waiting for you ➨ poe dameron

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Her head was spinning, her mind swirling around with questions and thoughts. Tears spilled out her eyes uncon... Higit pa

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124 8 16
Galing kay multifandomsw

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

As Eliora flew above the planet, she only saw one thing. Jakku was covered with singed-brown sand, only old wreckages were spread around it. The sun was on the desert landscape, bringing the wreckages more into sight. It seemed like everything was covered with them. Old parts of ships, blasters and broken speeders laid above the sand. There were no villages, no life, only hills of sand on their way. And it just seemed like it wouldn't stop. And as she looked at everything, it reminded her of Tatooine. She didn't know it would look that much like her old home planet, but apparently it did. So the brunette girl was reminded of her past. The long days she would spend fighting for her life. But she didn't feel a bit longing, no, the only thing she felt was sadness. Because of her past.

Finally they came into view with a little village, existing of a few tents. It was rather big for Eliora, considering it was the first sign of life she saw on this entire planet. "The coordinates led us to the village.", Poe said over her com. Eliora glanced at the village one more time as she landed her X- wing. The sun had already completely set, so not many people were outside their homes. The ones that were, looked rather nice to Eliora, so she smiled to herself. And suddenly, excitement built in Eliora. If Lor San Tekka really had the map to Luke Skywalker, the resistance could take him back. And then they had a chance to win.

Eliora didn't know much about it all when she lived on Tatooine. Not much about the new Republic, about the First Order, about the Sith nor about the Jedi. But when she joined the resistance, she learned a lot new things. The First Order was lead by a Supreme Leader, someone named Snoke, who also had an apprentice. Kylo Ren. Everyone was afraid of him. She wasn't aware how she would picture him, but she knew that he was bad. Beyond that. The First Order would kill innocent people. And they wanted a new Empire, which was definitely a bad thing. A new Empire would lead to everyone having to listen to one person. The Emperor, which would possibly be a Sith. And Eliora knew that the Sith were bad, beyond that for sure. They only wanted power and they would do anything for it.

Then there was the New Republic, which was built after the Empire was finally taken down with the death of the dark emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader and the destroying of the second Death Star. Eliora again didn't know much about it, but she knew exactly that the old rebellion, lead by Bail Organa, defeated the Empire and then built the New Republic. But now, with the rise of the First Order, they wanted to destroy what was built for years. They wanted a new Empire. So the resistance, built by Leia Organa, fought to destroy the First Order for good. She knew that the New Republic didn't really support the Resistance, but that was what Leia was fighting for. Gaining their attention, let them see that they have to fight against the First Order.

Eliora still didn't know much about the Jedi. Only that they were keepers of the peace. She knew for sure that they were good people. And she knew that they were working together with the Old Republic. People told her that the Jedi Order ended tragically when a Jedi turned to the dark side and destroyed everything. And the Jedi was Darth Vader. She didn't know more than that. She asked herself many times why and how the whole Order could be destroyed by just one person. Was it the Jedi's fault? Or was it even one single person?But Eliora was aware of one thing for sure. The Sith were bad, Darth Vader was bad. The Empire was bad. And they must be destroyed. Without balance tho, it couldn't be destroyed, so Eliora was aware that the Jedi needed to bring back balance to the Force. But what exactly was the Force? She had many questions, but she would keep them for herself. The one thing she was aware of for sure was that they needed Luke Skywalker to win this, did they?

When her cockpit opened, she was instantly greeted by these beautiful brown eyes. Poe was standing in front of her X- wing, offering her his hand. Eliora smirked at that, but leaped down the X- wing on the other side. "You have to try harder than that.", she smiled approaching the curly- haired pilot. "Hey! I just wanted to be nice.", he smirked at the brunette in front of him. "Try harder.", she smiled, then brushed his shoulder with hers and stepped into the village. "Which hut?", she asked after she looked around for a short while. "The coordinates lead to this one over there.", Poe pointed his finger at a hut. Eliora took a deep breath. "Let's hope he has the map.", she mumbled and stepped forward.

As they stepped further into the village, they came into view with some Tuanul, doing their work. But as they came into view with the two resistance pilots, they turned around and disappeared into their huts, not wanting any business with them. All huts were placed into circles, the entrances showing in the direction of the pilots. Most of them didn't even have doors, instead red and brown curtains at the entrance. Through them Eliora was able to see some fire warming the people. She immediately felt better about the planet, as she saw people being content and minding their own business. It felt like not everywhere was war.

Both Poe and Eliora took a deep breath, before entering the hut. In the middle of it was a fire, making the whole hut having a familiar and homely feeling. For Eliora, there were many ways to describe the flames she saw. Some people might view it as catastrophic, devastating and uncontrollable. Others, for example a couple sitting at the fire, would describe it as beautiful, cheerful and romantic. But Eliora didn't view it like that. Right then, she viewed the flame like a hope. Hope that could die any moment, but hope that could increase any moment. The fire could die down by just a wind, but the fire could catch the hut and burn down the whole village. Just like her hope. And she was more than happy to be able to say, that her hope only increased when she came into view with an old man.

The man didn't look surprised at all at the sight of the two intruders. He rather looked calm and thoughtful. As Eliora looked at him she immediately knew that it was him. Lor San Tekka. The man had grey, nearly white, hair and a beard in the same color. His brows were furrowed and he wore rather simple robes. "Come on, you'd better go inside and sit with me.", he constructed both of the pilots. Beebe wanted to roll behind them, but Poe stopped him. "Stay there and make sure no one's going to disturb us.", he smiled at his orange- white droid. Beebe only chirped, then rolled out the hut.

Eliora and Poe sat down across from the old man and looked at him with expectations. "You're from the resistance, right?", he asked both of them. Poe and Eliora nodded at him. The old man looked at Eliora for a moment, seeing something familiar in her, but he didn't know what it was. "What's your name, dearest?", he asked. Maybe, only maybe she was the person he thought- "Eliora.", she introduced herself smiling at the man. The name was unfamiliar, but he knew for sure that he had seen the girl before. These familiar brown eyes, he knew them. "Poe Dameron.", Poe introduced himself after that, not wanting to make the situation awkward for her. "The resistance's best pilot I see?", he raised an eyebrow. Eliora nodded at the man. "He sure is."

"We're here for the-" Lor San Tekka took a deep breath. "I know why you're here.", he interrupted Poe. "It took you a long time to find me?", Lor San Tekka assumed. "It did. Many losses. But we are happy to have finally arrived here." Lor San Tekka then reached to an object and placed it into Poe's already opened hand. He closed his hand with his fingers and looked at Poe, then Eliora. "This will begin to make things right.", the old man stated. And it sure would. Eliora didn't know much about him. Why did he have the map to him? Who was he even? But she knew that he was a great man. "I've traveled too far, seen to much, to ignore the despair in the galaxy.", Lor San Tekka sighed. "Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force." A sentence Eliora had heard so many times.

Poe looked at the piece in his hand carefully, before he talked again. "Well because of you, we now have a chance.", he stated optimistically, holding the piece in his hand up. "The General's been after this for a long time.", Poe added. "Oh the General?", the old man asked surprised. "To me, she's royalty." And Eliora knew she was. Princess of Alderaan. The planet destroyed shortly before the battle of Yavin. "Well she certainly is that.", Eliora stated, smiling at the old man. He looked at her again, brows furrowed. Eliora wondered why. Right then, Beebe stormed into the tent and began chirping. Eliora's eyes widened and Poe turned Lor San Tekka. "We've got company." He first walked out the hut. Both Eliora and Lor San Tekka looked at each other for a second. "Be careful, kid. You have a lot in front of you.", he stated.

Eliora looked at him in surprise, but then nodded. The situation was too much for her to think properly about what the old man had just said. When she stepped outside, villagers were already shouting and Poe had a desperate and worried look on his face. "You have to hide.", he instructed the old man, still looking at the sky. Then Eliora saw it too. Ships were spread around the sky. But not any ships. First Order ones. She held her breath for a second. Was this really happening? "You have to leave.", the old man told both of the resistance pilots. Poe turned to him the same time Eliora did. "Go." And then the young pilot looked down at Beebe, after looking at Eliora and nodding. Eliora hesitated for a second. She knew if the man didn't leave, he would be slaughtered. But before she could think further, Poe interrupted her.

He took her hand and began running. It was not a gentle way of taking someone's hand, it was forcefully. He needed to get the girl out of there as soon as possible. The pilot panted as Eliora looked at the blaster she got from the General only a few hours ago. She heard ships landing and suddenly her ears were filled with blasted shots. It was terrifying. More than that. She had never experienced something like that before. But this was the resistance. She knew what she would get herself into. Footsteps could be heard from far away, as Poe dragged them to his X- wing. "Come on Beebe, hurry.", Poe shouted at his droid. When they arrived at the X- wing, Eliora wanted to go to hers, but was stopped when Poe gripped her hand even tighter.

"We don't have time, forget that X- wing, just sit on my lap.", he screamed at Eliora. Eliora hesitated for a second. She could most certainly fly alone. "Eliora please listen." And when she heard him begging, she couldn't do anything else than giving in. The brunette but her lip and nodded. Poe let out a shaky relived breath, as both of them climbed into the X- wing. Eliora sat down on the pilots lap and her heart began racing even more. Just as the hatch closed and Poe wanted to start the X- wing, a sudden blast shook the X- wing. Eliora looked around and saw Stormtroopers running an shooting at them. Beebe also saw them and chirped. "I see them.", Poe stated, pulling a trigger and shooting back at them. Eliora already jumped down the X- wing and ran to the engine. As she looked at it, her face fell.

It was totally on fire and there was not a chance they could get it fixed in that short time. Poe then appeared next to him, looking at the girl in worry. The brunette girl looked at the village behind her and almost gasped. Stormtroopers were pointing at innocent villagers, shot the city down and killed nearly everyone who came into view with them. She remembered seeing Stormtroopers on Tatooine, but they were never that brutal. And she knew why they were. Because the First Order probably also knew about the map. And they just came in time. Eliora watched as the whole village was destroyed, huts were set on fire and all in that she saw Lor San Tekka bravely walking toward the ships.

Poe took the item with the map of Skywalker and handed it to Beebe. "You take this. It's safer with you than it is with us.", he told his droid, who gladly accepted it. "You get as far away from here as you can, do you here me?" There was a short break. "I'll come back for you.", he promised his droid, then stood up from his kneeling position, to look into Eliora's terrified eyes. And when Eliora saw that look in his eyes, she knew what was to come. She wouldn't be separated from Poe. Not right then, when they needed to go through this together. She almost looked at him pleading, because she already knew what was to come.

"You will go with him!" Eliora freezed at his harsh words. She knew he was about to say that, she exactly knew it, but she couldn't believe it. She wouldn't just let him fight alone. They were in it together and they would get out of it together. So she wouldn't leave him alone. Not then, not ever. "No, I'm not going,", she answered harshly, never leaving his brown eyes. His face softened for a second, his gaze moving from his eyes to her lips. How bad he wanted to kiss her in that moment. "Eliora, please. This is the mission. Keep Beebe safe and make sure the map will be delivered to the resistance.", he begged. But Eliora just bit her lip and shook her head.

"Poe, I won't leave you. I- I can't leave you.", she said, tears welling in her eyes. "The General told me to keep you safe and I'm not going to break that promise." Eliora again shook her head. "It doesn't matter what the General said. I need you to be safe Poe." They looked into each other's eyes deeply. She saw the worry in Poe's eyes. And he was indeed worried. Yes, the General told him that he had to keep Eliora safe. But right then, the General's opinion didn't matter. It was him at that very moment who wanted to keep Eliora safe. Because if she wasn't safe, if something happened to her, he would blame himself forever. She meant more to him than she could ever think and he most certainly wouldn't let anything happen to the girl.

"No- no. Please- go Eliora.", he started, his voice slightly quivering. He needed her gone out of this fight and he would most certainly do everything to get her out. "I- I need to keep you safe.", he whispered. Eliora's mouth opened just a bit, putting the words he had just said together. He needed to keep her safe? Did he like her the way she liked him? She looked into his eyes and tried to find hesitation, but when she found none she knew he was telling the truth. He truly cared for her. As she looked into his eyes she felt like the world around her stopped. This desperation, worry hidden behind them. She felt like her whole life she waited for someone like Poe. Because when she looked at him, she felt like she belonged with him.

Never had she believed in having a soulmate or something like that. But when Eliora was near him, she seemed to forget her shyness. It felt like she was drunk, like she was on fire. Every time he looked at her, she felt like she had an unlimited supply of power, like she was able to change the universe. And she loved herself even a little more when she looked into his eyes. She felt like she was drunk, because of the nervousness around him. Every time he looked at her, she felt her hands getting wet. But the brunette overplayed it with trying to act tough. On the other hand she felt like she was on fire. Like she could change something. Like she had the power to bring back peace to the galaxy. And even tho it sounded - and definitely was- absolute foolish, she felt like this when she looked into these familiar, beautiful, extraordinary brown eyes.

But not then. When she looked into his eyes, she only found confusion. She didn't feel like the strong women anymore. She felt like she was small, not able to take care of herself. Like she needed someone to safe her. But she knew she was more capable than that. "I can keep myself safe.", she stated, then took her blaster and shot at some Stormtroopers. And to her surprise- she succeeded. She hit every single shot she was doing. And she showed Poe of what she was capable. Poe did the same as her, but he still wouldn't let her stay with him and get captured by the first order. "I know you're capable of taking care of yourself, Eliora. You're probably one of the bravest, most amazing women I know. No- not probably- you are the most brave and amazing woman I know. And I also know that you were shy the first time you went into base, but I most certainly know that you aren't that shy anymore. It was replaced by toughness. Not every bit, because this it was makes you yourself, a little shy, but a lot. And I know you are tough. You can do this yourself, but-" He took a break, trying to search his words. Eliora was know again looking at the pilot. "But?"

"It is me who doesn't want anything to happen to you. I couldn't bare not having you in my life. I know we don't know each other for a long time, but it just feels right around you, okay? I really like you Eliora. Please listen to me and run.", he pleaded. Eliora couldn't believe what he was saying. He liked her? After this short time they knew each other? Did that mean he liked her the same way as she liked him? Or did this mean that he liked her as a friend? But she smiled softly at the pilot, reaching her hand out and stroking his cheek. "I like you too Poe.", she smiled softly at him. Never had anyone said such nice words to her. She didn't even think if they were real for a moment. She knew they were. Because of this spark and shine in his eyes when he told her. Because these words just sounded so real. She knew Poe was trustworthy. She believed him and would always believe him.

She suddenly felt darkness. Like everything good that was left in the village was destroyed by something- no someone- stepping into the small village. As she looked around, she saw a dark figure standing there. And the brunette didn't even need a second to know who he was. It was not his dark clothes or creepy mask that gave it away, no, it was thus dark feeling. She didn't know why she was feeling it, but the moment she felt it, goosebumps built on her skin. She took a deep breath. "Go. Please, mi amor.", Poe asked one last time, before reaching behind his neck and opening his necklace. He carefully laid it into Eliora's hand and looked at her smiling. "It will bring you luck, mi amor." Eliora couldn't stop looking at the necklace. He trusted her with probably the most important thing in his life. Without thinking, she also took her necklace into her hand and handed it to Poe. "You need more luck.", she whispered. In that moment, both showed that they trusted each other. With giving each other the most important and meaningful thing of them. Eliora quickly put the necklace in her pocket and took a deep breath.

And no matter how desperate she wanted to go with him or at least wanted him to run with her, he knew he had set up his mind. And she didn't want to go. But when she thought about the map Beebe was carrying, about the difference it could make in the resistance she let go. She didn't let Poe go, no she would never let him go, because she knew he could take care of herself. "I promise I will come back for you.", he placed his hand into hers one last time, kissing her knuckles gently, then taking his blaster and looking at the scene. Eliora took a deep breath. Was this the right decision? "I hope so.", she said, a small tear rolling down her cheek, before she ran.

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀsᴋᴇᴅ, sᴏ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ғᴇᴡ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀs: ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏɪɴɢ ᴍʏ sᴛᴏʀʏ? ᴡʜᴀᴛ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪ ɪᴍᴘʀᴏᴠᴇ? ᴅᴏ ʏᴏʏ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ sᴛʏʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜᴏᴏsᴇ ᴏғ ᴡᴏʀᴅs? ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ!!

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