The sweetest potato

By britishanimegirl

47.5K 1.1K 559

The character in this story will be based on the aot 2 game. This is also a Sasha x male-reader. I will be sk... More

Female titan
Beast titan
Utgard castle
Im sorry
Ruler of the walls
Shiganshina part 1
Shiganshina part 2
Shiganshina part 3
A hard choice
The ocean
Brave volunteers
A sound argument
Devils of the island
Raid on liberio
Guarding zeke
This is it
Thank you
Thank you guys
Special chapter: helping to steal meat
Special chapter: Reminiscing about the past

Smoke signal

1.9K 48 35
By britishanimegirl

We were cleaning the house while Jean,Armin and Sasha went to get food. The front door open.

Sasha: I won't! Probably...

Jean: say what?

Eren: hey! Did you guys wipe the dust and dirt off your shoes before you came in?

Y/n: not again

Jean: no, we didn't. Can't you see all the stuff we're carrying?

Eren: do you seriously think that attitude will satisfy captain levi?

Y/n: eren do you think the captain will  accept that you were arguing as an excuse to why  you didn't clean.

He ignored me and continued to argue.

Eren: if I hadn't personally given your sheets hospital corners this morning—

Jean: quit nagging! Who are you my mom?

Historia and mikasa walked into the room with wood in their hands.

Mikasa: we're back.

Armin: wait, we're you just chopping firewood?

Mikasa: gotta stay in shape

Y/n: still not good for a healing body to be moving that much.

Armin: listen to y/n, you got grabbed by a titan! You really should be in bed.

Eren: I try to stop her,but she won't listen. I saw her doing sit ups earlier!

I moved to the front door and started to clean up the dirt they dragged in, they might want to get in trouble with the captain but I don't.

Jean: how dare you, you peeping Tom!

I started to sweep the floor.

Y/n: historia can you please move I trying to clean

She moved out of the way.

Y/n: thanks.

Sasha: it's almost like we're back in cadet corps.

Armin: yeah, why do you figure we were chosen for the new Levi squad, though? Protecting Eren and historia is such an Important mission...

Sasha: because we're talented, I assume

Sasha shoved a piece of bread in her satchel

Y/n: there's more to a squad then talent Sasha, they need to trust each other and work well with each other

Armin: Sasha... what did you just put in your bag?

Sasha: nothing bread related.

Y/n: way to be discreet

Jean: why you!

Everyone but me and historia walk over to Sasha

Connie: give it back.

Eren: hey focus! We gotta finish cleaning before the captain gets back!

Historia and me look over to see captain Levi enter the room.

Levi: what's this commotion about?

Eren: how many times have you done this now?

They keep arguing and were ignoring the captain. I decided to talk to historia

Y/n: ok you've been quite lately

Historia: I'm fine

Y/n: I know your lying but I won't pester you any longer but do know if you need to talk I'm here.

Historia: thanks

Y/n: no problem

Everyone seemed to have noticed the captain and went quite as he put his hand underneath the table and dust fell out, he looked over at the group.

Levi: I'm quite sure I gave you enough time. Anyways... we'll discuss your lax cleaning job another time. Eren

You could see the fear in his eyes

Levi: hange is itching to get the experiment started

Eren: r-right.


Eren's titan let out a roar this version of his titan has much thinner and smaller. His titan fell over

Mikasa: eren

Hanji: what's wrong, eren? Get up. The future of humanity is riding on you! Get up dammit!

Hanji can be very loud at time and passionate about her job. But I respect her as a squad leader.

Jean: y/n your squad leader is quite loud

Y/n: you get use to it, you should hear her when she see a titan she finds interesting.

Hanji: eren can you still move? Give us a signal or something!

Mikasa: eren

She hopped of her horse and went to him.

Jean: mikasa!

I heard more odm gear Hanji and moblit came down to help.

Hanji: EREN!

They were on his titan pulling him out

Hanji: hot! Hot damn, your are hot!

Mikasa: hanji, wait eren is bleeding!

Hanji; whoa! Check it out moblit! Y/n your good at drawing get over here

Y/n: coming squad leader

I went over to her and the others

Hanji: y/n quickly draw his face

Y/n: fine

I pulled out my notebook and started to draw him

Moblit: section commander! Are you lacking in human compassion?!

Mikasa cut eren free.

Hanji: sorry, I got carried away...Y/n did you get it

Y/n: don't worry that will be engraved in my memory, it will be done soon.

Hanji: good I knew I recruited you for a reason.

Y/n: you didn't know about my drawing skills tell you stole my notebook

Hanji: that's all in the past now.

Y/n: whatever squad leader.

I continued to draw eren

Hanji: experiment's over! All troops, disperse at once!

Keiji: roger, make sure there's no witnesses!

Jean: yes sir.

They both rode off in different directions.


It was the next day and we were doing our chores. The door to the room Eren was sleeping in opened

Mikasa: eren, you should still be in bed

Y/n: your one to talk mikasa.

Mikasa: what do you know about broken bones

Y/n: quite a lot sense I got a giant lecture about it by Hanji sense were the medic squad (don't know if that's true but I'm going to say Hanji is trained in that field and so is the rest of her squad too)

Mikasa: whatever

Eren: I'm fine mikasa. I already slept a whole day. Besides, it's my fault the strategy for retaking walk Maria got shelved.

Mikasa: it's not you fault. So don't worry about it.

Connie: all I care about... is getting a chance to fight that beast titan. Whatever that damn ape is I'll never forgive it. It's about tome to switch lookouts. Mikasa

Mikasa: yeah.

That just left me, historia and eren in the house

Historia: must be nice. You and the others... you have goals in mind, even though they won't be easy. But me, now that Ymir is gone... I don't even know what I want.

Eren: don't you want to save Ymir, though?

Historia: yeah, but...back then I couldn't believe what she did... through, it's true I wanted to save her. But now, I'm thinking differently. Ymir chose her own path in life.
I have no right to change that... and no need to.

I walk over to her

Y/n: sorry about this

Historia: sorry about wha-

I slapped her across the face

Eren: y/n why would you -

Y/n: historia do you think Ymir gave up her life for you just to sit here and do nothing but be depressed. No she wanted you live your life to the fullest here. Get your self a goal whether it's living to the next day or become queen, you shouldn't be mopping around like this it's not what Ymir would have wanted.

Historia; thanks y/n I needed that, for now my goal is to live

Y/n: there you go

Eren: finally, you're talking again.

Historia: huh ?

Eren: when we came here, you told us all about yourself, but...since then you haven't smiled once,and you rarely talk either.

Historia: because it's a pain, sorry. That good girl christa who was nice to everyone is gone now.

Eren: nah, I think it's better this way.

Historia: huh?

Eren: before, it felt like you always put on a facade. It was so forced and unnatural. It made me sick

Y/n: I agree but I would have worded that differently

Historia: I see...

Eren: but, the you right now is pretty normal. A stupidly honest, but normal girl.

Y/n:I like this you more it feel more like your a human and not some goddess, you more like us now normal people.

Eren: anyways, you have plenty of time to think about Ymir. In a lot of ways, I... wait wasn't that...?

Sasha: hanji and the others arrived, gather in the main room!

We all gathered in the main room

Levi: huh? What was that?

Hanji: He's dead... pastor nick.he was murdered. This morning, in the trost district barracks. I figured the church would want to deal with nick since he was cooperating with the scouts. That's why I hid his identity and had him stay in the barracks, think they would use soldiers to kill him... I was too careless. It entirely my fault.

Everyone at the table was quite. Before Armin spoke up

Armin: the military police... did they torture pastor nick just to find out what information he spilled to us?

Levi: most likely. But it was the interior military police, the same people that went after the person that gave you those weapons right y/n

Y/n: yeah in the letter it said the first interior but it also said anti personnel squad so -

Levi: that means there's something behind it. Like how they went after y/n's friend to get info on him. So how many nails did nick have ripped off?

Hanji: huh?

Levi: you saw right? How many?

Hanji: I only caught a glimpse of him but all the nails that I could see.

Levi: people that talk, talk after one. If they don't, peeling more won't make a difference. Pastor nick... I thought he was an idiot, but... he didn't turn away from what he believed, all the way till the end. In other words, they have no idea we've caught wind of the reiss family. Though, someone in the government is up to no good, and their eyes are fixed on us.

The door opened and Nifa walked in

Nifa: captain Levi, A message from commander Erwin. I went to tell him about pastor nick, but he sent me off with this.

Levi: everyone out we leave now. Leave no trace we were here.


We were on a hill looking over the cabin,
There were torch's around it.

Connie: that was close... if we hadn't left right then what would've happened to us?

Armin: but why? What would make commander Erwin...?

Levi: new orders came from the government. There's been a freeze on all scout regiment activity outside the wall. They're telling us to hand over Eren and historia.

Nifa: by the way, right after he gave me the message... the military police came for him...

Hanji: that's treating him like some sort of criminal!

Levi: someone's not working from the shadows anymore. They're moving for all eyes to see.

Hanji: to go that far to protect the walls secrets...what's more, why do they want us to hand over Eren and historia? Not to kill, but for them to obtain?

Levi: who knows? Loitering Around here is dangerous. We're moving her and eren to trost district.

Moblit: why? That's the same place
Pastor nick was killed.

Levi: it's worse to head towards the interior. With trost in a panic, it should be easy to slip in. And if somehow it's comes down to it, we can use these in the city

Levi revealed his odm gear.

Armin: true

Levi: plus, not knowing the enemy puts us in a tough spot. We need to find out who's behind this. Hanji, lend me some of your squad.

Hanji: of course. All right, I'm going after Erwin. Moblit's with me. The rest of you will follow Levi.

Hanji's squad: roger

Eren: hanji! Here... I remembered a conversation between Ymir and bertholdt. Didn't get time to tell you, but it's here.

Hanji: all right. I'll take a look at it later.

Hanji and moblit rode off. We were on our way to trost, Sasha was walking next to me

Sasha: y/n I'm nervous

Y/n: no need to be nervous everything is going to work out

Sasha: your right, I'll try and calm my nerves


I was sitting on a building next to Nifa watching the cart, Nifa decided to break the silence

Nifa: hey y/n I noticed you have those weapons on chest what are they

Y/n: there guns that I got from a family friend, sadly he got taken by the interior police.

Nifa: sorry to hear that. By the way where did you learn to draw

Y/n: I had a lot of free time, my parents barely let me outside because they thought I would get hurt, I didn't have any friends as a child

Nifa: where are Your parents now?

Y/n: dead

Nifa: sorry I didn't know

Y/n: it's fine I've had plenty of time to morn them.

I heard odm gear and captain Levi landed next to us

Nifa/y/n: captain

Levi: well?

Nifa: the road is crowded, but nothing unusual. It's not much farther to commander Pyxis.

Y/n: how's the body double mission?

Levi: a success.

Nifa: and yet, you don't look happy...

Levi: no...

Captain Levi looked deep in thought

Nifa: captain, the wagon's almost moving again.

Levi: have you guys heard of Kenny the ripper?

Nifa: the mass-murderer in the capital? The one that slit the throats of over 100 military police? That's just an urban legend from years ago,right?

Levi: he is real and the stories are true.

Y/n: huh?

Levi: I lived with him for a while when I was a kid.

Nifa: what? Why would you even say that? This isn't the time to be making jokes.

Y/n: nifa sense when does the captain jo-

Levi: nifa, y/n

Because I was closer to him, he pulled my head down making me dodge a bullet nifa wasn't so luck.

Levi: y/n go find the other I'll deal with him

Y/n: ok

I quickly Jumped of the building flying away leaving the captain

???: get after the kid, I'll deal with this runt.yo Levi grow any yet

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation because I was to far away I did hear the captain scream a name


(I forget to write the second chapter I promised I sorry, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Once again I'm sorry for not writing the next chapter. Hope your day is going well)

( that is where and what your weapon holsters look like one on each side of your body)

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