The Real Magic Knight

BakastaWaifu tarafından

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What if lichita didn't decided to leave asta at the church? What if asta and liebe had met At the beginning o... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (A Date)
Thank You!
Chapter 16
Bonus chapter✨
Another book
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 12

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BakastaWaifu tarafından

The fight still ongoing but Asta managed to damaged one of the mage corpse. However did he really win?

Hey Cmon jimmy get up, don't let a guy like this beat you!" said the mage looking annoyed until he smiled, "No I don't think so, I still have plenty of corpses to use" he said as lightning started to appear in front of him. Another corpse flew into the air, this one was surrounded with lighting, it was covered in bandages with two symbols of eyes on its head. It had no legs and it's arms were crossed.

"It's another one that can use magic" said Noelle as Asta ran over to her and placed his right hand on her shoulder.

"This could get dangerous so you better get the litte girl out of here" Asta said. " Alright Asta, but make sure take care of yourself!" Said Noelle. Asta just smiled. The water dome covering the little girl fell apart and Noelle started leading the little girl away from the battlefield near the path where Leopold was, "You need to get out from here as far as you can" she said kneeling down to girls height.

"Please miss you have to help him!" said the little girl.

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere, I won't abondon him and you have Nero to look after you" said Noelle smiling at the anti bird that was on the girl head who lifted up their wing in understanding as the little girl turned to walk away.

"There's another one" said Leopold getting Noelles attention and she turned around to see another corpse coming out of a puddle of water. This corpse was large and two puddles of water was at both of its sides.

"Sorry but I need to keep you busy while Alfred takes care of your boyfriend" said the mage smirking as the corpse with the lighting surrounding it, now known as Alfred shot lighting at Asta who dodged the attack. " H-he is not my boyfriend.." mumbled Noelle blushing.

"Noelle I'll be fine, just focus on the guy you're facing" said Asta looking serious. Noelle then smiled as her eyes full of trust and determination .
" Right Asta!"

Asta he had just landed after dodging another attack when he noticed his cut getting even worse as blood started to pour down his cheek.
" Damn it, This is just getting worst! How can I focus on the fight if my cheek never stopped bleeding?" Thought Asta. Suddenly a lightning strike toward Asta as it about to hit him, but Asta managed to dodged it at the very last second with his incredible speed. "I'm impressed that you managed to dodged my corpses attack. Indeed you're strong! I'm sure if it wasn't your cheek, you might have defeated me with ease.." Said the mage as his corpse started to summon more lightning around it. " But right now, It doesn't matter. I will kill you and make everybody watched that My Magic is The Most Powerful!" Shouted the mage.

" Shit, my eyes started to blurry!" Though Asta.
" Hey idiot, Focus!" Shouted Liebe. " Can you stopped calling me idiot!" Yelled Asta. " Indeed you can't even focus on the battlefield." Replied Liebe. " How can I focus if this bastard just put a fucking spell on my cheek?!"

"Huh a spell? Why not just nullified it?" Asked Liebe. " What are you saying? This spell can't b-". ( Wait, nullified spell? Demon slayer) Thought Asta as he turned his gaze toward his sword. " Hmph idiot,now you got it?" Asked Liebe. " Wahhh, Thanks Liebe! I got it now sorry for being idiot hehe" Said Asta as he rubbed his back hair. " well now, finish this battle quickly." Said Liebe.

Asta then put his sword on his bleeding cheek, and cut it making his cheek more bleeding but finally stopped it. " W-what did you do?" Asked the mage suprised.

" Heh, right now.. I will show you my true power" Said Asta smirked. Suddenly, a flames shooting up at Alfred stopping the attack and burning it to ash.

"No, Alfred been destroyed?!" said the mage looking surprised.

Asta turned around to see Feugoleon walk over to him. " Awww mann, I didn't even get to use my true power!" Shouted Asta.

I've interrupted your fight and I'm sorry about that" said Feugoleon standing in front of Asta making him look up. " Yami was lucky he managed to got you into your squad. You are by far, the most brave and full of determination magic knight I have seen despite how young you are".

" H-huh? T-thanks" Said Asta blushed a bit from the praised. "Asta, you said your goal is to become the wizard king, well I guess that makes you my rival aswell" he said making Asta look surprised.

"Wait did a magic knight captain just make me his rival?" thought Asta looking suprised that a magic knight captain said this about him. He then undone his black form because the feeling of tiredness he got.

Fuegoleon then directed his gaze toward The mage with his serious expression. " Answer my question, who are you and why are you attacking" asked Feugoleon.

"Hmm, the names Rades" said the mage, "I was actually a magic knight candidate" he said making Asta and Feugoleon look suprised.

"That's right, he was just a commoner but he had an incredible amount of magic power" thought Feugoleon remembering when he saw the man a long time ago, "If I remember correctly you were assigned to the purple orcas, why did you turn into a traitor?" he asked

"I was kicked out from my own squad but not just that.." said Rades clenching his fists, "I was even banished from the kingdom, they said my magic was forbiddden and evil, that's why I'm attacking the clover kingdom, to get my revenge for them not respecting my great power" he said.

"Well that's one of our objectives here" said a voice from one of the piles of corpses Asta had defeated but no one heard it.

Then another corpse started flying up from the ground behind Rades. This one was covered in a white rhobe and only it's head could be seen. There was a symbol of an eye in the middle of its robe.

"Say hello to Number 1, Carl" he said smiling.

" Huh, so you still have many weird stuff with you don't you?" Said Asta annoyed. " Shut up Brat! This time I will finish you along with the captain Crimson of Lion!" Shouted Rades.

" Asta, Let me finish this one. You have done so much before." Said Fuegoleon serious. " But I still can fight!" Replied Asta. " I know.. but you deserve to rest. Don't overwork your body too much with a small fry enemy." Said Fuegoleon.
" small....fry...?" Said Rades as he clenched his fist. " Well.. Alright sir." Said Asta.

"Remember to stay calm, Leo!" he said getting his younger brothers attention.

"Yeah!" he said.

"Do you need assistance?" Feugoleon asked only for his brother to smile.

"No we can take care of these brother" Leo said as flames started to surround his hands again.

"Then you two will face him on your own, remember to stay calm and figure out your enemy's movements so you can find a way to defeat them" he said turning to look at Rades as his grimoire opened.

"Understood" said Leo and Noelle.

"Now flame magic, roaring lion" said Feugoleon as a big flaming lion appeared behind him and breathed fire at the Rades creating a cloud of smoke.

"He was able to talk to the others and fight, wow!" said Asta looking impressed by the crimson lions captain.

Then from the smoke, both Carl and Rades were surrounded by a magic shield, "Here's the thing about Carl, he's great at using defensive spells" Rades said while smirking as multiple small magic drills shot from the shield towards Fuegoleoon. A flame shield then went up protecting him from the attacks.

"Flame magic, flame spiral shield" said Feugoleon with a calm look on his face as the little drills turned to ash when they hit the flames.

"Haha, so now all you can do is defend, I wonder just how long you'll be able to hold.." but before Rades could finish his sentence a blue beam shot through the shield and went through Carl. The corpse fell down to the ground and the shield vanished, "Wait, how did you?" he said looking shocked.

There were parts of your spell that grew weaker when you attacked, I just aimed for that point" said Feugoleon as the flame spiral went down and he started to approach Rades, "You said you came here for revenge" he said as the sun started to shine.

Rades then started to look afraid as the captain of crimson lions moved closer to him, "Rades, it's You who is the real monster!" Feugoleon said angrily.

Over with Yuno group

"I have to get stronger so I can handle situations like these easier" Yuno thought looking at his hand.

"Let's all year it for the magic knights" said the people in the area cheering.

But up in the sky a woman wearing a black outfit and wearing a black witches hat was sitting down on her broom as she smiled looking down at the people, "I can just feel the mana already" she said smirking.

This isn't fair, I trained for so long, making my magic better then it ever was, how could I have lost, my powers greater then any magic knight captain or any royal" thought Rades as a piece of the corpse Feugoleon has defeated was about to fall into his hand but it burned away. He then clenched his fist looking annoyed, "How is this possible" he said when there was the sound of Leopold yelling.

Leopold and Noelle were still fighting the corpse that was using water attacks, after dodging an attack, another one was about to hit him when a water dome went over him and protected him from the attack, "Hey thanks for to save" he said smiling at Noelle who was pointing her wand at him.

"Save your thanks for later and beat this thing" said Noelle looking serious. Leopold nodded as he started running towards the corpse and when he got close enough the water dome Noelle made to protect him fell apart.

"Now flame magic, flame spiral" said Leopold as flames surrounded both of his hands as he placed them on the corpse, the flames then completely destroyed the corpse leaving nothing behind, "All right" he said cheering.

"Well done you two, you've proven you're worth as magic knights and royalty" said Feugoleon.

"Yes sir!" said Leopold and Noelle giving the magic knights salute.

"Now flame magic, Leo palm" said Feogeleon as his grimoire opened, multiple flaming lion palms came out of the ground and started trapping Rades in them.

"Hey what are you thinking, get these flames off of me!" said Rades struggling which made his grimoire fall to the ground.

Now I know there's more then one person resposible for this attack, your going to tell us everything you know and I will be taking your grimoire" said Feugoleon as a flaming palm picked up the grimoire and handed it over to him.

"Hey Wait you cant touch that, it's mine, you put it down!" said Rades looking afraid as he struggled more in the flames.

"Its unusually light" said Feugoleon opening the girmoire only to be surpsied when he saw there was only one page in the book and only one spell, "This is impossible" he said.

" I'll admit your strong, but you threw all that power away in a wrong path! " he said. Fuegoleon just smiled from Asta words.

" It's just a wasted of time if us human hold a grudge against each other meanwhile there's something dangerous out there that we must protect together from them!" Asta said.

"Asta..." Noelle said as she watched Asta. She knew what Asta means and felt pity for him. "Here let me help you" said Noelle grabbing Astas left arm to help him stay up since there was still a wound on his cheek from dodging the lightning attacks he was a little tired.

"Thanks" said Asta smiling.

Rades then looked to the ground, "This isn't fair.." he said looking annoyed when from a magic device in his left ear a voice came out of.

"Well are you satisfied now" said the voice surprising the corpse mage.

"Hang on, a voice" said Asta looking confused.

"Did your hear something?" asked Noelle

"No I can still fight" said Rades.

"It appears your are still not strong enough to fight a magic knight captain" said the voice.

"No, I almost beat them" said Rades looking annoyed.

Over with Yuno group, Yuno was still thinking when he noticed Mimosa breathing in and out, "Hey is everything alright?" he asked as he walked over to her.

"Oh yes I'm fine, I just haven't healed that many people in a row before" said Mimosa smiling.

Over with the silver eagles Nebra and Solid were still smiling over their victory while Nozel still looked serious when dark magic started surrounded the ground underneath them, "What's going on?" asked Nozel as the magic started covering their body's. The same thing was happening to the other magic knights in the capital accept where Feugoleon, Asta, Noelle and Leopold were located.

With Nacht.
" Something went off.." Thought Nacht as he finished all the corpses by himself.

With Yuno

Yuno girmoire started glowing, "My girmoire" he said noticing it happening when he started flying up into the air, "Mimosa!" he said before grabbing her left arm and she started being carried into the air.

"What's happening?!" said Mimosa as she watched the black magic cover Aleedora.

"I thank you for your help magic knights" said the voice who was talking to Rades earlier but now sounded over the areas where the magic knights were located, "But now it is time for you to leave" he said before the magic knights who were stuck in the magic completely vanished along with the magic that had trapped them.

"Where did the magic knights go?!" said one of the men in the crowd who had watched the two silver eagle members and their captain vanish in the dark Magic.

A long distance away from the capital surrounded by hills, a dark magic portal appeared in the sky and the magic knights that had been swallowed up fell out of it, "Where are we?" said Nozel after they all landed on the ground.

"If I'm right we're a good distance away from the capital" said Klaus pushing up his glasses.

"The misterious guy who had a devil early did say a spatial magic user might be involved, but to teleport all of us out here at once, he must have planed for this to happen" said Charlotte.

"WE LOST!" yelled Aleedora annoyed by the situation.

"Wait, Alecdora wasn't Yuno and Mimosa with you?" aksed Klaus

"What we need to focus on now is getting back to the capital and quickly" said Nozel calmly.


Hye guys! First of all, I wanna apologize to you guys because of my late update this chapter. I had a problem about my network before. So that's why I barely had a time to write this.
Anyway, the next chapter will be on track as I promised depends on my schedule. See you guys on the next Chapter!

P/s: I'm so happy right now because Black Clover will be getting a MOVIE!! As I expected before. OMG I can't wait for that!

Okumaya devam et

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