Our Flor

De Cely-124

270K 6K 1.3K

"I loved you like there was no tomorrow yet you left like yesterday didn't mean a thing" All my life I wished... Mai multe

Stuck with you
Reunited Part 1
Reunited Part 2
Hugs and Kisses
Settling in
Moving in
Meeting Mafias
What the hell
Open up to us
Him and I
Him and I : part 2
Were broken
Understanding you
Date me
Mind your business
Excuse me
Telling my family
Thanks for being one of my calms
I hate my birthday because..
I love you
Played again
The unknown
The aftermath
Alive or Dead
Waking up?
Update/and release date

The ball

2.8K 85 23
De Cely-124

"You said you loved me
Your a liar,
Cause you never
Did baby"
Elanoras POV:
Flashback to the day when Elanora and Maurizio broke up:
I sit in the couch watching gossip girl,Lucas left earlier don't know where he went.Maurizio left earlier said he had a mission.So here I am sitting on Lucas couch watching gossip girl.This is my second time watching this show,Nate and Serena were endgame.I look out the window and see it's raining softly.

I hear the sound of key's jiggling,ooo who's here.I get up from the grey couch,I walk around it and see Maurizio.I walk to him I see he's unusual he has this certain aura .

"Maurizio are you okay"I ask ,he turns his head to my direction.His green eyes that I'm to fond of are looking at me emotionless,I stare at his eyes confused.

"What's wrong Maurizio"I mutter worriedly.

"I..I"he mutters looking down,I walk closer to him,but he backs away as if am some infected disease.I back away quickly hurt,I feel a small pang in my chest.

"Did I do something"I ask him quietly,I stare at his face ,he looks at me weirdly,I tilt my head slightly giving him a confused face.

We stare at each other,I look at him exposed,love,while he looks at me emotionless.

"Elanora i..I want...to break up"he says making my heart clench in hurt and sadness.I look at him hurt ,I look away from his intense eyes and look at the vase behind him.

"No"I say as I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Elanora I'm done"he says as if it doesn't affect him,although it's killing me inside out.

"W..whyy"I stutter out as tears fall effortlessly down my cheeks.I feel like someone's tugging at my heart as he's talking to me.I walk closer to him.

"I'm leaving"

I freeze as I hear him say that ,I close my eyes trying to stop the tears from falling.I open my eyes to see him looking at me with no love.

Like I didn't mean anything to him,like me saying "I love you" meant nothing to him.Like it didn't affect him at all.I feel my heartache hit full force as I see his face emotionless.The face I love with all my heart look at me with emptiness in his eyes.Those eyes that struck me the moment I met him.I look away from his empty eyes and focus not to break down.

"I...I"I mutter ,as a sob finally emerges through me,I turn around ,as I cover my mouth ,loud sobs escape my mouth softly.I intake deep breaths trying to control the painful sobs escaping my body,my heart aches that nothing meant anything to him.I hear footsteps and for a second I thought he was gonna comfort me but my hope died when I heard the front door slam shut.

I turn around running out the door,I shut the door loudly getting his attention.I sprint catching up to him ,I grab his arm pulling him back.

"What do you want Elanora"he asks annoyingly,I stare wide eyed,he's never used a tone like that to me.I feel the rain mix with my tears making me feel extra weight.I stare at him hurt and with sadness in my eyes.

"Please Don't go Maurizio"I beg as sobs escape my sore throat.I beg him with my eyes,I show him how much he means to me and how much I need him in my life.But yet he laughs at my attempt to show him how much I love him.I see his face morph into a humor one,I look at him with pure hurt in my eyes.

"It was all a game Elanora,that's all it ever was"he says mockingly,his green eyes beaming emptiness.

I feel my breathing become ragged as he mutters those words,I stare at him with tears falling down my face at a fast pace,my nostrils filling with snot.

"Your lying Maurizio,don't tell me that everything meant nothing to you,all the memories we shared were nothing,please tell me everything wasn't just a game ,tell me you love me that this is some sick joke,TELL ME THIS WASN'T ALL A GAME MAURIZIO"I cry genuinely hurt that this could all be an act he's been playing.

"Ohh Elanora I just wanted to get in your pants and I did"he mutters laughing,I look down hurt and disappointed,everything we had was a game to him,I gave him all my love,only for him to tear it apart.Like a piece of tissue.

"Gosh I'm glad this is over I won't have to hear your voice anymore"he says annoyed,I look up hurt ,my heart aches ,it feels heavy for some reason.Like I'm now carrying the rest of the world.Why does it feel like that.

I open my mouth but it's like I can't say anything.

"I just wanted your body Elanora,but you had to make me wait,but I sure do love a challenge,you were just another check in my girl list-"he utters in a mocking tone,I look up at the eyes of the man that I thought I loved.

"I've never felt anything for you"he chuckles softly

"No wonder your dad left you ,your just another burden for everyone"I close my eyes because he knew damn well all my weaknesses,I feel my airway stop.

"I've been sleeping with countless of girls behind your back ,you just never notice"he says laughing lightly,I don't spare a moment and slap him hard across the cheek.The worst feeling in the world is knowing you've been used and lied to by someone you trusted.I back away,like he's now the infected disease,like he infected me with his disease and now there's no cure to the heartbreak that he's leaving.

"I..please leave"I mutter as my throat closes up,my heart aches,like it's been stabbed by a million knives.I sob like crazy his words were like a knife to my chest .

I look up from the ground,and stare at his eyes emotionless,I don't let him see my emotions,but my tears and loud sobs show how much this is affecting me.I take deep hard breaths as I try my best to control my emotions.I look directly at his Intense green eyes and say.

"I hope you fall in love Maurizio I really do ,I wish you nothing but the best,I hope that one day you find the girl that makes your heart swell with love ,the girls that takes your breath away ,I hope you find her ,I hope you find what real love is,but something I hope you remember is the girls heart you broke in the process of finding her,
make it worth your time,because let's be real your a player and I hope you stop your ways when your with her"I say smiling softly at him,although it's killing me inside I'm not that girl,I'm not his one.Yet it feels like he was my only one.

"I hope you show her how much you love her,treat her right Maurizio,don't break her heart like you did to me and the other girls"I say wiping away the new shedded tears that are falling .I feel uncomfortable sobs escape my mouth effortlessly.

"I cried a lot because of you ,I laughed a lot because of you,I believed in love because of you,And now I'm heartbroken because of you"I say quietly looking down,I watch as his back turns from me.

I watch as the love of my life walks away.I feel my heart shatter as I remember every word that pierced my soul .

"I...hate you Maurizio"I scream loudly,
I see him walk away not sparing a glance at me,I fall to my knees as the rain pours down my face and body.All you could hear are my constant sobs,my heart shattering cries that hurt my soul.

"TE ODIO Maurizio"(I hate you),I mutter as he walks away leaving behind an empty soul.My life turned upside down in this moment after he left me with a heaving chest that can not be consoled.I guess his "I love you" was a game all along,and I ended up being another losing game.
Flashback ended
I stare at my galaxy wall remembering his heartbreak.Maurizio was the worst heartbreak because he was my first love and my first heartbreak.I guess part of me still loves him but I can't bring people back out of the dead.

I remember clearly Lucas coming home to me drenched in his living room crying my soul out.I didn't tell him because I didn't want him changing his perspective of Maurizio.There best friends I would never do that,although part of me wanted to but I didn't .

I get up from my bed looking around my room,it's about three,I have about an hour before the makeup artist and the hair stylist appears.Ive been having a lot of flashbacks of people from my past.

I throw my blankets aside and hurry to the closet where I pick another sleeping set,my peachy color set.I walk to my bathroom where I discard all my clothes,I turn the water on as I let the warm water hit my body.I sigh in relief as it calms me in a way,I feel my chest ache ,my second heartbreak hurts,I thought it'd be different.Guess I was wrong.But they say "you are one more heartbreak closer to being with the person you are meant to be with".Thats the mindset I should have.

I wash away all the scrub from my body,as the scent of my lavender scented scrub hits my nostril.I turn the water off ,I grab my towel and wrap it securely around my body.I put my undergarments and then my night set.

I walk back to my room as I bust myself in a book.

I was to busy in my book,I didn't realize there were people waiting at my door.I hear someone clear there throat making me look up.I put my book down as I set myself in a chair that was left by Emma this morning .I sit down and see them spread out there utensils in my bed,I feel one moisturize my face and the other splitting my hair in half.

"I'm Emil btw"the guy doing my hair mutters,I smile at him.

"Elanora"I say

"Kira also"the girl doing my makeup mutters nervously .

"So I was thinking natural makeup"Kira says looking at me.

"What ever you guys think just do it"I say

"Okay, I feel a messy bun would highlight all your beautiful face structures"Emil says

"Okay let's do this"I say excitedly

I let them do there work as I sit in the chair for about two hours.We chatted a lot which Is why we probably took a little longer.

"Okay wow"Kira

"Girl you gonna be the talk of tonight"Emil says flipping his hair amusingly,I laugh at his antics,I always say gays are hilarious.

"Okay look"Emil says seriously,passing me a mirror,I gasp at there work.Ooo I do look good.

"I love it guys"I say getting up and hugging them tight,I hear there chuckles vibrate through me.

"Dress time"Kira says running to my closet for the dress.I see her open the bag to reveal the golden dress that looks beautiful.She gives it to me as I make myself to the bathroom where I take my night set off.I slide my body in the dress,it fits perfectly with my curves.It fits like a glove on my body.

I open the door because I can't get the zipper .

"If I was straight Id so fuck you"Emil says eyeing me up and down.

"I can't get the zipper help me please"I say desperately trying to reach the zipper.

"I'll help , turn around"Kira instructs me,I turn around as she zips my dress up.

"So"I say genuinely nervous,does it look good or what.

"Perfect Elanora"Kira says giving me two thumbs up,with an infectious smile.

"Ohh my baby look at you"Emil says wiping away fake tears,I laugh at his jokes.

"Heels?"I say questionably

I see Emil run to my closet,he comes back with golden heels that match my dress,I sigh in relief.

I quickly grab them and strap them on my feet.

"Okay I'm ready"I tell them both ,they clap there hands.

"Thank you"I say bringing them Into a group hug.

I hear my door open up,I see it's only Emma,she smiles at me widely.

"Wow my baby's all grown up"she says as she tries hard to keep her tears in.I walk to her and give her a motherly hug.

"You look ravishing"she mutters excitedly ,I nod as we detach ourselves from each other.

"Come on we're waiting for you"she says making me ten times nervous.I blow kisses to Emil and Kira who wave back .

We walk down the stairs ,as our heels catch the attention of everyone.I see everyone look at me adoringly.I make it to the last step and walk to papa who has welled up tears in his eyes.I see all my brothers in black suits,there hair for once is combed back.

"sei bellissima il mio fiore"(you are beautiful my flower),papa utters as he makes my eyes fill with tears.

"grazie papà"(thanks papa),I say trying to hold back the tears because of my makeup.I feel him give me a kiss in the forehead.

"You look beautiful principessa"Matheo says lovingly,I hug him tightly not wanting to let go of his warmth.

"Ohh my princess is growing up"Romano says
as all my brothers nod there head,I roll my eyes.

"You look really beautiful but everyone's attention will be in your body"Johnny says bringing me in a brotherly hug.

"Okay we don't have time"papa says checking his watch.

"Everyone outside now"he says sternly looking at the younger ones including me.

I sprint out the door but am held back by Lucas.I walk slower behind everyone.

"You look beautiful ladybug"Lucas says ,I smile softly at him.

"And you look very handsome"I say as his smiles grows.

We walk to the car as we sit beside each other.

"Your brothers were right everyone's attention will be in your dress fucking pervs"he whispers in my ear,I roll my eyes at his protectiveness.

"I have you guys"I say glancing at him

"Good point"

We drive a couple minutes as we're already running late and we're the hosts.Lol .

We stop at the entrance of the big building."Guys be on your good behavior please"papa says.

"Yes papa"we all say simultaneously

We get off and see a couple guests getting off as well.
I wait for my brothers to get off so me and Lucas can get off.I see Lucas climb over and stick his hand out to help me.I smile ,always a gentleman.

"Thank you"I say quietly to Lucas who only nods.

We walk as the one of the guys shakily takes the keys from my dad.He looks away with fear.I roll my eyes.

We walk to the big entrance ,the stairs are huge.Everything in this building is neutral color.The walls are white ,the staircase is a dark brown,the railing brown as well.

We walk upstairs to the main ball room.

My dad pauses at the door,I feel Lucas intertwine are  elbows together.

"Thank you"

"No problem ladybug"he says making me smile warmly.

My dad opens the door loudly probably getting everyone's attention.I see my brothers walk in the main room which is upstairs.I see my brothers disappear and it's our turn to walk down .

I feel Lucas tug me ,I start walking slowly with him,I morph my face into an emotionless one.My heels making the room drop dead silent.

"Wow" "shes a goddess" "who is that" "she is a beauty" "what an attention seeker"

I hear as I descend down the stairs with my family up front and Lucas beside me.

I finally make it down the last step as everyone moves out of the way for my family.I walk down the ball smiling softly at all the guests.I don't miss the jealous glares women are giving me or the lust from men.I look straight forward as my family moves aside letting me have a view of people up front,I stop looking around as my papa stops to greet Ivan the Russia mafia leader and his family.

"Wow you look beautiful honey"Anastasia complements me.I look at her blue eyes and say.

"Thank you Anastasia"I say slowly as she gets in a conversation with Emma.I start glancing everywhere,I see all eyes are on us,but what surprises me the most is I see a face I never thought I'd see again ,I feel my breathing stop when I come in contact with those intense green eyes again....

Enjoy 😊
Chapter tomorrow 😘
Big drama coming tomorrow.
What do you guys think?👍🥰

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