Trust is Dangerous- Russia x...

By Arrin99423

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This is a Countryhumans story about Germany and Russia. Warning: This is a slow burn. Germany is an excited... More

Life before it Started
Leaving you behind
Unexpected People
Meeting Others
Sky Hall
My Beginning
Beyond the norm: Being Accepted
A letter from the Past
The first day gone awry
Gossip, rumours and lies
Not a Chapter: An Announcement
A Different Path
Behind my Back
Sarcasm? I think not.
Philosophy and Serendipity
An Apology and a Friend
The Leaf and the Stone
Socialism vs Socialising
A Screwdriver, a Chainsaw and Second Thoughts
Breaking Ice
On Good and Evil
Drama, and why I'm the Teacher's Pet
Surprises and Laziness
Preparation and the Tsar
Grandfather and the Clock
Live, Love, Learn
The Third Truth
The Barn and the Little Things
To Where We Belong
The Moor and the Estate of Tea
Faces and Books
Essays, Penmanship and Hugs
Why I love you
From Whisper to Problem
Modern Problems
Like Father, Like Son
Comparing Life to Noodles
The Theatre, The Heart, and The Banned Book
When the Hourglass Spins
My Vote is Vetoed, Again
Where the Wind Takes Me
Along Moon Washed Streets
Rainy Day Spelunking
Illusions and Phantasms
The Elitist
A Nightmare For Both Sides
Am I Surprised?
Small People, Big World
The Last Act
Acknowledgments and Bows

Friends, Family and a Pillar

489 25 8
By Arrin99423

It was only today, when I was eating my lunch in the dining hall, after my not very bad philosophy class, staring outside at the sparrows flying in the nippy February wind did I think that maybe I was becoming clingy. I didn't even think about that. I stopped chewing and thought. Did Russia find me clingy? Why was I even worried? I set down my plate and fork and just left, not even putting the utensils and plate in the trash. I went outside to find some peace, only to be bothered by America, who was wearing a bright sequin covered yellow shirt. For some reason. I sat down on one of the old wooden benches in the shade of the large hall.

"Hey Germany," he slid up to me. "Didnt you ever realise that the word 'dying' is in the word 'studying'?"

"I'm sure you're not the first one to think of that." I remarked. "Its a matter of opinion."

"Naw, you think studying is fun?" He asked, looking me over the brim of his sunglasses.

I shrugged. "Not fun. More like important."

"You need to get your priorities straight, mister." He tisked. "By the way, where might your special someone be? I need to ask him a question."

I looked at my watch. "He would his drama class. Or else a free period."

"Aw, memorized his schedule?" America cooed exactly like a mourning dove.

"Um...sort of." I felt blush creep on my cheeks. It was cold, so it might just seem like a coincidence.

"If it was his free period then he would be with you, I'll bet." He rubbed his arms, shivering slightly. Never did it occur to the American that in the winter, people are supposed to dress warmly. At least he had long pants on, but he still had, what Russia called "Sailor's Chest". He had no scarf or cowlick, was what he meant. But Russia spoke in complex vocabulary and foreign proverbs.

"You know that we don't spend every minute together, right?" I said. "We're not that close yet." The cold breeze stirred and America yelped form the sudden drop in temperature. Wind always made things worse, and it seemed Mr. UK's island was a harbour for it. "We still are pretty separate."

"Not for long!" America declared.

"We'll see." A deep voice behind him said.

"Oh, hi Russia!" America whipped around to face Russia. He was again with his thick binder and half frown staring down at America.

"What was the conversation about?" Russia put one of his hands into his pocket, holding his binder with his left arm. He sat down next to me, zipping up his coat midway.

"You. And Germany."

"Hmm, interesting." He flipped through his binder. "Not."

"What were you doing?" He asked curiously.

"So nosy." Russia muttered. "Doing stuff."

"Like what?"

"None of your business." Russia turned to me and started to talk as if America wasn't gaping at us. "How long is your free period?"

"As long as yours." I said, shuffling though my papers absentmindedly.

"Oh, okay." He looked up briefly watching the birds. "See you at class then." As soon as he came, he left. Just like that. It was hard to be systematic with Russia. He would plan at his own pace and time. And he would abruptly leave, both in real life and in chats. He would respond when he felt like it. But he would always pick up the phone, no matter what. America watched him go and then turned to me with a quizzical look.

"He behaves in such random ways." He noted.

"Yes. It's his personality."

"What's in his binder, I wonder." America muttered to himself. I shook my head and sighed. "I didn't even get to ask my question. I wanted to ask if he wasn't occupied tomorrow evening, so that he could see my beautiful poetry recitation. It's going to be in Spanish!"

"He'll never tell you if you keep pestering his about it." I warned, standing up. "And why are you even doing a poetry recitation?"

"We will. Trust me." He said confidently as I started to leave. "And I'm doing it because my dad told me that it expands my mind, or whatever...hey, where are you going?"

"To see someone."


"Is there any other answer?" I asked, irritable. "No. A teacher." His face turned to seriousness in a second.

"Oh, well, in that case, um, go on." He waved his hands in front of him. "Go ahead." He was so serious that I had to smirk.

"See you around." I waved and walked around the corner. The midday sun beat down on everything it touched, and many small creatures scurried about. A chipmunk was busily crunching away at a bit of cafeteria food and some really early months fluttered about. A chilling night frost would kill them. I ducked into Arbour Hall, the large cement and wood mixed building with beautiful patterns of trees and leaves. Walking down past the English hall and past filled classroom, I made my way to a small classroom in which I knew the professor was on break. I'd never thought that a retired war general would teach German language. I peeked inside the spacious wood paneled classroom to check if it was occupied with students. If I memorized the times correctly, he should be on a teacher's break. I was correct. He was sitting in a grey suit and blue tie, one of his legs crossed over the other, reading a newspaper. He had a desk lamp switched on and the computer monitor was sleeping. His face was serene and a little bored while he was flipping though the pages, finding one he liked. I stepped up and knocked the door frame, alerting my presence. His dark eyes were scanning though the pages like a photocopier, until he heard the knock and this time, his eyes were the first to travel upward, not his chin. I didn't even know why I came here. Maybe to just get away from America, but at that moment I forgot why I needed my grandfather's talking.

"Ah, Deutschland!" He smiled in my direction, setting down the paper on his desk, next to the piles of paper. One pile slid down and papers flew everywhere all over the floor. He groaned as the papers flew about from the wind of the open window. I hastily helped to pick them up, and he hugged me in thanks. "How are you doing?" He asked as he settled down back into his chair.

"Um, I'm okay." I said, feeling uncomfortable just standing in front of him. "Just wanted to come by...I haven't seen you in a while." I haven't come to him since the time we first met here. He didn't seem to be disappointed that I haven't come, even when he would call me. I even declined his offer to spend some time together after the break. I felt a bit guilty that I did so. But from my grandfather's smile, I could see that he was genuinely happy to just see me.

"Of course!" He motioned to a desk next to his, and I sat down, almost like one of his students. Unfortunately, he didn't start the conversation, but waited for me to start. He kept on smiling, but it became a bit strained.

"Um, how was your break?" The generic question slipped though my mouth. I couldn't watch his smile twitch any longer.

"Oh, it was very good. I stayed with your great uncle for a bit. Then I left early and came back here. After all, I have my home on this island. It's not mine, but it was issued to me."

"Oh, I see." I nodded. I couldn't understand though. "What did you do?"

"With Austria Hungary? Oh, nothing much. We talked a bit, he complained for some time, then we ate dinner and things like that. Talked some more. He asked me to play cards with him....a we didn't do much else." He explained. "And you?"

My turn to answer. I should have known. "Um, well. I went to Russia's home, and I met his siblings and um, his grandfather as well." I heard a disapproving huff from him.

"Russian Empire?" He said. His expression changed in a matter of seconds. His good natured smile became a dissatisfied frown and his eyebrows went up.


"Hmm, not the best person ever. Did I tell you that?" He paused for a moment. "I don't like to talk ill about my peers...and I'm usually very passive about these things....yet..."

"No. He's not very nice." I cut him off quickly.

"I know. He is a bit nasty, that person." He looked at the open window. "All he can do is talk and balk."

"Well, I didn't like him. He was kind of belligerent." I tried to get out of the conversation as fast as I could.

"Indeed." He sniffed. "Even though....never mind." He reverted back to his usual cheery self and started to talk about how I should come and meet the part of my family that wasn't dead. I said I would think about it. As soon as I was ready to leave, he called me back. "Oh, Deutschland, are you friends with Russia? I understand that you know him, but are you friends?"

"Yeees." I said slowly turning back. "Why?"

"He told me that he's your friend." He sat back in his chair. "Is that true?"

"Yes. He is." I couldn't lie, especially when he already had much information.

"That's very nice. That you're making friends. That's good. Especially with a motivated and bright student like him." He nodded. "Although he seems to be not very trusting."

"Mhmm," I slowly backed out. "I have to go now, grandpa. Um, maybe I'll come by next time."

"Of course. Come any day during this time." He waved to me and then reached for his paper again. I had to run over to my next class so that I wouldn't be late. I didn't need that.


After my pretty boring painting class in which I spilled paint all over my professor and myself, I left the arts hall covered in red, green and blue paint, all sticky and miserable. I was lucky it was a water based paint, and would come off easily, but it was already crusting and peeling. Oh, and everyone was looking at me. Again. Fortunately for me, I took my glasses off before I started the class, so I wasn't completely blind. Just embarrassed, no major problems. As I was about to open the thick barred gates of my college, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I thought it might've been Finland, but no. It was Japan. She was in a light blue long sleeve turtleneck and a black skirt that was about knee length. In her ears were pink bowed earrings and she also wore a nervous smile.

"Hey Germany." She said, her voice shaking a bit.

"Hi," I replied, pushing open the gate as I inserted my card. "How did you recognise me?"

"Um, by your glasses." She pointed to them. "But I was wondering if you could come with me to meet some people....please?" She was fidgety and constantly held the hem of her skirt.

"Ah, could I wash myself first?" I asked as I went into the short tunnel to the courtyard. "I don't need to be further embarrassed."

"I was wondering what happened..." She lightened up a bit.

"Painting." I sighed. "Apparently, face painting."

"So....can you come?"

"Yes. I'll message when I'm ready."

"Okay! See you soon!" She ran off, and relief was stamped all over her face. I wondered what she wanted me to do. Who were those people? I went up to my room and saw Finland inside, chewing the eraser on his pencil, and repeatedly gnashing his teeth. Next to him was a collection of crumpled papers and on the desk was a blue and white patterned corelle bowl filled with something hot.

"Hello Finland," I set my books down on my bed. I resigned my table space to his papers, charts, graphs, calculator, pens, coffee, and huge whiteboard with markers.

"Hey," he looked up at me, smiling, tired. "What happened to you?" He looked me up and down.

"Accident." I said simply. "With paint."

"Hmm, they happen." Finland wasn't the one to pester for more information, or laugh at somebody's woe. He would just acknowledge it.

"I'll leave soon." I backed into the bathroom and shut myself in after I had grabbed a towel and fresh clothing. Peeling off my starch white, or what used to be starch white shirt and spattered pants, I didn't mind to test the water till I turned the knob. The water came out like liquid ice. Actually, water is liquid ice... I had to endure ten minutes of the freezing water and as if to anger me, the water turned warm as soon as I stepped out. It took me way too long to put on my fresh clothes and then the door wouldn't open until I rammed my shoulder into it. For such a high end university, I expected better...kind of.

"Somebody texted you." Finland informed me, without looking up. "I heard."

"Oh, thanks." I said breathlessly after half falling on the floor. "Phew."

"Yeah, the doors do that." He smiled to himself. "They get stuck sometimes. I got stuck there for a long time once. I was lucky Estonia had small hands and could fiddle with the hinges." He sighed and crumpled another paper. "Wrong integral. Wrong Riemann sum. Have to take the trapezoid, not left hand. Whatever. Anyways, have a good time, wherever you're going."

"Um, you too. Good luck."

"I'll try." He laughed and then bent over his definite integrals once more. I fleetingly raced down the steps and out into the courtyard. When I reached the gate, I took out my phone to see thirty new messages by Japan. All of them said 'Germany, please answer' in caps.

"I'm back Japan." I wrote. In a second, she wrote back.

"Can you come to Willow College?" She asked. "We're all there."

"Is that...?"

"Southernmost gate." I set off to the south and had to retrace my steps. I had to stall a bit till my art professor still covered in paint left, since I didn't want her to see me. I was the one who spilled it after all. Willow College had ivy tendrils crawling up its side and small windows. I could see Japan and Russia in the distance, as well as two other people. They were familiar, but I couldn't remember their names. I think they shared a suffix. Korea. Oh, yes, North and South Korea.

"Ahhhhh! GERMANYYYY!" Japan yelled when she saw me. "Where were you?"

"I'm sorry." I apologised. "I had to get the paint off my face." Russia smiled when I said that.

"These are my brothers. South Korea and North Korea. They are twins. And the same year as me. Ten months older than me, though."

"Hey," South Korea waved to me. He had on a black leather jacket with a red shirt underneath. His dark gaze was good natured, and he stretched out a hand for me to shake. "We've met before."

"Mhmm." Was all I could say.

"Hello." North Korea muttered after his brother tugged his sleeve very noticeably. "I'm North Korea. People decide to just call me North. Because they think they can. As if North and Korea is too many syllables."

"North, we've met him before." South said. "Don't go on your tangent."

"I won't." The other sighed and shook my hand roughly as well. As bright and exuberant South was, North was muted and low profiled. It seemed that he wanted to be unnoticeable but famed at the same time.

"So, care for a walk?" South asked. Russia shrugged his shoulders but went all the same. "I know Germany because he's Italy's friend. But you, Russia. What's your story?"

"Eh, nothing much to it." Russia started slowly. "I actually never thought I'd get into this university. I applied to numerous 'safety schools' in case I didn't make it into this one. But apparently I made an impression with my father ramming his car into Mr. UK's Rolls Royce, and the fact that he refused to apologise."

"Oh, that must've been super embarrassing." South frowned. "My dad also parks how he feels he needs to."

"Hmm, yeah. But I'm motivated enough to learn, so I guess they liked that." He smiled. "You were lucky to find me today. Yesterday and tomorrow I have theatre practice at this time." We walked away from the college and down towards the east gate along a wide path around the perimeter of the campus. Short and spiked shrubs were planted on either side of the path to guard it. Every now and then you could see a small granite figurine of some sort of snake like animal crawling up a pillar and a bird atop.


"The new production that Professor France is putting on. She cast me as lead role. Just because I'll sing in Russian." Each time we passed one more statue, it seemed the snake creatures were getting closer to the bird.

"Interesting. So Japan's your friend too?" North cut in. The last pillar we went by, the snake was wrapping its body around the bird leg.

"Yes. She is. She found me actually." North eyed me, but said nothing. So did South and Japan. What were they trying to get out of us? It was definitely information. The way that North constantly gave me fleeting looks and how South stared at both me and Russia was uncomfortable. The bird looked scared of the snake, and unfurled its wings.

"Hmm, and Germany?" South said before North elbowed him in the ribs. South acted as though nothing happened, but it was hard, since he was wincing a bit. Now, the bird was completely entangled in the snake, in total shock and panic.

"About five months ago. He's a very good friend." The snake opened its mouth. It had long fangs. The bird was obviously in a silent screech.

"Just friend?" North said. The snake pierced the leg with its venomous teeth. The bird flapped viciously. Russia stopped and stared at Japan. The bird tried to nip the back bone of the snake. Japan looked at me. The snake didn't relent. Russia's eyes were whorls of molten fury. The bird tried to desperately flee, but no avail. The snake venom went too far. Russia turned towards South slowly and bared his teeth. The bird went limp. The snake triumphed. Russia looked at me for a moment, his eyes temporarily showed desperation and then reverted back to anger.

"Well. I guess if the whole world needs to know, then why don't you tell everyone everything!" He screamed at Japan. She sunk her neck into her shoulders as Russia advanced on her. Nobody dared intervening.

"Russia..." she gasped.

"Sorry? I don't think so. No. No more. Why do I even put up with you anymore if you're going to tell everyone my private life? It was my mistake to open my mouth that time, wasn't it. Well I won't be making that mistake any more." Without another word, he pushed his way out and ran. Fast. There was no way that anyone would be able to catch him. In a matter of seconds, he was gone. Japan looked as if she was about to fall into tears and South looked uncomfortable. North looked down at the ground.

"Too early?"

"No, really?" Japan almost screeched. "Stupid idiot! Did I ask to tell him upfront?"

"Japan..." South said quietly.

"No! You too! It was your idea!" She cried out. With little tears in her eyes and sniffling, she fled as well. North folded his hands in his pockets and said nothing. I was strangely calm. If it were me in the past, I would be hiding in a bush, praying. But I felt as unruffled as an elephant.

"Sorry Germany." South whispered. "Really."

"No it's okay. Japan told you, didn't she?"

"Yes." North muttered. "She turned this small predicament into a huge issue."

"Its Japan. She always thinks that secrets aren't good." South argued. "And look what happened."

"Eh, I'm strangely okay with this." I shrugged. "Maybe it's shock. But we'll see what happens soon."


"Have a good day, then." It was like I left a battlefield. All's quiet, all's calm.


Thank you everyone for the 3.8K reads! I really appreciate that people like to read my writing. That's the extent of my social life now. That, and rewriting Riemann sums and definite integrals.

Also, can anyone explain what rankings on Wattpad stories are based on tags? 

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