Traversing The Universes (Non...

By Endlessly_Creative13

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The stars of Second Chances have many different stories to tell across the many universes. Come along as I sh... More

Greetings! (Opening Requests)
Oh Creator
A Different War
Revenge has a Price
Ice Cream: Causes More Problems Than It Should
A Large "What If?"
To Speak Without Words

1780, A Winter's Ball

7 1 10
By Endlessly_Creative13

Hello! It's been forever since I posted one of these! This is actually a narrative version of a play I had to write for my Creative Writing class. It took me way too long to write, but I've been overloaded on work for a while, so that's my excuse. It's an AU I've written, where, instead of the canon timeline, where Anastasia saves Lafayette from being shot, she saves Alexander instead. It's a bit of a love triangle between Ana, Peggy, and Alexander (with a side of lams). 

Reminder that I never proofread my oneshots, so forgive me if there's any mistakes in my writing. I also kinda didn't know where to go with the ending, so...Yeah. Anyway! Enjoy! 

Much Love, Krissy


Peggy settles next to me at the elegantly set table, but I don't look up at her. The ball has exhausted me, and I've been here only about two hours. I dread the rest of the night, listening to the mindless idle chatter of the people around me. My hand grows tired of holding up my chin, but I do not relieve it of its duty.

"Oh, Ana, what's wrong?" Peggy asks, tilting her head at me. I sigh in dejection.

"The world is so nasty to people like us. Women," I say, stressing the final word. She pats my shoulder in sympathy.

"I know, but there's little we can do as the silent sex," she replies, giving me the answer she always does. She isn't wrong. Our opinions and voices are squashed, simply "not informed enough" to make reasonable suggestions. It is complete and utter idiocy. I groan in frustration, looking over at Peggy.

"But we're of a higher class, and we've been educated! Men without an education get a higher say than we!" I rant, finding the injustice of it all outrageous. Peggy's hand is still on my shoulder, and now she squeezes it slightly.

"That may be so, but as I've asked every time we converse this way, what can we do about it all?" she questions. It's not meant to deflate me as it does, but alas, it does. Really, there isn't much we can do. Even so, I smirk, a familiar idea coming to mind.

"Well, for starters, we could pose as men and change the system for ourselves?" I suggest. She grins at me, knowing of my previous escapades as Anthony Maer.

"Did you not already do that when you joined the army for almost three years, only to get shot for a man you'd come to have affections for?" she asks playfully. I scoff and look away from her. Why did she have to bring up Alexander?

"That was different! We could be Congressmen! Make real changes for our country!" I protest. She reaches over to rest her hand atop mine on the table, and I can't help but turn to look toward her again. She's staring at me, looking so affectionate. I love that look on her.

"Come now, I was merely joking. You know I quite admire you for what you did for our army. What was it that General Washington said about you?" she asks, prodding me for a detail she already knows, but is also aware that repeating the words makes me grin. As I always do when I quote the General's words, I grin slightly.

"He said I was a 'prized lieutenant colonel' and he was 'sorry to lose [me]'" I say, reminiscing briefly about when General Washington had said that to me. I'd felt pride then, like a daughter having made her father proud, and that feeling returns every time I speak the words again. Peggy smiles at me, giggling at how proudly I repeat the words.

"Exactly! You make changes even without being a man! The General said those wonderful things to you even though you're a woman," she says. I hold my smile, before it slowly drops.

"Then..." I look around the room for a moment, before shaking my head in dejection and looking back at her, "what are we doing here?" Her smile drops as well, and she sighs, sounding exhausted and defeated.

"To find husbands," she says, repeating what we've been told so many times. I would've begged my mother to let me stay home from this ball if I hadn't known Peggy was being forced to come. We're silent for a long few moments, just thinking. She squeezes my hand, and I look back at her.

"I wish we didn't have to find husbands," she says softly. I know the intention behind those words. If we could be together...I would be with her. I turn my hand over slowly, intertwining our fingers together. Her hand has always fit so perfectly in mine.

"I know, as do I." I remain trapped in her soft gaze, allowing myself this one moment. If we were alone, I would kiss her. But we aren't, so instead I pull my hand away and rip my gaze away from her. "But we can't. It is another bind of society." The dejection in her sigh breaks my heart. Curse all those laws and the judgement of society. Curse them for keeping me away from her.

"I'm aware," is all that she mutters back. We sit there in another long silence, not as comfortable as the others. There's a loud crowd of laughter behind me, and I curiously look over my shoulder to look at the source. And, of course - because god and the universe cannot punish me enough with the single thing of not being able to openly love Peggy - the source of the laughter is none other than Alexander Hamilton. He's surrounded by a small group. A couple of ladies, Lafayette, and another soldier I don't recognize.

"Well, would you look who's here.The tomcat himself," Peggy says, almost in amusement. I scoff and turn away from Alexander to look back at her.

"Of course. He's at every party, ball, and get-together that the General can afford to let him attend. Everyone knows he's looking for a wealthy wife," I say, a slight tinge of annoyance in my tone. I'm not wrong. Alexander has been at every party I've been to recently, always flirting with and charming ladies (and men). He never even says hello to me. It's...Frustrating. I notice that Peggy has begun to smirk at me. Oh, dear, that's often a dangerous look.

"Well, well. You wouldn't happen to be a wealthy young woman, would you?" she asks, teasing me. My mouth falls open in disbelief, and I smack her arm.

"Peggy! I'm not an object to be browsed!" I scold halfheartedly, holding back a playful grin. Her smirk doesn't diminish. If anything, it grows.

"Ah, but he would not be browsing if you expressed interest. He is the one you were shot protecting," she points out. I cross my arms and lean back against my chair, furrowing my brows in dismay. That isn't untrue. I did get shot for him. I tackled him to the ground, taking a bullet to the side. I resist the urge to reach down as a ghost of pain sends goosebumps across my skin. My grip on myself tightens.

"Perhaps. He denies that fact, however. No soldier in his correct mind would admit to having their life saved by a woman," I mutter, feeling just the slightest bit bitter. Alexander hasn't spoken to me since the day I woke up after being shot. We've exchanged a few polite letters on behalf of the General, but that is the limit upon our interactions. I glance up as Peggy pats my shoulder sympathetically.

"You know he's far too cocky for his own good, and his ego could fill this room. Don't take it personally when it is coming from him," she says. And I know that she's right. Alexander is egotistical and full of himself, but that doesn't mean that his denial of what I did for him doesn't feel like a betrayal. She pokes my cheek, and I look at her and giggle.

"Alright, fine. I suppose you're right," I say, grinning at her. She pulls her hand away and leans back in her chair, smiling slightly at me, before glancing over my shoulder for a moment.

"He's looking at you," she says casually. I have a fleeting moment wondering who is looking at me, before I realize. Alexander. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Oh, is he?" I ask, hoping I still sound conversational. She smiles slightly and nods.

"He is. He looked over when you laughed," she says. My finger twitches slightly.

"You have such a nice laugh, Lieutenant. It is a pity that I hear it so rarely," he'd said to me once. He hadn't made comment about how feminine it sounded. Some part of him must've known that I wasn't right. He's too smart for his own good. Peggy sits up straighter, obviously looking toward Alexander, before lifting her hand and waving at him. She giggles at whatever reaction he has, and I smile slightly.

"I think I've embarrassed him," she says cheerfully, giving me a prideful look. I chuckle.

"Well, he wouldn't want to be caught staring, now would he? It's quite impolite," I say. She leans on the table in front of us, her grin slowly morphing into a smirk.

"I think you should go talk to him," she says, tilting her head toward me. I give her an unamused look, uncrossing my arms to rest a hand against my cheek.

"To what? Further embarrass him? I'm offended you would think I'm that cruel, my dear," I reply, feigning offense. She falters and looks away when I call her "my dear," but I watch her collect herself again and look back at me.

"Why, of course not! You should talk for the sake of talking. Who knows? You might actually enjoy yourself," she says, still prompting me. I scoff, waving a hand at her.

"I'm already enjoying myself. Besides, you know the second I rise, I'll be swarmed by young soldiers looking for a wife," I say. She tilts her head at me, losing her smile and instead looking tired for a moment. She sighs.

"Isn't that the idea? We're here for husbands, aren't we? At least to look? If we stay here all night talking to each other, our mothers will scold us for sure." She gestures in Alexander's direction. "You should speak to him. Perhaps your affections may even be reciprocated." I hesitate at that. It would certainly be nice to have my affections returned, but it seems impossible. Alexander would never feel anything for me. Even if he did, it would just be for my money. I would elevate his status. To think it would be anything more is naive.

"That's...Doubtful," I say, softer now. Peggy tilts her head at me, before her eyes widen slightly and she smirks again, leaning toward me.

"Don't tell me that the ever intelligent, quick-witted Anastasia Reama is nervous?" she teases. She's prodding me to get a rise, and it's unfortunately working. She knows me too well. I bristle and tense as I sit up straight, face twisted in slight offense.

"I am not nervous, Peggy! I simply don't want to be treated as-"

"You don't want to be treated as an object to be won. I know, my friend. You've said such before. I just ask that you give Alex a chance. If he truly offends you, then you may come back to me and rant it over," she says, interrupting me. I press my lips into a thin line, considering. Finally, I sigh and nod.

"Fine. Only because you've asked me to," I say, rising from my chair. I smooth my skirt before swiftly turning and walking across the room toward Alexander and his small group. Lafayette smacks Alexander's shoulder with a prideful comradery, a grin on his face.

"Zis man right ere is ze reazon why I am standing ere right now. E' came up wizth a new strategy in ze middle of battle zat elped us win!" he brags, his French accent still so prominent. I had always meant to help with that. He's harder to understand with such a heavy accent, especially to untrained ears. The ladies in front of them giggle anyway, and I roll my eyes slightly.

"You don't have to keep singing his praises, he's already charming enough. If you keep making him out to be so wonderful, where will the women be for you?" one asks, batting her lashes at Laf. He chuckles and waves a hand at her.

"You flatter me, Mademoiselle, but I am appily' married," he says gleefully. It's true. We had a few conversations about Adrienne, and he makes her out to be an extraordinary woman. He is a very lucky man. Alexander chuckles slightly, patting Lafayette's back.

"And he makes sure that we don't forget it. Always bragging about his sweet wife back in France," he says. I cross my arms, a smirk forming on my lips. This is my entry point to the conversation.

"It sounds to me like your men are simply jealous of what our dear Lafayette has, Alexander. That is why you're here, isn't it? To get your own sweet little wife?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow. All four turn to look at me, and I ignore the tightening of my chest when I see Alexander light up at the sight of me. He opens his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a joyful gasp from the second woman.

"Oh Anastasia, I'm so glad that you're here. My brother was just asking about you. Would you mind if I go fetch him?" she asks. It's a clear transition into a trail of men that I simply don't want. I hesitate before slowly nodding.

"Yes, I...If you could just point him out to me, I'll be sure to make my way over to him shortly. I'd like to have a conversation with these fine gentlemen first," I say politely. She nods.

"Oh, yes of course! He's right over there, the tall one with the black hair," she says, pointing across the room. I follow her finger's aim, spotting the man she's referring to, before turning back to her and nodding.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to go speak with him shortly," I say, hoping she won't call my lie when I don't go and speak with her brother shortly. She nods absently, before whispering something to her friend and pointing to someone else discreetly. They both giggle, before leaving the conversation to approach whichever man is looking at them. Lafayette steps forward to briefly lift my hand and kiss my knuckles.

"It is good to see you, Mademoiselle Anastasia," he says as he straightens back up. I nod, smiling slightly at him.

"You as well, Monsieur Lafayette," I reply. Without another word, he puts his hand firmly on Alexander's shoulder, looking down at his friend.

"I will leave you to speak wizth er', oui?" he says, before walking around me into the fray of other guests. Alexander looks over at me, that same charming smile on his face. He takes my hand and bows slightly, lifting my hand to press a kiss against my knuckles. It lingers, takes longer for him to pull away than when Lafayette expressed the same gesture. I don't say anything about it, momentarily allowing myself to bask under his attention. Finally, he straightens up, his lips leaving my hand, and looks up to meet my gaze.

"You look lovely, tonight. How are you, Ms. Reama?" he asks. I scoff and roll my eyes, pulling my hand away from him and crossing my arms. I smirk slightly at his reaction - a look like a sad puppy.

"You've known me for long enough to call me Anastasia, Alexander," I say, tilting my head slightly at him. He blinks, before breaking into a grin and a small chuckle.

"Yes, of course. How are you tonight, Anastasia?" he asks again. I exhale and close my eyes, allowing my exhaustion to show slightly.

"Would you like the truth or my party lie?" I ask. He takes two glasses of champagne off a passing tray, handing one to me.

"You have to pay for that, you know," I say, taking the drink from his hand. He grins coyly at me.

"I'm sure you can more than afford to cover my fee," he says. I raise a playful eyebrow, smirk returning.

"Oh, can I? I was unaware that I was paying for your expenses, Mr. Hamilton," I say, watching him pick up my undertone of playfulness and flirting. He smirks back at me, taking a sip of champagne.

"I'll be paying you back with my listening to your woes, Ms. Reama," he replies smoothly. I chuckle, taking a sip of my own champagne, before I let the smirk melt, showing my state of exhaustion. I sigh, massaging the bridge of my nose, before moving my hand and looking at him.

"Truthfully, I'm quite tired of being asked to find a husband. The entire ordeal is simply exhausting. Count yourself lucky to have been born a man. You do not have to endure the frivolousness that is finding a husband, and then being forced to leave it to chance on if you actually get to have your voice heard," I say, finishing my short rant with another sip of champagne. Alexander watches me, before giving me a sympathetic nod.

"You're right, I don't. I take the exhaustion as a sign that you've been approached by several gentlemen tonight, no?" he asks. I sigh, grinning slightly and shaking my head.

"Thankfully not," I say, before clearing my throat and leaning a little closer to him as I lower my voice, "but do be careful, Alexander. Speak of the devil and he shall appear." His gaze holds mine, and I lean back and take another sip of champagne.

"Ms. Reama!" It's almost as if I summoned him. I give Alexander a final tired look, before pulling on a bright, polite smile and turning around to face the approaching man.

"Yes, sir?" I reply. He straightens up immensely, as if seeming taller will make him appear more attractive. Apologies, young man, that only works for Lafayette.

"I was wondering if you would care for a dance? I find myself helpless against your charms and beauty," he says, laying his own charm so thickly I fear it might suffocate me. I give him an apologetic look.

"I sincerely apologize, sir. I've already been asked to dance by this gentleman," I say, taking a small step sideways to gesture effectively at Alexander. I watch the soldier raise a suspicious eyebrow, and I pray that Alexander will go along with my lie.

"Have you?" the soldier asks. I look over at Alexander, a silent pleading in my eyes, and he clears his throat.

"She has," he says, stepping forward and offering me his arm," Come, Ms. Reama." I take his champagne glass from him, handing it and my own off to the awestruck soldier before taking Alexander's arm and allowing him to lead me away. I remain silent all the way to the dance floor, where I release his arm and we take a standard ballroom position. We carefully begin to dance, and I exhale and give him an appreciative smile.

"Thank you. You have no idea of the entitlement of some men," I say, before continuing to mutter sarcastically to myself. "Yes, you called me intelligent and beautiful, that must mean I'm going to fall head over heels for you, sir! Yes, yes indeed!" He chuckles at my antics, and I grin at him.

"It was my pleasure to assist you. Your plans are always well placed, and you would not ask for my help if you did not truly need it," he says. My grin wides.

"You are correct, I wouldn't," I reply. He chuckles again.

"Far too independent for that, aren't you?" he says, cautiously twirling me before catching me back in our first position. I laugh softly.

"Indeed I am, Alexander," I reply, a more gentle smile on my face. For a moment, perhaps even a few, we fall into silence, peacefully enjoying the dance and the lovely melody of the violins. He glances over when a group of soldiers chuckle, before looking back at me.

"You know, Lafayette brags on me to impress the ladies, but he has no reason to. Most everyone knows that I don't just 'spontaneously' come up with those plans. No, they come from you. Even some from back when you were still a soldier," he says, soft enough to keep the words between us and only us. I raise an eyebrow, surprised that there are still some of my old military strategies around.

"Have you kept those around? Are you certain they're mine?" I ask, curious. His grin becomes prideful as he nods.

"We have, and I am. General Washington respects you and your intelligence. It matters not to me, nor him, nor most of the high ranking soldiers, that you are a woman. What matters to us is that your plans work and save our men's lives. Why, I think your plans have saved more men than mine and Lafayette's plans combined," he says. The fondness and pride with which he speaks is sweet, and I try to straighten my back even further as I grin.

"Is that right?" I ask, feeling far too smug, but not minding at all. He chuckles at my expression, keeping on his proud look.

"It is. Be proud of your intellect, Anastasia. It is a vital part of our military efforts," he says. I smirk, acknowledging the casual feeding of my ego. I am not as high thinking as Alexander is, but I know my own worth.

"Call me not egotistical, but I'm well aware of my wit, Alexander. It is nothing I need to feel pride for, as it is as sure as the fact that I am a woman and you are a man," I say. He chuckles and shoves my hand slightly and playfully.

"Poetic," he comments. I tilt my head slightly, gazing at him through my lashes.

"I am French, such words are in my blood," I reply. I watch his expression shift slightly, and he opens his mouth to reply. The intimate, relaxing atmosphere is broken as something is dropped, sending a clattering, crashing noise through the room. We both jump, and I flinch and recoil, my hand springing to my side. Alexander stares at me with a knowing, but no less concerned, look.

"Are you alright?" he asks, calmly and softly. The ghost of pain has disappeared as quickly as it arrived, and I swallow and nod.

"Perfectly. My ears were reminded of a sound of similar sort, and my body reacted. It was reminded of a bullet piercing my side, is all," I say, smoothing my hands down my skirt in an attempt to look put together. He offers his hand to me again, and I slowly take it, taking up our dancing position again as if nothing happened. I keep my gaze averted, not sure what emotions they hold, but knowing for certain they aren't strong ones.

"I've...Never asked why you took that bullet for me. It took you from your place in the army, and you loved serving. I've never understood it," he says slowly. I pull my gaze back to him for a moment, before closing my eyes and humming in thought.

"That, perhaps, is your problem. You're so smart that you become blind to the world around you," I say cryptically. I can tell he's raised an eyebrow at those words.

"Did you just...Insult me with a compliment?" he asks. I sigh and open my eyes, giving him an unamused look.

"That's your issue. You don't read between the lines when someone speaks to you. Or, if you do, you knock it far out of proportion, and waste your energies on some meaning that wasn't there to begin with," I sigh. He just gives me a confused look. I notice the dark circles beneath his eyes, more noticeable now that I'm looking closer.

"I was promised an evening of not having to think, yet you're speaking to me in riddles. Please, Anastasia, humor me," he pleads. I pause for a moment, weighing out my options before making my decision.

"I saved you and allowed myself to be shot because I came to hold affections toward you," I state bluntly. His eyes widen and he gapes at me for several seconds. I prepare myself for a rejection, perhaps even a shove away, but nothing comes. He clears his throat.

"You mean...Romantic affections?" he asks, with a note of what I silently pray is hope in his voice. I blink at him, still unamused.

"No, of course not. I was referring to motherly affections," I reply sarcastically. He sputters at that, his cheeks tinging red.

"I just wanted to clarify!" he says. I giggle at that and grin slightly at him.

"You look flustered, Alexander. Have I embarrassed you?" I ask, a teasing tone beneath my words. He fidgets slightly, looking at where his hand is holding mine instead of at my face.

"Perhaps you have. What of it?" he mumbles. My grin only widens.

"Well, usually when a woman admits her affections for you, you're meant to give her an answer," I say. He's quiet for a long moment, looking everywhere except for directly at me. Finally, his gaze meets mine, and he stops our dance. A moment passes, before he shifts how he's holding my hand, lifting it and planting a tentative, shy kiss on my knuckles.

"Does that answer your question?" he asks softly. My lips curve into a sweeter smile, and I nod.

"It is enough, yes. You've brought to light some very interesting things tonight, Alexander," I say, just as softly as he spoke. His gaze holds mine, and the universe shrinks to hold just myself, and him.

"Always happy to oblige you, Anastasia," he mutters, more to himself than to me. The space between us is dwindling smaller and smaller, though I don't think either of us realize. Then I notice something over his shoulder. Peggy. Trying to wave frantically, yet subtly at me. I clear my throat and nod toward her with my head.

"I'm being beckoned by my darling," I say apologetically. He looks over his shoulder, noticing Peggy before looking back at me. Only his eyes betray how disappointed he is.

"It's likely time for me to leave," I say, stepping back from him. His hand does not release mine, but I don't attempt to remove it. We have writer's calluses that compliment each other, and his hand is warm compared to the cold night.

"Did you not just arrive?" he asks. I smirk at him knowingly.

"You know the answer to that. I'm well aware that Peggy caught you staring at me," I say, tilting my head to glance at Peggy. Now that she knows she's been noticed, her waving has been toned down, but she's still motioning for me to come over to her. Alexander chuckles.

"That should've been your first clue at my reciprocated affections, really," he says. I grin, nodding.

"Perhaps it should have," I reply. My hand slips out of his, and I curtsey.

"I bid you a good night, Alexander."

"And I bid the same to you, Anastasia. I hope that our paths cross again," he says with a bow. I grin at him.

"As do I." I move around him, moving toward Peggy. A hand suddenly catches my wrist.

"Anastasia," he says, grasping my attention once more. I turn to look at him, pleasantly surprised when he tugs me just slightly into a kiss. While I have kissed few and I'm sure he has kissed many, I find myself enjoying the kiss. My hand rests against his chest, where I can feel his heart thundering beneath my palm. He has chapped lips, though I would expect nothing less. He is unwilling to pull away, but eventually does, ever so slightly.

"You should be back to your Laurens," I mutter, knowing that my dear, poor John will be jealous if he's just witnessed this kiss. He huffs out a chuckle.

"And you should be back to your Peggy," he replies. Without another word or acknowledgement to our kiss, we pull apart, and I turn and walk across the ballroom to Peggy.

"What is it that you needed me so urgently for?" I ask her immediately. She tears her eyes off me and looks away.

"It was nothing. You can go back to him," she says, poorly hiding her bitterness. I hum and loop my arm around hers. She doesn't outwardly fight me or throw a fit, but I notice how she resists when I move to tug her outside.

"It would do you well to answer me honestly," I say quietly. She tenses up next to me, and I squeeze her arm with mine.

"He was...Really close," she mumbles. I look over at her, and find her partial pout incredibly adorable. I lean a little closer to her as we walk.

"My beloved...Were you jealous of Alexander?" I tease her in a whisper. She mumbles something I can't understand to herself, and I chuckle.

"You know you have nothing to worry about, my dearest. While I am attracted to Alexander, my heart is yours alone," I whisper to her. She huffs, and I allow her to drag me away from the rest of the party guests. After checking no less than four times that we are not being followed, nor can we be seen, she tugs me closer, pouting at me.

"He got to kiss you," she whispers hotly. I put a hand against her cheek and smile softly at her.

"Is that why you so desperately wanted me to come back to you? You did not want me to kiss him?" I ask. She looks away and I sigh. We've never had the privacy to kiss. I want to. We both do. Most times, we just can't. I turn her head to face me again, holding her face in my hands.

"Mon bien-aimé (My beloved), you know how much I want to, but we can't. Especially not here," I say softly. She sighs and nods, and my heart breaks at the sound of her dejection.

"I hate to interrupt, ladies." My hands spring away from her face and she flinches away from me, before I swoop in front of her, preparing to protect her from whoever has come to witness our affections for one another. My glare is lost when my eyes land on Alexander and John, and I allow my shoulders to sag in relief.

"Oh, it is just you two," I sigh, tucking my arms behind my back. John puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you," he says softly. Alexander chuckles.

"Speak for yourself, my dear Laurens. I had the fullest intentions of scaring our dear Anastasia," he says, seeming pleased with himself. I scowl at him, meanwhile reaching up and patting John's hand.

"It seems that Alexander has been causing many a problem tonight," I say, a note of something dangerous in my tone. A hand reaches down and takes mine, and Peggy lays her chin on my shoulder. I can feel the heat of her glare on Alexander, and I squeeze her hand and turn my head to tut sweetly at her.

"Have I made Peggy Schuyler jealous?" Alexander asks, sounding far too prideful for the topic at hand. I give him a cool look.

"Do be careful, chéri (darling). If the look of the eye could kill, I'm sure Peggy would've had you dropped dead by now," I say, warning him of my lover's wrath. John chuckles at my side, and Alexander crosses his arms.

"She's right, Alexander. You have been causing problems tonight," John says, squeezing my shoulder slightly. I glance at him, offering an apologetic smile. Perhaps I enjoyed the kiss, but it feels selfish when I know how deeply John's affections root. I squeeze his hand, and he draws closer to plant a kiss against my temple. An accepted apology. Alexander watches our interactions for a moment, before his demeanor drops and he sighs.

"I'm sorry, Peggy. I had the opportunity and took it," he says, rubbing the side of his neck. I squeeze my lover's hand, keeping my level gaze on Alexander.

"It wasn't fair, Alexander, to any of us," I say, before I soften slightly, "I understand that you cannot openly show your affections for the person you love, but to make mine jealous out of your own spite and bitterness toward society is...Low." He bites his lip and looks away from us, most obviously ashamed of himself. I sigh.


"I'll forgive you on one condition," Peggy says. I look over at her, and find a look of determination on her face. Alexander looks up at us, eyes wide and questioning. He swallows.

"What is it you want, Ms. Schuyler?" he asks, surprisingly timid. Peggy releases my hand and steps around me, going forward to stand face to face with him. His gaze sits nervously on the woman just slightly shorter than him, and I watch her take one of his hands.

"Shield us so that I may kiss my lover as you have," she says, barely above a whisper. He stares at her for a long moment, before smiling slightly and lifting his other hand to place it over hers.

"Of course," he says. I've known her long enough to know that her eyes brighten at that, and she embraces him for a moment.

"You are forgiven," she says into his shoulder. He chuckles slightly.

"Forgive me when you've gotten your kiss, Peggy," he says. She pulls away and turns to me. John pats my back, before walking back to Alexander. They both face away, muttering to one another and giving us privacy. She puts her hands to my waist, and I do the same, smiling at her.

"And you call me the clever one," I say, tilting my head slightly. She giggles and grins at me, before going quiet. She looks just a little nervous. From what I understand, she's never kissed before. I lift my hands to touch her face and soothe her.

"Peggy Schuyler, je t'aime (I love you)," I say softly. Her smile returns.

"I love you too." And with that, she leans up and kisses me. She's soft and unsure, and it's incredibly adorable and endearing. I tilt her head up to a slightly better angle, savoring each sweet second I can have her like this. She pulls away for a moment to take a breath, and I open my eyes just slightly to look at her. I can see her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkling. I love her so deeply. Her hands shift, one cradling my neck and the other cradling my head as she pulls me back down for another kiss.

"What are you two doing ove're zere?" Peggy pulls away in alarm, but I just sigh.

"Ohhh, I apologize. I did not intend to interrupt," Lafayette says, grinning apologetically as I turn to stare at him.

"Must everyone be involved in my love life?" I ask in exasperation. He chuckles.

"But of course," he says. I huff, dropping my hands to hold Peggy's retreated ones, and I look at her.

"It's alright. He knows. He will not tell," I reassure her. She glances at Lafayette, then back at me, before nodding.

"We should get you both home," John says, interrupting our thoughts. Peggy scoffs and looks over at him.

"I don't recall you being my father, Mr. Laurens," she says. He laughs, and I take Peggy's hand.

"He's right, mon amour. We should be getting home to our mothers and lying about finding some intriguing men," I say. She looks at me and sighs, before nodding. I gesture toward the men.

"Lead the way, messieurs (gentlemen)," I say. Alexander turns on his heels and marches onward, but John and Lafayette both chuckle and gesture for Peggy and I to walk first. John loops an arm through mine and Lafayette walks on the other side of Peggy, the four of us talking and watching Alexander's antics. He calls us a carriage, and I let Peggy get in first, instead turning to address the three soldiers around me.

"Shall I escort you home, m'lady?" Alexander asks, eyebrows wiggling up and down suggestively. John slaps his arm and Alexander yelps and swats his hand away. Lafayette takes my hand and plants a kiss on my knuckles while the two are distracted.

"Passe une bonne nuit (Have a lovely night), Anastasia," he says. I smile softly at him, nodding and patting his hand.

"Je vous souhaite la même chose (The same to you), Lafayette," I reply. I take a step up into the carriage. The door closes behind me, and the driver starts pulling us away.

"Be careful, will you?" John calls after me, watching as I lean out the window. I wave a hand at him, grinning.

"Please, we can't all be as reckless as you, my dear," I call. He gestures incredulously at me.

"You got yourself shot, Anastasia!" he calls back. I laugh.

"Goodnight, mon amis!" I yell. Lafayette and Alexander wave, and John huffs, before smiling and lifting his hand in a wave as well. I sit back in the carriage, settling beside Peggy. She smiles softly at me, before leaning against me and settling her head on my shoulder.

"How was your first kiss, mon amour?" I ask softly. She takes my hand and closes her eyes, at peace.

"Perfect," she says softly. I smile and kiss her forehead, before leaning my head atop hers. In this moment, we are each other's. And for this moment, that is enough. 

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