The players will pay

By countess_heartless

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"I know what I'm going to do" I said as soon as we arrived into her room. She shut the door and looked at me... More

Chapt 1.They are gonna pay
Chapt 2.Try me
Chapt 3 let the games begin
Chapt 4: Not YOUR babe, creep!
Chapt. 5 First part of the plan
Chapt. 6 curoisity killed the cat right?
Chapt 7: flashback?
Chapt.8 freakish obstacles
Chapt. 9 Abigail harper? how low can u go?
Chapt 10 FAIL.
Chapt. 12 Pibli-what?
Chapt. 13 morning-afters
Chapt. 14 sex on top of a car
Chapt 15 fashion nightmare?
Chapt 16 DAD!? wha-?! EXPLAIN!
Chapt. 18 Pleasant picnic
Chapt 19. mixed emotions?
Chapter 21 Another one gone
Chapter 22. Death.
Chapt. 23
Chapt 24
Chapter 25: a turn of events
Author's last note.

Chapt 17 YOLO

477 15 11
By countess_heartless


We reached another building at the very middle of Manhattan. It wasn't very far from the empire state building.

It was another building belonging to my uncle, though it was more of a lounge than an office. With every facility you could ever dream off. We entered from the doorway and through the elevator, we made our way to the terrace.

The black helicopter with LIVELY written on it with bold white was sitting calmly, ready to make the rest of this day memorable. I grinned and ran to it, enjoying the feel of the cushiony seats when I quickly hopped in and sat down.

I heard a big hearty laugh from right outside the door of the helicopter. "LARRY!" I screamed and jumped out and flung into the arms of the familiar redhead.

"How's it going kiddo!" he said, ruffling my hair.

Larry was like my dad to me. He was the one who operated the helicopter and was also my chauffer. When I was small, this big guy was about 25. Uncle immediately hired him as he was a very smart, young and witty kid. Now he was about 38, with a funny looking red moustache and warm brown eyes. But he still was the same man to me, he always took care of me and drove me any places I want. Now his only job is to operate this helicopter but I come and give him company sometimes.

"I am fine" I said, pulling back from the ginormous hug I had given him

He smiled at me, with those beautiful brown puppy-dog eyes lighting up. I could see that he really adored me and honestly, I adored him too.

"Who is this?" Larry gestured to Cameron.

"That's Cameron"

"Oh" he said with a twinkle in his eye, "Let me guess, boyfriend?"

My cheeks turned pink and I turned away from Cameron in embarrassment. He was standing a few steps away from the helicopter me and Larry. He gave me a quizzical look as I quickly let my hair fall on my face to hide the blush on them.

"NO!" I whisper-screamed to Larry, "He is just my friend."

Larry nodded but I could tell that he didn't buy it. That guy knew me...I don't blush. NEVAH!

And the fact that Cameron made my cheeks do the impossible means that I felt something for him...

"So where ya kids off to!?" he asked me, in his gruff older voice.

I bit my lip. "Larry" I said sweetly, "I have a favor to ask"

"Go on"

"I need you make the empire state building our landing area."

He looked at me wide-eyed, "WHAT!"

"Uh, We need to rent the empire state building for a few"


"Please Larry!"


"Please please please...pretty please." I showed him my puppy-dog face

"Sandra" he said sighing, "One simply does not rent the empire state building!"

"Ya, a normal one... But I'm CASSANDRA!"

HE shook his head knowing that I wasn't going to take no for an answer. Heck, I'll go to the mayor and convince him...seduce him if I have to. And if that doesn't work, I won't mind going to Washington to convince the president of the united stated to give me permission.

"Okay" Larry said, finally giving in, "I have connections, I'll see"

"THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH LARRY!!" I said jumping up and down, "Love you!"

He smiled and fetched out his phone.

I ran back to Cameron with an excited look on my face. He had on an amused look.

"WE ARE GOING TO SKY DIVE ON THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING BABYYYY!" I held up my hand and high-fived him. He grinned and we patiently waited for Larry to come with the good news.

"Oh ya? Oh ya? You wanna talk to miss lively. You want her to kick ya puny ass!" We heard Larry shout into his phone.

"FINE! Talk to her" He fumed and walked up to me, handing me the phone.

I gave him a questionable look. "No one had a problem except HIM" He told me.

I took the phone, quite angry for this guy for being so difficult, "Hello" I said coldly.

"Yes, Ms.lively. I am sorry but we cannot allow you to rent the empire state building." A man in about the 20's said from the other end.

"Do you not know who I am?" I said in a calm, menacing tone. "I have enough money to buy the world. What is a mere empire state building?"

The guy gulped, "but-t-"

"What's your name?"

"Bob Lane"

"Listen up Bob, the president of the united states is my buddy. One call to him or your boss from me will deprive you from having any job in your whole life. You either let me give you loads of money to rent the empire state building, or you lose everything that has ever mattered to you."

"O-Okay, it will be arranged"

I grinned and ended the call. "Done" I told the 2 boys who were anxiously waiting for the reply.

"Uh Cassandra" Cameron told me gulping, "remind me never to get on your bad side"

I shook my head smiling, "sure"



Right now, I and Cassandra are sitting with our gear and a parachute in the helicopter. Larry is operating it and we are right above the empire state building. My tummy is taking very huge turns as I look down and see the ground so far away. Cassandra is pumped up with adrenaline.

"Who's going first?" she shouted through the howling wind.

"Not me" I replied with an obvious tone.

She grinned evilly, "Well then..."

I felt a huge push from behind me and I fell from the helicopter...shouting like a crazy hooligan.


The cold wind whipped through my hair as I zipped down with alarming speed. Everything was a blur and I couldn't even take the scenery of the big apple. A very similar scream, but more of a enthusiastic than afraid one followed behind me.


Cassandra wasn't far behind; she grabbed my hand as we were falling to our deaths.

She then gestured me to the parachute string




We both pulled and immediately the life-saving balloon-like thing pulled as we stopped falling. We were now floating down gently towards destination which was a temporary big red dot on the very top of the empire state building. She grinned at me clearly enjoying the experience...though I was red. My lungs were burning and I was...

Enjoying this feeling so DAMN much! I never have felt so alive before..!!! I held Cassandra's hand as we floated down. I looked around; taking in the view of the looked so beautiful from up here. As we neared, the noise of the traffic became clearer, the numerous buildings all around stood tall and proud. I realized that I love New York, faults and all.

I then fixated my gaze on Cassandra. She honestly looked beautiful...her naturally light brown hair whipped across her face. She was laughing heartily, looking around in wonder. Her eyes were filled with light and that's when I realized, this girl holding my hand wasn't was Cassie. She was living her life to the fullest...again. And I felt proud at the fact that I was the one who caused it.

As we floated closer and closer to the building, I noticed that there had been a big cushion of air put up for us. We were gonna land on a soft, jumpy pillow! Could this day get any better?

We landed with a slight bounce. I quickly discarded the parachute and the gear, and began hopping on the trampoline-like structure. Cassandra joined me as we playfully like 5 year old's, hopped around!

We both were red and breathing heavily. And we both were grinning ear to this very moment, I loved my life.

Larry had landed a few steps away with the helicopter. He smiled and snapped a pic of us...He had been snapping pictures of the whole experience! And I was glad, I was going to treasure those forever.

I then climbed off the pillow and made my way to the railing, overlooking Manhattan. Cassandra joined me..

Adrenaline coursed through my body as I took in the view. At this very moment, right here, with Cassandra I felt..

"I AM THE KING OF THE DAMN WORLD!!!!" I shouted out into the city.

Cassandra rolled her eyes, "and I'm Count Dracula! Bleh Bleh Bleh" she said sarcastically, copying the style of my favorite vampire.

We laughed and laughed till our tummy's hurt.

And then it hit me, the perfect nickname!

"I know what to give you for your nickname!" I exclaimed suddenly



She groaned, "How is that any way relevant to me?"

"Well, CassanDRA...Count DRAcula"

"Oh dear Jesus! No way"




"OKAY! God, you stubborn brat!"

I grinned, "So DRAC, wanna join me as-"

My stomach grumbled, in the midst of it all I had forgotten that we had skipped lunch AND breakfast. I turned red...

"Uh Drac, I am kind of hungry"

"ME TOO!" she replied. Oh god, I love the friend way.


Wait...the day is not over yet. So hopefully I may be able to update the next chapter today but I cant promise anything as I m not quite well. cold and throat....the usual

tell me how you feel about all of this. The nickname...the last words cassandra said, the feeling cameron is getting towards her, and the fact that she is becoming like her old self when she hangs out with Cameron,

I know I havent quite introduced you to playgirl Cassandra. But I will..then you have the luxury to compare between who she is with cameron and who she is when she is NOT with Cameron.


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