Fairy Tale Wedding (Book One...

By SarahRWorkman16

44 3 0

What happens when you meet Prince Charming and he isn't "the one" for you? Princess Adeline of Once-upon-a T... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four: The End

Chapter One

7 1 0
By SarahRWorkman16

Princess Adeline gazed at her full reflection with a slanted curiosity. Her tilted blonde head really did nothing to assist the accuracy of her inspection, but it was a habit with her and her insecurities. Her eyes reviewed her image up and down, down and up, from glistening tiara to silken slippers. To all appearances, Adeline was a perfect princess with her golden bun atop her head, her dainty, ruby lips and her slender figure the epitome of feminine grace under her flowing, pink frock. She was radiant in the morning sunlight that trickled through the sheer curtains fluttering within her bedroom windows.

Still, Princess Adeline was not bursting out winsome ballads on her balcony this morning. She had heavy clouds of anxiety metaphorically building over her lovely head. It was a significant day in her kingdom of Once-upon-a Time and all eyes would be upon her. She tried to block the vision of their staring, oracular units from her mind. Those loyal subjects were so disconcerting, what with their expectations and judgments, that keeping a merry composure was quite a fearful task for the young monarch. But Princess Adeline would have to maintain her gleeful cool. Confidence, that was the key. Loads and loads of confidence.

Adeline exhaled a gargantuan sigh, especially remarkable considering her slight frame. Confidence was not exactly her best friend. It seemed to come and go with the tides of the Sea of Diamonds. She was always getting her gall at inopportune moments and then losing that umph when she needed it most. That wishy-washy personality had been the cause of much woe to her father, King Osman, before his death. He worried endlessly over her rise to the throne following his passing to the Happy Unknown. How would his loyal citizens survive under a ruler devoid of consistency? Even when he was not verbally bemoaning the uncertain future, Adeline could tell it was eating away at him. For hours he would sit in the Great Hall next to the blazing fire, staring blindly ahead of him as he twirled his auburn beard into curly rings that bounced like pigs' tails.

"Well Father," Princess Adeline said to the wafting breeze. "Look at me now. I haven't besmirched your good name quite yet. Though, of course," she added. "We never can tell what the new day will bring."

A groan arose from the puffy pillows upon her canopied bed. Princess Adeline turned around to address the interruption, crossing her arms in offense. Lazily, the fat, holier-than-thou pug, Prewitt, rolled from his sleepy position on his back to face the princess. As he halted on his belly, his whole body jiggled like pudding. Somehow, it reinforced his arrogant, intellectual air.

"Really Princess," Prewitt reproached her, "Can you not allow a little positive thinking to enter your point of view? I can't tell you what depression you inflict on my outlook. Life loses its colour being around you."

He proceeded to inspect his nails without doing her the human favor of looking at her while he spoke – likely because he was a dog. Adeline smiled at his eternal disapproval of everything and everybody. It made her look great in comparison. With excessive sarcasm, she curtsied to the floor, lifting an ivory hand to her heart.

"My deepest apologies, Sir Pug," she said. "I so easily forget how my morbidity offends your optimism. Forgive my thoughtlessness."

"Yes, yes," Prewitt brushed her mockery aside, "A hilarious display, I'm sure. I'm weeping on the floor in giggles. No wonder your people love you so."

"wonder about it constantly, but I never let them see it." Adeline tossed her head with royal majesty. No matter how the butterflies were beating down the lining of her stomach, she would never, ever, ever let it show. That was what being a ruler was all about: internal dilemmas for one's people without ever blowing the happy façade. In that lesson, at least, Princess Adeline was better at this job than her father ever could have dreamed. The dramatic side of her nature made up 95% of her success as a public figure; the other 5% was a combination of compassion, discipline and a deep sense of duty. When those noble virtues failed her resolution, the actress in her covered her faults beautifully.

A knockidee, knock, knock was heard on the princess' glistening white door.

"Come in," Adeline called.

Timidly, the door opened and a brunette of exquisite beauty, but humble demeanor, entered the royal bedchamber. She curtsied upon entering the room and then saddled forward to her princess. Now there is a woman with confidence, Princess Adeline thought as she watched her handmaid come towards her. Eudora's steps were firm and decided like everything she said and did. She could sometimes be overpowering, forgetting her place when indecisive persons frustrated her. But overall, she was a stellar servant. She carried herself with surety and nobility, doing better than her best at every task ordered.

Eudora was a marvel, and a mystery, for though she had the confidence of a dragon, she lowered herself to the humility of an ant. It was like she was paying for crimes her confidence had caused her to commit in the past. Adeline could tell all this from Eudora's simple movements. Her gowns were lacking pomp and lustre, though Adeline knew Eudora's sense of fashion was glamorously in tune. And to puzzle the princess even further, her handmaiden avoided meeting people's eyes whenever she entered a room.

Most telling was Eudora's censorship of her own comments. So often she would work herself up to speak her mind...and then pop her lips shut to contain the fiery, biting words that threatened to flow. Even if Eudora kept back the words, Adeline could still see the fireworks of feelings exploding inside her handmaiden. Eudora's emerald eyes would grow and flash, glaring and staring until her conscience interceded and once more her gaze plummeted to the floor. She would guiltily recede into herself, weighted down with disapprobation that spanned years and episodes beyond number.

"Here are your gloves, Your Majesty," Eudora said.

"Thank you Eudora. They are cleaned and pressed to perfection. At least one part of me will be flawless today."

"Positive thinking," Prewitt interjected.

"Sorry, right," Adeline reminded herself. "I shall be a triumph, an absolute triumph."

"You always are, Your Majesty," Eudora encouraged. "Especially in that dress and with the news you have to give them."

"You might even get the turtles into a tizzy," Prewitt hypothesized. "Wouldn't that be a sight to tell your grandpups about?"

"You don't think this cupcake of a skirt makes me look fat, do you?" Adeline asked Eudora. "It's awfully jolly for a good twirl, but it's as heavy as an elephant to walk about the cobblestones. And with all the layers of material in this skirt I can't see my toes. What if I trip and fall on my royal behind? No dress in the world is going to cover up a slip like that."

Eudora and Prewitt rolled their eyes in unison.

"This gown is a masterpiece and you look divine in it, as you well know," Eudora serenely chided, drawing Adeline back to the mirror. "Just look at you. A lovelier, sweeter lady ne'er was seen."

"Quite true," the loyal pug concurred in one of his very rare sentimental moments. Adeline's critical exterior softened, her heart melted and warm fuzzies filled her soul with a sunrise of hope. She blinked her blue eyes with peace. Yes, she did look very handsome and now happy too. With new strength of character she pulled her elbow-length gloves to a comfortable, wrinkle-free position and shook off her worries. Princess Adeline was ready to conquer her own weaknesses for the good of her friends, subjects and her own spirit. She turned with a hasty ruffling of skirts to smile brightly on her faithful supporters.

"Alright," she said, "I'm ready. Bring on the festivities. This will be a Once-upon-a Time Anniversary the kingdom will never forget!"

"Boo-yah," Prewitt glumly stated.

Princess Adeline and Eudora both looked at him like a magic beanstalk had started to sprout from his squashed nostrils. Curiosities were everywhere across the enchanted geography of Fairy Tale. Hopefully, Adeline's performance today would not be counted amongst those other oddities.

But seriously Miss Princess, Adeline told herself, what could go wrong in this dress?

Then the blonde and boisterous princess remembered the speech she was about to give and she nearly lost her nerve...nearly, with a gulp.

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