Equestria Sonic✔️

By Number1KB

2.4K 33 19

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were fighting Mephilies in Super form when they were forced to flee to another worl... More

Battle that Starts it all
New World
Old Friends and Rivals
Getting ready for Party
Meeting New People
Dates go Wrong
Finding Mobian/Pony Forms
Evil Grows Stronger
Stronger Connections
Searching for Chaos Emeralds
Seelkadooms Death Day
Villains Plan/Shadsy and Pinks Bonding Time
Sonic and Rainbow Bonding Time
Silver and Rarity Bonding Time
Found Another Emerald
Finale Part 1
Finale Part 2
💙Sondash Ending🌈
💗Shadpie Ending🖤
💟Silvarity Ending💜
🧡Tailslight Ending💜
☀️Sunarry Ending🐯
💙Flamy Ending💗
🔥Blimber Ending🌲
♥️Knucksjack Ending🍎
💛Flutternite Ending♦️
A/N Announcement

Moment Interrupted

52 1 0
By Number1KB

It's a new day and happens to be a School day. The friends are hanging out at the Field during lunch. Sonic takes one last bite of his chili dog and cleans himself up. "Today is a boring day" he commented. "Well everyday isn't a day where you defeat villains Sonic" Silver said. "Yeah I know, just going for a run while you guys finish" Sonic said and speeds up. Everyone but Rainbow sighs. "What's so wrong with a run?" She asked and had a bite of her salad. "Nothing darling it's just that he's going to get in trouble" Rarity said and ate a croissaint. "How do you know that for sure?" Rainbow asked. "It happened several times back home" Amy said and sipped some juice. "Alright" Rainbow said still unsure. They finished at the next hour and Sonic comes back. "What now?" He asked. The others shrugged clearly ran dry of ideas. "Usually we would of gotten ourselves in a Equestrian Magic situation by now" Rainbow said. No one realized that Fluttershy wasn't with them and continued talking.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was carrying her lunch tray into the Park with Zero. "Glad you could make it Fluttershy" he said. "It's no problem" Flutershy said and they sat down on a grassy hill. Sat down and Fluttershy placed down her paper bag of School food while Zero put down a paper bag of store bought food. "How'd you get your food?" She asked curious. "I saw what the others did and thought I should do the same. Because of my attack twice I had to disguise myself but I'm not that evil of stealing food" Zero answered and takes out a peanut butter sandwich. Fluttershy nods and picked up her salad. Angel came and sits on Fluttershys lap. "Who's that?" Zero asked. "Oh this is my pet Angel" Fluttershy said and Angel bows. "Nice to meet you Angel" he said and hands Angel a carrot. Angel gladly takes it after sniffing and eats the orange vegetable. The two giggled and Fluttershy places her hand on top of Zero's. He looks at the hands then at Fluttershy. She had her head turned away, blushing. Zero gently holds Fluttershys head and slowly turns it towards him. Fluttershy smiles and looks down in embarrassment. 'Cute' Zero thought. They continue eating until they finished and Zero goes to throw out the trash. Fluttershy looks down at Angel and Angel shows a knowing look, showing that he ships it. Zero comes back and sits next to Fluttershy again. They talked continuing getting to know each other and gets closer in the process. Fluttershys alarm played and she starts packing up. "Lunch time over?" Zero asked. "Almost there's 7 minutes until the lunch period is over and I need to get back" Fluttershy said. As she was picking up her things she uncovered a glow and it was.. the last three emeralds! She picked them up and Zero smiled. "Take them to your friends" he said and Fluttershy nods, placing them in her bag. "I can fly you there with my ruby" he offered. Fluttershy puts on her backpack with her things and Angel inside, thinking about it. "Sure just make sure no one sees us" Flutershy answered and he picks her up. Zero powers on his ruby, "ready?". Fluttershy nods and Zero flies them to the School, the butterfly girl looking down in awe of the City. They land in front of the School, Shadow noticing they're back once again smiling. "Thank you Zero" Fluttershy said. "Your welcome m'lady" Zero said and immediately thought about what he said while Fluttershy giggles. The bell rings and they bid each other farewell, Fluttershy goes back inside meeting her friends.

Everyone makes their ways to their classes and Shadow wonders when he should tell Fluttershy that he knows she's hanging out with Infinite. Hoping she'll understand his support, especially if he told her about the worthless situation. They went into class taking their seats, the bell rings and the teacher gets everyone's attention. "Alright class? We are starting a book colab with the Art class. They make the cover and pictures while we write the mini stories on it. Also, it's all digital so you can spread your creative mind" The teacher explained. Sonic wrote about the time when he saved Station Square from Perfect Chaos, Shadow wrote about the 'Neutral Path' time when he defeated Black Doom, Silver wrote when he helped save the timeline from Solaris with Shadow and Sonic leaving out the beastiality. Sonic got a question and raised his hand catching the teachers attention. "Is there a page limit since we're putting it all in one book?" He asked. "Yes actually, keep it within 12 pages" the teacher said and he nods continuing writing. As Shadow was writing though he started feeling guilty about not helping Sonic more but when you have amnesia it's hard to figure which side you should be on. Silver felt foolish for trusting Mephilies but he was indeed desperate. Sonic was was just proud of what him and his friends did and discovered back in the past with Tikal. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver finishes writing their stories and turns them in. Since they finished early they talked quietly to each other.

Silvers POV
"What did you write about?" I asked. "Chaos" Sonic answered. "Black Doom" Shadow answered. "I did Mephilies" I said proud. The two flinched and I knew what they thought. "I left out the love story.." I said and that was true. I wrote what I remembered from what the two told me about once leaving out some details including the beastiality. They sighed in relief and we looked at each other before silently laughing. "How did we get ourselves into these types of situations?" Shadow asked and me and Sonic shrugged. "Just happens I guess" he said and I thought about it. "I think it's because we get bored easily and find ourselves placed into situations that we don't understand" I guessed and they nodded. "Probably" Sonic said.

The class bell rings and I grabbed my bags and we three talked until we ran into our girlfriends. Well me and Sonics girlfriends, we're still waiting for Shadow to confess to Pinkie Pie. "Sorry" Rainbow apologized. "No it's our fault" Sonic said and we helped them up. "Shadsy!" Pinkie lashed onto Shadow. "Heh, hey Pinks" Shadow said. Rarity hugs me and we quickly kissed. "How's your day going boys?" She asked. "Really well. Yours?" I asked back. "It's also going well darling" Rarity said and we chuckled. We just continue to walk to our classes talking. Along the way since we have different classes than the girls they had to leave but luckily this is the last class period of the day. We take our seats and awaited instructions. I just pull out a sketchbook for me to doodle on while I wait for class to start. Without realizing it I started sketching a heart with Rarity in the center as I'm thinking about her beauty right now. The teacher claps for our attention.

Sonic's POV:
That class was pretty boring and now Schools over because today was a block schedule. "Shall we meet up with the others?" I asked stretching. "Good idea" Silver said and we met everyone at the Statue. "When do you think there'll be another villain attack?" Rainbow asked. "I don't know we'll just have to be patient I guess" I said and laid back on the statue. We waited for the others and they came. "Message from Princess Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. "No why" Sunset replied. "For something to do" she said and the others nodded. "Don't you volunteer at the Shelter Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked. "The Shelter is closed today" Fluttershy answered. "Why?" She asked. "All the animals are sleeping because they didn't got much recently and it's best to let them rest" Fluttershy answered. Rainbow nods and continued playing with her ball. The portal opened and Princess Twilight was running out. We luckily moved out of the way. "Princess Twilight?" Sunset asked. "I need your help" she said looking like she went through h*ll and back. "What happened?" Amy asked. "Some dragon guy came out of black smoke and started terrorizing all of Equestria. I sent everyone I can think of to stop him but there was no success and they were gone" Princess Twilight said in tears. "Hey it's okay. We'll help" Sunset reassured. "I knew I can count on you" P.T said and hugged Sunset who return the gesture. "Let's go guys" I said ready to fight Mephilies again.

A/N: So you all know the next chapter is the beginning to the Finale. I have little to no motivation for this but I don't want to leave it unfinished so, I am finishing this in Equestria. See you all soon.

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