
By -mullingaar

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Zayn's always getting drunk. Niall's always getting hurt. second book in the high trilogy © all rights reser... More

E p i l o g u e
G u y s ! !
S p e c i a l t h a n k y o u s !
S E Q U E L !


3.5K 191 103
By -mullingaar

[ Goal : 40+votes, 20+comments ]

Thanks for 20k+ on this book and 60k+ on high ! Big love X(:

Dedications: The answer was black !

Sweetest comment from last chapter : "This book is the best, soon as it said you updated I screamed" -taetae5560

Zayn's POV

I shook Bobby's hand firmly and I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt like hell.
When he let go I held onto my own hand.

"Zayn mind if I have a word with you ." Bobby asked and Niall looked at him like he was crazy.

Nevertheless I agreed and followed him into the room that he led me to. He signalled for me to take the seat across from him and I did.

"Look, I'm a man and I guess you can say you're one too so we're going to talk like two adults."
He started and it was obvious he was wasting no time.

"I'm not a fan of anyone who constantly hurts my son, anyone who blatantly doesn't give a fuck about his feelings." He's never really had this talk with me before and he's never cursed at me. When I first met him of course he talked to me but it was more about who I am not what he wants me to be. He liked me more than Greg did that was for sure, but that was before I got his son pregnant.

"I do care about his feelings, I don't hurt him on purpose I love him."

"No you don't.. Love is what my wife and I have. The last thing I'd do is hurt her I'll do any I have to in order to avoid that." He told me .

"Listen, I respect you and everything but you're not going to sit here and tell me I don't love Niall because I do. He's everything to me and I'll never hurt him again .

"I'll believe you for now but the moment he comes back crying to his mum and I because of something you did I'll make sure of it you won't see Jaxon again."

"You can't do that, he's my son regardless if Niall and I are together or not."

"We'll see about that." He stood up from his seat.

"Glad we had this talk." I said sarcastically before following him out the room and back to the livingroom where Niall, Maura, and Jaxon were.

I picked Jaxon up and kissed his forehead,"Hey little man."

"We're leaving this hell hole." I added under my breath.

"Where's his diaper bag?" I asked and Maura handed it to me.

"Zayn aren't you hungry? You can all stay for dinner if you'd like." Maura offered.

"Greg's coming over we can all have a family dinner like we used to." She smiled and I didn't want to get on her bad side as well so I agreed.

"Sure, Ni that's okay right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Please please no arguing I just want to eat and have fun." Niall said to everyone but I know he's meaning Greg and I.

I don't even have the energy to argue with him, as long as I'm with Niall everything's fine.

"I'll start setting the table." Maura said before going off into the kitchen.

I sat down on the couch with Jax in my arms and Niall sat beside me.
"Look at his hair!" He exclaimed running his hand through Jaxon's blonde hair.

"He's needs a haircut." He added but I shook my head no.

"We're never cutting his hair."

"We can't just not cut his hair it's going to be long like a girls." Niall laughed and Jaxon reached his arms out for him so he picked him up.

"I want his hair like mine."

"I guess he'll decide what he wants once he's older." He trailed off and I nodded in agreement.

"You think your parents could keep him tonight, I want to take you on a date." I asked and he hesitated.

"Unless you want Harry to watch him." I added with a laugh and he shook his head no immediately.

"Ew, I'd never let him watch my son."

"You'll have to be around him for more than 3 minutes one day since Jax and Darcy are brother and sister."

"Step." He added and I sighed deciding that today was not the day to talk about this.

The door opened and I saw Greg and Josh. They both hugged Bobby and went into the kitchen to find Maura.

"C'mon Zaynie let's go in the kitchen I'm starving and I know Jax is as well." He said and I followed him.

"Joshie!" Niall said before attacking Josh in a hug and I forced myself not to show my jealousy in any way.
Once they stopped hugging Josh simply waved at me in the most awkward way possible and I waved back.

"Hi Greg." Niall said to his brother who hugged and kissed his forehead.

"Hey Ni."

"Yeah, hi hi hello bye enough talking everyone sit down and shut up I'm starving." Bobby interrupted before clapping his hands and taking a seat himself.

"You know I'm sorry for the other day right?" Greg added.

"Forget about it, It's okay." Niall smiled at him.

Maura started putting food on everyone's plate until she had reached the final dish.
"Can we say our prayers mummy?"

"Of course sweetheart, you want to say them for us." Maura asked and Niall nodded.

"Dear god thank you for the food we have and thank you for bringing us all together happy instead of fighting. Thank you have keeping our family together no matter what." Niall ended with a giggle that he eventually covered with his hand.

"Amen." We all said and I grabbed Niall's hand from under the table.

"I love you." I muttered into his ear. Simple things like just watching him talk make me think of how much I adore him.

"I love you." He told me with a smile on his face.

"Greg how's it living on your own? Well not on your own but with Josh?" I heard Bobby ask which caught Niall and my attention.

"It's great, everything I've ever wanted. Even though he's the messiest person I've ever met."
Greg answered and Josh gasped.

"I am not !"

"Calm down babe I'm kidding." Greg laughed before kissing his cheek .

"You're crazy." Josh rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm crazy in love with you." I heard him say and you would think he'd be quieter since he's at the table with us all but instead he was the complete opposite.

"Stop.." Josh blushed hiding his face with his hands which Greg only moved away.

"Um.. Look I don't have anything written down I decided I'm just going to wing it and I was going to do this at home but what better way than infront of family right?"

Being the pervert I am, I assumed they were going to have sex infront of us.

"What are you talking about?"

His question, and all of everyone's wondering at the table was shortly answered when he got on one knee.

I looked around to see if everyone was as surprised as I was. Maura gasped although she looked proud, Bobby smiled fondly and, Niall's mouth hung open from being so shocked.

Greg felt around in this pocket before opening the box that held the ring inside, and it was gorgeous.

[a/n; ring to the side]
Josh was already starting to cry before Greg even said anything.

"Joshua John Devine, every since the moment I saw you I knew there was something special about you. The day you told me about your hopes and dreams, so much excitement was in your eyes that's when I knew I was in love with my bestfriend. You're everything to me I don't know how to function without you. I love you more than anything in this world and it would make me happier than Ive ever been if you'd make me the luckiest man in the world by spending the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, of course you idiot."
Greg kissed him shortly and Josh hugged around his neck.
"I love you so much."

"I love you too." Greg told him.

Maura got up and she hugged Josh, meanwhile Bobby hugged Greg. Although this family can be very dysfunctional anyone can tell that they love eachother and I've always wanted a family like that, that's why I want to give Jaxon exactly that.

"It's so pretty!" Niall cooed at the ring on Josh's finger.

Greg whispered something in Josh's ear before grabbing his hand.
"Alright, we're going home know we have uh-wedding stuff to do."

"Just say your going to go have sex." Bobby rolled his eyes and Maura hit his shoulder.

"Okay sweetheart, call us tomorrow." Maura said and they both waved goodbye.

"My baby's getting married!" Maura shrikes plopping down in her seat.

"Least' he did it the right way marriage first, then kids." Bobby added obviously taking a dig at Niall and I .

I don't understand the big deal, with marriages before kids.
It doesn't matter what order you're doing it in, you're accomplishing the same thing either way which is happiness.

"Mummy, Zayn and I are going to go out before it gets too late can you please watch Jax?"

"Of course, you two go have fun and just pick him up in the morning." She smiled and Niall kissed her cheek.

"Bye papa."

"If he gets too much for you to handle call me." I told Maura.

"Shhh, out both of you." She said and I grabbed onto Niall's hand to guide him outside the house.

"Where are you taking me?" Niall asked once we were on the road.

"It's a surprise."

"We've had enough surprises today." He giggled .

Once we arrived to our destination, I got out the car and opened his door for him to get out.

"What is this place?" He asked and his reaction was priceless once the doors opened.

I pulled him into the room where music was playing and only a few old couples danced.

"You brought me dancing and I'm in sweats." He said and I shrugged.

"Doesn't matter you still look beautiful." I told him and he smiled.

"So are you going to dance with me or not?" He smiled biting onto his bottom lip before wrapping his arms around my neck.

I held onto his waist and we moved along to the music.
He was scared or at least anxious I could tell so to lighten up the mood I dipped him and he laughed.

I leaned in to kiss him and he kissed me back before laying his head on my shoulder.

We danced like this for about an hour more once in a while sharing kissed, making eachother laugh, or just smiling in admiration at one another.

"I'm sleepy." He said finally.

"Me too, let's go yeah?" I asked and he nodded.

I waved the coordinator goodbye before Niall and I exited the building.

I drove him to his house and he begged for me to come inside so I did, although I told Harry I'd be back home.. He'll live.

"Help me!" He said once we reached his room and lifted his arms up. I pulled off his shirt for him and he laid down in the bed after removing his shoes.

I took off my shoes,my jeans; and shirt before laying down next to him and pulling him close.

"Zaynie, do you ever get tired?" He asked.

"Well yeah, I'm tired right now." I said and he laughed.

"No silly I mean of trying.. Breaking up and making up." He clarified.

"I don't want it to keep happening I would like to stay happy with you but I'd rather keep breaking up and making up than lose you forever." I answered after a moment of thinking.

"I want a big big family, but only with you."

"I'd give you whatever you want."

"Well, right now I want another baby." He muttered into my chest.

"Whatever you want." I said barely audible before flipping us both over so I was on top of him and kissing him on the lips.

Everything happened so fast next thing I knew I was pounding into him and he was biting onto my ear.

"I love you so much darling." I told him.

"I love you." He said back.
I grunted lowly as he moaned my name into the ear he was biting on.

"Zaynie." He nearly screamed as he reached his high me following behind shortly just by looking at him.

I connected my lips to his and I could feel him smile into the kiss.
"You're perfect." He says to me.

"Look who's talking." I chuckled before kissing him again.


Yay or nay ?

So yea that happened (: hope you guys are ready for another ziall baby .. Are you surprised? Cause that's what I wanted.

Q : what would you like the trilogy to be called ?

My A : I was thinking ; rehab but idk if you guys like that

Love you alllll
Bye baes xxx

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