waiting for you ➨ poe dameron

By multifandomsw

4K 185 190

Her head was spinning, her mind swirling around with questions and thoughts. Tears spilled out her eyes uncon... More

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137 8 29
By multifandomsw

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

Eliora watched as pilots rushed around the resistance base. Many had a wide grin on their face. Today were the flight exams. The last step to becoming a pilot. If Eliora succeeded, she would be able to join a squadron. To actually be a part of the resistance. She would be able to go on missions, to actually help the resistance instead of staying on the ground and studying. And the brunette practiced. A lot. This was her dream and she would do anything to fulfill it. She was only a step away from it. And she wouldn't let anything ruin it. Not now, not ever.

The brunette looked around and smiled when she came into view with these familiar dark brown eyes. The ones of her best friend, Aayla. She was there for her from day one and she knew, she exactly knew, that she would be there from now on. Always. Next to Aayla, stood Jess, her pilot girlfriend. Both of them had wide smiles on their faces and waved to Eliora with their free hands. The other one was tangled with the one of their partners, almost exactly like they just fitted together. "Hi.", Eliora smiled softly when she stepped in front of them and hugged them. They just chuckled at her. Eliora's cheeks were flushed, which either meant she was embarrassed, or excited. But both of them knew that right then, she was excited, probably even more than that. Eliora also had some sweat building on her forehead.

The orange flight suit, which was way too big for her, almost slipped off her shoulder. She looked like a mess, but she was happy. And both of her friends knew that. "Aayla will start, then it's going to be you.", Jess began explaining. "You will fly this flight route over there.", she pointed at it. "You see the target over there?" Both of the girls nodded. "You have to hit the target at least three times.", the brunette pilot continued. Eliora was nervous at first, but taking a deep breath, she knew she could do that. She had practiced much more difficult things with Jess. "Then fly over the trees and come back. The landing has to be save, or it will cause some bad rating." Both Eliora and Aayla chuckled nervously at Jess. When Aayla began walking to the X- wing, Jess stopped Eliora for a second.

"You can easily do it, I know that Eliora. You are the best recruit we have, and I would lie if I said that you weren't better than some of our actual pilots. I don't know how you're doing it, but you're already amazing. So please don't be nervous and don't tell Aayla what I just said.", she laughed. Eliora smiled at this. Jess was right. She indeed was pretty good at flying. Eliora couldn't explain why, because before the resistance, she had never flown a ship. When she was flying there was always this feeling, like it wanted to guide Eliora through it. And when she accepted it, she got even better. But again, she couldn't explain what it was. Like something that wanted to help her, a feeling that told her what she had to do. She felt crazy, really, and didn't tell it anyone, but she knew it was real, she felt it.

The moment she wanted to put on her helmet, Eliora was interrupted by someone coughing behind her. The brunette just shrugged it of, thinking it was meant for someone else, but when the person coughed again, she turned around. And everything seemed like it was in slow motion. The moment she met these familiar dark brown eyes she felt something, she felt home. She felt like she belonged there. Her eyes roamed the person standing in front of her for a second. She knew it from the brown eyes on, Poe Dameron. It was only confirmation when she saw the red- orange flight suit and his dark brown curls, as well as the stupid smirk playing on his lips. Only when Beebe rolled from behind him she felt like she could move again. She hadn't expected him to come back so early.

Without thinking she took fast steps forward and was met by Poe's muscular arms, which circled around Eliora's body. Laying her head on his chest, she just enjoyed this for a moment. Breathing in his scent, she was remembered by the last time they saw each other, the emotional talk, his hand in hers, and the comfort coming from him. She didn't know what she felt for him. A good friend? But would she feel these butterflies in her stomach for a 'good friend'? The kiss on his cheek coming from her. Was it a good idea? And she remembered telling him that she didn't need space from him. But it was only the truth. She liked him, really. And she told herself she didn't want anyone after Derik, but she quickly realized that she was wrong. Poe was there from the beginning on, always trying to speak to her, even the small gestures, like smiles and smirks coming from him, were more affection than she felt for Derik.

Then when she was sitting on his lap and he showed her how to fly an X- wing. She was so close to him. And she felt the butterflies in her stomach. Eliora just felt stupid for choosing Derik over Poe. She knew that deep down, she liked Poe from the beginning on. Definitely. But she always thought that she was not good enough for him, the resistance's best pilot. And she didn't know if he felt the same. She didn't even know herself what was that she was feeling. But after they talked, she knew that there was something. And she couldn't hide it from herself anymore. She accepted it. Whatever it was, she accepted it. Right then, Eliora didn't care what was between them. She only cared that he was safe.

"Back so early, I see.", Eliora smirked, letting go and looking up at the pilot. "I'm the best pilot here, what did you think.", he teased, which made Eliora just roll her eyes. "Wouldn't miss this for a second. I mean, it's your final flight before becoming a pilot. I hurried up, so I wouldn't miss it." Eliora just shook her head and laughed slightly. "Sure." But Poe took his hand and laid it on her cheek, softly stroking her face. "You don't believe me.", he whispered. Eliora's heart was racing from the affection, but she tried to keep her composure. "Oh, I wouldn't dare to not believe the best pilot here.", she teased, which made Poe chuckle.

He was also confused by what he was feeling for the girl. He felt something for her from the beginning on and he knew it. It showed even more when he got, well, jealous?, over someone, who wanted to get involved with Eliora. And from there on he knew that there was something he felt for her. After they talked a few days ago, he also assumed that she liked him- at least a bit. The kiss on his cheek, which he thought about the whole time on his mission, and the way she told him she didn't need space. That she was over Derik. That she appreciated Poe. When she told him that, Poe decided he wouldn't push these feelings back anymore. He would act upon them, he would try everything to get her. Because there was just something that pulled him towards her. And maybe she would be the right one. So he wouldn't just miss the chance. He would show her and hopefully, she would show him back.

Eliora then took a step back from the pilot, leaving Poe looking confused at her. "I have to get ready.", she began grinning at him. "Besides- I don't want the girls here get jealous because of me.", she winked at Poe and smiled widely. Eliora exactly knew that she wasn't the only one thinking Poe was attractive. Many girls of the base thought the same, many wanted to have Poe. But he, he didn't want them. He wanted something real. Like his parents had, and maybe this very something was what he saw in Eliora. Maybe she was the right one. Poe just scoffed and laughed. "Doesn't matter if they're jealous. I don't want them." He wanted to say, that he wanted her, only her. But he didn't. He was afraid this was going too far and he still doubted if she really liked him. He wanted to go slow and prove to himself that Eliora also liked him. And if she wanted something after Derik?

But he knew one thing for sure. If she liked him back, if this worked out, he would do anything for it to work out forever. He would do his best to prove to Eliora that not all men were like Derik was. He wanted to prove to her, that there were also men who would love her for who she was. Who wanted to actually get to know her. Who wanted only the best for her. "Excuse me, Commander.", Someone interrupted Poe, as he just wanted to take another step to Eliora. He looked around, coming into view with Lieutenant Connix. "The General wants to speak you.", she told him with a smile.

Then the Lieutenant turned to Eliora. She looked at Connix in confusion. She was a beautiful girl, really. Maybe the same age as her, brown beautiful long hair and glancing brown eyes. An innocent smile played on her lips and she looked like she enjoyed her job, enjoyed every single minute of it. "With you too, Eliora.", she informed her. Eliora's mouth just opened a little bit, as she was shocked by that. Why would the General want to speak with her? Why now? Why when she was about to have the final flight exam? "You sure it's me she want to talk to?", Eliora chuckled slightly, still not believing it. Poe also looked at Connix in confusion. "She told me herself.", Connix nodded. Poe thought for a minute, then talked. "Well then, let's go.", he looked at Eliora and smiled. "One minute.", she said and jogged over to where Jess and Aayla stood.

"General wants to speak with me, I'm probably going to be late." Jess's eyes widened. "The General?", she gasped. "Did you just hug Poe?", Aayla joined in the conversation, her black curls falling right into her face. "She did. what?", Jess joined in. "You little-", she began taking a step to Aayla, wanting to elbow her, but Jess stopped her, taking her wrist. "Don't hit my precious girlfriend." Eliora just laughed. "Oh I would not dare to.", she began. But when both of them looked at her for an answer, she sighed. "Why wouldn't he hug me? As a sign of friendship?", she asked herself, scratching the back of her head, just like Chloe always did. "Yeah right, friendship.", Jess sarcastically stated. Eliora opened her mouth, but was stopped when she felt another hand brushing against hers and tangling their fingers together. "Come on, we have to go.", Poe smiled down at Eliora, squeezing her hand. Three times.

Eliora's cheeks went read, and she was dragged away by Poe, his hand in hers. At the contact, goosebumps were building on her arms and she held her breath. Poe didn't seem to care that they just looked like a couple, he in fact enjoyed the glances people gave them. Eliora just looked down, her brown hair falling into her face, covering up her pink cheeks. Just before they entered the General's office, he let go of her hand and smiled at her encouragingly. Leia was already waiting for both of them and had a wide smile playing on her lips, which meant, that she was happy. That she was full of hope. Like she always was. And she watched the two young pilots walking in and sitting down in front of her.

"General, you wanted to speak with us?", Poe began talking. Leia just nodded her head, looking over Eliora with a small sad smile. "I heard you found Lor San Tekka's location, didn't you?", Leia asked hopefully. "Jakku." Leia laughed slightly at this. "Jakku? That junkyard?", she asked herself. "Well, I want you both to find the map to Luke and bring it here.", Leia began. "Us both?", Eliora's eyes widened. "Yes, you too." Poe looked at the General with an confused, yet worried look. "This is a secret mission, you can't tell anyone, alright? We don't want the First Order to know where the map is.", Leia continued, a small strand of grey hair falling into her face from her braid. "I'm sorry, but why me?", Eliora asked.

Leia just sighed. "Because you are the right person, trust me. Poe and Jess told me a thousand times what a great pilot you were. It's going to be your first mission to show us if you're really that great, even tho I believe it.", Leia began, speaking proudly. "If you succeed you'll be able to join the Black Squadron." Eliora's eyes widened and a big grin played on Poe's lips. He was proud. More than that. And Eliora couldn't believe it. She could be a part of the best squadron in the resistance. She. Leia nodded at the brunette, who couldn't speak. She was still in shock. Was this even real? "What about the final exam?", she asked after a short silence. The General just laughed at that.

"Forget it. You're already through it." Eliora again looked at her in shock. "I- I can't believe it.", she whispered. "Thank you, thank you, thank you.", she grinned at the General. Leia looked at her in awe. This excitement in her, this flame burning in Eliora to fight down the First Order. She hadn't seen many people who were as optimistic as Eliora. Only a few. "Nothing to thank.", Leia smiled. "We need you. The resistance needs new good pilots and I just know you will be a great help here." Eliora looked at Poe for a second, who offered her a small smile. "I really appreciate that." "Now go and pick your things." Eliora immediately stood up and rushed to the door. "And don't tell anyone.", the General said one last time. "Not gonna happen.", Eliora shouted, running off.

Poe stayed in his seat as he looked at the General with a worried look, he didn't want to show Eliora. "I thought it was a solo- mission?", he asked. "It was, but I thought you might need help." Poe shook his head. "I- I don't need help. Really I don't.", he began. "My decision is made.", the Princess sighed. "But- she's only been here for a short time, she doesn't have the experience.", Poe began raising his voice. "Poe, she is capable of taking care of herself." Poe nodded. "I know, but if something happened to her, it would be my fault. I- I don't want her to be in danger.", Poe desperately stated.

"We're at the resistance, Poe. Everyone's in danger." Poe ruffled his hair in annoyance. "I know, I know, Leia. But why her?", he asked desperately. "She is a great pilot and you know that." Poe bit his lip. He knew she was. But he was worried. "That's not the reason. The mission is not about piloting." Leia sighed. "It is the reason." But Poe didn't believe her. "Please don't send her. Send anyone you want, not her, I beg you." The Princess looked into his brown eyes. She exactly knew what he was feeling. He was afraid of losing her. And she exactly knew what it felt like. But she knew she would need Eliora. "Poe, my decision is made." He tried one last time. "Please.", he begged. He wanted to scream at her. He was angry. He couldn't just lose Eliora like that. "I know you care for her, Poe, but you won't lose her, I promise." The General already knew. Poe liked Eliora. She knew it without the force even. It was obvious. "You're there to protect her, remember?" That was the final thing to say. Poe gave in and nodded. "Okay.", he whispered and walked out of the room.

Sitting in a X- wing, she heard Poe's voice over her com. "Ready?", he asked, smiling into his micro. "As I'll ever be." Poe just laughed at this and they both started to take off. "Jakku it is." Eliora looked at the blue sky of D'Qar, only a few clouds spread around the sky. She thought about Aayla and hoped she didn't fail her exam. Eliot a couldn't say goodbye, because she knew this mission was top secret. She just hoped they wouldn't worry too much and wouldn't be too angry with her. "Just follow me. It's going to be a long ride.", she heard Poe's masculine voice. "Got it, Commander.", she joked. "Or does Black Leader sounds better?" She heard some beeps. "Yeah Beebe is right, flyboy is the best one.", she joked. "I accept everything sweetheart."

Eliora was lucky they were flying, because Poe wasn't able to see the read tint on her cheeks when he said that. Eliora gripped the control stick with one hand and put her long brown hair back with the other. "Careful there darling.", Poe said when her X- wing tips over the side slightly. Eliora just scoffed. "Darling?", she laughed. "What's next? Animal names?", she teased the brunette pilot. "Possible.", he laughed back. After a short silence, his voice came back in again. "I'm bored, tell me something about you." Not something, he wanted to know everything, every single detail. "There's not much you don't already know." Poe shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't matter. Where did you work when you lived on Tatooine?", he asked her. "In a bar. I served some bounty hunters, you know?" Poe nodded, but quickly realized she wouldn't see it. "Yes."

"Hm, what about.. do you remember anything about your childhood?", he asked her. "Nothing before Tatooine." Poe felt bad for her. "Maybe you will remember some day.", he stated optimistically. "My turn.", Eliora smiled. "When did you get so passionate about flying?", she asked Poe. Poe smiled to himself. "My mother was a rebel pilot, but I already told you that. When I was six, my mother taught me how to fly in her A- wing and I absolutely fell in love with flying. My mother would take me in it and let me sit on her lap while she taught me how to fly.", he remembered. Eliora smiled to herself. "That's cute.", she admitted. "My turn again. Did you have a boyfriend on Tatooine?" Eliora held her breath for a second. "Commander, that's not a question you should ask a lady.", Eliora joked. "I didn't have. You'd be my first.", she teased him. Poe just laughed over the com. Hopefully he would.

"You couldn't tell me much, so it's my turn again.", he began. "What is it with the necklace around your neck. The one you're always wearing." Eliora's breath stopped for a minute. He noticed? She normally had it hidden under her clothes. "The one with the crystal.", he continued. "Didn't think anyone would notice.", Eliora admitted. "Oh, I notice everything when it comes to you." Eliora took out the necklace and looked at the green crystal for a second. "The last thing I have from my parents. I think it was a gift from my father. It's just a simpe crystal.", Eliora said. "Alright. By the way, I think you look good with it.", Poe flirted. "Stop flirting with me.", Eliora laughed. "I'm not. That's my charm. I'm always like that."

Eliora just rolled her eyes. "What is it with your necklace around your neck?" Eliora saw it some times. It was a simple silver chain with a ring attached to it. And even tho she didn't admit it, it looked really good on Poe. It suited him really well. Poe sighed. "It was my mother's wedding ring. I'm carrying it with me for luck.", he admitted. "Okay, no not only because of luck.", he then interrupted himself. Eliora furrowed her eyebrows at that. "One day, if I find the right person, I will give her the ring. As a sign of love. And until I find the person, I keep it to myself." Eliora's eyes widened for a second. "That's romantic and sweet.", she then smiled into her micro. "Yes, I want to have the same as my parents. They truly loved each other. More than themselves. And that's my goal. Finding someone and having the same that my parents had. Settling down on a planet and building a family, but like they did. After the war of course." Eliora smiled at this. He was cute. This was cute. "I'm pretty sure many girls would be happy if they got the ring.", she laughed. Poe thought for a minute. 'Many girls' didn't matter. He wanted the one right girl. And maybe he had already met her.

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

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