Before Rory: A Gilmore Girls...

By BSVG1227

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From the outside, it seems as if fifteen-year-old Lorelai Gilmore has it all: a cute boyfriend, rich parents... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 3

518 9 2
By BSVG1227

Friday, March 16, 1984

Opening her eyes, Lorelai groaned. She was queasy. The thought of food turned her stomach and she was still tired.

Climbing from her bed, she managed to make it downstairs and found her mother sitting at the dining room table. She looked up when Lorelai entered the room.

"What's wrong, Lorelai? You don't look so good."

"That's putting a good spin on it, Mom. I feel sick."

"Rosealine, please come feel my daughter's head. Does she feel like she has a fever?"

Heaven forbid you check yourself, Lorelai thought. She held up her hand. "No, that isn't necessary."

The maid, however, did as she was told and placed her hand on Lorelai's forehead, shaking her head as she answered. "No, Mrs. Gilmore, Miss Gilmore doesn't have a fever."

"What's wrong, Lorelai?"

"I have a terrible stomachache."

Emily looked her daughter up and down. "Do you want to try to eat something?"

Lorelai quickly shook her head. "I don't think that would end well."

Emily thought for a moment. "Rosealine, will you keep an eye on Lorelai today? She probably shouldn't go to school if she is coming down with a bug."

"Where will you be, Mom?"

"I'll be home. Why?"

"I just wondered since you asked Rosealine to keep an eye on me."

The look on Emily's face was priceless, clearly demonstrating that she couldn't be bothered to care for her own ill child. "Yes, well, I'll be busy working on things around the house. If I have a spare moment, I'll come up and see how you're feeling."

Gee, thanks Mom. Without a word, Lorelai turned and made her way back to bed.


Saturday, March 17, 1984

The next morning, Lorelai felt better after most of the previous day in bed. She moseyed downstairs and found Rosealine in the kitchen, preparing her parents' breakfasts. "Would you like something light to eat, Miss Gilmore?"

Lorelai nodded. "Very light, please. An apple sounds good."

The maid grabbed an apple and handed it to her. "If you find yourself feeling hungrier as you eat that, maybe you'll be able to tackle something more substantial."

Emily entered the room, stopping as her eyes fell on her daughter. "Lorelai, you're up. How are you feeling?"

"Better. I'm ready to try to eat something."

Emily saw the fruit in her hand. "An apple? Really?"

Shrugging, Lorelai took a bite.

"Hmmm, that's an unorthodox choice for you."

"An apple sounded good today. And since I wasn't feeling well yesterday, I thought I'd stick with something small."

Emily eyed Lorelai but said nothing else.

"Any plans today, Mom?"

The elder Gilmore poured herself a cup of coffee and took a sip before answering. "Yes, I have a tea with the Litchfield D.A.R. chapter later this morning and a lecture on early English antiques after."

"So, you're going to be gone pretty much all day?"

"I'll be home by early evening. Is that a problem?"

Lorelai shook her head. "No, just wondering. I was thinking of calling Christopher to see if he wanted to come over."

"That's fine. Just make sure you stay downstairs."

Laughing to herself, Lorelai finished the apple and tossed its remains into the trash. "I know, Mom." She went upstairs and called her boyfriend. He said he'd be over within the hour so she hopped into the shower and got ready.

Forty minutes later, the sound of the doorbell filtered throughout the house. Rosealine called to her, letting her know she had company. Lorelai went downstairs and found Christopher standing in the entryway. "Hey, you feeling better?"

"Yeah, maybe a day off was all I needed. Did I miss anything important?" She led him into the living room and they both took seats.

"No but there was quite an uproar during lunch. Jason Hawkins came strutting into the cafeteria in a cape and crown to ask Destiny out. She dumped her bottle of water over his head."

"I take it her answer was 'no'," Lorelai said, chuckling. "Jason always was too much of class clown for the likes of Destiny."

"He thought looking like a king would help. He was wrong." Christopher glanced around the room. "So, what do you want to do?"

"I don't have any plans so whatever is fine." Lorelai had a twinkle in her eye as she spoke, causing Christopher's eyes to narrow.

"I'm not sure I like that look."

She leaned in and lowered her voice. "Oh, you will. Just wait for it."

"Are your parents home?"

"No, Emily had a tea to attend and Richard is at the office. It's only us and the maid."

Christopher bent toward Lorelai, his lips meeting hers. "Too bad we weren't alone because I can think of a few things to pass the time."

Rosealine appeared in the room. "Miss Gilmore, I'm afraid I need to run an errand so Mr. Hayden will have to leave."

"Oh, is everything okay?"

The maid nodded, both confused and exasperated. "I thought I had purchased everything needed for tonight's dinner but I cannot find the potatoes anywhere. I'll have to run to the grocery store so that everything is ready on time."

Lorelai smiled. "Yes, I know how demanding my mother is. It's not a problem, Rosealine." She turned toward Christopher and spoke to him in a phony voice that rivaled Emily's. "I'm sorry that you came over for nothing, Christopher." As soon as the maid's back was turned, she winked at her boyfriend. He quickly caught on and walked to the door. Lorelai reached up to hug him and whispered, "Park on the street behind the house and sneak through the hedges. I'll be waiting at the patio door."

Rosealine walked outside through the maid's quarter's door and climbed into her used SVU. As she passed by the driveway, Lorelai saw her glance toward the house, likely making sure Christopher left. Smirking, she ran toward the patio doors and waited.

As soon as she opened the door for him, Christopher pulled Lorelai into his arms and kissed her fiercely. After pulling away, he smiled down at her. "You somehow plan this?"

Lorelai feigned innocence. "I did nothing of the sort!" She then laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "I may have heard my mother mention lamb chops and roasted potatoes for dinner and may have hidden the potatoes so that Rosealine would have to run out."

"Lorelai Gilmore, you are certainly a sly young lady."

With that, the two began kissing as they moved toward the stairs.


Wednesday, March 21, 1984

The door to Lorelai's room flew open as Emily burst in. "Lorelai! It's nearly eight o'clock! You're going to be late for school!"

Lorelai moaned as she rolled over in bed, not ready to get up.

Emily crossed the room and placed her hand on Lorelai's shoulder and shook her. "Lorelai! Get up!"

Again, Lorelai groaned. "No."

Moving her hand to her daughter's forehead, she felt for a fever. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not going to school."

"Why? Do you feel sick?"

Lorelai slowly sat up, leaning against her headboard. "My stomach is upset."

Emily eyed Lorelai. "Again? You complained of that last week."

"Yes, Mom. Again."

"Do you need to get checked out?"

Lorelai shook her head. "No, I probably ate something that isn't settling right."

Emily shrugged. "I suppose that could be." She looked around the room. "Do you have a garbage can that I could move over?" Lorelai pointed to the side of her desk. Emily grabbed it and placed it beside Lorelai's bed. "It isn't a big deal if you miss another day. I'll call the school and let them know you'll be staying home. Just rest and try to feel better. I'll send Rosealine up in a little while to see if you're feeling brave enough to eat."

Lorelai nodded and slipped back down into bed. If her stomach was still is this upset later, she wouldn't be trying to get anything down.


Thursday, April 12, 1984

The latest D.A.R. meeting had concluded with a few of the women lingering to fill the others in on the latest gossip. Emily sat quietly, taking in the comments since she had nothing new to add.

Ann Mulligan's hand flew to her chest. "I can't believe I forgot to mention this earlier. I heard from a trusty source that Aiden and Sabrina's girl is...," she paused, "...with child."

Emily gasped. "You can't be serious! Alexis is a junior!"

Ann shook her head. "I'm serious. Haven't you noticed the Stanten's have been missing a lot of functions lately? They're embarrassed. Who would have thought their seventeen-year-old was acting...promiscuously?"

The other ladies weighed in on the development before moving on to other things.

Emily, though, was still reeling when she arrived home an hour later. Knowing that Richard should be home, she ventured toward his study. Absently smiling, she observed his strong stature behind the grand mahogany desk, his eyes focused on a paper in his hand.

"Richard, have you got a moment? I need to discuss something with you."

Looking up, Richard placed the paper on his desk and nodded. "Yes, Emily, come have a seat."

Emily did just that, choosing one of the two maroon cloth chairs that sat before her husband. As she did so, Richard spoke up. "What's on your mind, dear?"

"I'm worried about Lorelai. Ann Mulligan shared with some of the girls after today's meeting that Alexis Stanten has gone off and gotten herself pregnant."

Richard's face was aghast. "What? Isn't she twelve?"

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Emily chuckled. "No, she is not twelve. She is seventeen, which is two years older than Lorelai."

A smile played on Richard's lips. "Isn't Lorelai twelve?"

"Oh, Richard, you know full well that she isn't."

"Okay, so Aiden and Sabrina's seventeen-year-old daughter is expecting. Where is the link to Lorelai? Is she the father?"

"Richard Gilmore! Take this seriously."

"I'm sorry, Emily. What are you concerned about?"

"Do you think Lorelai and Christopher are having sex?"

Richard's face registered shock. "I should say not!"

Emily held up a hand. "Richard, I'm afraid that they are. Christopher sometimes brings Lorelai home after school and if one of us isn't here and we're between maids, they may have enough time to...."

"Yes, it would seem they may. Especially because we seem to be between maids quite often around here."

Emily rolled her eyes.

The two talked about this unsettling news for a little while longer before deciding to invite their minister over for dinner that evening with the hopes he could talk about the permanent consequences of having sex at such a young age.


Lorelai swung the front door open, her backpack loose in her hand. "Mom, I'm home."

Emily wound through the house, coming to greet her daughter. "Hello Lorelai, how was school?"

Raising an eyebrow, Lorelai replied, "It was good. I got an A on a history test."

"That's nice. Run upstairs and change, please. We have company for the evening."

Flinging her backpack over her shoulder, Lorelai walked upstairs to her bedroom as she wondered who was willfully spending time at the Gilmore house. She opened her closet door and picked through her shirts before deciding on one that was inappropriate with the thought that it would liven up a likely boring night. After changing, Lorelai ran a brush through her hair and touched up her make up.

Knowing Emily would be sending out a search party if she didn't return soon, Lorelai moved through her room and back to the first floor. Sounds filtered to the landing, alerting her that Emily and the guest were in the living room. Rounding the couch and taking a seat, Lorelai's eyes grew wide as she saw the family's minister sitting beside her mother. Emily was laughing her usual fake laugh as she looked at Lorelai.

"Hello Lorelai, it's wonderful to see you," Reverend Stevenson said.

"You too, Father...err, Pastor?"

"Reverend," he replied, a grin dancing on his lips. "It's common to be unsure how to address a man of the cloth."

Lorelai smiled weakly. "Sorry."

Reverend Stevenson held up his hand. "No apologizes necessary." He gestured to her shirt. "What does your shirt say? I see the words but I can't quite make them out and I don't want to give any false impressions."

Lorelai looked at Emily before casting her eyes to the floor. "'I'm living proof that my mom is easy,'" she recited.

The words sunk in quickly for the elder Gilmore. "Lorelai! Honestly! You thought that shirt would be appropriate for a dinner with Reverend Stevenson?"

"Well, Mom, you didn't tell me who the guest was. I thought it might be one of your stuffy friends so I chose this shirt to add some entertainment to the evening."

Emily's eyes narrowed briefly before remembering who else was present. Her voice took on a sugary, singsong quality. "Well, that shirt was not the smartest of choices, Lorelai. Can you please go change?"

The reverend objected. "It's fine, Emily. Kids today are all seeking ways to make their mark on the world. Lorelai need not change. We can just move onto other topics of conversation."

Emily relented before shooting Lorelai a look that clearly said there would be more talking later.

Oh great, something to look forward to, Lorelai thought as she sank down into the couch.


An hour later, the purpose of the minister's visit was crystal clear. Once Richard arrived home, Emily quickly busied herself with privately discussing an important matter with him in his study. Reverend Stevenson cleared his throat and began talking to Lorelai.

"So you're fifteen if I understand correctly?"

Lorelai nodded.

"Such a great age. The world is taking on new meaning, changes are happening that make you feel more like an adult than a child. It's wonderful."

Lorelai again nodded.

"There are some concerns, though, about teenagers trying to grow up too quickly. I hear all the time about kids your age jumping the gun, so to speak, and partaking in activities that God has intended for later in life, namely after marriage."

Lorelai groaned.

"Partaking in those events at your age is not wise. There can be lifelong effects that are not worth the risks. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Lorelai nodded. "Oh, message received. Loud and clear."

Reverend Stevenson smiled. "Good." He looked around. "So when do you think dinner will be served?"

Lorelai said nothing, instead looking down at the table, wondering the same thing herself. The start of dinner meant the end of dinner, which meant the end to this embarrassing night.

And, boy, did she have plans to talk to her parents once the good reverend left for the evening.


Emily leaned out the open door. "Have a lovely evening, Reverend." She pushed the door closed, then gasped as she came face to face with her daughter. "My word, Lorelai, you don't just sneak up on a person."

"My word, Mother, why did get the minister to bombard your teenage daughter with the task of discussing sex?"

Emily tried to look innocent. "I don't know what you mean."

"I find that very hard to believe. This evening reeks of your plans, Mother."

Emily's eyebrows furrowed together. "Why do you keep saying 'mother' like that?"

Lorelai's eyes narrowed. "Because I cannot believe that my mother would do this!"

"Oh really? And you're so sure this was a blatant set up?"

"Yes!" Lorelai cried out, growing more frustrated by the minute.

Placing her left hand on her hips, Emily pointed at her daughter with the other. "Well you're right, child, I did plan this. I asked our Reverend to come discuss sex with you because your father and I have tried and failed to get you to understand the seriousness of the topic. And after Alexis Stanten came home pregnant, I wanted to be sure we don't end up in the same boat."

"When? Neither you nor Dad have ever talked to me about sex, other than in ways to make it seem dirty."

"What do you mean?"

"Mom, neither you nor Dad have never talked to me about sex. You've made comments about it but the terms you've used implied sex was taboo so I didn't want to go to you with questions."

Emily shook her head. "That's ridiculous. It isn't my job to hold your hand on things like this, Lorelai. We told you the basics. The rest is what health class is for."

Lorelai shook her head indiscernibly and turned toward the staircase. Once upstairs, she fell onto her bed, tears clouding her vision. Why did Richard and Emily even have a child if they wanted no part in raising her?

She remembered the first class about puberty she sat through at school. She was in fifth grade. The school nurse came down to discuss with the girls what it meant to be a woman and how it wasn't shameful even if the changes were confusing. She urged the girls to talk to their mothers if they had any questions or concerns.

When she got home that afternoon, Lorelai told Emily about the class. She would never forget the reaction her mother had: "Thank God they're teaching you about it so the two of us don't have to discuss it." The thing was, Lorelai had questions that she didn't want to ask the nurse. But Emily made it clear she wasn't available to talk about it either.

And the same went for sex. In junior high, the health teacher showed a video on what she called "the miracle of life." Even though the students were in their early teens and needed to learn about it, she was too nervous to pay attention so there were gaps in what she was supposed to have understood. When she got home that evening, Emily was irate that Lorelai would ask her about sex.

"Honestly, Lorelai, have some decency!"

"I do, Mom, but I just had some questions—"

"Then ask your teacher! Why in the world would you ask me?"

"Because you're my mother."


That was the last time Lorelai tried discussing anything even remotely private with Emily. Far be it for her to assume her mother want to be the one to teach her about things the important things in life.

In the hopes of avoiding any other encounters with either parent, Lorelai grabbed her Walkman and put in a tape of her favorite band before shutting her light out.

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