2:Fire & Ice || Yizhan Ff ||

By Script-Symphony

393K 27.7K 2.6K

Completed!! They were like Yin and Yang, good and bad fire and ice. Both from different world, different back... More

01; Just Wanted to Burn For Once
02; Only Family
03: Second Encounter
04; Coldness
05; Not again
06; New Job
07; An Asshole Boss
08; Triggered An Attack
09; Meeting The Brother
10; Short Tempered
11; Sharing a Bed
12; Furious Uncle
13; Hint of Jealousy
14; Taste of Craziness
16; Ten Percent of The Truth
17; Defensive Xiao Zhan
18; What Lurks Within
19; Ambush
20; Different Direction
21; A Mob Boss
22; Mr Xiao Ying
23; Wang Haikuan
24; Forgiveness
25; Thunderstorm and Bedtime Stories
26; Her Boyfriend
27; His Ex
28; HeartBreak.
29; Savior
30; Gone Wrong
31; Pain and Anger
32; Too Late
33; Numb
34: Played With Fire&Ice
35; Ice
36; Talk With Uncle
37; Talk With Haikuan
39; The Club II
40; One Down
41; Problematic
42; Fight It! 18+
43; A Taste of Her Own Medicine
44; Done Running
45; Gotcha
46; Another Twist
47; How Would it End
48; Chilling Feeling
49; A Sudden Betrayal
50; Her Point of View
51; Is It Over?
52; Five Years Later
Special Thanks!!!
Epilogue 01
Epilogue 02
Extra Chapter; A Happy Ending
Author Note

38; The Club I

4.5K 392 25
By Script-Symphony

"Where are we even going?" FanXing queried for the nth time since they walked out from Haikuan's home, drifting along the morose, dark and obscured street with only their footsteps being heard as Xiao Zhan spurned to acknowledge the other's presence.

FanXing exclaimed a sigh for the thousand time as he hushedly scrolled behind him like a shadow but the other just went ahead, walking towards the unknown, a mask sealing his face, a hoodie over his head, his hands deep in his pocket and lastly, his head buried in thoughts. "It's late, Wang Yibo might be searching for you?" He tried to talk some senses into him but Xiao Zhan continued moving, being deaf to the kid and to the world, he wished he could remained that way indelibly.

Being deaf to the world, wouldn't that be a staggering feeling...?

"You know Zhan-ge...." FanXing decided to start a conversation. "I know you might not recognize me but When I was a kid, you saved me when I was ran over by a van and the driver drove away. I was just laying there lifeless, cold in the middle of the night in my blood. I thought I was going to die then you found me and took me to the hospital, you even paid the bills before my brother got there. I had always thought of you as my hero and I had always wanted to thank you for your kindness and for giving me another chance to life but I never saw you again till Wei Wen gave us your photo. I was so happy knowing I could see you again but I didn't have a choice, I was among the men that kidnapped you and made you lost your child. Instead of thanking and repaying you, I made you loose what you loved the most, that I would never forgive myself but now that I've finally found you, I promise to never leave your side" the young one promise with determination and obduracy.

Xiao Zhan suddenly halt his movements, FanXing consciously stopped as well confused but Xiao Zhan enunciated nothing but remained static.

"Zhan-ge...?" FanXing called skeptically.

"Let's drink" That was all Xiao Zhan said before be changed direction and FanXing immediately followed towards a club that was blasting with music even from afar but FanXing's eyes widened as he stared at the club ahead. He knew that club, he knew all about that club, he couldn't allow Xiao Zhan to go in there.

"Zhan-ge, stop!" FanXing immediately held back Xiao Zhan's wrist. "You can't go in there"

"Why...?" Xiao Zhan tilted his head.

FanXing bite his upper lip trying to come up with the right words. "Wang Yibo will not like it, it's dangerous in there" he warned using the grim man's name, maybe Xiao Zhan would change his but the mellow person took off his mask and smirked.

"It's dangerous...?" He asked and FanXing quickly nodded. "I want to see what's inside" saying there, he fastened his pace ignoring FanXing's calls.

"Damn it!" FanXing cursed and ran after Xiao Zhan.

Reaching the door, Xiao Zhan noticed the two men standing at the door as guard but they were not security guards as their bodies were filled different type of tattoos and a gun was tucked into their pants. Xiao Zhan ignored them and tried to walk in but they stopped him.

"This is not a place for kids, I suggest you go back" one of them said a deep and ugly voice.

"Zhan-ge, let's go back" FanXing held his upper arm trying to pulled him back but Xiao Zhan didn't moved but he pulled out his wallet and put out a few notes.

FanXing's eyes widened at the amount Xiao Zhan was giving out but that was only natural for someone dating someone like Wang Yibo, he was fully loaded.

The men gave each other side glances before accepting the money, they nodded and Xiao t didn't scruple as he treaded into the club, FanXing instantly ran after him.

"" "


Walking into the club, it was distinguishable from what Xiao Zhan had descried and envisaged, compared to the loud ear piercing music, the inside looked completely calm but it was a gambling joint as he scanned around, they were all men, wasting their money on the games and wasting in on women as his eyes landed on the VIP area where a man sitted, smoking with two women lying half naked on his labs, Xiao Zhan nearly shivered, feeling disgusted with what he was seeing.

He felt eyes on him but most of the men in the club were already eyeing him from head to toe, probably thinking of how to catch the big fish that walked into their net.

Young and beautiful.

Xiao Zhan went to the bar and ordered a drink.

"Zhan-ge, this isn't a good idea. This place is only meant for Mob Bosses, I won't be surprised if Wang Yibo is here" FanXing whispered lowly only for Xiao Zhan's hearing.

"I'm here to drink, I don't care what happens" Xiao Zhan finally gave a reply after gulping down what the bartender gave him, requesting for another glass.

"But Zhan-ge...!" FanXing tried to protest but Xiao Zhan held out his palm, preventing him from speaking further.

"Enough FanXing, I've heard all you said and you can leave but tonight I don't care what's happens. Turns outs my parents used to rule over the largest Mafia syndicate" he said and FanXing sighed and ordered himself a drink but Xiao Zhan took it from him before it touched his lips.

"You are only fifteen" he reminded him and emptied the glass in one go, FanXing shook his head and ordered for fruit juice instead.

No other words were exchanged as both of them drank till a bulky man walked up to Xiao Zhan and snaked his hand around his waist. Feeling repulsed, Xiao Zhan shoved him away oppressively. "What the fuck do you think you are doing!?" He roared and the man chuckled in diversion.

"I like them tough and rough just like you. Come, we'll have some great fun together" He held out his hand to hold Xiao Zhan's wrist but it was slapped away and the man threw daggers at Xiao Zhan.

"I will get you for this little one, I will make you beg to be fucked by me!" he winked dirty at Xiao Zhan before leaving.

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes. "What an asshole" he took another glass of whiskey, taking him to another level as he suddenly started to see double, his vision spined and his head felt dizzy. FanXing didn't fail to notice the change in his body language as he got up and held Xiao Zhan's hand.

"Let's go you're drunk"

Xiao Zhan gave a toothy laugh. "No, what are you saying. Am not drunk. Come let's dance" he said and began walking towards the less crowded dance floor while FanXing tried to pull him back but it was useless as he was now on the dance floor with the drunken person who swinged his fine body to the music while the lustful gazes of men didn't leave his body but Xiao Zhan didn't care, he didn't notice how he was attracting unholy attention, he wanteds to forget and indeed he forgot for a moment on how his life had been ruined.

His first time of entering a club, he was drug, second time he had a night with a mob boss, even baring his child and falling in love with him. Let's see what the third time would bring to him, good or bad he was ready for an adventure.

For a moment, FanXing forgot where he was as he danced along side with Xiao Zhan, swinging and twisting their Omega bodies to the music, seducing and alluring the eyes of lustful men but that was untill he saw him. FanXing's eyes widened as he immediately stopped dancing and took a step back, his eyes glue to the person coming towards their direction like a storm, a heavy wave, ready to wash away everything in his path and he wasn't able to stop himself as the devil's man escaped his lips.

"Wang Yibo"


Am really sorry for the late update, I've been struck on his chapter, I didn't know what to write and thank the heavens I was able to come up with something, I hope it was good.

Turns out, Wang Yibo is also at the club but why...?

Fishing someone out as he claimed...?

That, we are going to find out in the next chapter.

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