Gilbert Blythe x Reader || DI...

By SlutForGojo

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Y/N, a tomboyish rich girl moves from England. Although she comes from a respected family, her parents were l... More



335 9 7
By SlutForGojo

y/n POV

A few months has passed since the beginning of school. It's been harder and harder for me to hide the face that I am a girl. Luckily winter came, and I could wear thicker clothing and overalls to cover my curves and growing bosom. My hair also grew out, but it wasn't so long that I would look like a girl. Gilbert, Cole and  I were the power buds of the whole school (which was only 50 kids). All the girls giggled as we passed. At first it made me uncomfortable, but they didn't know I was a girl so I understood. Every lunch, Cole would leave Gilbert and me to sit with the girls. We sat in our respective seats as class went by. I started noticing a different relationship between Prissy and Mr. Phillips. I suppressed the urge to giggle at that though, my laugh coming out like a gurgled cough. Gilbert looked at me concerned, causing me to laugh. Even though I don't talk with the girls as much as I'd like, Cole seems in touch with is feminine side. One day during lunch, I quickly snatched Cole from the girls for a few minutes. I brought him to the back of the school house and sat him down on a rock. 

"Cole Mackenzie. I need to ask you a question" I said, pacing around him. 

"y-yes?" He asked

"Please don't get mad. But I've noticed you looking at all of the boys" I said

"I mean, they are my classmates"

"I mean how a girl would look at them" I said. 

"I- well-"

"Cole, it's alright! I've had a feeling you like boys for a while. I have a secret to share as well, but you can't tell anyone!" I said. 

"O-okay" He said, looking down. 

"I'm a girl" I said. I let out a breath, relieved that I could let the secret out. 

"What?!" He said, standing up. 

"Have you noticed every month I become moodier than usual? Have you noticed I've started wearing larger clothes to cover my curves?" I asked. 

"Oh my goodness! You are a g-" he stopped when I shoved my hands to his mouth. I shushed him, and I heard footsteps and laughter. I crouched down, and pulled him with me. I shoved a stick in his hands too, and drew random scribbles in the snow. 

"Is this how you do it?" I asked out of the blue, doing random strokes in the dirt. 

"Oi, Tommy? What are you and doodle boy doing behind school?" I heard an arrogant voice call out. 

"Oh, hi darling! Cole here was teaching me how to draw!" I said, using his pet name that annoys him so much. 

"Stop calling me that! It's weird!" He shouted. 

"Why? I thought you like it, darling" I said once more. 

"I SAID STOP IT!" He roared, walking up to me and grabbing my collar. 

"Let go of me Billy! Or do you enjoy being in close proximity of me" I teased. He shouted in anger and embarrassment. Over the few months he has grown bigger and buffer. He tossed me into one of the bushes, tearing my shirt. I let out a cry of pain, but then started laughing. 

"Darling! Come help your dear friend up and out of the bush" I said, smiling through the pain. 

"No! Leave me alone!" He shouted at me, his face red from anger I assume. 

"You always come up to me! Are you sure you're not in love with me?" I asked,  standing up out of the bush. He huffed in anger and turned around, marching back into the house. I picked out some twigs out of my hair, and felt a stinging sensation in the cool air. I looked to my side and sure enough, there was a cut. I touched it, but gasped at the sting from the cold and pain. I walked back, hiding my side. Cole noticed my awkward limp and assisted me inside. 

"Thank you Cole, you are a darling" i teased. Gilbert noticed us back inside, and ran towards us. 

"There you are Tommy! I thought you were going to ditc- Are you alright! C'mon, we have to get you cleaned up" 

"I- actually, I would feel more comfortable if Cole did it for me... Wait for me out here" I said, and nodded towards Cole, and we went into the boys bathroom and locked it. He got a handkerchief from his pocket and wetted it under the pump. 

"T-take off your sweater, and shirt if you're comfortable with that" He said nervously. I nodded and took off my layers, finally in my undergarment. I lifted my undershirt up, but not enough to show my bosom. He cleaned the cut with his handkerchief and stopped the bleeding with the dry part of it. When it stopped, we both sighed in relief. He helped my turn my shirt right side out to speed up the process of putting it on. I quickly made my face wet so it looked like he helped me clean a bloody nose. I walked out, starting up a conversation. 

"Thanks for cleaning my face, Cole! It would have been terrible if it tried all over my face! I would give my grandmother a fright, and she lives all the way back in England!" I chuckled. 

"No problem! It's what friends do" He smiled. 

"Yeah" I said. I sat next to Gilbert who looked angry. I looked at him confused and stoke up a conversation 

Gilbert's POV: 

Over the past months, I noticed Thomas starting to wear baggier clothes with more layers like he had something to hide. His hair also grew longer, making him prettier than before. I remember that night when Thomas thought I liked Anne, but I'm not so sure anymore. I get butterflies when I look in her direction, sure. But thats only if Tommy is there talking to her. I catch myself staring at them, but mostly staring at Tommy's side profile. I'm ashamed because if anyone knows these feelings towards a boy, I'll definitely be the talk of the town, and not in a good way. I get jealous when he makes the girls blush, and when the girls make him blush too. 

I waited for Tommy to come sit with me at lunch, but when I looked out the window I saw him and Cole talking. Tommy looked excited from something Cole said, and Cole then looked wide eyed at what Thomas said. I then saw Thomas shush Cole and pull him down towards the snow. I then understood why. Billy and his gang started picking on them. As usual, Tommy would fluster Billy with his words and sly smirk. But this time, Billy threw him into the bush. Even though I saw Tommy getting scratched, and many sticks in his sides, he still managed to keep up a smile. It was enough to defeat Billy though, because not long after, Billy came stomping into the classroom. I waited for the door to open again, and this time I knew it was Tommy and Cole. My eyes trailed down Tommy's torso and saw his torn sweater. 

"There you are Tommy! I thought you were going to ditc- Are you alright! C'mon, we have to get you cleaned up" I said, reaching out for his wrists, but before I could get ahold of them, he pulled them out of reach. 

"I- actually, I would feel more comfortable if Cole did it for me... Wait for me out here" He said, smiling apologetically and ran into the bathroom with Cole. I looked after them, sadly and ate my apple. It seemed like Tommy and Cole got a lot closer. Will they eventually leave me out? 

The walked out of the bathroom 10 minutes later. Tommy was smiling adorably as usual, while Cole was wearing a soft smile, going along with whatever he said. Why does it have to be Cole? He already has all the girls to talk to, so why does he need my- why does he need Tommy? I didn't even notice him sitting next to me until I felt a warm pair of hands wrap around my face. The hands turned my head to face Tommy. 

"Gil, are you alright?" He asked. I tried to hide my blush with my hands. 

"I- uh, Yeah! I'm fine. I just have a bellyache" I lied. 

"Then we have to take you home! C'mon Gil! Pack your stuff!" He ordered. I let out a soft smile and nodded. I packed his school stuff as he went to get our coats and scarves. He wrapped my scarf around my neck for me, and ran to Mr. Phillips's office. She knocked on the door and waited for his permission to enter. 


I walked into Mr. Phillips's office. It was littered with loose papers and books. 

"Uh, sir! I have to take Gilbert home! He isn't feeling well. Please give us assignments we will be missing" I asked nervously. 

"And why must you go with him?" He asked, taking his foot off his desk. 

"I don't want him to collapse in the snow, sir! I am worried about his wellbeing!" I said confidently. 

"Alright them, Tommy. Take these papers, and read until chapter 35 in the book we are reading right now" He said, pointing to a small stack of papers. I nodded and thanked him. 

"Have a good day sir! I hope you get home safely" I said, and closed the door after myself. I looked at Gilbert and nodded. He smiled softly, and grabbed our bags. I jogged up to him and put the papers in our bags too. Before we left, I turned around. 

"Cole, Anne, Diana! I'm taking Gil home! He feels sick! I can't walk home with you guys today" I called across the room. A chorus of byes reaches us. I then turned back around and looked at him concerned. 

"Gil, are you feeling okay? Do you need help walking?" I asked frantically searching his face for any discomfort. I mean, I've been staring at his handsome face regardless, but that isn't the point. He shook his head, and gestured for us to start walking. I walked in front as we chatted. Suddenly I remembered. 

"So, how are things going with you and Anne?" I asked, excitedly. 

"W-well I d-"

"It's okay to be embarrassed! You don't have to tell me anything! I just wanted to fluster you" I laughed. 

"W-why?" He asked, a blush forming on his face. 

"Because you look wonderful with a blush" I teased. 

He laughed, and shook his head. He still had a blush but I'm sure it was because he was thinking of Anne. I walked up to him, and slung my arm over his shoulder causing him to stoop down a little. I scoffed playfully and smacked him upside the head, but then frantically apologised, remembering he felt ill. 

"n-no, it's fine! it's my stomach that hurts, not my head" he chuckled. 

"i need to tell my parents that I might have to babysit you for the night because of your devastatingly painful belly ache" I said, and ran inside. I talked to my parents, and they wiggled their brows at me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, and ran outside, knowing their answer was a yes. I grinned, nodding and feint a punch to his stomach, causing him to flinch out of reflex. I snorted, but then stopped seeing Gil's grin. 

"No, G-gil! See here! I was just fooling about! No need to get serious about this" I said backing up. 

"I don't know Tommy, I think I do" He said slyly, bending down to match my face level. My face held a light blush from the close proximity. 

"Stay away, Gilbert Blythe!" I ordered sternly, backing away. 

"I don't think I will" He joked and charged at me. I yelled out in playful fear, and sprinted to his house. I was about to open the front door, when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and pull me back into the snow. I let out a girly squeal on accident, and quickly slapped my hands on my mouth. 

"What was that sound you made?" He let out a small giggle. 

"You scared me! Sorry that I let out a scream" I said sarcastically. 

He just looked at me and then started laughing. He hugged his stomach and choked on air because he was laughing so hard. Apparently his laugh was contagious because I too started laughing. When he finally calmed down, he spoke. 

"I just love your accent! It makes you sarcasm that much more flavourful" He said starting to laugh again. 

"Alright, Mr. Blythe. It is time to calm down now! You'll get a fever if you roll around in the snow" I said, holding my hand out for him to grab. He took it as I pulled him up onto his feet. I quickly dragged him inside. He led me to his bedroom, and told me to sit down. I nodded and sat on his little desk chair. I waited for him to get ready for bed so he could recover. I was not expecting him to change infront of me. He took off his shirt, exposing his surprisingly toned muscles. My face exploded in red, but I covered it up with a sneeze. 

"Oh, May god bless you" He said, smiling gently. 

"I think he already did" I muttered. 

"What was that?" He asked .

"N-nothing! I'll go make herb tea for your stomach" I said, running downstairs. I was boiling water when I heard a gurgely cough. It came from a bedroom next to the front door. I ran into the room, realising someone needed help. There I saw a sickly pale man who was laying in bed. He was balding and had heavy eye bags. It looked like he was trying to sit up, but was struggling. 

"Oh! Sir, please take it easy" I said, rushing over to him, easing him into a more comfortable position. 

"oh, thank you young man" He said, smiling kindly. 

"It's nothing sir! But please don't strain yourself. Oh! Pardon me! My name is Thomas Roberts! I am a friend of Gilbert's!" I said bowing my head a little. 

"it's a pleasure to meet any friend of Gilbert's" He said with a light chuckle. 

We conversed a little more but the kettle started boiling. I excused myself and told him that I would go upstairs to Gilbert's room after I made him tea. I carefully brought his tea to his room and put it onto his bedside table. I walked up to Gilbert's room carefully, and opened the door with my foot. I saw him pacing around the room, muttering things, running his hands through his hair. 

"Uh, Gil? I made our tea" I said, walking into his room cautiously. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah, Thanks Tommy" He said, grabbing his cup from one of my hands. I quickly put mine on his bedside table. 

"Now, off to bed" I said, folding the coves of his bed so he could get in. 

"what?" He asked shocked. 

"Yes. In bed, this instant" I ordered. 

He complied, as I tucked him in. I grinned as I saw him staring at me expectantly, like an old man. I quickly took my school work out of my bag, and placed it on a chair. I took out Gil's papers as well and let him look at it. I then handed him his slate and a pen so he could write. I sat on the floor, using the chair as a makeshift table, and started working on the worksheets with Gil. We discussed what we thought the answers were and wrote them down accordingly. I finished my work first, and used that time to daydream. My gaze shifted unconsciously to Gilbert's face. I studied his facial features, taking in his eyebrows that made him look permanently concerned for everyone. My my eyes scanned over his fair skin to his cute button nose. I sighed and placed my face in my palms. My eyes started to droop, and soon they shut completely. 

When I came too, I saw Gilbert staring intently at me. I rubbed my eyes, and looked at him with a grin. 

"what? Have I gotten something on my face?" I teased. 

"Yep, just an eye lash right there" He said, wiping it off my face. I grinned and made a wish, blowing my lash off of his fingertip. 

"What time is it?" I asked

"Around 6PM" He said, checking a grandfather right outside his room. 

"Alright then, let's read until chapter thirty something" I said, pulling out the book. 

We took turns reading out loud, and made comments about it too. At around 8 PM, we finished. I then realised we had to make dinner. 

"We have to feed your father! He's been in bed all day too! Gilbert, take him to the bathroom while I cook dinner" I said, running to the kitchen. 

"Hold on! Tommy, do you even know how to cook" He asked laughing at my panic. 

"Of course! My parents want me to know how it feels like to live both as a man and a woman, so they gave me cooking classes along with a sports tutor and everything" I made up a lie. 

He bought the lie, and followed me downstairs. I started making a basic dinner of a slice of cooked turkey with green beans and peas with gravy sauce. Halfway through making dinner, Gilbert came in the kitchen with a smirk. He took some frozen grass from outside and put it down the back of my shirt. I shrieked and grabbed a wooden spoon, chasing him around the house with it. But then remembered I was cooking. After a whole fiasco, I served the dinner on the plates.  I brought 2 small stools and a small desk to Gilbert's fathers room so we could all share dinner. 

"It is quite a nice change to eat dinner with more than just the two of us" Mr. Blythe said smiling. 

"Well, I'm glad you enjoy my company, Mr. Blythe! You really are an interesting character, I imagine your life story to be fascinating" I said, sparkles in my eyes. 

"Oh, Stop with the flattery young man! It's bad for my heart" he chuckled heartily. 

"Of course, sir" I laughed. 

We ate dinner, and I washed the dishes as Gilbert got some spare clothes for me to wear. When I finished, I wished Mr. Blythe goodnight, and ran upstairs into Gilbert's room. He once again looked troubled. 

"Gil? Could you lead me to the bathroom? I want to wash myself tonight" I said, cautiously. 

"huh? Oh yeah, grab these clothes. You can wear them for tonight" He said, pointing to the bed with a stack of folded clothes. I nodded and quickly grabbed them, and followed Gilbert to the bathroom. He poured 2 buckets of the already heated water into the tub for me, and left them room after I thanked him. I quickly undressed and got into the bath, sighing at the contact to hot water. But then I heard a knock on the door. 

"Y-yes?" I asked, nervously. 

"Tommy, It's Gilbert, can I come in?" He asked through the door. 

"Uh, Hang on! Wait, now you can!" I called through the door after I got some things to cover myself up without looking suspicious. My hair clung to my face as I watched him come in. He was carrying a large towel, and some soap. 

"Sorry, I forgot to bring you some soap and a towel! I'll the towel here alright?" He said, handing me the bar of soap. I thanked him, and waited for him to leave. I sighed out in relief and I quickly scrubbed myself down. I dried myself off with a towel, and put my undergarments on again. I then put on the sleepwear that Gilbert lent me. I looked at myself in the mirror, and noticed my feminine features were very much visible. I put on my baggy sweater from before, and let my hair air dry. I walked out of the bathroom, and placed my towel by the fireplace to dry. 

"I drained the water in the tub and started heating some water for you" I said. 

"Alright, thanks Tommy" he said. 

I nodded and started folding my clothes so that I could easily access it the next day. I did some extra reading for Monday by the fireplace. After a while, Gil came back with his towel draped over his shoulder. His hair was still a little wet. 

"Gilbert! Dry your hair properly or you'll get worse" I ordered, standing up. He nodded with a soft smile and dried it well. I grinned, pleased that he did what I told him to do. 

Gilbert POV:

I realised that I have grown to like Tommy, and more as a friend or best friend. I grew romantic feelings for him. I'm positive of it. Over the past months he has shown that he cares for the people that are kind and are living their life. He goes to any measures to ensure that everyone is happy, or at least safe. Even if it meant hurting himself. Tommy is the most selfless person I know. When Cole was picked on by Billy, he would always be there to defend him. Today, Tommy even got hurt! I quickly finished up and entered my bedroom. He was sitting gracefully by the fireplace, warming up and reading. I stared for a few minutes, and cleared my throat making it look like I just entered the room. 

"Gilbert! Dry your hair properly or you'll get worse!" He ordered, his brows furrowing adorably. I just wanted to squeeze his adorable face. I smiled a little complying. 

"We should go to sleep now. Theres room for both of us in the bed" I said, walking towards my bed. He nodded as well, putting his book down. We both climbed into bed, and under the covers. 

"Goodnight Tommy" I said, facing him. 

"Goodnight, Gil" He said. Not even 3 minutes passed and he was already sleeping, taking deep breaths. I stayed up for another hour or two, admiring his features. He had soft freckles littering his face and his medium length h/c hair falling into his face. His eyes fluttered every so often, probably from his dream. I stayed up thinking about how I would tell my father, or Tommy for that matter. If it were legal, I would kiss him on the spot. I drifted off to sleep thinking about what it would have been like if Tommy were a girl. 

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