White Wings

By I_Found_Alaska

15.4K 935 406

What if everything you were was determined by your eye color? In a last ditch effort to save mankind, 3 scien... More

White Wings
The Spirit Woman
Blue and White
hehe, shh
A Dragon
First Flight
The Spirit Woman Meets a Dragon
Sorry, not an update:(
Invaders From the North
A Colony
Figure in the Night
Stranger, Not Always Danger
Cecilia's Half Memory
On Hold
F for Family, and Fighting
A Beginning


380 31 14
By I_Found_Alaska

Glaciea let out a loud roar, causing a few warriors to look up, before resuming to fight. I dived, then pulled up, opening my very large wings. A few Flyers gaped at me, but I ignored them, soaring to Brian. I quickly killed the distracted Bat, with little feeling of remorse. These creatures were unintentionally bred to be killers, with no soul.

"Wha-" Brian started, but immediately shut his mouth when he caught sight of me. Or more specifically, my wings. I gave him a smile smile, unnerved that I couldn't read his features.

All of a sudden, his eyes turned hard. "Duck!" He commanded, at the exact same time Glaciea warned me of a Bat flying up right behind me. I turned and lashed out with my right leg. I caught the bat square on the jaw, and he plummeted with a screech. If Bats experience a certain amount of pain, their wings will give out for a few seconds. It's a common war strategy for wiping out whole battalions quickly, letting them fall to their deaths instead of killing them.

I craned my head back, glancing at Brian. "It was nice to see you," I told his bewildered face before flying away. I flew up and came alongside Glaciea, who had a whole circle of Bats around her. I roundhouse-kicked one in the left wing, instantly breaking it. He screeched as he fell, bringing attention to me.

Crap, I thought. Glaciea let loose a jet of ice, freezing any Bat it came in contact with. With their wings frozen, they too fell out of the sky.

Thanks, I told her. Before she could scold me and order me to stay near her, I was back in the thick of the fight.

I fought with any Bat I came across, and made sure they were all dead. This went on for about 15 minutes before Glaciea cut into my thoughts. If we aren't dead by the time this is over, I'm killing you.

I actually looked up from fighting with yet another enemy and laughed.

After dispatching the creature, I was about to fly to the aid of another Flyer, who was fighting for her life. Then, a loud horn sounded, and I whipped around, hovering in mid-air. A large Bat screamed from across the battlefield, and every single one of our enemies began to retreat.

I looked around, watching as the flew away north, not caring if they bumped others on the way. The Flyers took advantage of the distraction and began to kill any Bat that came too close to them.

I turned to Glaciea, who looked like the utterly ferocious dragon she was. Her scales was caked in dried and fresh blood, as were her claws. Her lips were curled, showing her blood stained teeth as she ripped apart any Bat that came to near.

I flew toward her, feeling as though I was in PE, flying through an agility course. I dodged Bats and free-falling weapons from falling warriors. The entire scene disturbed me.

I flew up beside Glaciea, patting her smooth scales. "It's over," I said, swaying slightly. The fight was short, but intense. My wings flapped unevenly, tiredness weighing at them.

I yawned, and Glaciea told me to climb on her back to rest my wings. I nodded without complaint and slid on. I leaned forward and rested my face against her warm scales, taking a deep breath. Attempting to get away from this place, these problems, if only for a moment.

Then, the screams of the injured and the clank of weapons forced me to return to the material world. I straightened up. "Let's go to the ground and see if we can help." Glaciea wordlessly obliged, descending slowly.

Flyers gave me some surpried looks as a I passed. Others glared with open hostility, raising their weapons in defense. I raised my hand in a peaceful gesture, and they cautiously lowered their weapons. Yet the looks on their faces, though softened somewhat, stayed.

When we neared the ground, Glaciea spread her wings and gently landed, then shook her head. I climbed off her broad back, using her muscular leg as a step stool. I was much to tired to fly. Even if I tried I would definitely fall.

I came and stood just in front of my Soul Animal, hand laid on her chest. She kneaded her claws into the ground, creating large gouges in the earth.

A small crowd of women and children who had not participated in the fight gathered around us, whispers flowing through the crowd. I flapped my wings once, uneasy. Glaciea's eyes flicked over the crowd, not used to so many Flyers. I heard snippets of conversation, some about Glaciea, others about me, and some about my wings. But, most were about my blue eyes. This is an example of how important eyes were to Flyers. There is a huge ice and fire breathing dragon in front of you, but you only care about the girl with blue eyes in front of her. I rolled my eyes, slightly annoyed.

As my eyes traveled over the crowd, I realized most of these people I knew. I had gone to school with them, talked with them, walked with them. I noticed Salla, my neighbor. Her light chocolate colored skin and bouncy black curls, with piercing green eyes that were narrowed with suspicion. The feathers of her dark brown wings were ruffled. I gave her the smallest of smiles, and her tense posture relaxed slightly as she smiled back.

She pushed her way through the crowd, wings tucked to her sides. She came to the front, standing a few feet from me. A silence fell over the crowd as they waited.

Glaciea tensed, and tilted my head up to look at her. She had curled her lips, showing 2 rows of teeth sharper than any sword. Be kind, this is a friend, I sent to her as I stepped forward.

A smile spread across Salla's face. Her emerald eyes sparkled as she spread her arms and wings. "Welcome home Heather," she spoke and ran into her embrace. She wrapped her arms and wings around me, and I smiled, my face buried in her chest.

Salla had always been like a second mother to me. I'm glad she still accepts me as if nothing has changed.

"Excuse me, pardon," a voice spoke loudly through the now whispering crowd. "What is going on here!?" A voice that I loved called, annoyed. "We have injured to be takes care of!" My mother waltzed to the front of the crowd, her hands Waving all over the place. Salla let me go, turning to face my mother. She spread her wings just enough so that it blocked me from view.

"Stephanie, there's someone here who would like to see you," Salla said, barely containing her excitement. It became quiet, then my mother asked who.

I shyly peeked my head out from behind Salla's wing, looking at my mother. She gasped, then covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes became watery and before I knew it, I was wrapped up in her warm hug. "My baby,"she whispered.

Glaciea let out a faint sigh of happiness at my contentment. The crowd backed up a few feet, believing she was growling. I smiled, but then Mom shoved me behind her.

"Stay behind me. Guards!" Mom called, raising her voice. I panicked, flapping my wings and gracefully flying over her small figure. I landed beside Glaciea, who lowered her head, nosing my arm. I carefully climbed onto her large head, and I heard gasps, including from my mother.

"Everyone stop! We are here to help!" In my agitated state, I spread my wings wide. More gasps ran through the crowd. I furrowed my brows, confused.

Your wings! Glaciea spoke. They're white, remember? It's scaring the people!

My eyes widened, immediately snapping them shut, tightly against my back. "Everyone! Please! I know you are scared, but let me explain!" I yelled over the crowd, hands waving to keep my balance.

Surprisingly, the crowd began to quiet down. It might have had to do with the fact that I was sitting on a huge dragon that could barbecue them at a moments notice, but I would take what I can get.

Everyone's eyes turned to me. Brown, grey, green, hazel. But none of them were blue. I looked at everyone's wings. Each and everyone of them were a dark shade of brown or black. None were white.

I took a deep breath, collecting my thoughts. Deep sadness weighed in my chest, as I knew what I had to do. I could feel Glaciea's encouragement, so I began. "When I went to the Spirit woman, my true eyes were revealed to me. Yes, as many of you can tell, they are blue." Murmurs and gasps came from the back of the crowd, where they couldn't see my eye color. "I will elaborate on this further, but please, let me continue. My wings also changed colors, which is something that has never happened before. As you can see, they are white." I stretched out my wings, gesturing to them.

"I know it is strange, I was frightened too. But you must listen! There is a prophecy about a Flyer with white wings and blue eyes, that she will end this horrid war. I-" the crowd began to shout.

"How can we trust you?"
"You have blue eyes, you must be lying!"
"Take her away!" They began to come forward, testing Glaciea's lines of personal space.

I took a few steps back, my face betraying how scared I was. I desperately shouted at the crowd to quiet down to no avail. Glaciea, with me hanging on, let out a massive roar, causing everyone to stop and stare. I patted the edge of her nose, standing back up and thanking her.

"Now, please! You are my village, you must believe me! Only I can end this war!" The crowd settled, but murmurs of mistrust still rang through the air.

"Now, the king has lied! A person's eye color does not determine your entire personality! My eyes may be blue, but I am the same person I was when they were brown." The faces of the crowd became dead-silent as I spoke out so blatantly against the king.

"After the Spirt Woman cast her spell, I found my Soul Animal! This is her," I pointed down to her, "She can shift between an owl and a dragon. I know this is a lot to take in, and some of you may not believe me. I will stop this war. But..." I stopped, squeezing my eyes shut, preventing any tears from falling.

I knew what I had to do, but I was tearing my heart. "But... I-I have to leave now. And I don't know when I will be back. Goodbye, friends and family. I pray I see you again," I said, voicing quivering, as Glaciea lowered her head to the ground. I hopped off and ran to my mother, who held me in another hug.

"You really don't have to go, do you?" she asked, her face buried in my hair.

I sniffed, tears threatening to spill. "Mom, I'm sorry. And I love you, but I need to go. Tell Nico and Dad I love them, ok?" I pulled away from her.

She dabbed at her eyes, not looking at me. She took a deep breath, and then we locked gazes. She grabbed my shoulders. "I will. But baby, I don't care if your eyes are blue or orange or purple. I don't care! I don't care if your wings are white. I just want you to come home. Can you promise me that?" Her eyes held so much fear. I bit my lip, looking down.

Grabbing her arms gently, I said, "Mom, I can't promise anything. You have to know that." I didn't want to face this destiny, a destiny I may not come back from. I knew what I had to do. And to do this, I had to leave, knowing I may not ever come back.

She sniffed again, nodding. "I do. But try to be safe." She looked up at Glaciea, who let out a huff of surprise at be addressed by anything other than whispers and curious stares. "Take care of my girl, you heard? Protect her." Glaciea blinked, then lowered her head to Mom.

My proud mother nodded, then turned back to me and gave me a final hug. "I love you, and so do your father and brother," so whispered, and I replied I love her and them to her. Then I detached myself from Mom. Sadly, I flew up to Glaciea's back and righted myself. I looked out and waved to the now smaller crowd, and more importantly to my mother. She waved back, tears streaming down her face.

Then Glaciea leaped up, carrying me into the now darkening sky, and away from my old life.

Hey guys! So, I posted the summary to a new book I'm going to write:) if love for you to check it out, and if you like it, vote and comment so I know:) I'm sorry that it's taken forever, but tell me if the wait was worth it!:) I hope it was!

Love you!

Stay Awesome:)

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