A Pirate Story

By Hydranga2

481 35 7

This is sort of based on the game Pirate 101 since me and the girls (if you read my other stories about wizar... More

Characters 1
Troggie business
Skull Cave
Moving Forward
Jonah Town
Quid Pro Quo
One-Eyed Jack
The Antique Store
The Crew Makes the Home
The Crew's New Home
Puerto Mico
Gortez Part 1
Funny Scenarios
Troggy Trouble
Rumble in the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle
Hear no Evil, See no Evil
Three Queens pt. 1
Rachel's Birthday

Hear no Evil, See no Evil pt 2

8 1 0
By Hydranga2

Rachel sails the group to Zenda, she, Sally and Warwick tired and wanting some sleep as the night moved in.

They walk up to the annoyed monkey guard, Sargent Garcega.

"What's this? New prisoners go in around the back. Get going! Wait- is that who I think that is? Never mind- move along/." e tells them shooing them forward.

"Mmkay then." Sally mutters as the lead Gortez forward.

"Your kind are forbidden here, you lanky giants!" Warden Mendez yells at them the minute they enter.

"We have a letter." Sally says annoyed by the insults these ugly monkeys kept giving them.

"Oh, you have a letter? Well then.. hmmm... let me see..." Warden Mendez reads over the letter Sally gave him.

"Why am I getting bad vibes right now?" Sally whispers to Rachel who hums in agreement.

"'As befits the countenance of the realm... etc. etc... Ordered hereby to execute Gortez for his unseemly crimes..." Mendez reads.

The three narrow their eyes at that and look at a defeated looking Gortez who hung his head in sadness.

"Ah! There's more. 'As you are our privileged servant...' Hmmm... 'The crown doth hereby order the death of the pirates who bears this message.' Oh dear!" Mendez reads out loud.

"BITCH WHAT!?" Rachel yells out pissed off. 

"Bitch I wish ye would." Warwick said glaring at the Monkey.

"The royal members are bout to learn what happens when ye upset me. They are going to be beheaded." Sally says in a dark tone that sends shivers down Rachel, Warwick and Gortez's spines.

"'Let those miscreant rascals be declared an Enemy of the Realm to be attacked on sight without mercy.' That's clear enough. Guards!" Mendez yells out causing the guards to suddenly appear in battle stances in front of the group.

"Yep we have beef." Warwick confirms as he summons his staff and Rachel and Sally pull out their weapons.

Gortez's eyes go wide, "Captain! Release me! Free me and I shall help you win this fight!" Gortez calls out to Sally as she, Rachel and Warwick stand in a protective shield in front of him.

Sally weighs her options, they were out numbered and Gortez was actually a pretty chill guy.

She nods her head to Warwick, who was the closest to Gortez, to cut him loose.

Gortez immediately stands by their side and helps them take down the monkey guards.

The group make quick work of the guards and Warwick smirks before t-bagging Mendez.

"You fight well, hairless ones! What passed between us before is Forgotten. They want me back? I am back." Gortez said happily clapping a hand on Rachel's should making her flinch at his unintentional strength.

"I tried to get out... but they pulled me back in. Now this fortress is MINE!" Gortez cheers.

Sally shrugs and looks over the prisoners in the cells, there weren't many but the ones who were in them, didn't seem evil at all.

'Yep their system is corrupt." Sally told Rachel who hums tired. She'd love to visit Jack again and get some yum.

"Your coming is godsend, stranger." Martino Aguilar says, he was dressed like a person of higher standing but his way of speaking made it clear that he didn't see himself above anyone. Sally let's him and the woman next to him, Queen Eleanor out their cells.

"For years I have languished in this cell, my only crime questioning the excesses of the King and his Nobles." Martine explains to Sally while Warwick and Gortez finish t-bagging and tying up the guards.

"We share the same enemies. I wonder, does that make us friends? We are the Opposition. Join us, and strike a blow for justice! Speak to Lady Eleanor." Martino cheers.

"As long as there is a beheading." Rachel says imagining the king and queen being beheaded.

"Welcome, captain and her dear crew, to my palace of grime. I am Eleanor, once Queen of Monquista. Now, I am but one of many former queens, all of us prisoners." Eleanor told them sadden but she straightens her face refusing to show weakness.

"I like her." Rachel told Sally as Warwick led the rest of the crew from the ship inside the building.

"Only now I am set free. It's been a long time since anyone fought back against the Crown. It's time for that to change." Eleanor says determined.

"My dear sisters-in-law have been conspiring for years. They have a plan to weaken the Crown and change things, but I have no idea what it is." Eleanor tells them.

"I propose a bargain: contact my sisters and help with our plan, and I'll help you with your treaty. Agreed?" Eleanor offers them.

"I forgot all about that treaty not gonna lie." Sally mutters as she shakes Eleanor's smaller hand.

"Good." Eleanor said smiling kindly up at Sally who was kind enough to kneel down to her level.

"Aguilar knows where to begin, I shall finish helping the wronged prisoners." Eleanor said rushing off to help the wrongfully prisoned.

 Sally makes a motion to the crew to help out before gesturing for Rachel and Warwick to follow her over to Aguilar.

"The Crown and the Holy Monquistition conspire to oppress the common folk. But we are striving to end their tyranny and build a better Monquista." Martino explains to them.

"All the more reason to be on yer side." Rachel told him.

"You are one of us?" Aguilar asks excited he quickly coughs to try to hide his excitement. "Good! We must seek out Queen Anna. She is confined at St. Bonobo's Abbey - she will know the details of the Plan." Aguilar tells them.

"The Abbey is far from your enemies in the capital; a fast ship could make it there unnoticed. Go at once, and take these messages to Prior Andreo." Aguilar said causing them to nod and rush out the doors.

"Good luck kind pirates!" Aguilar calls out to the three.

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