it's you... || Karl Jacobs βœ”οΈ

By nihachusxplr

81.6K 1.9K 444

A, more on the famous side, faceless streamer, Katelyn Elizabeth Foyer, from North Carolina gets noticed by a... More

| it's you... || the raid |
| it's you... || dream team content |
| it's you... || birthday |
| its you... || meeting Karl |
| it's you... || among us |
| it's you... || get to know Karl |
| it's you... || North Carolina |
| it's you... || escape |
| it's you... || roadtrip? |
| it's you... || worried |
| it's you... || boredom ||
| it's you... || roadtrip with DrΓ© |
| it's you... || meet up |
| it's you... || see you later |
| its you... || comfort |
| it's you... || thank you |
| its you... || what is this i feel? |
| its you... || darling i'd wait, for you |
| its you... || sleep |
| its you... || falling in love |
| its you... || stream |
| its you... || thanksgiving |
| its you... || chris |
| its you... || rainy days |
| its you... || heaven is a place on earth with you |
| its you... || six years later |
author's note <3
| its you...|| last to leave |
| its you... || worry |
| its you... || eli |
| its you... || forever |

| it's you... || another long day |

3K 79 14
By nihachusxplr

"This City"

Karl walked into the kitchen with the food in his hands. He passed around what they'd ordered and Katelyn was once again, very hesitant.

Karl chowed down on his food as did Dream, both happily eating. Dream noticed her hesitation and tapped her knee slightly, going unnoticed by anyone else. She looked up at him, a guilty look on her face.

"We can get him food on the way, you need to eat." He whispered, glancing towards the food in front of her.


"Kate, you need to eat." He whispered in a stern voice. She drew her bottom lip into her mouth, thinking about the consequences. There were none. She couldn't be punished by anyone if she ate. So she did just that, she ate.

While it was hard for her to do, she still did. Dream was pleased and smiled. The silence in the room was completely comfortable. After everyone ate, exhaustion seemed to settle in.

"Alright, is there a guest room where i can rest up some?" Dream asked politely.

"Yeah, i'll lead you there. I have some extra clothes if you'd like to borrow for a shower or anything, both of you actually." He informed. The girl nodded and Dream agreed with a yawn.

Dream took a shower first leaving Karl and Katelyn alone in the living room, apart from the sleeping child of course.

"How was the drive?" Karl asked.

"Tiring. At least Dream and I switched off driving on the way to North Carolina. I drove most of the way and i didn't sleep much during his drive." She explained, exhaustion really settling in.

"You can sleep in my room after your shower, i don't mind Katelyn." He offered once again. She shook her head softly, keeping a steady pace of her fingers running through her little brother's hair.

"I don't want him to live eight hours away from me.." She whispered quietly.

"Why is he going to your moms?"

"My dad just can't t-take care of him i guess.." She lied. She always seems to be lying.

"Oh, why don't you just care for him?"

"Im not his legal guardian. My dad had full custody and then my mom and step mom are legal guardians. My mom will have to fight for custody but it'll be worth it in the end." She elaborated.

"But didn't you say your dad couldn't take care of him? Why would your mom have to fight all that much? Wouldn't it be an agreed upon matter?"

"Oh- Oh uh, yeah." She stuttered. Karl sensed it was an uncomfortable topic and decided to drop it entirely.

"Hey, i'm gonna sleep before we head off again. We can leave here back to your house in a few hours and then start out long ass trip to PA. If you need me im in the room down the hallway. My phone ringer is on. If you cannot wake me up get Sapnap, he'll wake me up and i'll have someone ti be pissed at. Uhm, yeah. Are you gonna be okay?" He asked Katelyn. She nodded with a soft smile. He smiled back and walked back down the hall.

"Are you guys a thing?" Karl asked abruptly. She shook her head vigorously.

"The thought never even crossed my mind if im honest. He's just like an older brother figure to me." She shrugged, slipping away from Eli.

"Alright, let me get you some clothes and show you where the bathroom is." He said happily. He lead her down the hallway and showed her everything and allowing her to pick from his array of clothing. She stuck to a hoodie and dark gray sweats.

As she stepped into the shower, the heat enveloped her senses and she relaxed. She let her guard down for the tiniest amount of time.

She hadn't spent too much time in the shower as she didn't like showering at other's houses. Once she was out and fully clothed, she walked into the living room with the sleeves over her hands and the hood up. Katelyn sat down on the couch with Karl next to her and Eli now not present on the couch.

It hadn't fully set in at first, where Eli had been. Then it dawned on her that he wasn't where she had left him.

She started to panic internally, eyes glancing around the room to try and spot him. Nothing.

"I laid Eli down in my bed by the way. Dream warned me you might panic a bit." Karl informed.

Her heart pace slowed and her sighed a breath if relief.

"Sorry, im just protective over him." She whispered. Cartoons were displayed on the tv and she smiled as the show reminded her of an okay childhood. She started dozing off despite her attempts to stay awake. Karl noticed. He smiled before scooting more towards her and allowing the girl to lay her head on him.

Katelyn fell asleep after hours of being awake. Her head rested gently on Karl's shoulder, her knees curled into her chest. Karl carefully wrapped an arm around her and just barely grabbed the blanket, folded over the back of the couch. He draped the soft blanket over the both of them and smiled to himself, content with his first meeting the girl in person.

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