「secret empire」ー 折原 臨也

By xReika

13.4K 476 45

The informant enjoyed being in control of her expression, of her movements, of her feelings, perhaps even of... More

Ch. 1: They froze in the dark
Ch. 2: Despite all regret
Ch. 4: No fairy tale nor mythology
Ch. 5: Artists craft illusions of reality
Ch. 6: Memento Mori
Ch. 7: Silence gives you space
Ch. 8: Real life fairy tales
Ch. 9: Hungry oceans devour even castles of stone
Ch. 10: We will be legends

Ch. 3: To predict one's impression

1.1K 47 3
By xReika


I'm terribly sorry it took me so long to update. I know, I promised a new chapter last week, but stuff happened. Mainly school, which is why I didn't exactly find the time to work on this.

It can only get better though, so stay tuned for more frequent uploads! Thanks for all your comments by the way, I really appreciate your feedback and interest in this story!

By the way, the dates might seem confusing now, but they are really important to understand the story, so pay close attention to what seems to be in the past or future! Just a little hint ;)


It had taken the girl by surprise and was just another thing she could add to the list of his weird behaviour. It wasn't weird per se. Thinking about it, it was just the way Orihara Izaya was. Bold and confusing. Yuzuki could never tell what he was all about, no matter how hard she tried.

Her usual greeting was cut off by a mouth that, weirdly enough, didn't spill the general teases and interrupted with words. Instead it switched to the offensive and took action, lips feeling soft against hers. All that while mocking her with the standart curl of a smirk on them.

For some reason he seemed to wait a bit before moving his lips against hers, deepening the kiss.

If he was waiting for a reaction, she was surely enough disappointing him. Even when both his ivory like hands cupped her face and the tips of his fingers playfully brushed her hair aside, she just stood there.

Unsure of what to think, unsure of what to do, unsure of how to react. Mostly she was confused, which is why she couldn't show any reaction at all. The shock left her paralyzed and unable to move apparently.

Izaya, however, seemed quite satisfied with her response, even though it actually didn't consist of anything. But no answer is also an answer, isn't it? Nevertheless he decided, it wasn't enough quite yet.

As he leaned in just a little closer, lips even more enthusiastic, his half-lidded eyes made sure to not miss any single twitch from his toy.

It was then Yuzuki felt exposed by the ruby eyes staring into hers as if they could look right through her and read her thoughts, which honestly were a mess at the moment. She allowed – no, forced – her mind to go blank and shut her eyes, relaxing eventually.

Of course she was aware of this being a test. What else would it have been than him observing her reactions? Too bad she didn't want to provide him with any.

The sensation of his smirk widening against her skin while his lips marked hers rougher with each second, was unbearable.

He was enjoying it.

But what was even worse: She was too.

Thing is, while she was overwhelmed by the feeling, he probably couldn't care less about the kiss itself. It was the response he received, her muscles relaxing, her body leaning against his, her giving in. Her giving up and him winning.

Clearly pleased with the outcome of his work he drew away ever so slowly, keeping her close still. As she was trying desperately to find her breath again, Yuzuki felt the heat rise up to her cheeks, leaving her flushed and embarrassed. Although she wanted to break free or at least turn her head, she somehow couldn't help but look at the man in front of her.

Compared to her, he kept smiling at her as if nothing happened, but Yuzuki knew better than that. She knew what a damn conceited man he really was. Full of himself and way too proud.

Even after what seemed like forever, the girl couldn't calm down properly. Her thoughts kept racing in her head as she tried to process what just happened. The questions and confusion kept screaming so loud in her mind, she was having a hard time listening to the raven haired boy.

"Don't tell me this was your first kiss," he chuckled with such amusement in his voice, it made her cringe a little.

"How should I know?" the girl somehow managed to reply as she frowned at him.

"Touché!" Izaya laughed, his hands still cupping her jawline. Although embarrassed, she wasn't actually uncomfortable or scared. Perhaps she should've been, but despite feeling awkward, she didn't find a reason to get angry at him at all.

"You should see your face right now," he snickered and actually dared to minimize the space between them once more, causing the girl to blush even more, if possible. "So cute!" The whispered words brushed against her lips and she pressed them to a thin line to prevent a whimper passing them.

No, she was not angry at Orihara Izaya.

She was angry at herself.

He was playing with her, he didn't make it much of a secret either, showing off his power. But what did she do against it? Absolutely nothing, in fact, she let him. She gladly allowed him to use her for his own enjoyment. Pathetic.

Instead of pushing him away or breaking free from his grip, her orbs looked into his, before wandering off to the lips that had abused hers just a while ago. All while being fully aware of him examining and analyzing any move.

Perhaps it was exactly this awareness that made her act so carelessly. He wanted her to react and he could have it! With this thought in mind, Yuzuki pressed her lips against his while her hands snaked around his neck and pulled him for better access.

She figured he wouldn't be too shocked and certainly wasn't surprised, that he didn't lose his grin. His hands hands made their way down to her waist and stopped at her hips, where he gripped her firmly and pulled her close, making her gasp.

Surprisingly this kiss didn't seem to be about observation. Instead it was more passionate, messy you could almost say. Teeth collided and their noses bumped into each other from time to time as both of them seemed more or less lost in the moment.

It certainly applied for Yuzuki who found herself being pushed backwards and finally pinned against the nearest wall. She was amazed at how possessive and polite at the same time his hands were while traveling up and down her sides, sending shivers through her entire body.

At some point Izaya's lips decided to leave her lips. He didn't leave Yuzuki any time to complain in any way possible though, immediately moving to her jawline and her neck, without a doubt leaving one or two marks as he bit down gently.

His name left her lips along with a mewl while she squirmed beneath his touch. Unfortunately, it broke away all of the sudden, his hands and his kisses disappeared and weirdly enough, his smirk did too.

 "You know, there is no need for you to prove anything to me. You'd only regret it."

His voice that lacked the usual hint of sarcasm left her confused. He was acting weirdly after all, even for him.

"What if I wanted to prove it to myself?" Prove what exactly? She didn't know, but the thought popped up in her head. Hasn't she been acting for herself? Wasn't she trying to make a point to herself, that she wasn't that weak? Maybe she even did it, simply because the tension made her want to.

Refusing to believe she acted only because he was playing a game of truth or dare with her, her eyes looked into his. She forced herself to not look away, she had to stand her ground.

She wasn't going to run, not this time.

Izaya, the corners of his mouth still not curled up, which concerned Yuzuki dearly, returned the favor. His eyes were looking darker than usual, missing the casual sparkle in them, but they stared right into hers nevertheless.

"You should go home, it's getting late."

With this final statement he turned around and walked to his desk.

Without another word, she turned around and walked out door.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"What is the last thing you can recall?"

The scene felt all too familiar. It was exactly like it had been six years ago. Her sitting with a mug of coffee in her hands across the interrogator. Only that this time it wasn't the police asking questions. Worse, it was Ikebukuro's informant, Orihara Izaya himself.

But he might be more capable of gluing her past together and setting an end to her amnesia.

"The hospital, I think. I woke up, everything hurt and there was a nurse trying to start a proper conversation. The doctors told me I had been in an accident, but that it wasn't anything too serious. I asked them what exactly happened, but they only told me, that I fell off a cliff."

She paused, looking into the brown liquid inside her cup.

"I knew who I was, I knew my name, I knew my age, I knew which city I was in. But honestly, that was about it. It didn't seem strange to me then, but eventually I noticed that I only spoke to doctors and police men. When I tried asking, if I had family or friends, I was only told not to welcome any visitors just yet. In reality, the time for visitors never came. Even after I was released, nobody told me who to go to."

Izaya listened closely, leaning back and throwing his head back, nodding from time to time. As impossible as she thought it would have been, there he was, sitting in front of her with a blank face, more serious than she figured he'd be capable off.

"I see. And you want me to find out about your past entirely or is this just about your relatives?"

"Anything would be fine, really," Yuzuri sighed heavily while running fingers through her hair in frustration.

"Okay, fine then. I'll have a go at it. But first I think you should know what you're getting yourself into."

His smirk appeared again as he stood up and walked to his computer, waving her over. She followed his steps and positioned herself behind the chair he sat in. Her eyes wandered to the screen and she couldn't help but notice, that even his desktop was as organized as the office.

"You're such a neat freak," Yuzuri chuckled and Izaya turned his head towards her, pouting.

"Don't be so mean, Tsuki-chan," he mumbled with a sigh before directing his attention back to the computer in front of him.

The girl did the same, though with a frown. "Don't call me that," she muttered, noticing his grin in the reflection of the screen.

Would she ever get used to it? Probably not. Getting lost in her thoughts, she hardly paid attention to the informant's speech. She only caught pieces of it, multiple words that made only half sense to her.

Something about a cheating family father and the wife very well informed about what her husband is doing.

She couldn't really bring herself to pay attention though, although she didn't exactly know why either. She was still in some state of denial, convinced this job will eventually get her killed for sure. On the other hand, this was neither surprising nor interesting to her. Most of all, the story left her disgusted.

"Did you understand everything?" Izaya asked in a more serious tone than the one she was used to hear.

"I guess so. This man kept cheating on his wife, so you arranged her to get herself and the dude in a gunfight just through his hook up? What if they get hurt, won't the police be able to come up with clues that are directed towards you?"

"That is very unlikely. You shouldn't underestimate me. I'm a careful and smart man after all," Izaya frowned, causing Yuzuki to roll her eyes.

"And not full of yourself at all," she sighed sarcastically. "Anyway, I don't really get it."

Izaya leaned back and turned his head to the girl, giving her a curious look that invited her to go on with her question.

"Are you doing that to teach people a lesson?" she said and clicked her tongue, eyes still on the monitor as if the answer would appear magically on the screen.

"No," Izaya said. "It's just fun. Especially when people are so full of themselves. Their looks are priceless when they realize how pathetic they really are." He shrugged and his smirk grew wider, his lips almost melting into a cartoon like shape.

"That's human nature though, isn't it? Sitting on high horses although they're the lowest of the low."

Surprisingly enough, this seemed to keep Izaya quiet, almost taken aback even. If she didn't knew better, Yuzuki could've sworn to see a hint of surprise in those ruby eyes. That amused smirk also somewhat faded, even if just a little.

Did she say something wrong?

"Most of all, humans are interesting," Izaya shrugged and got up from his chair, walking to the large window.

"I don't see why that would be interesting. It's disgusting and pathetic, but it's nothing special. Quite the opposite, even! It was rather predictable, if you ask me," Yuzuki sighed. Unlike him, she didn't move a single bit, only following Izaya with her eyes.

"Quantity is no important value to me. It's the quality that matters. Whether it's ridiculously bad or good, it still is interesting since it can vary. So to some extend, things can be surprising and that's what makes them interesting." Izaya paused and let his eyes wander from the glass to the girl's figure, smirking as always. "Speaking of which, you really don't seem surprised or shocked."

Yuzuki raised an eyebrow at him in confusion and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I don't care what happens to that man. He deserves it, to say the least."

Izaya's smug grin developed into a chuckle that soon enough caused him to burst out in laughter, as he took light steps back to his desk and fell down on the chair again. Spinning it towards Yuzuki, he slowly started to calm down, eventually only chuckling, but still obviously amused by her words.

"You're quite interesting yourself, Yuzuki."

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