The Autumn I Met You | Jun x...

By nak4zuha

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INSPIRED BY THE ANIME YOUR LIE IN APRIL - - - Autumn leaves fall Retired pianist Wen Junhui accompanies a fr... More

Chapter 1 🍂:: The day I met her
Chapter 2 🍂:: The first time I saw her play
Chapter 3 🍂:: The day she became an audience favourite
Chapter 4 🍂:: The first day we went out together
Chapter 5 🍂:: The day I became her accompanist
Chapter 7 🍂:: The day they had their moment
Chapter 8 🍂:: The first time performing in years
Chapter 9 🍂:: The day I was on stage again
Chapter 10 🍂: The first time I see her in the hospital
Chapter 11 🍂:: The day she was waiting for me
Chapter 12 🍂:: The first time competing alone
Chapter 13 🍂:: The day I got flashbacks
Chapter 14 🍂:: The first time I embraced my fears
Chapter 15 🍂:: The day I see her again
Chapter 16 🍂:: The first time she got invited to play
Chapter 17 🍂:: The day I hear that song again.
Chapter 18 🍂:: The first time I go out with her alone
Chapter 19 🍂:: The day I got left to play alone
Chapter 20 🍂:: The first time I said goodbye to her
Chapter 21 🍂:: The day she lost her ability
Chapter 22 🍂:: The first time I went on a "date"
Chapter 23 🍂:: The day we went to school at night
Chapter 24 🍂:: The first time I see her alone
Chapter 25 🍂:: The day she asks me to stay with her
Chapter 26 🍂:: The day she left the world
Chapter 27 (LAST CHAPTER) 🍂:: Yerin's Letter
Authors Note 🍂

Chapter 6 🍂:: The first time I see her pushy side

45 11 0
By nak4zuha

Jun was sitting in the music room in school, alone. He hears the door behind him slam open. In surprise he turns around in shock.

"How many times have I told you to knock!?" Jun scolds Sinb. As he looked at Sinbs hand. "What is that?" He asked. "Yerin told me to give this to you. She told me you'll be accompanying her next week for her competition.

"Wha- I told her I'll think about it. I never confirmed." Jun talked back. "Well you have one week. You better start practicing." "Sinb slams the piano sheet on the table next to him.

"Where is she anyways if she is suddenly going to make me her accompanist if I never agreed to it yet?" Jun asks Sinb disturbed. "She's with Wonwoo at the moment."

"But I already told-" "It's easier to just give up and accompany Yerin to her next competition. You know how pushy I can be don't you." Sinb cuts Jun off, smirking at him.

"No promises." Jun sighs. Sinb stares at him in disappointment. "You asked for it." Sinb turned back, pressing a button to a radio sitting by the door."

Jun holds the music sheet. "Saint Saëns's Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso". He reads out. Then hearing the same song coming from the radio Sinb turned on.

"Ughhhh that girl." Jun moans out in frustration.

The Next Day before school

Sinb is walking peacefully beside the road on her way to school. "YAH, COME BACK HERE YOU LIL" Sinb sees two figures passing by her.


Later realising it was Yerin chasing Jun. "I AM SCREWED NEXT WEEK IF I HAVE NO ACCOMPANIST." Yerin shouts at Jun from behind running with her textbook in her hands.

"WAIT!" Sinb screams at them chasing after them. Later seeing them arrive at the entrance of their school. Finding Jun lying on the wall and Yerin hitting his chest.

"I...I thought you were chill." Jun panted, out of breath. "You are scary as hekk." Jun muttered. "Well I'm only like this as a last resort."

"Jun...Yerin..." Sinb catches up to them. "What the hell!?" Sinb asks them both. "The question is why are you both so pushy!" Jun shouts back. "Just be my accompanist next week, you already play so good." Yerin talks back to him.

"Don't worry about him. I'll make sure he accompanies you in next week's competition." Sinb reassures Yerin, then turning to Jun giving him a death glare.

"What have I gotten myself into" Jun mutters to himself regretting his decisions.

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