Covens At War

By mrsnicky_

40.9K 934 1.2K

Him and everything he was made my blood boil. His family didnt like mine, mine didnt like his. Our covens wer... More

Hate + Love
Rock wall
Some how


1.8K 37 16
By mrsnicky_

I didnt get drunk like I thought I would, which was amazing because that means Kai didnt have to see me vulnerable.

He grabbed me when it was time to go and I pulled away from him.

"Dont you touch me or I'm not staying. I dont care if my family for some reason wants me dead but I will go back and I'll drag you with me. They've always wanted you gone so they'd have no problem locking you away."

"Whatever twinsie."

"We aren't twins! Just because we are all born on the same way, and you and I are siphons along with my mother does not mean we are twins. The tests proved you and your arrogant father wrong." I said pointing my finger at him at first, then ended up crossing my arms.

"There is something called a lie. Your precious scum bag of a mother probably paid them to lie to my father." My eyes widened at his arrogance.

"Excuse me?! My mother did not lie. I would know if I had a brother! Plus none of it makes sense, your mother would know if you were her child or-" I cut myself off remembering that his mother left very early and all his other siblings weren't his full blood. "You know I'm not a total piece of shit so I wont bring her up too much but still. In order for us to even have a chance at being related, your father wouldve had to sleep with my mother. Meaning she wouldve had to cheat on my father, and shed never do that."

"Well maybe they did."

"Then my father would have known my mother having triplets instead of just one child."

"How do you know he even wouldve noticed? I know he was always at work and he couldn't run your coven, I mean your mother always had to do it! So let's say that that did happen, she very easily could've had triplets then handed two of them off to my father."

"Then why would he demanded a DNA test? It's stupid to ask your rival for DNA tests if you wanted to get away with a hook up."

"Rae, think about what you just said. A key word as to why we hate each other."

I thought about why the word 'rival' would have anything to do with it. Then it hit me, I looked up at him furious. "This is just a whole theory inside your 3 brain cell head of yours."

"But doesnt it make sense? I mean siphons dont run in my family, but they do in yours. Your mother could've easily snuck past two children and handed them off to my father. Then when both covens may have started to get suspicious and my father was accused to sleeping with your mother, meaning DNA tests."

"But your father wouldve been in as much trouble as my mother."

"Yes but she would have so much more to lose than he did." I glared at him and paused for a moment.

"So what are you trying to prove?"

"I'm not trying to prove anything, I'm just pointing out the obvious."

"Look I get your like obsessed with me or something but-"

"Woah sweetheart, I'm not obsessed. I'm just letting you know what's really up, also so that you dont fall for me like a love sick puppy."

"Hah. Keep dreaming boy. I would never."

"That's what you tell yourself." He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. If you have such a big deal with this then we will go get a DNA test after you get your ass handed to you by a vampire."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm not helping you. As much fun as it would be... I'm not really in the mood. Since I'm going to be staying here for a while I kind of want to not be hated by everyone here. You go though, dont stop because of me."

"Wasnt planning on it."

"Sure." I laughed and he walked away. I followed him hoping hed take me to the place where all the people were.

Almost 10 minutes late we were walking down a road that was practically empty.

"Where are you staying?"

"A tiny apartment on the edge of town in the exact other direction."

"Where can I stay?"

"Not with me."

"And why is that. You love me and you know it."

"I do not, and I'm not letting you stay because your not my problem."

"Oh yes I am. Ever since the day you convinced me to kill your siblings was the day I became 'your problem.' So, I am your problem, and I will continue to be your problem until my heart stops pumping."

"Well maybe if you shut up I'll tell you."

"Seriously?" He shrugged and I groaned as a big mansion appeared in front of us. It was hard to capture the detail because of how dark it was outside.

As we walked up the door behind a very pretty brunette he put a claiking spell on us, I could feel the power making my vision slightly hazy.

"Ok buddy, I get your a show off but you dont need to make me sick."

"Oh come on. What kind of siphon feels nauseous when a spell consumes them?"

"This one." He laughed as the girl knocked on the door. It opened and I felt Kai invite her into the spell.

"Hello?" It was the vampire man from earlier, Damon if I recall.

"Elena?" He asked again, that sounded like an elegant name.

"Damon... I'm right here." She nervously chuckled. He seemed to be looking right past us, he slowly closed the door when Kai cleared his throat.

"Now, dont get scared, but this may hurt." He said snapping her neck with his hand.

We walked a long way home to his little apartment. He let me up into his place that I forced myself into, he went to the local bar to do whatever crazy things he wanted for tonight and tomorrow.

I flopped on his beautiful L-couch and sprawled out, getting comfortable into the pillow I laid on.

I already had a game plan for tomorrow, I didnt know if I'd go through with it or not.

I had planned to make cookies for the vampire, assuming he had more friends than what seemed to be his girlfriend, that man and Jo.

I would try an be civil, maybe get on there good side then rat out Kai. I already knew that Damon and whoever else was there would be panicked about the girl, Elena, and her disappearance.

Maybe I could tell them where she was and what he was doing. Or maybe I'll just go over there a be civil.

That part I hadn't fully figured out yet.

Throughout my thoughts, sleep slowly took me from my insanity and I relaxed into the very comfortable couch me enemy allowed for me to sleep on.


I woke up the next morning fully aware of who's couch I was sleeping on.

I got up and started the oven then went out to the grocery store, thankfully I already knew where that was.

I immediately started baking once I got back. Things had totally changed in the past 20 years.

We didnt have wall phones what so ever, the televisions have upgraded to these big flat screen things. It was crazy.

Thankfully the cookies didnt take too long. I immediately put then into a basket and started walking seeing as I had no car to get from one place to another.

It was a very long but fulfilling walk because of the things I got to see. Not only was the nature and area new to me, seeing other living things still boggled my mind.

When I got to there driveway a blonde woman and a warm brunette walked out the door. They both stared at me and I got very nervous.

"Umm... hello. Do you need something?"

"Umm... I'm not really sure." I nervously chuckled. "I met Damon yesterday while at the cemetery with Kai and I helped him take down the boarder around this town. I cant go back to my home and you guys seemed like nice enough people that I'd introduce myself." I held out the basket of cookies. "I made chocolate chip and snickerdoodle. Do you think I could give them to you as a... peace offering?"

The two of them exchanged a look, the blonde seemed overly happy while the man looked like he had regret over his face.

"Of course!" The blonde said enthusiastically. "I'm Caroline, and this is Stefan." She said pulling the poor vampire man up to me, she held her hand out and I shook it without thinking she was a vampire. I accidentally siphoned her and she pulled away with a tiny yelp. She looked at me with what seemed like betrayal as she held her hand tightly against her chest, the man slowly leaned in front of her.

"I am super sorry. I just havent seen anyone in what seems like years and you seemed to happy to be a vampire so I didnt-"

"What are you?" The man asked.

"Stefan. That's rude." The girl reprimanded him.

"No, its fine. I'm a siphon, like the little rug rat that from the sounds of it came back with vampire man."

"Vampire man..?" The girl asked in a cute, curious voice.

"Oh- Damien? I'm really bad with names."

Her expression went blank when she realized who I was like. "Its Damon. And I think you should be on your way, we are all very busy today."

"I promise I'm not like him. Trust me, I hate him as much as you all do. He disgusts me." Stephan gave Carol a wary look and then he glanced back at me.

"What's your story?"

"Well... I helped Kai with this thing he needed to do. It was against our covens rules and both covens were mad at us so they locked us away separately. I was in a prison world for 18 years until yesterday he got me out because he owed me or whatever."

"So your not an absolute sociopath?" I obviously couldn't answer her question truthfully, I wasnt essentially crazy but I wasnt the good guy.

"Definitely not." Carolin seemed to perk up again.

"Yeah, right now we have a witchy camp going on inside because Jo is trying to practice for the merge." I shook my head. There was a so much easier way to decide who was the leader of a coven. Our rules were simple, only one generation at a time. Every 20 years after each child has matured in the coven can get married and have kids within 10 years after the end of the first 20 years. First born is given leader at the age of 23, so ifs basically a surge of babies for 10 years.

Lots of baby sitting involved, lots of yelling and crying and the smell of baby formula, and lots of chaos.

"Stupid merges." I shook my head. "Where are you guys going off to?"

"We are going to find a doctor about a cancer patient..." She said dialing down her tone opening the car door. "I never caught your name, what was it?"

"Oh, right. I'm Rae Pryer."

"Lovely to meet you. I guess I'll see you around." She said happily getting into the car and closing the door. They drove off and I started for the front door.

I started to prepare myself for what was to come, I was honestly scared that he would get mad I had come.

I sighed as I lifted my hand to knock on the door.

It immediately opened and I froze.

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