dreamland ;; hirako shinji

By oohacupcake

2.1K 68 1

shinji had forgotten about the girl he grew up with in rukongai, until she waltzed right into his quarters wi... More

ichi {いち}
ni {に}
san {三}
yon {四}
go {五}
roku {六}
hachi {はち}

nana {七}

180 7 0
By oohacupcake

Shinji walked to his squad's meeting room with a spring in his step. The air felt clearer and the weight in his chest had been lifted.

"Alright, men, line up!" he called as he entered the room.

His squad lined up in formation and he stood before them.

"As ya probably know by now, Fukutaicho Aizen has been sent to the Living World on a mission. That means it's just gonna be me leadin' ya until he returns. So try not to need me too much." He grinned. "That being said, numbers of Menos have stumbled their way into the Living World, so we can only assume the threat will reach Seireitei shortly. We must be ever vigilant and keep a watchful eye on our designated areas. I'd like ya to increase yer daily trainin' and prepare yerselves for any and all future conflicts. We don't know what they're planning, but hopefully Aizen will find information to point us in the right direction."

"Yes, Taicho!" shouted the squad.

"Second order of business, Aizen recently moved his girlfriend, Suzuki Ayame, into the barracks. I'm taking on the personal duty of trainin' her in the hopes she decides to become a Shinigami. If ya see her, yer to treat her with the utmost respect, as if she were one of yer brothers-in-arms. If I hear that any of ya have been treatin' her in way less than favorable, yer gonna be doing my paperwork for a week. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Taicho!"

"Good, now go about yer business. Meetin' dismissed."

The squad members broke formation and wandered out of the room.

"You seem to be doing better than yesterday," Yoruichi said, coming in the room.

"Ah, Yoruichi-san!" Shinji exclaimed. "How ya doin'?"

"I'm well, as always. What changed?"

Shinji looked around to make sure no stragglers were left. "She came to my room this morning, early, after Aizen left."

"Oh?" Yoruichi smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Nothin' crazy happened. We sat and talked. She asked a lot about you and Urahara."

Yoruichi laughed. "I guess that's to be expected."

"We caught up, though. I think I might have a chance yet." Shinji guided Yoruichi into his adjoining office.

"What makes you say that?" Yoruichi asked, crossing her arms and Shinji sat behind his desk.

"She doesn't love him. She even laughed when I asked."

Yoruichi grinned. "Good. What's your plan?"

"I think I'm gonna wing it, but I agreed to train her in my free time." Shinji pulled a document off his large stack of paperwork.

"She has abilities?"

"Would ya believe me if I told ya she was better than me when we were kids?"

"Good. We could always use more women in our ranks."

Shinji grinned. "If I have my way with her, she'll be entering The Academy before Aizen returns. A nice little welcome home surprise for 'im."

"I like where your head is, Shinji," Yoruichi laughed. "Don't get too ahead of yourself though. You are still a captain, and you shouldn't slight the man at your right hand."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"I'll let you catch up on your paperwork. I have a meeting with Ginrei."

Shinji smirked. "Don't play too hard with that little Byakuya. Who knows what'll happen if he snaps."

Yoruichi winked before shunpo-ing away.


"Ayame-san? Ya here? Time for training," Shinji called through the door of Aizen's room.

The door slid open to reveal the girl dressed in a Shinigami's shihakusho.

"Oh good! Yer already lookin' the part!" he exclaimed. "Here, I have a gift for ya." He handed her a katana. "Ya ever fought with a  real sword before?"

"No, unless you count the wooden ones we used as kids!" Ayame said, grabbing the hilt and securing it to her obi.

"Nope. Follow me."

They walked to the Squad Five's training ground. Shinji pushed the door open, revealing a large colosseum-esque structure.

"Wow! This is huge!" Ayame exclaimed, looking around.

"Has to be big enough to fit the whole squad. And big enough that they can fight without tramplin' each other."

Shinji drew his sword. "Alright, first lesson: foot work. If ya ain't balanced on yer fight, you'll lose immediately. Now, draw yer sword and get into stance."

Ayame took her katana out of it's hilt and held it in front of her with both hands.

"Good. Now, bring yer right foot forward a tad."

Ayame looked down at her feet and shifted them into position.

"Good," Shinji said. "Now, ya want yer katana to be at the center of yer body, slightly angled upward."

Ayame shifted her katana slightly. "Like this?"

Shinji stood behind her, putting his arms around her, taking her hands in his. "Like this." He shifted the sword to the correct position.

He stepped in front of her. "Notice how secure this footin' feels? If an opponent were to hit ya, ya wouldn't lose balance."

Ayame nodded.

"An important thing to remember is to always keep yer body facing yer opponent. This gives yer attacks more power and maintains yer balance at the same time. Now, come at me."

Shinji took his stance as Ayame ran towards him, raising the katana about her head and swinging down hard. He blocked the blow and grinned.

"Good. Ya got some strength in that swing."

Ayame smirked. "Were you expecting me to be weak?"

"Hell nah, but maybe a little rusty," Shinji said, sticking out his tongue.

Ayame swung again, and Shinji blocked. "Hey, don't forget who trained you!"

"Ha, wouldn't dream of it, darlin'. Now, I'm gonna swing at ya, and ya need to watch my movements and block my attack."

Shinji backed up then charged at her, swinging with most of his force. Ayame stopped the blow with her sword, her feet sliding backwards in the dirt.

"Nice block! I used a lotta strength with that blow too. Yer nice 'n solid on ya feet," Shinji remarked, backing up and taking position again. "Think ya can handle some sparrin' now?"

Ayame nodded. "Absolutely."

"Well then, let's fight! First one on their ass loses."

Ayame charged and Shinji, who masterfully dodged the attack and came at her from behind. Ayame whipped around at the last second and blocked. She swung hard and Shinji blocked. They clashed swords a few times and Ayame was starting to pant.

"Tired already?" Shinji teased. "Where's the fun in that!"

"Not tired, just out of practice. I'll knock you on your ass, Hirako."

Ayame charged and their swords clashed multiple times before Ayame kicked Shinji's legs out from under him and he fell to the ground. Ayame put her foot on his chest and pointed her sword at his throat.

"You lose."

Shinji laughed, trying to recover from the wind being knocked out of him. "Ya still got it, I'm impressed."

Ayame sheathed her katana and extended her arm, helping him up from the ground. "Feels good to fight again."

Shinji stood and wiped off his robes. "Just one lesson in and ya already knocked me on my ass. That's a good sign. Took yer boyfriend three days."

"Well, I have an advantage seeing as you haven't changed your fighting style in the last two hundred years," Ayame laughed. "You're stronger, though. Much stronger. I actually had to work to knock you down."

Shinji grinned. "Just wait till ya see my shikai." He sheathed his zanpakuto and slung his arm lazily over Ayame's shoulder. "Let's get somethin' to eat. All this fighting's got me famished."

Ayame laughed and walked with him back to his room. When they reached his room, Shinji changed his haori and set Ayame's katana down.

"We can come back for that later. Follow me."

They walked outside of the barracks into the town. Shinji led Ayame to his favorite ramen shop.

"This place has the best pork belly tonkatsu ramen, and their ajitama is to die for. Let's grab a seat."

Ayame sat at a table near the window, and Shinji sat across from her. He closed his eyes and breathed in the smell. A waiter came and took their order quickly, as well as delivered some green tea.

"Ya ever had blue lotus tea?" Shinji asked.

Ayame sipped her cup. "No, what's it like?"

"Well, the taste is alright, but ya don't really drink it for it's taste. It does some crazy shit to yer mind."

"Really? What does it do?"

"Well for one, it give ya some crazy dreams. Helps ya lucid dream. It also brings a sense of euphoria. Makes ya feel good," Shinji explained as the waiter delivered their ramen.

Shinji took a sip of the broth before taking a bite of noodles. Ayame took a bite of the marinated egg.

"So it makes you feel good and gives you lucid dreams? Is that it?"

Shinji smirked and looked around before speaking in a hushed tone. "It's also a hell of an aphrodisiac."

Ayame laughed quietly as she took another bite. "So did you drink some the other night?"

Shinji's face flushed slightly as he smirked. "Maybe, but a master never reveals his methods."

"Are you interested in other plants with similar properties? They sound fascinating."

Shinji nodded. "There's a plethora of plants that were traditionally used in ceremonies 'n shit around the world. Most of 'em have psychoactive effects. Kisuke and I like trying 'em out together."

"How long have you know each other?"

"'Bout fifty years. He was in Yoruichi's squad but then he was promoted to captain about seven years ago. He was strugglin' as a captain in the beginning, but I helped him figure things out and now he's golden."

"That's good."

The pair talked and laughed for the rest of their meal then walked back to the barracks.

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