Wolf Titan (Futa Yuri Attack...

By nightdragon456

341K 12.1K 3.2K

Makoto Ichijo grew up discriminated against by humans since she wasn't one herself. It's no secret that she h... More

Makoto Ichijo
Chapter 1
Voting Time!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Hanji's Experimental Report 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
New Cover
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Story? Maybe? Idk?
OCs Used for New Story and Release Date
New Book: Saviors
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The Book's Future
Important Note: Please Read!
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Update! (not a chapter)
Chapter 45
Stories being deleted?
Chapter 46
History Journal 1: Origins
History Journal 2: Animal Shifters
History Journal 3: Ichijo Parents
History Journal 4: Childhood of Ichijo Sisters
Wolf Titan but make it a dating simulator
Chapter 48

Chapter 47

3.3K 146 85
By nightdragon456

Fun Fact: Most hybrids live in the underground city. Only a few of them made a living outside of the underground city, including Makoto's family. Hybrids can be found on Marley as well, but most hybrids on Marley are living within designated areas segregated from the main population alongside Eldians.

Makoto was shocked when she discovered that she was going to be put in Squad Levi. The new squad was to protect Eren and Historia. What surprised her, even more, was that she now had to share a cabin with the rest of her squad along with Armin and Annie. Annie wasn't placed into Squad Levi based on her previous action but she was allowed to stay at the cabin with them since she was Makoto's responsibility. 

Recently, Makoto and Eren have been training more and conducting experiments in their titan forms. As long as Makoto didn't have to be locked in some cage, she wasn't going to complain. It was also hard to say no to Hanji when she kept using puppy eyes. Who knew Makoto had such a weakness for puppy eyes?

Ymir and Makoto actually encouraged Historia to start acting like her true self. At first, the blonde was hesitant since she wouldn't know how the others would react, but with enough convincing, Historia agreed to go along. 

Living in a cabin with everyone else wasn't too bad except for one aspect. Kyouko was a part of the Levi squad. The tension between the two sisters was still there, and the two were never in the same room. The two haven't spoken since the incident that happened in the cafeteria. Kyouko normally hung out with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa while the older sister hung out with her girlfriends. From time to time, Makoto would be around Connie, Jean, and Sasha. Everyone else knew to leave it alone and just let the two siblings hash it out themselves.

It was another day at the cabin, everyone else beside Makoto and Annie had woken up to start on chores. Makoto had the privilege of sleeping in after how the last experiment went. She had overworked herself to the point where the others had to cut her out of her animal titan form. Annie had agreed to keep an eye on Makoto for the time being. Ymir had been stuck to Historia's side like glue, constantly watching over her and keeping her safe. 

Makoto had been woken up by someone shifting on the bed. Rubbing her eyes and allowing her eyes to adjust to the semi-bright room, the body pressed up against her was gripping onto her shirt. Looking down, Annie was shifting around in her sleep, her fists clutching on her shirt and her lips quirking down into a frown. 

'Another nightmare..'

Leaning down, she placed a soft kiss on the blonde's forehead. Annie began to visibly relax, her grip loosening on her shirt. "You're okay, 私の戦士 (my warrior)," Makoto whispered softly to her. 

Someone's fist met the door, gently knocking on the wood. "Makoto, are you awake?" Sasha's voice called out, muffled by the barrier between the two rooms. Carefully getting out of bed, Makoto went to answer the door. "Yeah, I'm awake."

The brunette let out a small squeak as her cheeks heat up, seeing the taller woman in front of her in a sports bra and baggy pants. Quickly covering her eyes and averting her head, she managed to stutter out, "Le-Levi wants to talk to you!" The way Sasha quickly got flustered was adorable to Makoto. If she was the type to tease more often, she would be having a field day with the brunette. 

"I'll be out soon. Let me get dressed," Makoto replied. Giving a quick nod, Sasha made a dash for it while trying to hide her red cheeks. 

Locking the door, Makoto began to strip down to get into her uniform. Suddenly she felt a weight pressed against her back. "Where are you going?" Annie rasped, her arms wrapping around the other woman's waist. "Levi wants to speak to me about something," Makoto informed, receiving a soft scoff.

"Can't you stay a bit longer?" She muttered, her hand grazing along the hybrid's muscular stomach. Shivering against her touch, her cheeks turn into a soft shade of rose red. Her fingertips began to trace the band of her boxers, gently tugging at the hem. 

"An-Annie, stop. I should meet up with Levi and see what he wants. I don't want him to put me onto chore duty." Makoto stammered. Letting out another scoff, Annie loosened her arms around her and went back to bed, sitting down at the edge. Makoto allowed a sigh of relief to escape her lips as she finished getting dressed up. She gave her a kiss before leaving the room and went to look for Levi. 

The others were cleaning around the cabin and the girls came back from collecting firewood. "Hey, sleeping beauty. About time you got up," Ymir snickered and placed a kiss on her right cheek. Rolling her eyes playfully, Historia smiled up at Makoto. "I'm glad you got some rest." She said as she kissed her other cheek. Although Makoto did her best to keep a smile off her fast, her tail gave it away. Her tail was wagging like a happy puppy receiving a new toy. 

"Makoto," Levi demanded as he stood by the doorway, "Come outside with me." Sharing confused looks with her other two partners, Makoto followed the short man out. She found Levi leaning against the cabin with his arms crossed. His face was twisted with mixed emotions. "Captain, you wanted to speak?"

"Yes, you're aware that we're in a position that anyone associated with us is in danger, correct?" Levi stated. "I need someone in my squad to be able to protect the others when I'm not around. From now on, I'm going to train you personally. Outside of Hanji's experiments and the chores you'll be receiving, you'll be receiving training."

"But why me? Why not teach Eren or Mikasa? You can literally pick anyone else." Makoto implied. It was true though, she was confused about why the man decided to choose her. 

"Eren is helpful as a titan but when given just the ODM gear, he's fucked. Not to mention, I feel something off with him. I can't put my finger on it though. As for Mikasa, she's a capable fighter. But her emotions can get the best of her when it involves Eren." Levi continued, "I've seen you fight as a titan and as a soldier. You're the best candidate I have."

Staring down at him, the white-haired woman hesitated. "Why should I even agree?" Finally, Levi looked up to look at her, "You want to keep the ones you care about safe, don't you? We both have people we care for." Silence followed after his statement. Makoto glanced over at one of the cabin windows. Inside, Ymir and Historia were chatting to one another, giggling and sharing affectionate jabs and pokes. Annie had come out of her room, and she was watching them. Although she didn't show any signs of happiness, Annie's posture showed that she was relaxed and vulnerable with those two. Makoto watched as Sasha and Mikasa made their way over, offering food as they sat down with them.

"I'll do it," Makoto finally answered, looking away from the window. "Good. You're not to tell anyone about this. This stays between us. Training starts at sunset. Don't be late," Levi declared and headed inside. Makoto was left on her own as she looked out into the open scenery. 

What she doesn't notice was Kyouko watching her from inside the cabin.


Hanji's most recent experiments had gone poorly. When Eren and Makoto were asked to transform, Eren's titan was not at his full size and looked incredibly skinny. Not to mention, his ass was hanging out of the nape. Makoto, however, seemed fine. She had been working on shifting around her titan's muscles to allow her to stand on her hind legs and fight. 

She watched everyone rush to Eren's aid in an attempt to pull him out. The sight of Eren's face withered away almost had Makoto sick to her stomach. It shocked her to see Hanji so excited about this new discovery. 

'I don't think I'll ever understand how that woman's brain works.'

As they took away Eren, Makoto allowed herself to go back to normal. Looking up at the cliff, Levi stared down at her, giving her a nod before walking away. 

From sunset to midnight, Levi worked the hybrid to the bone. Making them both fight mid-air with their ODM gear and blades. Although it was a fair fight at the beginning, the longer it went on, the more tired Makoto got. She couldn't understand how a tiny man like Levi had so much stamina. She gained a new sense of respect for him that night.


Everything went by in a flash. From waking up in a bed with her three partners to now sitting in a wagon with Eren and Historia in the middle of Trost District. 

In the morning, Hanji had arrived with a letter from Erwin. After being informed of Pastor Nick's death and Levi reading the letter, everyone was ordered to move out and leave no trace behind. Levi selected Makoto to protect Eren and Historia as they rode through Trost District. Ymir insisted on getting the wagon as well as extra protection, but Levi declined. Unfortunately, Ymir and Annie were stuck with the rest. Kyouko, herself even shared concerns about having Makoto being the one to protect them. She insisted that she took Makoto's place, but it was also declined by Levi.

Makoto and Historia sat together on one side of the carriage, their hands interlocked together. The things keeping Historia grounded was Makoto's thumb gently caressing circles on her knuckles and her presence. Eren sat across from them, he kept glancing over at Keiji, who was controlling the carriage. 

Everything seemed to be going according to plan, Makoto even allowed herself to relax slightly. Her period of peace didn't last long when her ears picked up a gunshot. Her wolf ears perked up, she quickly grabbed Eren by his shirt and pulled him down along with Historia. 

On cue, the top of the carriage was ripped off by grapples, exposing the three of them. "Get behind me!" Makoto shouted to the two of them as she put herself in front. Grabbing a rifle to the side, she aimed up and shot at their pursuers. 

She was able to shoot down three of them before being hit with a tranquilizer. As much as she tried to keep her consciousness, Makoto knocked out and dropped the rifle. Acting quickly, Eren reached over to grab the dropped rifle. It wasn't long until Eren and Historia were also hit with tranquilizers and Keniji was shot in the head.

A fight between the Levi squad and the pursuers ensued until Levi's squad gained control over the carriage. "Makoto! Historia!" Ymir panicked and went over to check on them. Following close behind was Annie, kneeling beside them. "They're okay," Annie reassured, squeezing Ymir's shoulder.

"Guys! Look out!" Armin screamed as more pursuers began to arrive. "Damn it, Kenny..." Levi growled under his breath. 

Taking a pistol that was in Armin's hand, Annie aimed up at one of Kenny's members and fired. Just when it was about to hit them, a flash of brown got in the way and saved the member. Annie's eyes narrowed as her attention focused on the brown object that was flying around. Despite firing repeatedly at it, every bullet missed it by an inch.

"What the hell is that thing?" Annie asked, irritated that every shot missed.

"More like, who is that thing," Jean swallowed as he shakily raised his hand up to point. The "brown object" had begun to slow down and revealed itself as a man with brown hair and brown hawk wings.

"Another hybrid?!" Kyouko shouted, shocked to see a hybrid out in the daylight. The man aimed his own pistol at Annie, then fired. If it wasn't for Ymir pushing her to the side, the blonde would have been a goner.

"Fall back!" Levi ordered as he flew above them with his ODM gear. "What?! We can't leave them!" Ymir snapped, she couldn't leave behind Makoto and Historia. What would happen to them if she did? Ymir wasn't willing to risk the chance. Levi scoffed and whisked down, grabbing Ymir and Annie by their uniforms, and pulled them off the carriage with the help of Kyouko and the others. 

The group was forced to watch the carriage be taken away. Mikasa was behind held back by Levi as she thrashed around. Annie had forced herself to keep composed, she had to urge to punch a nearby wall and chase after them. But she knew if she did anything out of line, she would get herself and Makoto in trouble. Kyouko had to hold down Ymir, who was spatting out threats to her if she didn't release her. 

What were they gonna do now?


Elsewhere, the three continued to lay in the carriage unconscious. A short man with black hair and a thinning mustache arrived at the scene. He walked over to the carriage and spotted the three. "Are these the kids you wanted, Reiss?" Another man with a bowler hat said as he walked up with him. 

"Yes. But Kenny," the man named Rod Reiss began, "I only wanted Eren and my daughter. Who is the third girl here?" 

Before Kenny could respond, a feminine voice interrupted them. "Oh, don't mind her. She's ours." The two men turned their heads to see a female hybrid with a crocodile tail approach them. Beside her was the man with hawk wings, with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Both of them were wearing the same uniforms as Kenny's members.

"Oh, right." Kenny waved off. "Skye. Floryn. Get your things out of here and deal with it on your own, would you? I could care less what you do, as long as it's not here." With a nod and bow, the pair walked over to the carriage.

"That's her, alright. It's not every day you see someone with snow-white hair and wolf ears." Floryn confirmed. "Let's go before she wakes up, babe." Skye picked up the wolf hybrid in his arms and followed the crocodile hybrid out.

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