Survival of an angel

By garbagebag360

13.2K 230 9

Remi black was just trying to survive the apocalypse when she met the group. After a close Incounter she deci... More

1. Meeting
2. Alcohol
4. Farm
5. Hunting
6. Recovery
7. Barn
8. Car accident
9. Incident
10. The truth
11. Bikes
12. Memories
13. The prison
14. Shit happens
15. New life
16. Baby
17. Drugs
18. Barbed wire
20. Photos
21. Enough of the bullshit.
22. Temperary goodbyes
23. Reunion
24. Terminus
25. Church
26. Anger
27. Dawn
28. Grieving
29. Alexandria
30. New home
31. A bet
32. A song
33. Bella
34. Bath time
35: baby
36: hilltop
37: plans
38: captured
39: shopping
40. Negan
41. Home
42. Kingdom
43. Flips
44. Oceanside
45. Arguments
46. Movement
47. The end
48. Birth
49. Bridge
50. The end
A little after

19. Training

267 6 0
By garbagebag360

The next day I was told to stay in bed. They locked my door and everything.
Something happened because everyone kept shouting, Daryl didn't talk to me which was surprising.
Michonne brought me dinner with a sad look.
"What happened?" I ask grabbing the bowl.
"Merles dead" she states surprising me.
"The governor. Daryl found him" she says and I nod.
"Thanks for telling me" I whisper.
"Actually we were wondering if you would talk to Daryl?" Rick asks. I nod as I pick up a bottle of vodka and moving past them to make my way to Daryl's perch.

"They ask ya to talk to me?" Daryl asks instantly.
"Yeah but I was going to before they asked" I explain as I since sitting on his bed.
"How ya feeling?" He asks.
"I should be asking that" I tell him.
He glares at me and I shrug as I pull out a bottle of vodka.
"Where'd ya get that?" He asks.
"The farm. Been carrying it around like a relic" I laugh as I hand it to him.

"I know you probably don't want to hear it but I'm sorry for your lose" I say sitting back.
He takes a drink and looks at me before nodding.
"He was a fucking idiot for doing what he did" he grumbles.
"Good people are Great at making bad decisions" I quote.
"What's that from?" He asks sipping.
"I think it was a song lyric" I reply making him chuckle lightly.
"What song?" He asks.
"Not sure... you'd think I would know after working in a bar for 6 years" I say rubbing my face.
"6 years?" He repeats.
"Oh yeah, you should have seen the blister I got and the tight skirt I had to wear" I say as I fake shiver at the thought.
He chuckles at me.
"Wish I coulda seen that"
"I'm sooo happy you didn't" I say smiling as I realise my distraction is working.
"What ya smiling at?" He asks.
"Nothing" I mumble.

We enter a awkward silence as he eyes stare at the floor and silently fill with water.
He's thinking about his brother again.
I crawl over and put my arms around his waist to hug him.
"What are ya doing?" He asks.
"Hugging ya" I whisper.
"Thanks Remi" he says wrapping his arms around my back.
I would be lying if I said I didn't like the position I'm in right now.
I guess the same would go for him considering his breathing is slower and I would bet my bow to say he is asleep.
I pull my self down and keep my arms around the bottom of his waist as I join him in his slumber.

"Hey Remi ! Come on wake up!" I hear Carl shout as he shook me.
"Alright I'm up" I say rubbing my eyes and instantly notice Daryl's gone.
"Governors on his way! Come on we have a plan!" He shouts pulling me up.
"Alright so whats my roll in this plan?" I ask stretching.
"You, me and Judith need to find a place to hide" he says handing me Judith.
"Why was I given this job?" I moan carrying her.
"Because rick and Daryl agreed you shouldn't be on the field" he says dragging me off into the maze of corridors.

"This way" I guide him to out the back of the prison though a back door.
"The woods. It's best for me, besides we don't know what the governor has and I don't know the details of the plan" I explain and he nods.
"You have her bag right?" I ask wincing as I cradle Judith in my arms.
He nods and I smile glancing around the area.

"How long is this going to take?" I ask Carl before I hear an explosion.
"Never mind" I quickly say picking up Judith in case she starts crying.
After a couple minutes of gunfire and explosions it finally stops and I'm guessing the governor moves into the prison.

Quietly I rock Judith making her stop crying after In a couple minutes.
I sing Judith a quick lullaby as I sway
"Looks like you made the right call" Carl says and I nod.
"We all in position?" I hear through a walkie talky that Carl brought with him.
"Yeah" I hear Daryl and sigh in relief.
"We're hiding in the woods" Carl tells them.
"Talk in a bit" rick says putting his talkie away.

"It's clear!" I hear Daryl shout.
"How'd you find us?"
"The boy stood in blood. Left big footprints" he says pointing at Carl's shoes.
"So what happened?"
"We had dem running. We went after them and it was a blood bath" Daryl explains walking over to lucky.
"He killed them?" I ask turning to look at him.
"From the look of it. We found a girl, gonna take her back ta Woodbury... just wanted ta check ya first" he says putting a hand on judiths head as rick appears.
"Their you are" he grumbles making me chuckle.
"I'll come with you, to Woodbury" I say handing Carl the baby.
"Nah you stay here safe, look after the little ones" he says before nodding to rick and leaving as rick kisses judiths head.

I sit on top of the hill with both kids next to me as a trail of buses stream into the prison. Maggie opened the gate so it must be our group.
"What's going on?" I ask as we make it down the hill.
"Governors ditched his people" rick says simply allowing me to put it together.
"Looks like I'm gonna be doing more hunting" I comment as the people start to unload.
"Yeah" he mumbles as he takes Judith from my arms.

"Excuse me miss?" A boy around 11 says tugging on my pants.
"Hello?" I reply.
"Can you help me? I can't carry them" he says pointing at his bags.
I nod and pick them up.
"So where are ya parents kid?" I ask.
"Dead" he states.
"I understand. It's hard to talk about, come on. The cells in cell block d are empty, I'm sure you can go in their" I say as I lead him to the rooms.
"So what's your name?" I ask as I put his bag down.
"Benjamin but people call me Ben" he says and I nod.
"Alright Ben I hope you enjoy it here" I say leaning against the wall as he pulls out three books. Two that I've finished and one I've never even heard off.
"Good choices, plenty of adventure and drama" I say signalling to the books.
"Yeah, my teacher says I'm the best reader in the class so she gave me grown up books" he says in a cute voice.
"That's good. Be carful though, once you turn into a book person, theirs no way out" I joke in a mysterious voice.
He giggles as I smile and leave him to his resources.

(3 months later)
"Yeah" I reply to rick as he comes back to my side.
"It's come to my attention that Carol is running defence classes... I was wondering if you could teach firearms" he says putting his hands on his hips.
"Sure, can you send them down the field around midday? and I'll do it"
"Of course. Thank you remi" he says leaving.
"What was that?" Daryl questions as he walks in.
"I just got roped into training the spawns of Satan" I joke.
"Hmm I'll give ya a hand" he says rubbing his chin.
"Thanks, I'm not really sure how this will turn out" I admit.
He smiles at me and places a kiss on my forehead before leaving. I see a shadow in the corner of my eye as it disappears around a corner.
I go down the hall and check before returning to my room to prepare for hell.

I sit on the box in the field next to Daryl as he sharpens his knife on a rock.
I tap his leg as a group of kids come wondering out.
Three teenagers, all boys. Four younger girls, two looked like sisters and Ben.
"Seems like Carl's not joining us" I whisper to Daryl as the kids come to a stop infront of us.
"Today I'll be teaching you firearms. My name is Remi black. Just call me Remi" I tell them.
"So boring" one of the teenagers grumbles.
"If you don't want to be here, don't come" I state as the group smiles at each other.
"Are you sure? We can go?" He asks.
"Of course... it means when you die your blood won't be on my hands and you will die if you don't prepare yourselves, I'm trying to help. If you wish to live long then next year, I suggest you stay" I tell them as the two boys that were walking off come to a halt.

"Are you serious?" He questions.
"Dead serious. One thing about me, I won't sugarcoat it. This world is dangerous, rick has asked me to do this so you feel safer and more prepared... if you want to panic and die with no hope then I sure hope you believe in god" I say glancing at Daryl to see him smirking at me.
The boys move back into line and hang their heads in shame as I smile.
"Glad you stayed. By the way I won't be excepting tardiness, quite honestly I have better things to be doing so if you don't show up within the first ten minutes that I'm supposed to have you then lessons will be cancelled. I also won't except rudeness and if I give a command you follow it, it would most likely be for your safety or your friends safety, fail to follow will lead to punishments" I explain.
"Punishments like what?" The boy asks.
"Well cleaning of course. The halls can get awfully messy and don't get me started on the toilets" I joke.
"Today well be making bows. They are useful and with the right materials they are very easy to make. They are also quite making it easier to kill walkers and not draw a herd on yourself. I use a metal one so it is generally heavy but the ones you will be make can be lifted by a squirrel... shall we get moving?" I ask and they nod.
"Follow me" I say leading them towards a table.
"Your doing good" Daryl states.
"I'm fucking terrified" I state.
He chuckles at me as we arrive at the table.

After they made their bows I gave them five arrows each and showed them the basics of aiming before sending them home. Their bows stay in the box's for the night to make sure theirs no murders.
"You did great" Daryl compliments as we make it up the hill.
"I'm so happy it's over" I say rubbing my head.
"They like ya" he says shrugging.
"Nah I just put the fear of death into their system" I excuse as Ben runs down the hill to us.

"Remi I need to talk to you" Ben says panting.
"What's up Ben?" I ask as we walk together.
He grabs my trousers and drags me down to his level before cupping my ear:
"He's watching" he states.
"Who?" I ask confused.
"I don't know. I didn't get a good look at him" he whispers as I glance around. As he says that I feel a thrown cover my face.
"Thanks Ben, I'll see you tomorrow" I say and he nods before running off.
"What was dat about?" Daryl asks.
"Apparently someone's been following me" I whisper. He straightens up suddenly and glares up the hill.
"Do ya believe him?" He asks looking across the hill.
"I'm not sure. I have been see retreating shadows but I just thought someone was walking past, not this" I say.
"When was the last one ya saw?"
"This morning. When we were talking. It left as you did" I explain rubbing my arms.
"Ya staying with me tonight" he states and I nod.
"No, can't have them get suspicious if they do exist in the first place"
"Ya can't sleep along with a guy-"
"I'll be fine he hasn't done anything yet" I cut him off.
"Fine, I'll stay with you then"
"The people already know were together. We can just say that we finally moved onta the next stage" he explains and I nod.
"Fine" I whisper.

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