Curse of Immortality (Naruto...

By ReadingStories2020

184K 5K 1K

Hi! This is my first Naruto FanFiction, so I hope you will be kind and not be too harsh as you provide your c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 2

13.6K 297 234
By ReadingStories2020

At the age of fifteen (15) [ten years later]...

Well I called it! I knew it! I've become an absolute monster. I looked at my status plate and saw the huge difference it had since I began training myself to the present time.

Name: Ayumi

Family Name: [blocked]

Age: 15

Title(s): Reincarnated, Child beloved by the Sage of Six Paths, Sharingon User, Prodigy, Loner, Craftsman (or woman?)

Level: 93

Chakra Control: Max

Chakra Sensing: Max

Chakra: 1,517,342/1,517,342

Attack: 83

Defense: 78

Agility: 98

Int: 64

Luck: Max

Jutsu Categories: Ninjutsu (65%), Taijutsu (99%), Genjutsu (45%)

Jutsu Subcategories: Fuinjutsu (63%), Juinjutsu (36%), Senjutsu (10%), Medical Ninjutsu (56%), Kenjutsu (43%), Barrier Ninjutsu (68%)

Chakra Natures: Fire (64%), Water (73%), Earth (62%), Wind (51%), Lighting (62%)

Advance Chakra Natures: Wood (58%)

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingon (Level 4)

Curse: Immortality (cannot be broken)

Additional Skills: Item Box (Max), Super Growth (Max)

Hobbies: Embroidery (Advance), Cooking (Advance), Metalworking (Intermediate)

As you can tell from my new status, I've improved a lot compared to ten years ago. Though the title of Loner did make me think about a few things like, even though I lived in complete isolation, I still occasionally went to a small village to learn about the word around me from the books they had in their libraries... yeah, I'm a loner. Maybe I should go and live in a village or something... perhaps. All I know now is that I'm going to start traveling, to places I've never been to before, I know that I'm the land of Fire but that's it and that's probably why my Int. hasn't grown as much as my other stats. Also, learning senjutsu is hard, I've only learned 10% in ten years and I'm worried that it'll take me forever to get it up to 100%...

Well let's get going!

Over the years I have changed the clothing I once wore with another. I now wear this (not sure how to describe it but Ayumi does not have pink hair!);

As for my hair, I styled it into a think braid and it's length reaches right at my knees. Covering my whole outfit is a high collared, big hooded grey cloak that reaches to my ankles.

I put my belongings; scrolls, books, clothing, food, bottles filled with water, toiletries and even the furniture that I used for my house! Into my Item Box. I made a sword that I made a few years ago and named it Benihime, sliding it into the side of my waist just in case someone had decided to attack me on my journey. I walked out of the wooden structure I had called my home for a decade; it was a simple one-story cottage, I used wood jutsu to construct it and I must admit, it was good practice.

Anyways, I used a fire jutsu to burn the structure to ash and I used earth jutsu to bury the remains. It was so, if someone would come across this area, they wouldn't know there was a person living here all this time. Then I walked away from the former location of my house and walked into the forest to start my journey.

A few days later...

I sat in a room, sipping tea, and looking out at the window to see the view of the garden. How did I get into this position?


It was two days ago, and I was walking in the forest, minding my own business until I came upon a boy around my age leaning against a tree unconscious. I walked up to said boy and looked at him closer. He had white hair and was wearing blue armer, but what caught my eye was the red blood seeping through his armor from his left lower abdomen.

I quickly took off his armor that covered the wound and laid him down. When I inspected the flesh wound, there wasn't an infection and I sighed in relief. I put my hand above his wound and used Medical Ninjutsu on it. My hand glowed green and the wound started to regenerate. Once it was done, I pulled out my bottle of water and a rag from Item Box, pouring water on the rag and used said rag to clean the blood on the boy. When I was done with that, I put the bloodied rag and the now empty bottle of water back into Item Box and stood up. I put the amor back on the boy and positioned him against the tree, leaving a quick note telling him to rest and drink plenty of water when he got back home. I also placed a barrier around him, so wild animals and people couldn't harm him while he was resting. The only way it could be released is by the caster or the person inside of the barrier was to cast release on it.

I then walked away from him and jumped into the trees to continue my journey. Once I was a while away, far enough from where the boy rested at, I finally stopped in a tree. Making sure my hood was on, I decided that it was a good idea to rest for a few hours. I closed my eyes to let myself to rest, after I set up a sensory barrier around me to warn me if someone was too close.

A few hours later, I believe, I jolted awake as I was warned by the barrier that people were coming, and they were coming quick. I quickly stood up, still groggy from my nap and started to tree jump away. When I was running away, I decided for some strange reason that I wouldn't use half of the speed I would usually use, but instead settled for just a fourth. I thought that it was a good speed, slow enough not to waste my energy and enough to be faster than them.

I spent a few minutes doing this but the party behind me were gaining distance and coming close, I finally looked behind me and the white hair boy from before was one of the people chasing after me, I had also taken noticed that he had blood red eyes. Then there was another boy that looked older than the white head and he had brown eyes and long hair, he was the one taking charge I believe. Then he started to yell at me,

"Wait! Please wait!" I thought over his words and sighed, I don't know why but I stopped tree jumping and they finally caught up. I made sure my hood was on me when I asked,

"What do you want from me?"

"Well before we get to that, my name is Hashirama Senju and I'm the heir to the Senju Clan." The newly named, Hashirama, introduced himself.

"Senju Clan?" I asked, letting myself process the information. "Oh... did I do something wrong?"

"Nothing of the sorts, I wanted to thank the person who saved my brother's life." Hashirama told me.

"Brother?" I asked.

"Ah yes, the boy you saved, is my brother Tobirama Senju." Hashirama directed his hand to the white-headed boy from before to confirm.

"Okay... my name is Ayumi." I spoke.

"You don't have a Clan Name?" Tobirama asked, his eyes looking at me suspiciously.

"Not that I know of... I've lived by myself since a young age and never met my parents, so..." I trailed off. It wasn't a complete lie, for some reason my family name is blocked on my status.

"I know! How about you come with us to our estate?!" Hashirama suggested.

"Brother! You can't just welcome strangers into our home! What if she's a spy?!" Tobirama cried. When Hashirama tried to refute, Tobirama told him to shut up and that's when a purple mushroom cloud formed above Hashirama as he began to sulk. When I looked at their clansmen, I saw them just sigh and sweat drop at the scene. It seems like it's a common occurrence.

"Hashirama, you know that it's always a possibility that it could be true... you shouldn't be so trusting. From what I've heard, you guys are at war with the Uchiha Clan, correct?" From how tense the area around us became all the sudden, I could confirm it. "For all you guys could know, I'm just a spy to that clan."

"But then why did you save Tobirama?" The heir questioned and I had nothing to convince him otherwise. "Ha! I knew it you're not part of the Uchiha Clan, so come with us!" I looked at the others in the group and they were weary, and I tried to retort but Tobirama beat me to it.

"Fine, let's bring her back." He looked at me for my opinion, I only sighed and nodded in return. Sparkles immediately formed around Hashirama as he asked me to follow him and I complied. I then tree jumped alongside them as they led me to their estate.

When they jumped to the ground, we landed in front of a large estate and the guards there immediately readied themselves to attack me and it took both Senju Brothers to stop them. Once they lowed their weapons and let me in, I followed the brothers to a sliding door. They asked for permission to enter and I heard a rough come in, sound from inside the room. They opened the door and they urged for me to come in with them.

"Hashirama, Tobirama, who is this girl that you brought with you?" A man with a great presence asked.

"Father, this is Ayumi, she was the one who heal Tobirama." Hashirama introduced.

"She has no Clan name?" He asked.

"No, from what she has told us, she was never informed what clan she was from, since she lived in the forest in isolation since young." Tobirama explained.

"Tell me girl, what you know of about the Senju Clan." He asked.

"Well, I know that the clan has been with war with the Uchiha Clan for many years and that your Kekkei Genkai is wood release, but other than that... I'm afraid I'm quite ignorant." I admitted.

"I see... then to show us that you mean no harm, will you remove your cloak?" He asked. I simply nodded and unclipped my cloak and held it to my side as I stood. Hashirama, Tobirama and everyone in the room looked at me in shock.

"I apologize if this comes out rude, but is there something wrong?" I asked and then they broke from their stares.

"No, nothing is wrong child. If you would like, you may stay in the estate as long as you do not cause us harm." He warmly said, as if the defense he had around him, disappeared. I smiled at him and answered,

"Sure. If you don't mind that is."

Flashback end...

And that's how I ended up in my position. Staying at the Senju Estate, though I can easily tell that they're watching over me to make sure that I'm not actually a spy. I can't blame them. Who wouldn't, after all what if they let a spy into their home and in the end, I betrayed them in the end? I sighed.

During my time here, I've visited the library and read all their books about history, clans and memorized the map of the world, so I can improve my Int. level... though because of that I wasn't able to see the Senju brothers at all, but even so, they were always out on the battlefield fighting. There were a few moments when I would spar lightly (when no one was around, and it was outside the estate) with the Senju brothers and they've learned not to underestimate me.

I stood from my seat, grabbing Benihime, and the maid in the room stood along with me.

"Is there a place where I can train at?" I asked.

"Train?" The maid questioned.

"A place to train with my sword." I explained.

"Then please follow me." The maid bowed and led me out of the room and through the estate.

We walked for a few minutes and I memorized the layout of the buildings so that next time I wouldn't get lost the next time I went. We finally arrived at the training grounds and there were many men training there. I looked around seeing if there was any place where I could train with Benihime.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here for?" He asked, standing right in front of me.

"I'm just here to train. I hope there isn't a problem with that." I faked smiled at him.

"Train? Training isn't for someone so weak looking like you, little lady." I could hear the snickers from the men in the training ground as they watched the confrontment.

"Please, you need to treat her with respect. Lord Butsuma-!" The maid was interrupted as she suddenly braced for impact as the man in front of me raised his hand to hit her.

"Why should I respect a weak girl like right?!" He brought his hand down to her face and right before it made impact, I grabbed his wrist. "What the?!"

"In all honesty, I don't care if you talk crap about me," I glared at him, releasing killing intent. "But harming someone who's standing up for another, is just pathetic." I began to crush his wrist, not enough to break it but enough to cause pain.

"Let go of me!" He cried. "Instead, let's fight!" I let go of his fist, pulled in my KI, and accepted his offer.

"Very well." I walked into the center of the field and extracted Benihime. "What rules are we going by with this fight?"

"But Lady Ayumi-!"

"We'll be fighting like we would on the battlefield. The use of our weapons and ninjutsu is permitted." He smirked, as he unsheathed his blade. "The battle will end when one of us is unable to fight, either one of us surrenders or we're put at death's door."

"Understood." Then I readied myself, everyone in the field circled around us, getting ready to watch us fight and the maid that was with me before ran off.

I stood in the same place unmoving with Benihime's blade by my side. The man in front of me went in a weird pose with his sword, though I didn't show it. One of the people in the crowd, walked out and raised his hand.

"Ready." I poured chakra into Benihime. "Begin!" I raised the arm with Benihime up and dropped her, her blade sinking into the soil. The man in front of me charge and Benihime casted her jutsu. A wood release, it caused roots to come out of the ground and render the man in front of me unable to move. I picked Benihime up from the soil and approached the man in front of me.

"How?! This is our clan's Kekkei Genkai! So how-?!" I stood right in front of him and released KI, making him drop his blade as he looked up at me with fear.

"I'm sorry, but even I don't know the answer to your question." I lied. "But I do know that this battle is over, please surrender."

"Never! I'd rather die than surrender to a woman like you!" He proclaimed. I raised my sword high in the air.

"Then prepared to face the consequences." He closed his eyes preparing for death, but I released my KI and switched my grip on Benihime's handle and hit the back of the man's head with Benihime's pommel, making him unconscious. I sheathed Benihime and checked if the man really was unconscious and he was. I released the jutsu and watched his body drop to the ground. Then I asked, "Can someone take him to the medical room, he'll be knocked out for the rest of the day." Two people came forth and picked him up, wrapping his arms around their shoulders and taking him away. Then the sound of rushed running came our way and Hashirama and Tobirama appeared.

"Wait please don't fight!" Hashirama cried and I only sweat dropped at his words. He had a closer look at the scene and flushed red in embarrassment as the fight was already over.

"Brother, it seems like Ayumi has settled things without our assistance." Tobirama pointed out the oblivious. I only smiled at his words, walking up to them, and bowing.

"Sorry for causing trouble." I apologized and stood up.

"Ah, no. From what we were told, you were challenged by one of our clansmen after you defended a maid from receiving an injury. So the ones at fault is us." Tobirama bowed to me and so did Hashirama.

"It's fine, in the end the only injury that occurred is a sore head for the poor man." I joked. They rose from their bows. "Though... I think it's a sign that maybe I have overstayed my welcome."

"You're planning on leaving?!" Hashirama cried. "You've only been here for a few days, though!"

"Yes." I simply answered.

"Such a shame." I looked at the source of the voice and it was Butsuma. "I was hoping that perhaps you would stay and become my daughter-in-law."

"Daughter-in-law?" I tilted my head in confusion. I looked at Hashirama and Tobirama, hoping that they would have an answer, but all I saw was that their faces were flushed red or at least Hashirama's was, Tobirama only gave a light blush. That only told me that they weren't informed about this idea, at all.

"Yes, I was thinking of engaging you to one of my sons." Butsuma thought deeply.

"F-father!" Hashirama stuttered in horror. Tobirama only blushed a little deeper red. Though, I was completely in panic mode, I didn't show it, only smiling softly at the thought.

"Then if you really desire for me not to leave so soon, I can stay for another few days." I offered, making his previous words as a joke. Butsuma laughed at my words but not in an offensive way.

"Even though I said it as a joke at first. I'm thinking of making it reality after watching your fight." My eyes widened at his words and my face warmed up. "But I really do hope you stay for at least a few more days and hopefully discuss this subject more later." I nodded quickly and left (ran away) to the room I was staying in. Slamming the door behind me and dropping to the floor, I put my hands to my face feeling the warmth of my face.

"Why~" I whined, casting a water jutsu t spray on my face to calm me down.

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