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By luna_pearl_moon

455K 12.2K 13.4K

"Holy Hades, what is that", Thalia yelled. "Is it, oh my gods, it is", Annie squealed screaming. Da... More

Cast & Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 37

5.1K 153 451
By luna_pearl_moon

     "Annabeth Chase", I yelled running after her.

     "Asterope Potter", she mimicked.

     "Give it back", I yelled.

     Annabeth suddenly stoped running making me bump into her, "You want this boring huge book back, I thought you hated school".

     I crossed my arms, "Annabeth, I don't go to a normal school so obviously, the school would be more interesting than a normal mortal school".

     "What is it anyway", Anna asked studying my Potions book.

     "It's my Potions book", I said rolling my eyes.

     "It just likes witchy stuff in a cauldron", Annabeth said throwing the book on my bed. "Nevermind you are a witch".

     I was finally able to leave 12 Grimmauld Place last week after Walburger, yes I am finally calling her that. So my father Zeus and burger had a talk about the arranged marriage thing my if I wasn't there then he would've struck her with lightning. I don't know why I stopped him because everyone agrees that I should've let him. Today was the day of the ball and we had very little time to get ready, only 1 hour, blame it on Annabeth for asking me neverending questions about Hogwarts.

     "One more question", Annabeth said smirking knowing that I was about to die.

     "Do you both want to go to the ball or not", Thalia said stomping into the room.

     "No I don't, I'm only going because I can see my parents again", I said.

     Thalia sighed annoyed, "Forgive me for doing this but I had to".

     "What", I asked.

     Suddenly a huge crowd of Aphrodite children rushed into the Zeus cabin. Boys and girls everywhere. Thalia, Annabeth, and I were separated with 5 children of Aphrodite each or maybe more surrounding us. I mean the perks of this are all I have to do is sit back in a chair while they start doing my makeup and hair and nails and whatnot. 

     Suddenly, Sydney the girl who was doing my makeup squealed, "Magnifique, tu auras des garçons qui tomberont à tes pieds". (Beautiful, you will have boys who fall at your feet[I don't speak French, it's from google translate so you French readers tell me if I am wrong})

     I looked at her confused, Silena thought me some French but I was never a language person so I only understood beautiful.

     "You look beautiful", Sydney said in English.

     "Uh, thank you", I said, I was wearing a silver dress.

     Soon we were all ready, Annabeth was in a purple dress and Thalia was in a gold-looking dress.

     "How do I look", Annabeth asked twirling.



     Thalia and I said at the same time staring at her dress.

     "You two look like twin sisters", Annabeth said.

     "No we don't", Thalia said.

     "Yeah, Aster is wearing silver and you are wearing gold", Annabeth said pointing at our dresses, I guess we do.

     "How are we getting to the ball again, or is our father taking us", Thalia asked.

     "Yeah dad should be here in a moment", I said.

     "Okay, I'm ready, let's go", Zeus said stating his presence, he was all dressed up in a suit and tie, he wasn't supposed to be attending.

     "Um, father, your not attending the ball", I said.

     He looked offended, "But I am, I have to keep boys of my daughters especially after that witch wanted that arranged marriage and Athena being my favor-".

     Thalia and I cut him off, "Favorite".

     "And I am a Hunter of Artemis", Thalia added.

     "Ahem, since Athena is one of my favorite daughters and Annabeth is her daughter it is my duty to protect her too, even if I don't like that boyfriend of hers", Zeus said proudly.

     "I'm going to die of embarrassment if I'm seen with someone like you how has a big ego", I whined.

     Zeus glared at me.

     "Fine, father, you can come, we are late already", Thalia said.

     "Hurry up", Anna demanded.

     We made it to the Potter Manor where my mother was greeting the guests with my favorite house-elf Mickey. Mickey is the best house-elf, when James and I were younger he would help us get out of trouble and sometimes even take the blame which I didn't like.

     "Ah you're here, it's nice to see you again Thalia and who do you have with you", Mia asked.

     That was when burger walked up in her midnight black gown, "Mr. Olympus you're here, oh and Thalia it's great to see you, oh and Bertha I have the perfect bridesmaid dress for you".

     "Bridesmaid", Mia asked surprised and a hint of something else.

     "Oh, yes my son Regulus and Thalia are going to get married", burger said.

     "Shut that annoying mouth of yours, don't you dare call my daughter a Bertha, and I never agreed to this arranged marriage in the first place so I suggest if you want to live then shut up and leave my daughter alone", father screamed.

     Burger looked wide-eyed and scurried back to the ballroom.

     "That was intense", Anna whispered.

     "I know", I said staring at my fuming father.

     Mia broke the awkwardness, "Welcome to the Potter ball".

     After a while of mingling with the others, I couldn't find Bella, Cissy, and Andy so I went searching in the hallways. That was when I heard Druella yelling at them in a hallway, I escaped, not wanting to hear it, and went up a familiar staircase. This was the place at James and my rooms were, I wonder what they did to my room.

     I saw the door of my old room and ran towards it opening it making a little creak, I looked inside, nothing had changed, "I miss this".

     On the bedside table was a moving picture of James and me playing in the field on our miny brooms. 

     "What are you doing here", a voice said from behind me, I jumped and quickly put the picture frame down, it turned out to be James, how ironic.

     "I was um...exploring", I said nervously.

     "Well then get out, now one is allowed in here", James said angrily.

     I wanted to tell him so bad that I am his twin sister but I couldn't. I stormed out of the room not wanting to get him madder and also so I don't spill my secret. I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into a hard chest.

     "Watch it", I growled trying to push them away.

     "I'm not letting you go", Sirius said.

     "And why is that", I asked crossing my arms.

     Sirius looked up and so did I, oh my gods, it was a mistletoe above us. No this has to be the worst day in the world.

     Sirius smirked, "Where is my kiss".

     I stared at him, did he really think I was going to kiss him, "What do you mean, I am not kissing you".

     "You have to", Sirius said happily forgetting about our argument from last week.

     "No one is here", I said.

     "Fine then go ahead and leave", Sirius said calmly.

     I looked at him cautiously and tried to move away but I was stuck in place, "What the hell is this".

     "Whoever gets stuck under the mistletoe has to kiss or they can't move", Sirius said as if he had figured out something that could change his future.

     "Ugh fine", I said.

     "Well then go ahead and kiss me", Sirius said smirking, "Or I will do it myself".

     I got on my tippy toes and quickly kissed him on the cheek and pulled away and tried to move away but I couldn't because I was still stuck in place.

     "Hey, a kiss on the lips", Sirius said.

     I scrunched my nose up, ew.

     "That's it", Sirius yelling slithers his arms around my waist and slams his lips on mine.

     I started to kiss back, oh my gods what am I doing. I quickly pushed him off, "Do not touch me again".

     "I don't know if I can do that, you seemed to like it", Sirius said.

     "I did not", I yelled walking away because I was finally able to move.

     Sirius yelled after me, "Mark my words I will get you to fall in love with me and I promise you will regret walking away from me right now".

     Omg, omg, omg they finally kissed, I would've made that part longer but there is another kissing scene coming up. James is going to find out the next chapter if I can fit it all, I have to get back to my math not.

     I'm really sick rn with a horrible headache and sore throat and stuff so make my day and vote and comment so I can reply to u guys. I didn't add Bella, Andy, and Cissy in bc I need to add the next chapter which has to be longer bc, in the end, is when I am planning for James to find out so then I could end it in a cliffy!

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