Beautiful Warrior [Caspian X]

By notoriousnika

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π•₯𝕙𝕖 π•”π•™π•£π• π•Ÿπ•šπ•”π•π•–π•€ 𝕠𝕗 β„•π•’π•£π•Ÿπ•šπ•’ ''Answer me!'' ''What will you do if I don't?'' ''You really c... More

beautiful warrior
Part I
I; a faulty throw
II; who can handle the blade
III; uncovering the backstory
IV; whose is it bigger
V; internal and external pain
VI; horseback and honest thoughts
VII; the fight that goes too far
VIII; girl talk and history
IX; tension in the Stone Table room
X; training with arrogance
XI; beautiful warrior
XII; arrival of the army
XIII; princess
XIV; all hell breaks loose
XV; true origin
XVI; last moment before reality
XVII; goodbye
XVIII; which will it be
Part II
XIX; long time no see
XX; seasickness
XXI; the ring
XXII; the book of people
XXIV; Calormen
XXV; darkness inside
XXVI; nightmares and dreams
XXVII; bitter expressions
XXVIII; far from home
XXIX; a star
XXX; final fight
XXXI; the serpent
XXXII; loss and gain
XXXIII; Aslan's country
XXXIV; surprising invitations
the end

XXIII; governor and his wife

6.3K 215 7
By notoriousnika

♤ ♧ ♡ ♢

   Idalia ran back to the docks as fast as her feet could carry her. Once there she had to stop and take a few deep breaths so she would be able to talk. In the moments of adrenaline, she forgot she was still carrying a baby inside her, who to that point hasn't presented an obstacle to her. She couldn't imagine what it would be when her belly will start to grow and she will have to carry around the extra weight. The thoughts of that scared her so she shook her head to clear it.

   She hurriedly told Kirin and Reepicheep what happened and they set a plan immediately. After that Idalia nearly puked as she was starting to feel horribly sick and the whole situation dawned upon her. Nonetheless, she put on a brave face and followed the others with their preparing. That is how now she found herself standing in the middle of the courtyard, her hood pulled up over her head and hiding her face. Her green eyes were scouting the area for any unusual behaviour as her hand was constantly on the handle of a dagger. The Dawn Treader's crew were all around her, disguised as citizens of Doorn as well as they were waiting to reveal themselves at an appropriate time.

   Idalia watched as a wagon full of people rolled down the street. A man ran after it yelling out a name and reaching out as if to grab someone off it. Then a little girl ran after the wagon as well yelling 'mummy'. Idalia tensed and the hand that previously holding the dagger reached to hold her stomach instead. A deep frown appeared on her features as she had this knack to step forward and help.

   Kirin could see her intentions even under the hood, so he reached out as fast and as nonchalantly as he could and grabbed Idalia's forehand to stop her. Idalia sent him a frustrated glare while Kirin merely shook his head and so she stayed put on her spot. She tried to look for the wagon again but it disappeared and she had no idea where they were taking these people. She wondered if they took Caspian to the same place as well.

   Then came an uproar in the crowd as someone pulled Lucy up on the stage and started bargaining for prices. Lucy held fear and confusion in her eyes as she didn't know what was going on, but fear overpowered a little as she was scared she'll actually be sold to someone. Then the slave trader put a card that spelt 'sold' on a string around her neck and moved her off the stage. Lucy frantically looked around until her eyes fell on the familiar deep red fabric of clothing somewhere in the crowd. She froze and kept her eyes on the same figure. Idalia feared she'll give their cover away so she quickly pressed a finger up to her lips and Lucy nodded and stood still waiting. Eustace was up next and he was quite feisty about it, at least he gave a good laugh to the crowd with his stubborn comments.

   Before he could be sold someone yelled ''For Narnia!'' That was the cue for everyone to reveal their cover.

   A bunch of others cried 'Narnia' in unison and pulled off their hoods, Idalia included. She quickly reached behind her back and pulled her sabre out. In the next second, she clashed it with someone else's sabre, considering these were people coming from Calormen. Yet the person's sabre was considerably smaller and Idalia would have laughed if the situation allowed her too. She pushed forward making the man take a few steps back, surprised by her strengths before she slashed his middle when he wasn't blocking it with his weapon.

   Idalia advanced through the crowd as guards kept on coming from all narrow alleyways. Idalia let her head looked to the stage again and noticed Lucy had to fight some off with a book, with Reep as her helping hand. Idalia stabbed another opponent before turning around abruptly.

   ''Lucy!'' She yelled grabbing the girl's attention.

   Idalia plucked out a dagger from her strap and threw it nicely at Lucy. She smiled when the redhead caught it at the handle and used it to block someone. Through all the noise of yells and sword clashing, Idalia picked up with her ears that a fight was happening somewhere higher than the courtyard. She looked upon the high walls and only then noticed that all around courtyard there was a platform high on the wall, she thought she should've noticed that earlier because she would have the place under control on the higher grounds.

   Then her eyes widened when she saw two people fighting on the path. Caspian was wrestling with someone his hands still bound together by chains but he made his full effort to defend himself. In a hurry Idalia searched the place where she could climb up to the wall and then she spotted stairs and a lower hanging balcony. She bolted through the crowd of fighting people with her sabre in front of her deflecting any blows coming her way before she ran up the steps and jumped on the balcony.

   She stored her sabre back in its holder on her back as she jumped up and grabbed the edge of the wall. Using all her strength she pulled herself up and over the edge. Idalia quickly grabbed a dagger from her boot and launched it in the direction of Caspian and soldier. It lodged itself in the man's arm, making him yell out in pain as his hands were now off Caspian. This gave the king the opportunity to knock the man out cold.

   He yelled. ''Keys!'' And in the next second, Edmund threw him keys so he could unbind his hands.

   Idalia hurried to his side just as he pulled her dagger out of the man's arm. They didn't need words of acknowledgement they just needed one simple but very meaningful look into one another's eyes to tell they were okay. After a curt nod, they ran down to the courtyard again to help the others with the fight. Narnians had the advantage and it was seen when the noble citizens of Doorn started helping as well so the number of slave traders coming to fight diminished quickly.

   Idalia stood cleaning her sabre and strapping the daggers back into their respective places panting a bit. She left the fight without a scratch other than a place here or there on her body that will develop a bruise in little time where she was hit. But she was very tired, exhausted even. It was more noticeable than ever that the pregnancy was finally taking its toll on her as she was not on top of her energy anymore. The crowd roared with happiness and applauded as peace was finally restored and no more people will be enslaved on this island.

   Idalia walked behind Caspian, Edmund and Lucy as they descended back down to the docks to go back to the ship. They gained a new crewmember which was the same man that just lost his wife, who was being driven away on the wagon earlier.

   ''My king! My king!'' The crew was met with an old man who was carrying a sword towards them. That man was Lord Bern, as Edmund all nicely explained to Idalia what they learned when they were held in the dark cell. Caspian stopped in front of Bern and listened to what he had to say.

   ''This was given to me by your father. I hid it safely in a cave all these years.'' He presented the sword on both his hands as he talked to Caspian.

   ''That's an old Narnian sword.'' Edmund stated observing the rusty sword closely.

   More than the sword Idalia took interest in Lord Bern. He appeared to be quite knowledgeable and since Idalia had no single lead on her parents only that they are from this island, she had to start asking some questions.

   ''It's from your Golden Age. There are seven such swords, gifts from Aslan to protect Narnia. Your father entrusted them to us.'' Bern explained further. ''Here, take it. And may it protect you.'' He extended his arms and asked Caspian to take the sword.

   The king reached for it slowly and inspected it closely in his hands. The crowd began to cheer again at their king and Caspian looked at them for a moment.

   ''Thank you, my lord. And we shall find your lost citizens.'' He stepped closer to Bern trying to put power into his words and into his promise.

   Then he and Edmund turned and left to the longboats, Lucy not far after them. Idalia couldn't move her feet, her time was fleeting and she hadn't found a single thing about her parents. Surely if they were here people would know them, her father did use to be the governor of Doorn. Then she took a step closer to Lord Bern who still looked quite worried as he watched Caspian's back. Idalia didn't know how to go about the topic of this because she only hoped she'll get some questions answered.

   ''I once heard an old tale from the Lone Islands.'' She started and quite startled Bern as he realised she was talking to him. She realised she may have exaggerated with 'an old tale' but she continued speaking. ''That the last governor and his wife lost a child because of the dubious dealings with Calormen and the child got sent off to the Empire still as a baby. What happened to the governor?'' She asked, trying to keep her voice as normal as possible.

   A frown etched on Bern's face as he nodded slowly. ''That is not an old tale but a true history of the Islands. Governor Xalvador was deposed of his position when Calormenes arrived to Doorn, they set a new governor instead. As his first act of ruling, he made a deal with the Emperor of Calormen. To keep Xalvador and his wife Emonie silent they were on the first boat to the green mist, so no one has seen them since then. And their daughter...'' He trailed off as he finally got a good look at the girl standing in front of him.

   Idalia was holding her breath as she heard Bern talk about her parents, mentioning their names but now he was still quiet, eyes not moving.

   ''Idalia, was sent off to the Calormen Empire to live her childhood in slavery to the high class.'' She finished instead of him, shocking him even more.

   Bern took a wobbly step back. ''Could it be...?'' He said in a whisper like voice as he kept his eyes on Idalia. She offered him a small smile and a nod.

   ''My, you look just like your mother and father.'' He finally uttered out a full sentence. ''No one knows, what happens in the green mist, but I never lost hope that we lost the greatest governor of the Islands. Everybody respected and loved him and Emonie, I know you will find them again.'' He said putting more encouraging words into Idalia.

   She nodded again with a smile, thanking him before she turned around and left for the boats. Her heart soared at the thought of her parents being alive somewhere in a dark and misty place. She quickly wiped under her eyes to remove the small tears that appeared when Bern complimented her she looked like her parents. Caspian was waiting for her at the boats and she smiled at him when he offered her a hand so she could step in. New hope spread through every part of Idalia. She is going to find her parents. 

♤ ♧ ♡ ♢

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