Feel my love...

By madlylarrieziam

31.9K 1.9K 3.6K

✓Completed There was so many expectations for me when I moved into a new city with my best friend, but the la... More

Author's note (Abt new Fic)


2.8K 66 66
By madlylarrieziam

So, here is my second work. Hope you all like it as well, and tell me about your thoughts whether I should continue or not....

"Would you look at that?" Louis raises his eyebrows at the timetable "I regret choosing Literature now"

"Why?" I frown blankly.

"I don't know" he frowns "I feel like the teacher will be boring, annoying and absolute old people. Look at that name, Evelyn Winters? That sounds too old"

I roll my eyes. Louis never fails to act too dramatic at every chance he gets.

"But you wanted to share at least a class with me" I point out.

"You're right" he nods thoughtfully "I can take this course for you."

"I know" I smile. "And now, here we are"

I look up at the building we are standing in front of.

"This looks like it was built in Dinosaur's time" Louis says ridiculously and I laugh. The building is too old and paint is worn out. The walls are faded cream color and there are cracks as well but the building is huge. "I will blame my mom if it decides to collapse right when we do our high school here"

I chuckle again, amused. "It won't, don't be so dramatic"

"No, Zayn. Just look at it" he says, grabbing my arm and pointing me the building. "I think these big pillars were carried by T-rex like dogs carry bones and stuck to the ground by-"

"Louis" I interrupt "Even you know you sound stupid right now"

"Well be stupid with me then" he says "But this is so old, mate. Is everything old here?"

"Old is gold" I smirk and he rolls his eyes. "Come on now, we only have twenty minutes for our first class"

"Yeah, gotta kick some ass and graduate this year" he says and we cheer together, catching attention of students milling around. We just moved to Manchester for our high school. Well, Louis was needed to move permanently from Doncaster and there is no way I can live without him. So I decided I could move with him as well, I'm very welcomed in Tomlinson house hold anyway. And this is our first day at our new school.

And he has started with his complains already.

I hook my arm with his and stroll inside. Curious eyes follows us along and whispers are heard around the corridors as they fall silent upon our arrival. When I look at a group of girls, they blush and look away quickly.

"Would you look at that" Louis chuckles and smirks at me sideways "Already, Zee?"

"Shut up" I nudge him "You know they were looking at you too"

"I do" he smirks "Look at us, two hot best friends who don't give a shit about anyone"

"We're cool" I say and he nods in agreement.

"We're the kings"

"Yeah" I chuckle, leading him through the corridors. "What's your first class?"

"Government" he answers and I nod.

"Well, I will see you in our next class right?" I say and he nods.

"I think this one is my class" he points to one by the corridor "Need help finding yours?"

"Nah, I will be fine" I assure him "Go ahead. Bye!"

"Bye, take care sweetie" he says and I smile as I walk away. I'm thankful when I find faded directions painted for new students at the end of the corridors. I follow it and soon find myself sitting in a class of students. Everyone throws me excited looks and exchange whispers but I pay them no mind. I'm never the one to initiate conversations. A brunette girl sits shyly beside me, and I decide I will talk to her first when she talks first. But she is busy sneaking secret looks at me and I try not to sigh to myself.

Like Louis said, I think everything is old here.

Even the teachers.

My first teacher is in his late forties and talks with a drag. He doesn't even notice a new student sitting in his class, too busy in scolding students. But I can say he has real concern on our studies. I want to smack myself when I feel sleepy on very first class but I can't help it. Teachers should use techniques to cheer students up in between, instead of drowning on and on with the lecture. But they don't and that's why students fall asleep. I like cool teachers, the one who asks you about your day, cracks funny jokes and shares their experiences. I will be a cool teacher in future. I'm sure of that.

When the class finally ends, I pick up my bag, blinking sleep off my eyes and walking out of the class. Funny how sleep flies away once the lecture ends.

And the day drags for both of us. Some students are brave to come and talk to us. But I don't think I will want to share my best friend with them yet. And Louis knows it too.

"Look at this locker" Louis shakes his head disapprovingly. We are supposed to be going to cafeteria for lunch now "Even I can break the lock with a punch"

"It's not like you are going to keep tons of gold in there" I shrug "Just failed mark sheets or pack of gums, right?"

"You're right" he nods "But still. I prefer strong ones, so that my mom can't open it without a key which will be with me"

I chuckle at that and we both look behind us when we hear a commotion. I frown when I find few boys of our age shoving a brunette by his shoulder and the latter drops his books and things to the floor and stumbles forward. And I blink when I notice the cane in his hand.

He is blind...

Why would someone shove him off like that? And they are literally laughing at him for fuck's sake.

"Have fun picking them back, Freak" one of the guys laughing tells the blind boy. And I bite my lip when I see how the boy stands silently, as if waiting for this to be over or....thinks he deserves them and stays silent. The latter guess leaves me unsettled.

"What the fuck?" Louis whispers beside me, watching the scene as well.

"Yeah and watch were you are going" Another blonde says and fakes a surprise "Oh sorry, I forgot you are blind."

And then they laugh again like maniacs.

"You fucking-" Louis starts but they are already walking away in opposite direction, still laughing. "Come on"

He tugs at my arm and I realise I'm frozen to my place. And the crowd disperses, no one offering help to the blind boy. I have never been so emotionally disturbed by a sight before. It's heart breaking. How can someone not see it?

I watch as the boy crouches down and feels around for his things, his actions soft and gentle. It's like he is used to this....but nobody should get used to bullying. I gently get down on to my knee in front of him and blink when I see how beautiful he really is. I didn't notice it before. Caramel white skin compliments his plump red lips and his hair is in brown curls on his head. He is wearing a red flannel and jeans and I so badly want to look at his eyes. But they are covered by his glass.

I go to pick up his book at the same time his hand finds it. His fingers brush against mine and he freezes, frowning a bit. His finger tips are cold and no wonder they are, it's cold out there. He is not even wearing a jacket. And he brushes the tips of my fingers with his again, as if making sure my hand is there.

"Here, I got them" Louis pulls me out of my trance as he hands me set of books.

"Oh" the boy's lips part in slight surprise. "It's okay, I have got this"

His voice is deep, husky and gentle, as if he is talking to a baby rather than a boy of his age. I can't believe that he got bullied minutes ago and is still treating people kindly.

"It's alright" Louis answers, picking up the book I and this guy are yet to pick up. "Here"

This boy slowly stands up and I do the same, still staring at him.

"Do you want help in getting to the cafeteria?" Louis asks him as this guy takes the books back. I watch as he runs his fingers over the spines to make sure he got all of his books.

"I can find my way." the blind boy answers.

"It's not a problem" I talk up for the first time.

He frowns to himself for a moment and turns his head to a side, as if listening for something by his shoulder. And I realize the hall is deserted except for us for the first time. I have been too caught up with this guy.

"Come on, it's okay" Louis says softly, a tone he uses only for his sisters.

"I will be fine. You can go" the blind boy says. But both I and Louis hesitate to leave.

"Liam?! Liam?" a raspy voice rings out and we look past Liam to find another curly haired boy stride through the corridor.

"I'm here" this blind boy calls out towards the direction of the voice. Oh, his name is Liam.

A beautiful name.

"Thank god" the curly says as he reaches us and frowns at us. "Who are you two? The new students?"

I see Liam purse his lips, and I don't know why.

"Yeah" Louis nods and curly frowns suspiciously at us.

"Harry, they were helping me" Liam blindly reaches for Harry's hand and the latter connects their hands, fingers intertwining together.

"Oh, okay" Harry looks back at us "Thank you"

"Don't mention it" Louis answers. Harry looks at him, nods once and leads Liam past us, the tap, tap, tap of the cane echoing through the corridors.

I still feel unsettled at what we witnessed moments ago. Why didn't Harry come when Liam was bullied?

"At least he has someone" Louis says and I nod. We then walk into the cafeteria in silence, and immediately, I look around for Liam. I don't know why but I had to make sure he is fine. We get our trays and settle down in the corner of the room. Looks like Louis is searching for him as well, because he nudges me and nods towards his direction.

I look over to see Harry and Liam sitting with some blonde guy, both of them taking turns in feeding Liam. Only after that do I start eating my own food.

"Nobody should be bullied that way" Louis says thoughtfully.

"Yeah" I agree, recalling the incident. "I feel bad for him"

"Me too" he admits "I want to punch the guys who shoved Liam"

"Weird isn't it?" I say "How I want to do the same? We barely know Liam"

"We don't have to know him to defend him" Louis points out "They were bullying him, it was obvious."

"Yeah" I sigh, losing appetite. I look over at Liam once again and find the blonde boy glancing back at us. I blink in surprise when he doesn't look away even after I catch him. But Liam tells him something and he quickly looks at Liam in some sort of surprise. And never looks back again.

I don't see Liam the rest of the day and I feel disappointment as I join Louis on our car ride back.


"Like, mom. They were bullying a blind boy" Louis says during dinner, sounding disturbed. I'm not the only one thinking about it then "But the boy didn't even say anything or fight back"

Jay remains silent for few moments, chewing on her lip.

"We tried to help him" Louis continues "But he didn't want it. He was so gentle with us when he declined our offer"

"World is filled with cruel people, boo" Jay says softly "Cruel people who have fun at abusing innocent ones. We just have to help with what we can, instead of walking away and saving us trouble"

"I know" Louis says "I did, but it's still disturbing"

"It was like that boy is used to bullying" I say and Jay frowns in worry.

"What about his parents? Don't they know about the bullying?"

"We don't know anything about him" Louis says.

"Try to help him, but don't push him too much" Jay advises and we nod.

That night, I'm lying on my bed, wide awake. How would it be to see nothing but blankness all the time? We just take it for granted, our ability to see. Just take a moment and imagine the dark surrounding you all the time?

The worse thing to go through is being blind.

And I don't know why I'm so disturbed by this. I never have met a blind person before but of course I know how their life would be. But after today's events, I feel so disturbed. Unsettled. There's difference between knowing it and experiencing it yourself. I close my eyes and sit up in my bed. I keep my eyes closed as I take off the sheets and slip out. I reach blindly for the walls and it's absolutely terrifying; the darkness and the insecurity of not seeing anything. I stumble on something and end up stubbing my toe into the night stand and curse.

How does Liam manage to do this all day?

I can't....not even for few minutes

And I go to bed, even more unsettled.


"Do you think we should talk to him?" Louis asks me when we see Liam walking through the corridor with Harry the next day. "Like, just introduce ourselves"

"I don't know" I trail off, noticing Liam's outfit for the day. He is wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, his hair a mop of curls on his head. I like his hair. Harry is talking about something excitedly and Liam nods along. I want to talk to him, but I have no idea what to tell him. I can say hi, but after that, the conversation would be awkward.

"Let's not" I advise Louis "We will talk to them if we get a chance"

"Yeah" he nods "Do you think they are together?"

Well... Holding hands screams tons to me.

"Maybe, who knows" I shrug and he nods, chewing on his lower lip. I look back at Liam again, to find him standing by Harry as the latter rummages in his locker. I watch their interaction closely. It's like they both work as one, without even seeing, Liam connects their hands together. And I feel something twist inside me upon seeing that.

"They can be best friends too" Louis shrugs "I mean, look at us. We look like we are married"

"You wish" I smirk, getting a playful shove from him.

The next class is History, so I make my way to that class after shooing him off. I sit down on an empty bench, earning looks thrown on my way. Two girls to my right throw me flirtiest looks but I just ignore them.

I perk up in my seat when I hear the tap, tap, tap and Liam emerges at the entrance. Immediately, students watch him with disinterest and some even in disgust. It confuses me and irritates me at the same time. I glance at the seat beside me and back at Liam, hoping he'd sit beside me. How will he know there is an empty seat anyway?

I grit my teeth when a guy sticks out his foot for Liam to trip. But Liam pauses right in front of him, as if he somehow knew.

"Woah, freak." That guy applauses in mock appreciation and Liam sighs to himself. "You can see that huh?"

"Your trick is getting older day by day, Aiden" Liam says, walking past that guy-Aiden. I bite my lip in anticipation when Liam makes his way to my place but pauses when his hands find my books on the table. I talk up before he can walk away.

"You can sit here" I tell him and he frowns. "This seat is free"

He ponders on it for few minutes, looking troubled for some reason before sitting down beside me slowly. Everyone stares at us in bewilderment and I try not to glare at them for that. This is none of their business.

"Hi" I say, looking at Liam and he seems startled that I'm talking to him. "I'm Zayn"

"Oh look, the new kid is trying to befriend the freak" Aiden says and everyone snickers and whispers to each other. I clench my jaw before flashing him the middle finger. His reaction to it is priceless as the class roars with laughter.

"Um...and you are?" I try again when Liam doesn't respond.

"Please don't talk to me" he requests and my face definitely falls.

"Why not?"

"Just don't" he answers, frowning down at his hands. I chew on my lip and flick my eyes towards his features and vaguely make out he is uncomfortable.

"At least tell me your name" I say softly even though I know his name already.

"You know it" he states and I blink at him.

"I don't..."

"I know you do"

"How?" I question but he doesn't answer though I know the answer to it as well. And he remains silent, still frowning. "I...I only know your name is Liam. Nothing else"

His frown deepens. "Don't lie"

"I'm not" I frown now. "Why would I lie to you?"

"Don't talk to me, please" he requests again and I sigh to myself. Just then, the teacher walks into the class and doesn't even notice the new student in the room. I like History even though I fall asleep sometimes, but I couldn't bring myself to concentrate on the class. I'm busy staring at Liam and I hope he doesn't find out. He looks even good up close and I notice a caramel birth mark on his neck, right by his Adam's apple. And his lips are even darker pink shade than mine, complimenting so well against his skin. He definitely washed his hair this morning, because they look bouncy and soft than yesterday. I want to reach over and touch it but it'd be extremely weird. I look down at his hands set on the table when his fingers fidget with each other nervously and damn, even his fingers look elegant.

I jump when he turns to me suddenly, scowling at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" He whispers.


"I'm not" I lie and he frowns again and turns his face away from me. And I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. How did he find out I was staring at him?

For the rest of the period, I try to keep my eyes on the teacher but it was of no use. Liam is so good looking and it confuses me. Why should I be attracted to him already? It's stupid.

When the bell rings, he starts getting his things and I wait for him to pack, planning to walk him out. I need to make sure Aiden doesn't bully him for something I did, like flipping him off. And Liam feels my presence without doubt, but ignores me completely. I trail after him like a lost puppy; trying to ignore the disappointment I felt when he ignored me.

"Stop following me" he says to me by his shoulder when we walk out of the class.

"What makes you think I'm following you?" I question teasingly and he pauses in his tracks, his lips parting as if in some sort of disappointment.

"Sorry" he answers and continues walking. I grimace; I didn't literally mean it.

"Of course I'm following you" I say and he pauses in his tracks again, this time his lips thinning in annoyance.

"Well, stop it then" he says, continues to go on his way.

"Don't you need help in finding your next class?" I continue following him, earning many curious and weird glances thrown my way. "Or someone might try to bully you again"

I regret it as soon as it's out of my mouth. This time, he just doesn't stop but turns to me as well.

"It's none of your business" he says curtly and a part of me is confused. Yesterday, he seemed so gentle and soft. But now.... "I can find my way, thank you"

It sounds more like, 'I can find my way, you can get lost' for me.

With that he turns and walks away, the sound of tap echoing around me.

"Serves you right for not keeping the freak in his place" I hear Aiden call back by his shoulder at the end of the corridor and I sigh to myself, feeling disappointed again.

Liam was so polite and gentle yesterday, but he acted the exact opposite today. Why? Alright, I shouldn't have pushed him when he just wants to be left alone. But I just...I wanted to help, maybe be his friend. I'm never the one to initiate a conversation or try to befriend someone, but here I am.

But clearly he doesn't want to be my friend.

Wonder if I can stay away from him. I will just try again if I witness him getting bullied again.

So, how was it? Boring? Fast? Or did it drag? Tell me what you think about it.

Vote if you guys liked it, sending lots of love. x

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