the framed soldier

By Nightfighter45

172K 1.8K 1.1K

Izuku Yagi a boy born quirkless but given a chance to be a hero by his dad All Might but was framed for being... More

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chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10

Chapter 3

19.5K 209 156
By Nightfighter45

Izukus POV

Our CIA hideout was attacked, and we were captured tied to chairs as Nezu walked into the room with All Might.

Izuku (Pissed): Nezu.

I said griping the armrest of the chair.

Nezu: Young Yagi.

I snaped as soon as he said Yagi.

Izuku (Pissed): Call me that again and I'm going to punt you like a football.

I said causing him to shake like a leaf.

All Might: Son that is no way to talk to your principle.

Ruby: we are not student of UA there for we can talk to you how ever we want Jerk.

I snickered at his face as he never heard Ruby talk back to him.

Nezu: Anyway, we came to rescue you two and bring you back to UA.

I looked at my team with a "Is he serious" look they shrugged.

Izuku: Give me one reason I should join.

Nezu: Immunity for murder, treason, working with a group that has no jurisdiction in japan and if convicted not only will you go back to prison Ruby and your friends will go as well.

I'll be honest he made some good points I can't let them go to prisons.

Izuku: On three conditions.

Nezu: Go ahead.

Izuku: 1. I get to deal with the league of villains how ever I see fit. 2. I get a bigger dorm and my girlfriend gets to stay with me if she wants. 3. We get to use our guns no restrictions.

Nezu: Yes to 1 and 2, 3 only if you use rubber bullets during training. Other than that welcome back to UA also there are three people who want to see you. * to the door* You can come in now.

He said as Izumi, Katsuki and Momo walked into the room.

Momo: Deku!

She hugged me while I was still restrained. I growled as a warning she didn't notice but Katsuki and Izumi did.

Momo: I missed you so mu-

Izumi pulled her back before I bit her leaving her shocked.

Momo (Shocked): Wh- Deku why did you do that.

Izuku (Angry): Quit acting like you love me you made it very clear the day I was arrested that you never loved me. Believing a video that didn't even show my face then believing the person you said you loved.

She started to tear up.

Momo: But deku I-

Izuku(angry): Well guess what I don't, and I never will I found someone who actually loves me. so, don't stand there and say you love me when we both know it's just lying to save face.

She left the room in tears while Katsuki and Nezu were sitting in a corner with popcorn watching.

Katsuki: Serves you right bitch!

He yelled out to her. I looked at Izumi she started to say something.

Izuku: Let's just skip ahead to the part where I don't accept your apology because you were my sister and you abandoned me when I needed you the most hell Kachan believed me when you didn't.

She also left crying.

Time skip

I was standing in front of UA a school I didn't want to come back to. We meet up with Midnight following her when I noticed Taylor, Diaz and Maretti staring at her butt. I nudged his arm getting his attention and held up a sign.

Izuku (sign): Don't do it man she's got AIDs and HIV.

He paled got Diaz and Maretti attention pointing to my sign seeing it they did the same as Taylor and stopped staring. Soon we made it to 1-As dorm luckily some were still in the hospital and the rest were asleep, so they didn't disturb us. The guys when to their rooms while me and Ruby went to ours.

Izuku: Huh surprised nothing happened.

I said opening our dorm.

Izuku: "Spoke to soon."

I thought seeing Momo in our bed as she woke up.

Momo (tired): Babe your back late.

Instantly Ruby got mad and grabbed her by her shirt as I held the door open.

Ruby (angry): OUT!!

She screamed throwing Momo out of our dorm onto her butt. I snickered and closed the door.

Izuku: Welp tomorrow will be interesting.

I said jumping in bed as Ruby soon joined me.

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