Gimme Love! | Male Rivals x Y...

By IoukoMiku

187K 4.1K 2.2K

A collection of short one shot of rivals with one Ayato Aishi! Ayato only wished for Senpai to notice him. It... More

Sweetest Person | Amao x Ayato
Be Mine? | Megamo x Ayato
Restart Again | Info-kun x Ayato
Oh, She's Dead | Kizano x Ayato
Fight for Him | Taro x Ayato x Hanakō
Sickly | Osorō x Ayato
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Lovesick | Yandere! Rivals x Ayato

19.4K 493 490
By IoukoMiku

yandere rivals x ayato

dead dove: do not eat; contains confinement and open ending up for interpretation.
theres no nurse, occult leader and hanakō.

forgive me for being late. i forget this exists.


They seem close, Ayato observed, bored eyes gazing from behind the tree. Too close, for his liking. Taeko was comfortable and cheery around her one and only childhood friend, and goddamn he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't jealous at all.

Ayato carefully came out of his hiding spot, not drawing any unwarranted attentions. His face remained stoic despite the one or two stares he got, brushed over all the leaves off his shirt and proceeded to follow the two childhood friends from afar.

Orange-haired guy. Acted really, really mean but actually quite the softie. Despite his harsh words to Taeko, he rarely crosses the line and cares for her deeply. Something that... Ayato's not sure if he can pull off.

Does he like her? A reasonable question seeing that he stalked her basically to everywhere but if Ayato had to answer, he didn't know. Like? Distaste? Probably-- it was an electric static, something that he never felt before.

For now he'll assume that this feeling is the so-called 'love' and follow her first.


Taeko's circle was large, to say the least. And everyone who's close to her is a guy for some reasons. And everyone seemed to look at her with the same tender expression. Except for that one substitute teacher. His gaze was just unadulterated lust.

She is really cherished, huh? he lamented, sigh escaped soft from his mouth. I̶'̶m̶ ̶j̶e̶a̶l̶o̶u̶s̶. No, stop, that's stupid, don't you like her? Ayato clapped his cheeks, stunned in his sudden realisation that ah- "I don't like her."

"It's just jealousy."

He wanted to be loved too.


After two weeks he stopped following her. He felt nothing but envy everytime he saw her, always smiling, blissful while he just can't. He wasn't programmed that way.

"'re not paying attention." A voice took him off from his thoughts. Oh, it's that shitty teacher. What's his name again? He can't remember.

"I'm sorry, sensei," Ayato faked a smile. It looked so hollow though but that's the best he can manage. "I promise I'll pay more attention to your class." Empty words, all just empty, deprived of any sincerity. Nobody will realise so it's fine.

The teacher remained silent. "I'll let you go this time. If you do this again, I'll punish you." His husky and playful voice earned some squeals from some students- his fangirls. Ayato just nodded, didn't care at all.

The lesson ended like always. Though the teacher looked at him with some sort of interest, not quite like how he used to look at Yamada-senpai but close enough. He played ignorant, unwelcoming. Sooner or later he'll get bored.


So suddenly he got called to the student council room. This is a first, but why? He played a rule-abiding student good enough.

Silver hair and eyes, sharp features. He's close to senpai too. "I've recieved a report that you have been following a student for the past three weeks." Straight to the point, huh?

"I was, 'till a week ago," he answered truthfully. No reasons that he should lie.

The president raised a curious brow. "May I ask why?"

"I thought I was in love with her." Ayato noticed that his expression seemed to darken, possessive. "It turned out that instead of love, it was actually envy. That's all. I had stopped following her already, no real harm done. What's the punishment?"

Caught off-guard yet he still wore the same serious face. The president coughed. "N-nothing, that's all. You can go."

Ayato heaved a sigh and walked out.


He began to put on an even bigger distance from everyone. Everything began to feel more irritating at this point and his feelings were like strings, all tangled up. I want to be loved too but he can't give any love. It's complicated but the desire is overwhelming.

Ayato sat on the bench, distancing himself. His only companion was a black cat on his lap, silent too like him. No sound, except for the wind's rumbles and birds chirping. Eyes closed, enjoying the moment.

Absent-mindedly he rasped out, "I want to be loved."

"I can do that."

Ayato tried opening his eyes, but a pair of calloused and big hands covered them. The cat hissed and and walked away, leaving him along with the (male?) stranger. His intuition was eerily quiet. "Who are you?"

A chuckle. That's the first time Ayato heard that voice. "You shall know, but not today," the stranger told him, voice sounded mischievous.

When the hands were removed, Ayato looked up and noticed he's alone. Bells rung its noise, and he made his way to his class.


He walked by the noisy hallway. Hands filled with books and papers. Somehow that substitute teacher seemed to always pick on him- calling him out of nowhere in class, drawing attention and made him do all the chores. Ayato felt like he wants to push a blade down the teacher's throat, no.

"This is stupid," he mumbled, head low. Ignoring all his surrounding when Ayato accidentally bumped into someone. Books and papers falling everywhere. How bothersome.

"Sorry," both of them said in unison. Ayato looked up. It's another Yamada-senpai's admirer. Mint-covered chef bandanna on his head, slightly covering his light brown hair.

That man rushed to collect all the papers and gave them to him, all organised. "Thanks," Ayato smiled his usual smile and tried walking away. His shirt got tugged, though. He looked back. "What's the matter?"

He appeared nervous, pink tinting his cheeks, flustered. "Would you like to join the cooking club?"

That came out of nowhere, but his answer was already set up. "No." Ayato walked away, hurrying to the staff room.


Before he knew it, he'd been running into them even more frequently. Weekly turned into daily. Yamada-senpai's admirers seemed to be everywhere and it's infuriating. (Now that he realised it, damn, there's a lot of them. Nine? Ten? He's not sure)

First those shitty club presidents were like- offering him into their clubs, but Ayato's answer remained the firm 'No'. Most of them accepted it well, but still asked him time to time. Except for that one purple-haired motherfucker, he's annoyingly persistent.

What happened? He didn't know, he knew nothing and shut up shut up stop bothering me. Is this a new kind of harassment? If this was it, he begged they would stop. Please return to senpai, not him.

As apathetic as he is, Ayato was, in fact, not oblivious nor stupid. He recognised how their eyes looked into him. Hungry, like a predator preying onto his victim. Not tender, not kind, but similar to the way he used to stare at senpai. A desire to have, but why why why?

Today, he decided he won't be going to school.


"...wake up, Ayato."

Shut up.


Even though he's supposedly alone, it didn't feel that way.


Haunting, haunting voices kept whispering. No matter how hard he tried covering his ears or wrapping himself in his blanket, they won't stop. He chuckled dryly, "I'm going mad."

Perhaps that's true. He'll try closing his eyes once more.

(The next time he woke up, he's not in his room anymore.)


Screams choked out.

Eyes tried to open but nothing can he see except for pitch black.

Ayato can't hear nor feel, except for his intuition shouting danger danger danger-!

His consciousness faded.


How long has it been? Days? Weeks?

Nothing happened. There's no torture or mind-fuck kind of things like his wild fantasies.

Ayato tried resisting at first- he would wriggle and try to break free. Didn't care the chains tying his arms and legs to the chair (he assumed, he was no stranger to its texture) were digging into his skin till he bleed. At first the kidnappers (no, it couldn't be just one person) just let him be.

But then...

(He gained consciousness and realised he's no longer tied to the chair anymore. Instead, he was cuffed to a fluffy bed. Shirt replaced and for reasons he's not wearing anything else other than that.

At some point he gave up resisting. His position didn't hurt as much as before and maybe, maybe his captors were not that bad? They fed him, care for him and—

God, he's developing some sort of Stockholm Syndrome.)


Before he knew it, his mouth was no longer gagged. He can scream out if he wanted to but it was useless, so he didn't bother.

Then he can finally hear. The earbuds removed from his ears. But they never spoke with him so he still knew nothing. Ayato tried to initiate the talk ("Why are you doing this?" "Do I know you?" "This is illegal, you know?") but nothing happened.

They would just chuckle, pat his head and leave him confused as usual.


"Why are you doing this?" Ayato asked for the ◼◼th time to the man who's currently feeding him. Not that he expected to be answered, anyways.

It continued with the usual silence, before his captor let out a defeaning sigh. "I don't know..." Familiar, but Ayato can't quite pinpoint.

"That's not a valid reason--" he tried to refute before he was cut off.

"... before I know it, my mind was filled with you. I want you, why is it just, so hard?" Why does he sound so frustrated? Ayato was the real victim here, this situation is ridiculous. "Please, Aishi-san, please accept me. I promise I'll treat you right and take you out of this place."

Ayato had no reasons to trust his words but he'll try playing along. "Alright," he answered with an empty smile. "I trust you." Honeyvoiced.

That person laughed happily and pulled him into a tight hug. His scent like freshly baked goods. By now Ayato realised that this is probably a bad idea, and yet he still kept his mouth shut and begged for the best.


He didn't want to die.


Nothing really changed even after that.

He remained a captive. But now whenever they feed him or anything, he was peppered with kisses and hugs. Sometimes simple whispers, saying "I love you" out of nowhere.

And hed gotten used to all of that by this point. Ayato smiled prettily, acting all cute and obedient. Acting would've been his forte by now.

They'll lower down their guards, slowly, but surely. He had to remain patient.


"I love you."

Wait— since when, why, how, how? You're lyinglyinglying.


He gasped, eyes wide opened, entranced by the sudden light. Has his blindfold already removed? God, finally.

Theres nobody else in the room other than him. Now that Ayato realised, the room was pretty much empty. Nothing else other than the bed and a small nightstand beside it. The entire wall was painted in white. Despite the fact that there's a window, he cant quite connect where is he right now. Everything felt... unfamiliar.

Then again, how long has passed since he'd been kidnapped? Nobody really cared about him, huh?

Ayato stood up. "Damn, I feel sore," he sighed lowly. His entire body felt weaker with every step he took, but still he made his way into the only door. The only door, unlocked.

This is... suspicious. Why are they letting him go oh-so-easily, after all the works to kidnap him. He's no longer a captive, it's a good thing!


(The joy lasted less than a minute. He should've expected this. That's why the voices sound so GODDAMN familiar he should've know—!!)

His knees gave up, unrelenting. Eyes wide in shock and as if he was under a spell, he can't move. But, but— why him?

"I want to be loved."

"I can do that."

And the boy with red hair smiled, almost lovingly towards Ayato. His ghastly pale face reflected on the glasses. "You asked for love and I granted it." He drew nearer. Caressing Ayato's face, hands, everything, tenderly. His mouth spoke, "I love you."

Then Ayato finally breaks.



This became some sort of routine after his discovery. Eight men taking turns of caring for him. He didn't fight any longer nor budge. Just obedient follows and listens quietly, like a life-sized mannequin.

Slowly, he began to learn their names.

Slowly, he began to act as they wanted.

Slowly, maybe he began to fall...

Sinking deeper into his own delusions. He asked for love and got it unconditionally. They did everything for him. Loving, feeding, and occasional touches and kisses. People fell for simple reasons, perhaps. There's nothing desirable about him and yet now he became some sort of a prized lover for them.

It was fulfilling. Ayato Aishi was happy.


Ayato Aishi was still missing.

Last seen on 12th May 20XX wearing Akademi High School outfit. 17 years old, around 5'7 ft tall and has a frail build.
Please contact XXXXX XX XXXX (Ryota Aishi) if you have any information whatsoever.

Taeko took another glance to the poster. "It been a whole year now, huh..." She hummed lowly. "I never talked to him but somehow he looked very familiar." Taeko turned back and smiled at her childhood friend.

"What about you, Osano? Have you talked to him?"

"Yeah," he returned the smile. "I'm sure nothing bad happened to him, though. Just, my intention."

Somehow his smile looked a little strange but Taeko commented nothing. Osano changed a lot last year. He no longer made any snarky remarks nor acting mean anymore. Like, he mellowed out? His smile looked pleasantly radiant and tender, like a man in love.

It's not just him, but all the club presidents too. Maybe they finally find a nice girlfriend. That's great, she'll no longer be bothered anymore.

"Okay then," she replied with a laugh. "Let's still just pray the best for him though!"


finally, goddamn i forget this exists in my notepad. so yeah, open ending, up for you to decide if it's a good one or not.

love is a strange thing, i reckon. so suddenly im in love with her, so i think: why not make a nonsensical plot but write everything oh-so vaguely and call it a day? and my hands complied.

hope you enjoy this one as much as i do! love yall!

(also finally this book is coming to an end!)

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