Forget-Me Not

By KoolKat9696

784 50 53

After Arthur gets into an accident, he wakes up in a hospital room with no memories and a worried blond man w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14


44 3 3
By KoolKat9696

   It was a quiet Sunday afternoon. There was not much to do as the weather was becoming colder with winter on its way. I returned to school alongside everyone else for my final year despite my concerns of forgetting important lessons that would be essential going forward. In the end, I had nothing to worry about. I managed to recall most of the information and anything that was forgotten, slowly returned. Thinking back, I shouldn't have been so worried since my memory had been slowly returning over the months prior, so it was only natural for school to end up the same way.

     All things relating to my memory issue had calmed down. As I explained previously, my memories had been slowly returning with the help of the scrapbooks and Ludwig. There were some hard times with sadder memories such as the day Alfred's father and my mother divorced and Alfred was taken to America, the fire and aftermath of it, my falling out with my brothers who blamed me for mother's death. That last one was the hardest to get through. It was one thing to lose my mother, but to think she died saving me and the fact I ended up losing my brothers for years, it was not good for my mental health. At least I had Ludwig, Francis, Alfred, and even Allistor through it all.

     With nothing else to do on the lazy Sunday, Ludwig and I stayed in, cuddled up on the couch, and listened to music. As I laid on Ludwig's chest, my mind began to wander back to a few months ago, when I was terrified of this kind of action. It was ridiculous and nonsensical really. I was worried about disappointing Ludwig when it came to intimate moments, but at the same time, I was worried when I avoided those moments that I was also disappointing him. I couldn't win.

     "What are you thinking about now?" Ludwig asked, taking my chin and guiding my head up to face him.

     "Just how crazy things have been my love"

     "Such is life."

     "True, but at least we have each other."

     I leaned forward for a kiss, only to get Ludwig's palm in my face. "Gosh you're a sappy old man," he teased.

     "Well..." I looked down at the golden band with emeralds incrested in it. "Maybe, but you're going to have to put up with it for the rest of your life."

     I felt his whole body tense at the words. "A-Are you sure you want to go forward with this. I...I know not-"

     "Love, I couldn't imagine a life without you. I want to make this even more permanent. Plus, after everything we've been through in the past few months, I have never been more certain of anything in my entire life."

     Ludwig's cheeks flushed and I let out a laugh which only made the blush deepen. He ended up burying his face in my neck until my laughter subsided. "I love you," I said after I calmed myself. He only gave me a small pout. "Come on Lud. You know I love your blushing face."

 Though he tried to discipline me, I was able to crack him with a few kisses all over his face. "Fine, I love you too."

Author's Note: And so we come to an end! Gosh my first long fic is now complete. Half the time I didn't know where things were going (perhaps that's why I feel certain plot points were rushed?), but I managed. But for my first long fic in which there was an incomplete plan I'm pretty happy with it! Enough of my anxiety rambles! Thank you everyone for reading and your support, votes and comments and I hope you enjoyed it. 

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