son amour - j. potter

By dracomalfoyslils1ut

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The Marauders. They're not just friends, they're family. Padfoot, Prongs, Moony, and Vixen. The fourth Marau... More

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By dracomalfoyslils1ut

March 21st, 1979

Three months following the death of my father, I found myself sitting beside James in the dusty basement of an undisclosed location once again.

James and I had been back and forth between London and Paris since January, busy with our friends and Order business in London, and busy with renovating the estate in Paris.

I felt less pain everyday in regards to my late father, and was able to grieve for a bit before pulling myself back together.

Henry and Beatrice were back at Hogwarts, and wrote occasionally. Regulus was finishing up his final year at Hogwarts, and complained in every single letter how terribly bored he is.

The room quieted immediately as Dumbledore appeared, his long, billowy robes swishing against the stone floor as he walked to his seat at the head of the long, oak table.

"Welcome," Dumbledore said, "I will start today's meeting off blunt."

Lily tapped her fingers anxiously against her leg to my left. Marlene noticed, and intertwined her fingers through Lily's, giving her girlfriend a reassuring smile.

"While we are not in grave danger, we have an inside source reporting that the numbers of people joining Voldemort's ranks are increasing."

Sirius leaned over and whispered, "Reggie is the inside source, since he's in Slytherin, and quite a few Slytherin's are siding with Voldemort."

I bit into my lip nervously.

Beatrice and Henry are in Slytherin, though I doubt that they would ever consider siding with such a prejudice monster.

"For the safety of muggles, as well as muggle borns," Dumbledore continued, "Our patrols will become more frequent, and we will need more people out on patrols."

Lily raised her hand confidently, "I'll do it, I can patrol."

Marlene grabbed her and hand and pulled it down. "Me too," She said after a moments hesitation where she and Lily seemed to have a conversation with each other with only their eyes.

Sirius, Remus, and James had gone on patrol occasionally, but never more than once a month.

"I can patrol too," I stated, not even glancing in James' direction. He won't be happy.

More and more people began to volunteer for patrol duties until every single member of the Order was signed up to patrol, save Molly Weasley who was busy with three young children, and less than a year old twins. She tried to volunteer but Dumbledore and Arthur wouldn't let her.

There wasn't much to discuss at this meeting except for the patrol schedule.

James made sure that either he, Sirius, or Remus were with me on patrol at all times. Part of me was annoyed, but I knew that he was just looking out for me because he loves me.

Marlene looked bored as hell and whispered something about having us all over to drink.

When the meeting came to an end, we all decided that we would go over to Marlene and Lily's flat at seven to hangout like we used to when we all went to Hogwarts. Our schedules and the whole not being roommates made it difficult to see each other as often as we liked, but we made it work.

• • • • •

After the Order meeting, James and I went home, accompanied by Jolie, and a very bored Sirius and Remus.

They were on the search for a flat to move into, and were determined to find out if any of our neighbors townhouses were up for sale.

Sirius sat out of the front porch for the better part of the hour, socializing with neighbors and other people who walked by.

Our neighbor, and older witch whose husband passed away a few years ago, took a liking to Sirius and ended up talking with him for the better part of an hour.

After dinner, which consisted for takeout Indian food from a small restaurant in Soho, we all took the Floo Network to Lily and Marlene's flat in Shoreditch.

When we arrived, Alice and Frank were already there, talking with Mary. Dorcas was making drinks in the kitchen with Marlene, and Lily was there to greet us as soon as we stepped out of the fireplace.

It was nice to be around all of the people that I love after the depressing meeting.

"Here's some martinis," Dorcas chimed as she handed Jolie and I each a full martini glass.

I took a sipped of it, "Wow, that's wrong."

"Marlene made them, so don't drink too many."

Sirius helped himself to a glass of firewhiskey while James and Remus opted for bourbon.

Everyone was seemingly in high spirits, even Jolie, who was missing Regulus just a little bit more today. Only three months left until he's done with Hogwarts forever.

"Are you not drinking?" I asked Alice as we made some snacks in the small kitchen.

Alice sat on the counter, a smile on her face as she spoke. "No," She said, "I'm not."

I gave her a questioning look. "Any specific reason?"

Alice's face blushed slightly, "Frank and I are talking about trying for a baby, so I've stopped drinking alcohol."

I grinned widely at Alice, "I wish you the best of luck, I can't wait for a mini Alice or mini Frank running around."

"It's exciting," Alice added, "But also crazy because children are a big deal."

"Don't stress about it, you and Frank will make wonderful parents whenever the time comes."

Alice smiled softly, "Thanks Daph, you and James will too."

I grinned at the brunette before turning my attention back to my task of finding food.

"Speaking of babies," Alice chimed, "Should we be expecting a mini Potter wrecking havoc anytime soon?"

I shook my head, "I doubt it, there's been so much going on since we got married, and we were thinking about waiting until all this is over, but now that I think about it, it could be awhile before this war is over."

Alice nodded, "'You cannot find peace by avoiding life'."

"Virginia Woolf?"

"Yes," Alice replied, "We're all young and healthy, it's best not to dwell on the what if's."

• • • • •

July 1st, 1979

Now that Regulus was home for good, Jolie's mood had drastically improved. The couple was going to start looking for a place to live together while Sirius and Remus managed to secure a townhouse three doors down from James and I's.

"We're never going to get a peaceful nights sleep," James joked.

I shrugged, "We can make them babysit whenever."

Remus and Sirius were set to move in next week, and we all promised that we'd help move all of Sirius's clothes and records.

Regulus would start joining patrols, and the monthly Order meetings continued smoothly-, well, as smoothly as they can in times like these.

"Dinner's ready," James announced to all of us.

We invited the four of them over for dinner, and we were all scattered throughout the kitchen and breakfast nook as James hummed happily as he made spaghetti.

"I still can't believe that you found a man who cooks," Remus joked as I handed him a plate. "Sirius doesn't cook."

I grinned, "I don't know how you're going to survive on your own, you're both awful cooks, and Euphemia won't be there to make meals for you."

Sirius chimed into the conversation from his spot on the countertop. "We may not cook," He suggested, "But you and Prongs do."

"I almost forgot that we're going to be neighbors," I replied sarcastically."

Jolie laughed, "I feel like Reg and I need to join this little club and live next door to you lot as well."

"Only if you babysit," James teased as he dished spaghetti onto his plate.

Regulus furrowed his brows, "Is this some sort of pregnancy announcement?"

"Merlin no!" I exclaimed.

James smirked, "Not yet at least."

Sirius took a sip of his wine, "You should at least get a pet first."

"Padfoot," James replied, "We have a cat. A three year old cat."

Sirius waved off James. "Well," He began, "Cats are easy, you should get a dog."

"Last time I checked, we have a dog." I joked, earning an eye roll from Sirius, and a high five from Remus.

Regulus smirked, "Sometimes I forget that Sirius can turn into a dog and get scared when I'm woken up by a dog jumping on me."

Sirius rubbed his head dramatically, "My head still hurts from when you through your History of Magic textbook at me."

Jolie twisted her spaghetti around her fork. "I only have one question, it haunts me to this day."

"Go on," I suggested cautiously.

"Why does Regulus know French and you don't? You were raised by a French pureblood family."

Sirius grinned and clasped his hands together, resting his chin atop them. "I've been waiting for someone to ask me this," He said, "See I block out all of my trauma, and around the years that French was forced on me were traumatic. So it was in one ear and out the other."

Jolie nodded, "Solid answer."

• • • • •

Jolie A. Chance
September 20th, 1979

"Reg, don't be stupid. You're going to get yourself killed!" I yelled, taking advantage of our empty flat.

Regulus ran his hand through his hair, "It's not stupid, it's dangerous, but not stupid."

"Why do you have to be the one to do it then, huh? Why not Dumbledore?" I replied. "He knows all about your plan, and I'll have to be the one to tell all of our friends and family what happened when you go and get yourself killed!"

Regulus dropped his hands to his sides, "I'm not asking you to come with me, I'm only asking for your support!"

"I can't support the idea of you going and getting yourself fucking killed!"

Regulus shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I don't want to be the one to be in charge of it, but I have to." Regulus muttered. "I found out about it, I know where to find it, and I'm the one who has to retrieve it, and destroy it."

When Kreacher came to us a few days ago, Regulus insisted that he had to be the one to go get the Horcrux.

I sat down on our couch, dropping my head into my hands. "If you're going to be a dimwit, then I'm going too. You're not doing this alone."

Regulus began to protest, but I cut him off.

"It will be easier there is two of us compared to you going alone-"

"But what about our friends? Our family?" Regulus yelled. "What about your best friend? Daphne's father died, she needs you. James's parents are getting sick, he needs you, Sirius needs you, Remus needs you, I need you!"

I looked up at Regulus, my eyes meeting his. "They need you too, that's why I need to go and make sure that you get home safely, and alive."

"Who's being the dimwit now?" Regulus asked. "What happens if both of us die?"

I grabbed my boyfriends hands. "We are not going to die," I muttered.

"You can't be sure of that."

I sighed, "Yes, I can. We are not going to die because our friends and family need us, and we will be there for them."

"You can't fight death's will," Regulus said softly as he sat down beside me on the couch.

I intertwined my fingers through Reg's, "I might not be able to, but I will sure as hell try."

Regulus kissed me on the forehead as I leaned into his embrace. His hand tightened around mine as I listened to the rapid beating of his heart in his chest.

"I'm sorry for yelling," He whispered.

I smiled softly, "So am I, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I love you Reg."

Regulus looked down at me and pulled me in for a kiss, his lips brushing against mine softly.

"I love you, Jo."

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