Donghae: Oh hyung.
Heechul:Is she okay?
Donghae: Ye. The doctor said she'll regain conscious soon.
Heechul: My schedule just ended. I'm heading there. Zhoumi and Eunhyuk is coming with me. The others are still finishing their schedule.
Donghae: Ne.

Then we ended the call. I sat back beside her then I saw her fingers move, then her head slowly moved. I scootched clpser to her, holding her hand.


She was partly moving but eyes still close then her hand moved feeling her head then her eyes slowly opened.


She looked at me, eyes full of sadness and pain.The she quickly sat up and hugged me.

Zelle: Oppa,bya ne. jeongmal bya ne.

Then she started crying. She still has a fever though.

Donghae: Kechanna. Don't cry. Its my fault. Hush now.
Zelle:Aniyo. Its mine. I should have told you. I should have. I shouldn't have caused you pain.
Donghae:Zelle-ah. Kechanna. I was the one who hurt myself. Not you.
Zelle: Oppa.

Then she released me from hugging.

Zelle:Oppa. I'm sorry. I truly am.
Donghae:I'm sorry too. I pushed you away. I shouldn't have. Now your sick because of me.
Zelle:Ani. I'm not sick. I'm fine now. Thanks to you.

Then we laughed. God how I really loved her laugh, how beautiful she is. Then she started talking.

Zelle:Oppa, I was supppsed to be married. 3 years o 4 years ago. He was supposed to marry me.

I looked at her, she was looking down, looking at the pillow. Her face was serious. I didn't answer. I let her continue.

Zelle: Just a week before our wedding. I was baking lasagna. Then her ex girlfriend came into my apartment. Telling she's carrying my fianceé's baby. She said they met 8 months ago on a common friends wedding, got drunk and something happened. At the same time he came from work. From that moment on anger and rage overcame me, like I wanna kill them or punch them,but I didn't,instead I asked him if he did really love me.

Then she looked me, smiling.

Zelle:That was the biggest regret in my life honestly.
Donghae:Did he really love you.
Zelle:*chuckles* I never thought he'd give me that answer. At first he said yes, but I could feel deep inside me that he is lying.So I asked him again.He hesistated at first and eventually he said no. It hurts yes. But you can't blame me. I threw them out, breaking the engagement.A week after that, 3 days before the wedding. He came to our house with his family begging to pursue the wedding. I stood up went to my room and grabbed my wedding gpwn which was delivered to me yesterday. I took a lighter and enflamed the entire gown. Yes it was rude but I would be really really stupid if I'd marry him. I would be miserable forever,much more I'd never see meet you.
Donghae:I'm sorry if I didn't hear you out first.I really.
Zelle:Its not just your fault though,I should have told you in the first place.I guess I was being a coward--
Donghae:Ani, you weren't. You weren't just ready.
Zelle:Also,I kinda told Siwon bout this.
Donghae:Its okay.Telling to a friend from a boyfriend about this is a bit different.We'd be having different reactions to this.What matters the most is we have settled this and we talked.
Zelle:Ye.Oppa, gomawo.I never thought you'd be taking it in this point of view.
Donghae:Nado.Gomawo, for being honest and being brave to finally open this up to me.

I hugged her so tight, relieved with everything.

Zelle:Oppa,you don't how much you make me.
Donghae:You don't know either.

We just laughed and suddenly we heard our stomachs rumble,wherein we bursted out with laughter again.

Donghae:I'm gonna go get us some food. Tiffany bought a take out.
Zelle:Ani. I can walk to the kitchen.
Donghae:Ani. Lets eat here.

She was about to protest but I went out of her room already.


I was about to knock on Zelle's door to invite Donghae hyung to eat when I heard voices,it was Zelle. Zelle is finally up,thats a relief. They were talking, she was confessing to hyung about his ex. I heard enough of what I need to hear. I know I like Zelle, but I'm happy for them. Hyung is taking really good care of her and so does she. If it was another maybe I'd definitely fight for her. I turned around and went back to the kitchen,just as I was about to tell them my excuse. Hyung appeared.

Donghae:Umm, Zelle is conscious. I'm getting her some food.
Tiffany: She is? Thats a relief.
Sooyoung: We'll go in after she eats.

Sooyoung handed him a tray with with food for. He smiled sweetly. I guess the two of them made up already. He left and went back to Zelle's room.

Sooyoung: Finally she's ok.
Tiffany:I'm guessing they talked already. From the looks of Hae oppa's smile. I guess they're okay now.

The girls kept on talking bout something then the doorbell rang.

Siwon:I'll go get the door.

I left them still talking bout something else. When I opened the door it was the other members. Kyuhyun was the first to step in. Shouting for her name.

Siwon:She's awake already. She's still eating. You can go see her when she's done. Tiffany and Sooyoung are at the kitchen.

They went inside and proceeded to the kitchen to put down the foods they brought. Soon the whole room was filled with laughter and chatters. I joined in.

Zelle's P.O.V

Finally, Oppa and I are back and were good. Now I have to tell him about how we really did first met.

I stood and went to my cabinet and grabbed the shoe box and the gifts they gave to me, from the backpack, the shirt,the cap and the watch Donghae gave me. The pictures we took,my backstage i.d and the ticket that I bought even though I have backstage passes. As I took out I heard noises in the living, I clearly heard Kyuhyun's voice. Perfect, I can tell everyone.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and tide my hair. I took the stuff and went out. Donghae oppa was surprised to see me,he was on his way back to my room.

Donghae:What are you doing up?You should get some rest.
Zelle:Kechanna, I have something to say.

He followed me to the living the Siwon saw me.

Siwon: Zelle-ah? Are you okay?
Zelle:Ye, Siwon oppa, will take a seat? I have something to say to you.Well actually I have something to say to all of you.

They all looked me with confused eyes. I place all the stuff in the table. Waiting for a reaction...

Henry: Oh, that bag is familiar...
Zelle:Ye. It is yours though.
Henry:I gave to a fan, during ss? I forgot exactly but I still remember I gave to a fan.
Zelle:SS6 Manila.

Then Heechul recognized the hanky. Then Eunhyuk with the cap and eventually Donghae oppa with the shirt. I took out the tickets and showed them the pictures and the selcas we took.

Zelle: Actually we met 2 years ago. Well, except for Sooyoung and Tiffany unnie.

Then Donghae took the shirt and..

Donghae: Super Show 6 in Manila. I remember now.

I smiled and showed him the box, the box containing the watch.

Zelle:The very first time I met you personally. 2 years ago, a friend of mine works at the entartainment that handled your concert. When she knew you were having a concert she contacted me and reserved me backstage passes even though I wasn't sure yet. But eventually I was able to come and we met, we all met. Oppa, flip the cover of the box.

He flipped the box and read what was written in there.

Zelle: July, 15, 2012. Just 2 months before you enlisted.

Then Heechul oppa spoke.

Heechul: Majjayo. I remember you. You gave us a wallet paired with a bracelet.

I nodded and they laughed then Eunhyuk spoke.

Eunhyuk: Oh, Donghae-ah,she gave you the blueish green sweater and a pair of shoes.
Donghae: Oh, ye. It was you.
Zelle: Yes, it was me.
Yesung: What small world.
Shindong: Who knew we'd meet again someday.

We all smiled then Siwon spoke.

Siwon: There's something I wanna ask. Off topic. Its about what the doctor said. Perhaps, well, we're hoping your not. Do you have any health problems.

And my smile instantly vanished. That. That part. The thing I barely wanted to talk about. But I have to, they have to know. He has to know. I gulped every saliva theres present in my mouth.

Zelle: Y-ye. I-I have.
Heechul: Bwo?
Zelle: Its not fatal.
Donghae: But its something serious?
Zelle: Y-yes.

Then we were all silent for a moment. Then I felt warm tears strolling down. I told the very beginning of it and what caused it, how I had it and how I steuggled from it at first. I told them I never wanted talking bout it. Then I felt my knees weakened but gladly Hae Oppa caught. I told them as well my reason why I never talked about it. I told them it just reminds me of the pain and sorrow I had before and I did assure them not to worry since I always have my medication taken. I also confessed to them that it happened during our first slumber party, which Kyuhyun oppa felt really bad. After that long confession, well good confession we hugged. A group hug. Then Teukkie Oppa spoke.

LeeTeuk: From now on, let us promise that we'll take of each other, ne?

And we all answered yes.

After eating again since the other members brought food and I was really really hungry. Hae oppa took me back to my room so I could rest for a bit. My temperature was dropping so I'll be fine in no time. My manager called me as well and got me 2 days off so I could rest well.

Hae oppa helped me in tucking me in to my bed, silently. As soon as he was finished he was about to go out but I stopped him.

Zelle:Are you mad?
Donghae:Ani. Why should I be?
Zelle: Well cause you've been silent for quite awhile.
Donghae:Ani. You should rest.

As he was about to close the door. I called him again.

Zelle:Oppa, would you please stay here?

He looked at me. Then walked back in and sat into my bed next to me. He took he's shoes off and laid beside me.

Zelle: Remember when you took me to the dorm to grab some coats?
Donghae: Mmmmmm.
Zelle: I saw a box. A similar box as to what I gave you. I kinda opened it and I saw my presents for you. Well the tags and the notebook.
Donghae: You did open it?
Zelle: Ye. * looks up at him * Sorry.
Donghae: And what did you see?
Zelle: I saw what you wrote.

And we just laughed. Then he spoke.

Donghae: Remember when we bumped in to the airport?
Zelle: Ye.
Donghae: From that moment, deep inside me. Something was telling me we met before. I just couldn't pin point as to exactly when and where. Now I knew.

He then leaned in and kissed my forehead and locked our hands.

Zelle: Oppa. Do you believe in destiny?
Donghae: Wae? You?
Zelle: Well I do. Cause I believe destiny is what brought us here. Destiny is who brought me to Korea. Destiny brought me to you again.

I looked at him and he looked at me, then a few seconds we were breaking the space and eventually. We kissed.

Today was definitely a blast from the past. But good thong everything is okay now. We got more closer and were like friends for more than a decade. I am happy and definitely a 100% happy as to where I am now. I got the most amazing family I could ask for and the most amazing boyfriend one could wiah for and a plus cause he's a superstar.

- END -


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