A Little One-Sided (𝐾.𝐵𝑎𝑘...

By urdadscum

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y/n nd katsuki have been bestfriends with eachother since childhood. she's loved him since they met, but she... More

Nice To Meet You.
The Start Of Something New.
Round One. FIGHT!
not an update (its a thanks🙂)
Coin Flip
can i stay over?
kisses, kisses, kisses
regret and mistakes.
spilling the beans
blowing off some steam
missing u
wanna be yours
kiss me

lets play a game... shall we?

1.4K 41 92
By urdadscum

"its the possibility of making a dream come true that makes life interesting..."


between the two of us i was the first to wake up, it wasn't out of the ordinary. i dunno what he does in his day that makes him pass out for so long but look i'm not complaining, it gives me more time to look at his soft features before the devil himself wakes up.

it was easier to admire him in the light when he was sleeping, than in the dark when he was awake. he had no fine lines, no indentations, no dark spots, nor acne. no, he wasn't perfect but his face damn sure was.

'i wonder what he would look like if we kissed...?'

his body, molded, sculpted, and defined by gods themselves.

but his personality created by beelzebub, you cant do shit without pissing him off. but to be fair, it was pretty hot when he got mad, so it canceled out like PEMDAS... i guess.

when it came to me though his patience jumped, not by a lot but it was noticeable. he was still pretty irritable though, it was like walking on a beach with little bombs hidden in the sand that had pressure plates on them.

i find it odd how he turned out to be my bestfriend, i wouldn't say we're total opposites or the exact  same, but we're similar in our own ways. i have more patience than he ever will, but he's more assertive and aggressive than i ever will be.

"fuck are you looking at curly fries."

a very short-lived moment

"how ugly your fucking face is, what about it."

'i literally cant be nice for shit.'

his usually pointy hair was matted to the back of his head, nothing a shower couldn't fix, his eyes were puffy and red, and he had those lines you would get from a good ass nap. but his piercing red irises that could make someone cry if you stared for too long, were staring at you.

i cant take him seriously in the morning when he's mad, shit, who could take him seriously when he looked like that.

"get off your ass and come down stairs with me, im hungry and your attitude is starting ruin my appetite."

"i just fucking woke up, what do you want me to do? run around like a chicken with my head cut off after just 'awaking from my slumber'?"  he air-quoted.

"that's exactly what i want you to do you lazy piece of shit, now come on."


he was cursing underneath his breath, i only heard a bit... something along the lines of he hopes my bonnet falls off in my sleep. which i should have grilled him for but i would've gotten in trouble for charring the walls.

we walked downstairs to the kitchen and looked around for something we both would've wanted, i had cereal the day before so that was out of the question.

"wanna make waffles?" we said simultaneously

"yea, sounds good." i said

i grabbed the waffle maker and he grabbed the batter, he did the mixing while i did the prepping of the maker.

when i was done he took my place by the maker and starting making the waffles so they didn't burn, and i went to the fridge to grab the eggs and bacon.

i hated making bacon because of all the popping it did, the hot grease always burnt me. so i usually made him do it but he had to watch, time, and cook the waffles.

honestly if we could switch roles right now and i was the one making the waffles, i would do it in an instant. but im shit at making waffles, they were either undercooked, overcooked and burnt, or falling apart so Katsuki basically fired me from making waffles like ever again.

he told me to stick to toasting eggos...

"you fuck up that bacon, im fucking you up." he warned.

"can't threaten me with a good time."



he smacked his lips and averted his attention back to the waffle maker.

"how many do you want fuckface."

"uh... 1 and a half."

"how is that about to work and i want two?" he stood up and took the waffle out and put it on a plate to make another.

"uhh make 4 give one to me, cut one in half, give it to me and take the rest?"

"thats too much."

"then throw the other half away?"

"thats wasting food, shithead."

"then i'll just eat one, goddamn." i said, about to place the bacon in the pan.

he nodded, its weird... he's not being as combative as much as he would've been on a regular morning.

i put the bacon in the hot pan, an aggressive sizzle making me jump back

(like dis for reference '🤺' hehe)

a snort coming from Kat as he flipped the waffle maker, i ignored it cause if i had reacted, we wouldn't have had bacon.

butttt not without sending some flames to his foot, he'll be aight, he tough.

he just barely dodged the shot, he gave me that 'girl what the fuck?' typa look. he didnt react as bad as i thought he would, he took a deep breath in, held it, and let it go.

he stood still for a second, balled his fist then released it, and continued with the waffles.

"youre lucky im hungry you piece of shit." he snarled

i placed the other pieces bacon in the pan, making sure to snatch my arm away from the popping grease.

"not like you were gonna do shit anyways." i giggled


"FUCK!" i screamed

i rested my head on his shoulder, defeated and tired.

my hands had hurt from pushing, rubbing, and pressing on his shitty controller.

after breakfast we showered, dressed, and after about an hour we walked to his house to play video games, and after getting on every single one of Kat's nerves at my house, he wanted to choose the game.

he chose the one he knew i sucked at playing, Mortal Combat.

i didn't know any type of combinations to get a win against him so i just chose to always spam the buttons.

and what can i say? i've won a lot against him like that, he still has more wins though...

"thats what you fucking get for trying to burn my fucking foot off, you fucking idiot."

"out of every game, thats the one you choose? just say you suck at trying to beat me at a game we're both good at and shaddup." i complained.

he pushed my head off his shoulder with the controller.

"i know something we're both fucking good at, how about you stand the fuck up and we take this outsi-"


"Katsu... your mothers calling you." i winked

"seriously, go fuck yourself." he stood up. "WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU HAG."

"its not a lot of fun if i'm by myself." i mumbled to myself.

"huh?" he croaked.

'fuck, he heard that one...'

"youre gonna sit here and look stupid or go to your mom?"

he ruffled his hair and turned around to walk to his mom, huffing.

"you're irritating to deal with, y'know that?" he said just above a whisper, also the question was rhetorical.

'i think i need to shut my goddamn mouth, yea, that sounds so nice right now. just being able to zip my
mouth up, why the fuck would i say that out-loud?' i thought to myself

"that's embarrassing..." i mumbled as i put my face into my hands, feeling my face get warm.

'how exactly is our friendship gonna work if i keep acting like this, ESPECIALLY if i dont learn how to mouth-shut.'

'god, i want you so bad, Kat.'

i sat there for a while, wallowing in my self-pity, thinking about my mistakes, thinking about Kat... waiting for him to come back to the couch.

i sat my head up and grabbed my phone to check the time, it read 2:53.

he had been gone for about 4 minutes, nothing to complain about.

i laid my head back and closed my eyes, Mitsuki probably had him doing something important.

"if you're sleepy you could've went to my bed." he said, walking to me.

"not sleepy, just bored... thats all." i brought my face back to my phone to time check. "3:17?? what the hell did she have you doing? and i didn't even know i was sleep."

"its hard to explain, dont worry about it." he shook it off and sat down.

i sighed. "im bored."

he ignored me

i sighed again

and again...

and again.

"what the fuck do you want." it was more or less of a question

"wanna invite our friends?"


"c'monnnn why not?" i whined while climbing to straddle his lap, and as if by nature; his large, somewhat sweaty, and mildly calloused hands fell on the small of my back.

i wish i could savor this feeling forever, our faces were close, the sweat from his hands made them warm on my waist, the way his hands lightly played and traced on my soft skin, the way he kept eye contact with me like he was doing what he was doing just to make me squirm in his hands.

it felt like what we were supposed to be, like we were a couple doing couple-ish things.

i hated eye contact for too long, i felt it made things awkward. but with him it felt so... different, with him it felt almost empowering.

i watched him lick his lips as his crooked little grin appeared on his face, he gripped my waist and he showed nothing else but encouragement.

i wanted to.

fuck, i wanted to so fucking bad.

to have just pulled him by the neck and crash my lips into his.

he knew what i wanted, and i knew he wanted it too.

and if this was just a meaningless kiss, i wouldn't have had a problem. but this shit isn't fucking meaningless, maybe to him, but definitely not to me.

i don't know whats going on in his head, how he doesn't want a relationship but doesn't mind a fling every now and then?

having feelings for someone who's unsure of their feelings... it fucking sucks.

i sighed, confusion taking over his face.

my warm face now burning with embarrassment.

"you're shitting me..." i said under my breath, i got off his lap sitting beside him. more space than before left between us.

i could've controlled myself more, none of that would've happened. why did i do it in the first place? what the hell was i thinking?

i glanced over to him, his face was in his hands but my eyes immediately drifted to his pink-tinted ears.

"i gotta piss... call some people over." he said standing up, i didn't even look at him.

"yea, i gotchu."


i was in the kitchen and Kat in the living room, we hadn't spoken in 15 minutes. the air was awkward, so some friends would fix it. yea... sounds about right.

his doorbell rang and he went to answer it while i stayed in the kitchen on my phone. it was around 4 now.

"hey Bakugo! wheres y/n?" Denki asked.

"none of your busine-"

"i'm in the kitchen!" i yelled across the room.

"heyyy pretty lady," Denki slid over to me. "how you been?"

i laughed, nothing i wasn't used to by now. "pretty good, what about yaself?"

"it doesn't matter what i did, i wanna be all about you today." he smirked and his cute little laugh after.

"you're getting a lot better, who you been practicing on... or with?"

"Shinso, that man is smooth as hell."

"ouuu i bet."

"hey" Denki announced. "lets watch some movies and after, lets play a game... shall we?"


words: 1998

as you can see, i like the word fuck🌚 but also i've been having crazy writers block, so after pretty much a month nd a half of not updating... i gave you guys sexual tension to my best writing ablity😁 if you dont like it pls do tell me nd i'll give a warning nd if you did nd you have some advice to give me to make this book (nd the scene) better pls do give it to me! also im sorry for not updating, again, writers block sucks giraffe ass.

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