TOXIC - Ariana Grande/You


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"You're a damn drug and I'm toxic." You G!P updates weekly More

10 (the real one)


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When I looked at her, I was confronted by her eyes looking straight back at me. A tinge of remorse could be noticed, but she was clearly suppressing it.

I wiped the perspiration from my brow as she closed her eyes and breathed loudly in and out, signaling despair.

She opened her eyes to find me drinking another glass of cold water, then took a step towards me.

She handed me the almond milk container.

"I tried to explain myself to you previously, but you kept interrupting me. I understand how you felt since it was my fault, and I know that. I was going home to give you some time to calm down before we went through it together calmly, but doing all of this wasn't necessary, baby." I stated it carefully, making sure to include the nickname at the end, knowing how sensitive she became and the circumstance we were in. And I wasn't even angry.

She bit her lip knowing I had a point so I continued, "I love spicy food, but that shit was spicier than wasabi or eight times Samyang," I added in disbelief. It was true. "I'm not sure where you got that from, but I'm fairly sure it's been lying in your cabinet or somewhere ready to be used in case I screw up because I've never seen or tasted anything like that shit before." I made a joke about the meal to lighten up the atmosphere.

The motherfucker tensed and simply stared at me for some reason.

We exchanged glances, and my eyes widened as the realisation dawned on me.

Oh my god.

When her face began to repress a smile, I gasped before flinging my head back and laughing, followed by her. "How in the world did you know?" She asked, putting her tatted hands over her mouth to keep herself from giggling too loudly.

My mouth fell, and the question reinforced what I was thinking: "So-Oh my gosh! You're crazy insane!" I screamed, surprised. She approached me, still laughing wildly, as I attempted to back up just for my back to contact a surface. She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest.

She was indeed caught.

"There was no way you had that stuff in your pantry– you don't even like spicy shit unless it's for me, which you never made me try!"

Her body vibrations indicated that she was giggling silently. I mashed my lips together, trying not to giggle as I tried to pull her arms off my body in a teasing manner. "Stopppp," she whined, her tone indicating she was still smiling.

I bit my lip to keep the smile from spreading to both corners of my mouth as I felt her hold tighten, as if she didn't want to let go of me. "You're ridiculous," I said, shaking my head in astonishment at the joke that turned out to be entirely real. "Do you know that?" I said, placing my hands on each side of her head to make her look at me.

"You make me nuts," she said as she laid her chin on my chest and smiled toothlessly, exposing her distinct dimples. When she pursed her lips and asked to be kissed, I reciprocated the grin. The smile faded and was replaced by a scowl, "I can never stay upset with you."

"I'm sorry," I said honestly. "We'll discuss it anytime you want, baby."

"First, let's eat; I'm hungry, and I know you are too.

"I think I am alright. All the milk and water I drank? I'm stuffed." My shoulders shrugged.

To be honest, I was afraid for my life, that the next food she gave me would kill me.

"Don't worry, I didn't put anything on it. There will be no round two." She laughed heartily at my reply.

She pressed a kiss on my lips while tiptoeing, then scowled while sliding her tongue between her lips and stood back up. She drew my head down to her face by laying her palm on the back of my head, then said, "Oh my goodness," as she drew back. "It's fucking hot!" she licked her lips fiercely before snatching the milk from the counter to drink it.

"You think a little bit of that is spicy? What about the amount of the spoonful I ate?" I asked, chuckling and shaking my head. Her craziness bit her back.

"That was on purpose!" I raised an eyebrow, not understanding what she had just said. "You persuaded me to kiss you!"

That's when I groaned in defeat, closing my eyes playfully. I decided to give up because I couldn't handle any more of the insanity. I shook my head, my lips sucked into my mouth, and she laughed at my reaction. I strolled over to the kitchen island and watched as Ariana, who was turning red and sweating, chugged all the water from a one-litre bottle in half a second.

When she placed the empty clear bottle on top of the counter before approaching towards me, I noticed her eyes had begun to water.

She understood what I had seen, so she pulled her bottom lip out with her enlarged wide brown eyes, which showed emotion meant to inspire sympathy.

As she drew closer, my mouth mimicked her charming look.

"It's very hot," she said as she put her arms around my torso and leant over. She mumbled, but just enough enough for me to comprehend what she was saying. I hummed in answer, still staring at her adorableness.

After she laid her head against my chest, there was a brief period of tranquility.

"Let me know when you're ready to talk about it," I said, putting my hand to her head and playing with her hair.

"You know I'm always up for an argument." We both laughed as we continued to embrace each other. After a minute, I felt her draw away, and my eyebrows furrowed as she backed away more than a foot. I stood there perplexed as her entire face twisted and her arms folded at her chest. "Get the hell out." She just raised her hand and pointed her index finger in the direction of the front door.


3:07 AM

Why the heck did I consistently wake up out of nowhere at the same time?

As I sighed, my gaze drifted towards the ceiling, my mind dwelling on the events of the previous day. Ariana had unexpectedly asked me to leave her house. The abrupt change bewildered me; one moment, we were sharing laughter, and the next, she was showing me the door. It was evident that a part of her yearned for a swift reconciliation between us.

I made several attempts to reach out to her, both through text and phone calls, but received no response. I was torn between respecting her need for space and the fear that she might interpret it as indifference, believing it was okay for me to go hours without speaking to her.

With each passing moment, I grew increasingly self-aware. When a silly idea popped into my head, I couldn't help but chuckle at myself.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, looked up Kehlani's number, and initiated an audio FaceTime audio call. I was determined to go through with the prank, even if she didn't answer on the first attempt.

"Hello?" I stifled a laugh, covering my lips. "Wake up," I said mischievously. I heard her groan in response. "I'm parked right outside your place," I added, switching back to my normal tone of voice.

"What the–What time is it?" I could hear the surprise in her tone

"Three. I'm outside and it's fucking freezing, wake the fuck up."

"Fuck. Are you serious?" Knowing the dumbass half-asleep herself getting up when she could use her phone to check the cctv at the front of her house made things hilarious.

"I am, come on." When I heard her satisfying groan, the corner of my mouth raised. "Take a look out your window." I ordered, knowing she'd have to get out of bed to reach her window. I heard shuffling sounds, which suggested that she was getting out of bed. "Sike, goodnight," I said as I observed she was getting close to the window. I ended the call without waiting for her reaction.

It was wonderful to know that not only was my sleep disrupted, but so was someone else's.

I closed my eyes and smiled contentedly until my phone vibrated, signalling a notification. I clapped right away since I knew who it was from.

Kehlani: FUFCK YOU
                   annoying shit

Me: thank u goodnight

Kehlani: i was having a dream about sza🖕🏼

I grinned as I remembered how many times she had mentioned Sza to me. Sza this, Sza that, as though the bitch hadn't moved on from Victor-

My thoughts were interrupted when a notification from my cctv app indicated that there had been a movement in the camera frame. It couldn't have been nothing because I had the cctv's motion sensitivity turned down.

At three AM Really? Was this punishment for being a cunt to Kehlani? How soon.

Instead of going down the stairs, I immediately tapped the notification to check who it was.

I had to be certain for my own protection; it might have been a crazy fan or a serial killer, but aside from them, the only insane person who would do this was Arian-

It was Ariana.

I watched as she approached the door, her hand poised to leave a fingerprint as she reached for the handle. In a split second, I made a plan.

I decided to fake sleep.

Swiftly, I enveloped myself in my blanket, not trusting myself to maintain a straight face without bursting into laughter.

After a few seconds, I heard her footsteps echo down the hall, causing me to tighten my grip on the blanket. As the soft creak of my bedroom door reached my ears, I sensed her gaze fix upon me, sending my heart into a frenzied rhythm. Suppressing the urge to laugh, I remained motionless.

I felt the bed sink next to me as she wrapped me in a warm embrace. I smiled in response, removing the blanket to expose my face, eliciting a smile from her.

"Hi," she said, looking at me with a mix of regret and longing. "I'm sorry," her voice trembled, "I overreacted, and I shouldn't have kicked you out like that."

I pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close. "I'm sorry too," I replied. "I shouldn't have kept that—I shouldn't be keeping anything from you and should have reassured you more, made you feel secure."

Tears welled up in her eyes again as she clung to me. "I just love you so much, and the thought of losing you terrifies me. And I don't wanna go to jail." I laughed, making her crack a smile.

We laid there wrapped in each other's arms, the weight of the argument and the hours apart slowly melting away. We understood that love required trust, communication, and forgiveness.

"Let's promise to be more open with each other," I suggested, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

Ariana rolled her eyes but her lips curved into a smile. "Tell yourself that." I hid my face in the crook of her neck out of embarrassment. "I'll try not to let my jealousy get the best of me again."

"Mm-hm," I hummed sarcastically, causing her to laugh at herself. I nodded, understanding her possessiveness all too well. "Yes, babe. But look, it's just a role, and it's my job. I wanted to be upfront with you and talk about how we're going to handle this. I just couldn't bring it up."

Ariana took a deep breath, her voice tinged with a hint of insecurity. "I trust you, but I can't help feeling uncomfortable about this. What if she tries something?"

The conversation stretched into the night as Ariana expressed her concerns, her possessive side surfacing in waves. She wanted reassurances, boundaries, and guarantees that nothing would jeopardize our relationship.

"I promise, Ari," I said earnestly, "I'll make it crystal clear to Danna that this is purely professional. If she crosses any lines, I'll handle it firmly and let you know."

Ariana sighed, her possessiveness slowly giving way to a fragile trust. "I don't want to hold you back, babe. I just... I worry."

I reached out and gently touched her cheek, my heart aching for her vulnerability. "I appreciate your concern, baby. I love you, and this movie won't change that. We'll navigate this together."

The conversation went on for hours, as Ariana needed time to process and find the assurance she sought. We discussed boundaries, communication, and ways to make her feel secure throughout the filming process. Each word was a testament to the strength of our love and the lengths we were willing to go to protect it.

As dawn broke outside our window, we finally came to a resolution. Ariana's possessiveness had transformed into a steadfast commitment to our relationship, and I fell more in love with her than ever before. Together, we would face the challenges of Hollywood, ex-girlfriends, and the possessiveness that came with loving someone so deeply. Our love, we realized, was worth every difficult conversation, every doubt, and every hurdle we would encounter along the way.

Two weeks later

"Are you sure about this?" I asked out of curiosity, unable to suppress a chuckle at the ridiculous thought.

Today was the day Ariana polished her album, set to release in two months. She wanted me to accompany her to the studio, knowing I loved watching her work and witnessing her magical ways of perfecting her art even more.

"What's wrong with it?" Her dark-brown eyes reflected annoyance in her tone. She got out of the booth, then grabbed the water bottle from my hand.

I shrugged, bringing my hands along. "Nothing's wrong with it, just making sure if you are." I quickly defended myself. She obviously thought I was making my disapproval loud and clear, which was causing her irritation.

She turned around to grab her phone from the table across us. "I just didn't expect you to drop something... graphic–."

I wasn't quite sure if I chose the right word, but hopefully, she got what I meant.

She quickly turned back around, whipping her head, causing her hair to make a harsh impact on my face.

"I've released a few sensual songs in the past, and yes, this might be the most explicit one, but this is nothing new." She rolled her eyes and looked back at me with one of her brows raised. "This is harmless, Y/N. And you're the one to react. You're the horniest person I have ever met." She said, biting her lip. She grabbed the collar of my top as she looked at my lips, pulling me down to plant a kiss. "Look, I know what you're thinking, but it's not all that. It's very loving, it's very honest, it's very much a reflection of parts of my life. It deserves a home on the album."

"And I think that people know that I'm not really sitting here fucking til' dawn." She said, barely able to contain her laughter.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Oh, aren't you?"


sorry for the veerrrrryyyy very late update, life's been good and busy. also im very sorry for the mistakes im too lazy to proofread and read the whole thing again and again since i have been staring at this for a couple of years lmfao. anyway enjoy and tc! next update soon :) 

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