332 7 13

y/n POV

I woke up with a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. I panicked for a second, but then turned around to see Gilbert, causing me to panic even more. I calmed down and made sure he was asleep, and wiggled out of bed. I quickly pulled my clothes on, making sure to be quiet. I walked into the bathroom, making sure to fix my hair as best as possible. I gave up, messing it up frustratedly. I walked downstairs and saw a tired Gilbert and Bash talking. I waved at them, but covered my mouth as a yawn pushed its way through my body. I  sat down on the couch next to Gilbert and groaned. 

"Care for breakfast?" Bash asked. My eyes brightened. 

"from your country?!" I asked excitedly. 

"If you wish it" He said happily. 

"If it isn't a bother, yes please!" I said fully awake 

When breakfast was served, my eyes were blessed with colourful foods. My mouth watered at the sight. I quickly prayed, thanking god for the magnificent breakfast and started shovelled the food down my throat. Then my fork stabbed a soft slimy scotch coloured food. 

"that is a fruit called Mango" Gilbert said, seeing my fascination. I repeated it in awe, and took a bite. Instantly, the sweet flavour and texture spread across my tastebuds. I dropped my fork as i felt like I was being sucked into the infinity. I was brought back to attention when I saw Gilbert snapping at my face. 

"You stopped functioning for a solid minute" He chucked. 

"Eating Mangoos-"


"Eating mangoes was like an out of body experience" I said swallowing. They laughed as I quickly washed the fork and continued eating. Finally I finished, and got onto my knees, thanking Bash for introducing his country's food to me. 

"Stand up, young man! It is an honour that you like our food so much" Bash laughed, guiding me to stand. I stood up, and smiled brightly. Then I heard a knock on the door. Bash and Gil were busy cleaning up, so I got the door. 

There stood Diana and Anne. They were wrapped with large coats and scarves. They looked surprised that I was there but grinned. 

"y/n! What are you doing at Gilbert's house?" Diana whispered

"Not being sinful are we?" Anne teased. My face flushed red, as I shook my head frantically. 

"We just had a sleepover! Gilbert wanted to introduce me to his friend that he made when he was on the journey" I whispered, gently slapping Anne's arm. 

"Anyways, what are you guys doing here?" I asked them. 

"The whole class is going to go ice skating on the lake now that it's frozen over" Diana said excitedly. 

"What time?" I asked

"People are already there, but until the sun goes down" Anne replied. 

"I'll definitely go, I'll try to bring Gil" I said, and hugged them goodbye. They waved as they ran down the path together. 

"what were they doing here?" I heard someone breathe down my neck. I shivered a little and jumped in shock. I turned around and saw Gilbert staring at them with a small frown. 

"Gilbert, there's no need to be jealous because I talked to Anne" I teased and pushed passed him inside to sit down. 

"i'm not jealous!" He protested. I nodded mockingly and pushed him down onto the couch. I swiped his hat and place it onto my head. 

Gilbert Blythe x Reader || DISCONTINUEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें