Lost and Found [Thranduil lov...

By Asaratte

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Anne was just a girl with one minor magical ability, who went on one adventure too many. Now she is a newly a... More

Chapter 1: Escape
Chapter 2: Rivendell
Chapter 3: Into The Mountains
Chapter 4: On A Way To Mirkwood
Chapter 5: The King
Chapter 6: King's Hospitality
Chapter 7: An Unexpected... Something
Chapter 8: Meanwhile...
Chapter 9: A Prince And A Witch
Chapter 10: The Halls Of Erebor
Chapter 11: Teleportation And Other Disasters
Chapter 12: Double, Double Toil And Trouble
Chapter 13: Blood, Deaths And Broken Hearts
Chapter 14: Guests, Returns and Farewells
Chapter 15: A Price And A Gift
Chapter 16: The King's Bargain
Chapter 17: Changes
Chapter 18: Troublesome Agreements
Chapter 19: Answers
Chapter 21: Into The Woods Again
Chapter 22: Accidents Happen
Chapter 23: Faces Of The King
Chapter 24: Bad News
Chapter 25: Games And Consequences
Chapter 26: Schemes and Plans
Chapter 27: The Ceremony
Chapter 28: Dreams and Reality
Chapter 29: Beginning of The End
Chapter 30: The Hunt
Chapter 31: The Farewell
Chapter 32: The Memory

Chapter 20:Journeys And Meetings

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By Asaratte

Rhydian walked into the main hall fully packed and prepared. This was the night, and he was going to finally see his bride. All of the wizards, and both Marcus and Algernon were already there, set and ready. The knight was fully armed, and packed. He looked like he was going to war. The prince noticed strange writings on the floor, forming a circle.

“What is this?” He asked, interested.

“It is a gate to another world.” Answered the Grand Wizard, putting some objects around the markings. They were weird, and the prince wasn’t sure what they were. He looked at Algernon, but the knight seemed calm and confident.

For the last three weeks Sir Rowanweb was avoiding him, unwilling to form a closer friendship, and he wondered what was the reason for it. Was he angry about the prince’s little blackmail? That was ridiculous. Surely he understood how politics worked. Besides, love justified any crime, and Rhydian was sure he loved Anne.

“When do we begin then?” He asked, watching the Lord Advisor and the captain of the guard whisper to each other. He hoped they weren’t planning to betray him. He ensured his safety giving one of his men a letter, that would be taken to his father in case he didn’t come back.

Algernon knew that, as he told him, making sure the knight wouldn’t try anything. Sir Rowanweb was a great strategist and commander, and also a fierce warrior. His army moved in unison, with precision he has never seen before. And all his soldiers adored him. If the knight wasn’t so loyal to this kingdom, he would have offered him to work for his father.

“The preparations are being finished. We shall start soon.” Assured the old man. 

“Your Highness.” Marcus approached him, looking nervous. “You will be transported to the randomly chosen place.” He said. “There is no telling where her highness may be now. You two will have to find her on your own.”

“Can’t the wizards give us something to show where she is?” The prince asked worried. He didn’t like the idea of running around some unknown world.

“If they could, they would.” Said Algernon joining them. His face was sour and he seemed uncomfortable.

“It is ready.” Announced the wizards.

After making sure they had everything, both the prince and the knight entered the circle. The mages started the incantation and, with no warning, the men suddenly lost their consciousness, hitting the hard, cold floor.

Wherever they landed, it was morning. The sun was just rising, and there was a forest in front of them. They looked around and saw mountains in the distance. They stood up, not knowing how long they’ve been unconscious, and looked around. The wood itself seemed beautiful and welcoming, so they crossed the line of trees with no fear.


I had been flying for hours by the time I finally felt it was safe to stop. It was after dawn already and the cold autumn air was starting to get warmer thanks to the sun. The pain increased slightly with every passing hour and it made me nervous. Maybe the ring overestimated Thranduil’s resilience? Maybe the king had less time than it thought? I certainly did, because there was only so much ache I could withstand and still think clearly. I had to hurry.

I ate and drank quickly on the shore. I was a little afraid to stop since I didn’t know this area. I flew in the opposite direction than before, going around the king’s palace. It was fortunate that the river divided as it did, and I could do it. It wasn’t the option I and  Legolas chose, but it was shorter than the other one, and I changed my mind the last moment. It might have been more dangerous, but I found delay much more risky than spiders and orcs. None of them could outrun me while I was flying, poison could.

I was lucky my pursuers weren’t solid yet, because they got dangerously close. I estimated they would be able to hurt me within the next hour, so I had about ten hours to find the place of power.

Draining life from the Elvenking made them stronger and fast. The ring counted hours for me, whispering numbers instead of the word “blood”, but it was still just one word, and I couldn’t exactly go to sleep for a longer conversation. There were many things I wanted to ask, but couldn’t,  and I hoped this lack of knowledge would not turn out to be lethal in the end.

When I finally reached the needed spot it was a middle of the night, and the ruins looked more than creepy. I wasn’t surprised seeing that the place of power was inside of some ancient building. In this world everything seemed to revolve around past.

Through all the way here I was thinking about how to kill those things, and decided there was no point in making a circle. I just didn’t have that much fluid in my veins.

The easier method was to stain them with my blood, and take their magic this way.

After reaching the right spot I left some of the red substance on the ground, to get the monsters’ attention, and looked around. I needed a place both hidden, and close enough to be able to hit them.

And then I felt I wasn’t alone. Something or someone was moving on the other side of the ruins. I didn’t know how, but I just knew it, although there was no sound to prove it.

Startled and nervous I silently crept to what was left of one of the walls, and looked down, to the lower levels. A small, hooded figure was walking there, looking around. He or she probably heard me, since I wasn’t really trying to be quiet.

I didn’t know who that was. From the size I guessed a dwarf or a hobbit, however the person was a little too tall to be one of those. If I didn’t know better I would say it was a human child, but with a sword in his hand and ready to attack.

The Hollow Ones were getting close, and I had to do something. I couldn’t fight both them and this mysterious person. I decided to reveal myself.

“Hello.” I said.

The hood went up, and surprised I realised it was a boy, about ten years old. He looked at me astonished, but still ready for battle.

“Who are you?” He asked cautiously, eying my clothes which were unmistakably elvish. That was probably the reason he didn’t go all aggressive on me.

“My name is Anne.” I said. “I have a task to perform here, and you? Shouldn’t you be at home, with your parents? This is no place for children.” I remarked.

“Nor for women.” He answered.

“Well, I don’t really have a choice, but you do. So let me give you some advice. Run, and fast, because monsters are coming here, quite powerful ones, and they will eat you if they find you.” I said quickly. There was really not time to argue.

“What monsters?” He seemed interested. I rolled my eyes. Men. Young or old, always the same. Never listening to our advices, unless their ideas already failed.

“Powerful ones. I told you, run away. You stand no chance.” I nagged.

“And you do?” He asked, still looking suspicious.

“Not really, but it’s me they’re after, which doesn’t give me much choice.” I snorted. “Gosh, why are you still here? Do you want to die?”

“You need help.” He stated. I felt like screaming.

“Listen boy. You can’t help me, you are alone and just a kid. They almost killed the king of elves, I doubt you are a better fighter than him.” I said angry.

“Then how are you going to fight them?” He asked.

“I just have to put my blood on them and they are dead.” I said quickly, looking at my ring. It wasn’t shimmering yet, but it could start any second.

“How many are there?” He asked, climbing my way.

“Three.” I answered. Was this kid insane? He really wanted to help me?

“You will need a distraction. I will provide one.” He said.

When he finally stood before me I noticed we were almost the same size. What were they feeding him with?!

“They are poisonous. If they scratch you, and I won’t kill them, you’ll die.” I warned. He nodded, showing me he understood. Gosh, who was this kid? And who lets a ten-year-old wander alone?  If he had a guardian, he or she was in for a lecture.

We spent a while talking to establish how to move, and what to do, and then my ring started to shimmer.

“They’re coming.” I announced, and we quickly got ready.

The boy hid himself, and I waited as a bait. I still couldn’t believe I was letting a kid help me, but there was nothing to be done. He didn’t want to leave anyway.

The creatures were ugly. They looked and moved similar to the thing called Gollum, who Bilbo met under the mountains, except for the claws, and fangs bigger than their mouth. They were also covered in a moving shadowy mist, which gave me even more creeps. They climbed up fast, and stopped a few meters in front of me. But there were only two of them, and I started glancing around, looking for the third one. They set a trap. The ring was right, they were smart.

My hand has been cut so many times, that it hurt a lot, but I could see the blood was already coagulating, and so I had to cut it again.

I tried to do it quickly, but the creatures were quicker. They jumped my way, and I barely escaped their claws, by accident making a deeper wound that I intended. I hoped it would not make me lose my hand. I got up fast, as they started to surround me, blocking my escape from two sides, and threw my hand forward, so that a few droops landed on one of the creatures. It worked. The monster started screaming, and then burst into flames. I felt a rush of power flowing into me. I staggered, but felt a slight relief. Phew, one out, two more to go.

The second one didn’t waist his time however. Before the effect of power rush inside me wore off, the creature jumped, and pressed me to one of still standing walls, baring its teeth, and getting ready to suck me dry. It was holding my arm away, so that I couldn’t stain it with my blood. I thought that it was over and I lost, but then I heard the boy scream, as he threw himself at the monster. The creature let me go out of surprise, and I used the occasion to touch it with my injured hand.

It started squeaking, and the boy jumped off it immediately, knowing what would happen next.

As it burned I looked around to see where the third one was. I was dizzy with all the power, and my throat hurt, because the monster caught me by my neck, and squeezed too hard.

Busy catching my breath I didn’t notice the quick shadow jumping our way. It caught the boy, and pressed him to the ground, getting ready to rip his throat. It was getting rid of a distraction.

I didn’t think much, just jumped too, sure that I wouldn’t make it in time. I knew the boy was already dead, but I wouldn’t give up.

As monster’s claws landed on the child’s throat, I landed on it, smearing as much blood as I could over the ugly, grey skin.

It screamed, and started jumping around, trying to get rid of it, but it was too late. Another wave of power hit me, and I almost fainted. But I forced myself to crawl towards the body, who was lying unmoving on the ground. Seeing the wound I knew nothing could be done, even if all of the best healers were here with us. I stopped the creature from completely ripping his throat out, but the injury was still too great. He was still alive, but it was just a matter of time. I kneeled next to him, determined not to give up. The boy couldn’t die, not because of me. I wouldn’t be able to live with it.

“Heal him!” I ordered my ring my voice barely a whisper. I was sure it could do it. It healed me before after all.

No. It answered.

“Why?” I asked angry and surprised at the same time. Why would it refuse?

Danger. It said.

“I don’t care, just heal him!” I screamed, now really furious, seeing the life slowly leaving my young helper. What danger?! It was just a wound, I didn’t ask it to bring me a star from the sky.

No. The ring repeated.

“If you don’t,” I snarled. “I will cut you off, and burry in a place no one will ever, EVER find you!”

I was serious, and the ring knew it. It put me through so much hell already, that if he didn’t start getting useful soon, I was going to cut my finger off for real.

Fool. It replied, but obeyed. The light surrounded the child, and I saw his wound slowly disappear. At the same time I felt nauseous, and my head started throbbing. Some blood ran from my nose and eyes. For a moment I thought I was going to explode, because the pressure became unbearable and then everything stopped. Those were probably the side effects of the ring using it’s power through me. Now I understood why it said it was dangerous. When the healing process was finished I checked boy’s heartbeat, and sighed with relief. He was alive.

I looked around, tired and suddenly very weak. So what now? I was free I could do whatever I wanted. I could go back home, and keep ruling. That was what I should do anyway. I left my kingdom for too long already. I imagined myself going back, and saw my treasurer’s angry face. Oh damn, right, the jewellery. I would have to visit Mirkwood again after all. And besides, what would I go back with? My knowledge was almost the same level as before, I haven’t learned much from the king yet. If I ran away now, I would gain nothing, and loose a lot.

Thinking about my return reminded me of the king himself and the poison.

I realised the pain was gone, except for the one coming from my own body. He had to be cured then. I was sure that I would have felt it if he died.

I closed my eyes, and reached for him, sensing his feelings. Luckily that didn’t require much energy. Yup, he was all right. And irritated. And then I felt a strong wave of other emotions: anger, fear and despair, which made me shiver. It seemed that someone just told him I was gone and he wasn’t very happy about it. I felt uncomfortable. I wasn’t a sadist. I had to let him know I was going to return.

That makes it third time, you know. I thought, hoping he would hear me.  I’m getting really good at it. I remarked. I felt his surprise and then a shy hope. So he did hear me, good.

Indeed, you are. He answered after a while. Perhaps you wish to practise it a few more times?

I smiled. Well, wasn’t he cunning.

Hard to say. It is a long walk to your forest, and both spiders and the king are so annoying. Did you know? He imprisons his guests and steals from them. I teased.

With a wife who chooses to separate herself from him, you can hardly blame the king for his temper. He retorted and I blushed. Touché.

I’ll be back. I promised, suddenly a little ashamed. I think. Sometime in the future. Perhaps. I added, not really sure how long would it take me to go back. I was planning to do a few things on the way.

Perhaps? He asked. I could almost see his brows going up.

I don’t know the details yet. I answered, feeling uncomfortable. I was sure he would get mad if I told him I was going to go sightseeing first.

I see. I heard his cold reply. I sensed his disappointment and anger. He thought I was lying. I felt offended. Well, it was his problem. I didn’t have both time and strength to argue and convince him otherwise. I was forcing myself not to fall asleep right on the spot.
I cut myself off, not wanting to feel guilty now, although I couldn’t stop sudden nervousness that overcame me. I had to decide with my head, not with my heart, which was still young and stupid. We couldn’t stay together. We were not fit to be together. I didn’t want to live in a cage, no matter how comfortable, and with a man who I couldn’t trust, no matter how much he though he loved or needed me. And when I returned to him, it would only be for one purpose: to take all I needed and then go back home. Now, when I knew how, nothing and no one was going to stop me.

I looked at the boy again, and saw he was waking up. What a resilient lad he was. I was impressed.

“Hello there.” I said smiling. My voice was hoarse, but it was easier to speak, than just a moments ago. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m alive.” He said with surprise.

“Yes, I’ve healed you. But you’re still weak, so I should take you home.” I decided out of an impulse. Really, I couldn’t just leave him here. He was just a child! “Where do you live?” I asked.

“Rivendell.” He answered, and my eyes went wide.

“You live with the elves? Well, that’s surprising.” I said shocked. “I didn’t know humans lived there as well.”

“I do.” He answered, clearly not wanting to speak about it.
”All right then,” I said, helping him up. He was still weak and staggered. “I’ll take you to Rivendell. What’s your name anyway?”

“My name is Estel.” He replied. “But it is far away. We will not get there on foot. Not like this.” He remarked, probably thinking of how bad he felt right now.

“We aren’t going on foot. I will carry you there.” I said, and he looked at me like I was insane.

“Carry?” He asked.

“I can fly above the water. We will fly there above the river. That is if you help me find the right way.” I said smiling as his eyes went wide with surprise.
”You can… what?” He asked.

“Come on, I’ll show you.” I took his arm, and helped him walk. We had to move. Who knew who or what heard the fight and took interest. I didn’t forget about Sauron’s underlings.

“Well, Your Highness.” I murmured, leading the boy down the stairs. “You will have to wait a bit after all.”

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