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y/n POV: 

I woke up to an empty room. But it wasn't my room. I rubbed my eyes, and realised I was still at Gilbert's. I got dressed into my trousers and blouse and sweater and walked down stairs. 

"Good morning Gilbert! I'll be making breakfast for the 3 of us now" i called through the kitchen. 

"Don't bother making 3" I heard a broken voice say. 

"What are you talking about? I will not let any of us starve in the morning" I said, confused walking into Mr. Blythe's room. There I saw Mr. Blythe looking very sickly pale, and Gilbert hunched over his body. He was shaking, and crying. Upon closer inspection, I saw that Mr. Blythe was not breathing. I felt sick to the stomach, and my eyes started to tear up. I did not believe it. I checked his pulse on his wrists and neck. There was none. I stepped back, sinking to the floor, and sucking in a short breath. 

"W-what? This can't be" I said, staring at the floor. 

"Well it happened" Gilbert snapped, leaning over his deceased father's torso again. I stopped talking in shock, and looked at him. He had red eyes, puffy and watery. My heart broke to see him in such state. After a few minutes, I gathered enough energy into my knees. I stood up, and sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked up at me confused. I grabbed his hands and pulled him into a hug. He quickly melted into my arms, and sobbed into my shoulder. I rocked him back and forth until he was decent. I pulled away, and handed him a handkerchief to wipe his nose and eyes with. 

"T-thanks Tommy" He said after clearing his throat. 

"I'm terribly sorry this happened" I said, wiping a tear of my own. 

"I'm sorry I had to put you through this. Maybe if I had gotten help fa-"

"Gilbert Blythe. Do not be sorry. God has a plan for all of us, and he thought it was the right time for your father to move past the world of the living. Do not apologise for it" I ordered, grabbing both sides of his face. He nodded and wiped his nose once more. 

"You go get some rest while I make breakfast and plan a funeral. I'll help you pay for it" I said, standing up. 

"Y-you don't have to" 

"I will do it. Gilbert! Let me do it!" I cried, tears forming. 

"a-alright" He whispered. 

I made breakfast for him and immediately ran out to go home. I burst through the door and ran to my father. I fell onto my knees and grabbed his hands. 

"Father! Please lend me some money! My dear friend, Gilbert! His father passed away this morning! Please! He doesn't have anything left! I want to make a funeral for him father! He was such a kind man! Please pay for him" I cried, breaking down. 

"Calm down y/n! Deep breaths! What happened?" He asked, placing m onto his lap. 

"Gilbert! His father passed away! I offered to pay for his funeral! Please pay! I don't want to let him down! He's been through so much" I cried into his shoulder. 

"Yes, of course we will! We always help those in need! He can live with us if that's what he wishes" He said, wiping my tears for me. I got off his lap and jotted his address down on the paper. 

"Thank you father! I'll tell him right away! Please organise everything! I will be tending to the well being of Gilbert! I wrote his address down on the paper" I yelled as I ran out the door. 

I sprinted to his house again and barged into Gilbert's house, but he was nowhere to be found. I ran through the house calling his name. When I realised he wasn't inside, I ran through his farm looking for him. 

"GILBERT?!" I yelled. Finally I heard a sniffle near by. I followed it and saw him huddled inside a shed. 

"Gilbert! I'm so glad you're alright" I said, falling onto my knees. I finally let myself get some rest after nonstop sprinting. 

"Why are you here? Didn't you leave after you finished dealing with me?" He asked bitterly. 

"What? No! Of course not!" I said shocked. 

"Well then why did you leave?!" He cried out. 

"I have talked to my parents, Gilbert. They will handle the financial issues. They offered a bed in our house if it's too hard to live in your house" I said gaining my composure. 

"Tommy, I uh, I have to tell you something" He started. I started getting nervous. 

"Yes, Gilbert?" 

"After the funeral, I'm leaving" He said. 

"Leaving to where?" I asked confused. 

"I don't know, but I'm planning on working on a steam boat" He said not making eye contact. 

"W-when?" I whispered, feeling my heart shatter a little. 

"A day after. I'm packing now... D-do you want to help? I want to spend as much time with you as possible" He said sniffling. 

"S-sure" I helped Gilbert stand up, and I led him to his room. The rest of the day we were chatting and trying to forget about the funeral that was coming closer and closer. Finally, the day of the funeral came. We were all glum, and some were even weeping. I was by Gil's side until the very end of the ceremony. We crouched over the small mount of fresh dirt on by his grave stone. When the sun was setting, I cleared my throat and stood up. 

"Gilbert, I believe it is time for us to head to your house. You must pack last minute necesity!" I said, trying to get him to stand. He wouldn't budge. 

"Gilbert Blythe! You listen to me this instant! Get up and pull yourself together! Didn't you say you wanted to see the world?" I said, tears of sadness and frustration coming down. I pulled on his arms weakly but he still stayed planted. Apparently some of my hot tears fell onto his hands because he looked up. 


"Gilbert! You've probably wanted this since you started taking care of your father and the house! As much as I hate it, you must leave and come back when you're ready" I said, trying to fight back tears. 

Suddenly, Gilbert stood up. He embraced me long and hard. I choked back a sob before I attempted to pull away, only for Gilbert to squeeze me tighter. 

"Thank you for being such a kind person, Tommy. I promise you, I will return." He said finally pulling away. I nodded and let out a watery laugh. 

"Mr. Blythe, I believe we are due to your house" I said, bowing like a butler. 

"Of course, Mr. Roberts" He played back. 

Gilbert Blythe x Reader || DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora