Love [Neal Cassidy || OUAT ||...

By bethanyjanebooks

49.5K 1K 213

After their return from the past and admitting their feelings, Alana and Neal try to find Tallahassee in Sto... More

1 - A Tale of Two Sisters
2 - A Tale of Two Sisters
3 - White Out
4 - White Out
5 - Rocky Road
6 - Rocky Road
7 - The Apprentice
8 - The Apprentice
9 - Breaking Glass
10 - Breaking Glass
11 - Family Business
12 - Family Business
13 - The Snow Queen
14 - The Snow Queen
15 - Smash the Mirror: Part 1
16 - Smash the Mirror: Part 1
17 - Smash the Mirror: Part 2
18 - Smash the Mirror: Part 2
19 - Fall
20 - Fall
21 - Shattered Sight
22 - Shattered Sight
23 - Heroes & Villians
24 - Heroes & Villians
25 - Darkness on the Edge of Town
26 - Darkness on the Edge of Town
27 - Unforgiven
28 - Unforgiven
29 - Enter the Dragon
30 - Enter the Dragon
31 - Poor Unfortunate Soul
32 - Poor Unfortunate Soul
33 - Best Laid Plans
34 - Best Laid Plans
35 - Sympathy for the De Vil
37 - Lily
38 - Lily
39 - Falling for You (Orginial Ep: Mother)
40 - Falling for You (Original Ep: Mother)
41 - Operation Mongoose: Part 1
42 - Operation Mongoose: Part 1
43 - Operation Mongoose: Part 2
44 - Operation Mongoose: Part 2
Next Book

36 - Sympathy for the De Vil

582 17 2
By bethanyjanebooks

Alana and Emma went to Regina to find her packing her stuff for the journey to New York.

"You sure going to New York is a good idea? You don't know what Zelena has planned," Emma said.

"What if it's a trap?" Alana asked.

"Robin's in trouble, I have no choice and I need to tell him something to his face," She glanced at Emma, "He deserves that much," Regina said.

"You don't have to go alone," Emma said.

"Don't worry about me, you both have your hands full with the Author, I can handle one wicked sister," Regina said.

"Things are different in New York, without your magic... Listen, if you won't take me with you, I want you to take this. I hope you don't have to use it, but... I want you to stay safe," Emma said as she handed Regina a gun.

Regina took it and put it in her bag, "Thank you, so you're not... Angry with me for keeping your parents' secret?" Regina said.

"It's between us and them, you were just trying to help," Emma said.

"And between you two and me, I say you get over what they did and move on. They thought they were doing the right thing," Regina said.

"Regina..." Emma said.

Their phone's beep and they took out their phones, "It's Henry, video message?" Regina said.

"Must be a thing now, I got one, too," Alana said.

They all played the video and it showed Henry and Calla with Cruella in the woods.

"Mummy. Daddy," Calla said.

"Mom, mom, dad... Cruella has me and Calla, if you ever wanna see us again, you have to do what she says," Henry said.

Cruella took the phone from Henry, "Hello, darlings! As you can see, I have your dreadful son and daughter, if you prefer them to remain intact, you'll do exactly as I say. Kill the Author, then, ah, bring me his broken little body, or... your boy and girl will meet a very unhappy ending, hmm?" Cruella said.

The video ends and they all looked at each other with a worried and pissed off look on their faces.

Alana's phone rang, "It's Neal," She answered, "Did you just get a video message from Henry?" Alana asked.

"Yeah, I'm with Phinia and Hook, we're on our way to you now... You still with Regina?" Neal said.

"Yeah, I'm still with Regina, Emma's with us still," Alana said.

"Okay, Any idea where they are?" Neal said and hung up.

"None, meet us at the loft, I know who to ask," Alana said.

Back at Gold's cabin, Mr Gold walked in as Isaac was sat in a chair reading a book.

"Finally. the joy of getting lost in a good book just isn't the same. Not after it happens to you literally," Isaac said.

"Stop talking. We haven't much time, now that you and Cruella have been reunited at last," Mr Gold said.

"Cruella? No, I...I...I don't even..." Isaac said.

"Enough," Mr Gold cut him off, "You both lied to me about your past and now those lies are coming to the surface," Mr Gold said.

"I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me. I...I didn't think it was... Relevant," Isaac said.

"Oh, it's not only relevant, it is essential to my plans. Cruella is so desperate to see you dead, she just kidnapped the Saviour's son and the High Enchantress's daughter," Mr Gold said.

"How do you know that?" Isaac asked.

"Well, you have your tools and I have mine," He held up a crystal ball in his hands, "I watched as Cruella gave the younger Saviour a rather morbid choice... Either you die... Or the children die," Mr Gold said as he put the crystal ball down.

"Now hang on. You said you need me to get the Saviours to go dark. This is how you plan to do it? By having her kill me?!" Isaac asked.

"Relax, if you died, uh, the mantel of the Author simply passes on, perhaps to someone less will to help me. No, no. I need you alive," Mr Gold said.

"Then why would with Cruella, if she wants me dead?" Isaac asked.

"A person obsessed with vengeance is easy to manipulate. She thought I believed her happy ending was reconciling with her mother. But I knew she was after something else... Your death. Now, I wanna know why. I wanna know precisely what you wrote about her, the exact words," Mr Gold said.

"You wanna know? Here," Isaac took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, "Read it for yourself. I'm better on the page, anyway," Isaac said.

Mr Gold took the paper, opened it up and read the words on the paper then he started to grin, "Interesting," Mr Gold said.

Elsewhere, the twins and Regina made their way to the loft as Neal, Killian and Amy arrived and Alana showed David the video messages they got.

David looked at the video message, "I recognise that trailhead marker, Cruella is holding Henry and Calla a couple of miles south of the Toll Bridge," David told them.

"So, what now?" Neal asked.

"Time to get our hands dirty and do whatever it takes to get them back," Regina said.

"You're not actually considering Cruella's demand to kill the Author?" David asked.

"Of course not, even if we could find him, it wouldn't be half the fun of killing Cruella," Regin said

"Let's see how she likes being made into outerwear," Amy said.

"I'm with you there," Regina said.

"Amy! Regina!" Mary Margaret said.

"What? It's the twin's hearts we're trying to protect, not ours," Regina said and Amy nodded.

"If we go in guns blazing, we risk hurting Henry and Calla, we have to find another way," Alana said.

"I've headed many rescue missions, it would be helpful to know the terrain more," Killian said.

"And where the Author is, if he's enemies with Cruella, maybe he knows the best way to defeat her," Neal said.

"Oh, we may be able to help with that," Mary Margaret said.

"We went back to the convent and found a flask that we gave him. He dropped it in his escape, a locator spell might work on it," David said.

"Sounds like a perfect job for you two, I'll take Regina, Emma, Neal and obviously Amy and Killian, and we'll scope out the area where Cruella's holed up with the kids," Alana said.

"Glad you put me on your team," Emma said.

"Like I'd leave you with them, they've messed up enough already," Alana said.

"Girls, I know you're still angry, but avoiding us is not going to help," Mary Margaret said.

"We're not avoiding you, Henry and Calla's lives are on the line. I need to be around people I trust and right now, that's not you," Alana said.

Alana, Neal, Emma, Regina, Amy and Killian were walking together in the woods

"You're acting like petulant children, your parents did a bad thing, they apologised, now get over it," Regina said.

"Forgive us if we don't take your advice from the who held a grudge for half her life because a 10-year-old spilt a secret," Alana said.

"Lana, Emma, if you won't listen to Regina, perhaps you'll listen to me. You were able to forgive Regina, Killian and Amy, all because you found it in your hearts to see past it," Neal said.

"The difference is that they never held themselves as some paragon of virtue. Neither of them did, you were honest about who you were, our parents weren't, they said they were heroes," Alana said.

"Even heroes make mistakes, love," Killian said.

"You know, not long ago, your mother gave me some advice. She said I needed to believe I could still earn forgiveness, that I had a chance at grace. I didn't realise it then, but... She was talking about herself. Emma, Alana, she's been trying to make up for what she did for a long time," Regina said.

"If you all understand them so well, you forgive them. I... Can't, more important things to worry about right now, like saving Henry and Calla," Alana said and stormed off.

Neal sighed, "I have not missed her moods," Neal said and walked faster to catch up to her.

"I'm not talking about it anymore," Alana said.

"Lana, you're not going to be able to hate them forever, it's not in you... But you're right... Saving the children right now is all that matters," Neal said.

With Henry and Calla, they were tied up with their ties as Cruella playing a game on her phone, not paying attention to them. Henry found a piece of glass, he cut the ropes around his wrists then untied Calla and they ran away then soon Cruella ordered Pongo to chase after them.

Calla held Henry's hand as they ran through the woods, being chased by Pongo.

"Help us! Please! Help us! Help!" Henry yelled.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Calla yelled.

On the other side of the woods, Alana, Neal, Emma, Regina, Amy and Killian heard Henry and Calla screaming.

"It's Henry," Alana said.

"And Calla," Amy said as she looked around

"Quick, it's coming from over there," Alana said as she pointed forward.

"No, it's this way," Killian said he pointed to the right.

"Has cannon fire damaged your hearing? It's clearly coming from over there," Regina said pointing to the left.

"No! No! Help me, please!" They heard Henry yell.

"Mummy! Daddy! Help!" They heard Calla yell.

"Split up!" Alana said and they all when off in the directions they heard Henry's and Calla's voices.

Regina and Emma went to the left to look for the children, following their voices.

"Somebody!" Henry yelled.

"Mummy!" Calla yelled.

"Henry?!" Regina said.

"Regina," Emma said as pointed to a shell where they heard the voices.

Regina picked up the shell, "No," Regina said.

With Amy and Killian, they had gone right, "Mummy! Daddy! Help!" Calla yelled.

"Calla?! Sweetie!" Killian said.

"Somebody! Help us!" Henry yelled.

Amy found the shell where their voices came from, "Dammit," Amy said.

"Come on, love," Killian said as they held hands and ran back, the way they came, unaware that Mr Gold was watching them from behind a tree.

With Henry and Calla, they continued to run until they stopped at a cliff.

"Help us! Please, somebody..." Henry said.

Pongo ran up behind them and was barking as the two turned to him, "Pongo..." Henry said as he held Calla close to him.

Cruella walked up, "Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? You shouldn't have run," Cruella said as she held up a gun, pointing it at Henry.

Alana and Neal ran in, "Henry! Calla!" The couple said.

"Mom! Dad!" Henry said.

Cruella grabbed Henry and Calla, "Let them go!" Alana said.

Cruella was holding onto the children as she pointed her gun at Henry's head, "I'm not afraid. Come any closer and he dies first," Cruella said.

At Mr Gold's cabin, Mary Margaret and David entered to see Isaac pointing a fire poker at them

"Oh! Don't come any closer! Stay back!" Isaac said.

"We're not gonna hurt you," David said.

"We just want some information," Mary Margaret said.

"Unh-unh. I want some guarantees because if I tell you everything, you just might kill the messenger," Isaac said.

"You're safe. Trust us," Mary Margaret said.

"Trust you? I've seen what you'll do to protect your daughters," Isaac said.

David charged at him and pinned him to the wall with his arm, making him drop the fire poker, "Aah! Ow! Hey! You said you wouldn't h-," Isaac began to say.

"What have you done with Emma and Alana?" David asked.

"Nothing. I was just trying to protect the world from Cruella. I had no idea that Gold would use them like this. Even I couldn't see the end to the story," Isaac said.

"What are you talking about? How does the story end?" Isaac said.

"With the Saviours... Turning dark," Isaac said as he gave David a piece of paper.

"What is that?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Something I wrote. The truth," Isaac said as David walked over to Mary Margaret and they both looked at it.

'Cruella De Vil can no longer take away the life of another'," David read aloud.

"Do you see now? Henry and Calla are in no danger," Isaac said.

"Cruella can't kill anyone. She's defenceless," Mary Margaret said.

"Alana and Emma don't know, which means Gold wants one of them to..." David said.

"We have to stop this," Mary Margaret said and they ran out of the cabin

At the top of the cliff, Cruella still had hold of the children and her gun was still at Henry's head.

"One small dead Author. That's all I asked. Simple revenge and you failed utterly," Cruella said.

"Put the gun down, Cruella," Alana said.

"Mom," Henry said.

"Ana," Calla said as she cried.

"It's gonna be okay, kids," Alana said.

"I'll do it, Saviour. Believe me, I will," Cruella said as she was shaking.

Alana lifted her hands and they started to glow with magic, "Alana..." Neal said worriedly.

"Put your hands down, Saviour. We both know you're bluffing," Cruella said.

"That's my son and my boyfriend's niece," Alana said.

"And you're a hero and heroes don't kill," Cruella said.

Alana, suddenly, used her magic to push Cruella away, Cruella fell off the cliff as Henry dropped to his knees, holding Calla close to him and Neal stood in shock at what Alana just did.

"Henry?" Alana said as she walked over to him.

"Mom," Henry said and Alana hugged both of the children.

Mary Margaret and David ran up, "No, no," David whispered.

"Alana?" Mary Margaret said.

"She..." Neal said.

"No..." Mary Margaret said.

Alana looked over the cliff to see Cruella's dead body at the body, she stared at it blankly.

"Calla!" Amy said as she ran over with Killian.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Calla said and ran to them and Amy picked her up.

"What happened?" Killian asked as he walked to Alana and looked down, silently shocked.

Emma and Regina ran over, "Ana?" Emma walked over to the cliff with Regina and they looked over the edge, "No..." Emma said

"Please tell me she slipped," Regina said as they all looked at Cruella.

"I would lie but the truth would come out, I pushed her over with my magic," Alana looked at Henry, "Let's get you home," Alana said.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked.

"You're not hurt, that's all that matters to me," Alana said.

"Mom," Henry said.

"I'm fine, kid," Alana said bluntly as the adults glanced at each other quietly and anxiously.

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